Chocolate Kisses

By TheGooIsTrue

627 17 67


1 Kiss
Chocolate 2
Kiss 3
Chocolate 4
Kiss 5
Chocolate six
Kiss 7
Chocolate 8
Kiss 9
Chocolate 10
Quick question
So guys...
Kiss 11
Kiss 12
Kiss 13
Luca 14
Kiss 15
Kiss 16
Luca 17
Kiss 18
Luca 19
Is it done?
I'm Back
7 years later
More info?!

Not everyone gets a happy ending

19 0 6
By TheGooIsTrue

Kyson's POV

I miss her. My girl. She didn't need to leave me, I could have been so good to her.

But she left me for him. HE needs to die now.

No one denies ME.

Not even her. 

I tried to kill him, but it always backfired.

I tried to ruin their relationship, but it always made it stronger.

And now, here I stand, tears streaming down my ugly face, looking down at the water below.

I think about what Elliot said yesterday

"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from our enemies." He looked right at me and I knew he was talking about me and Rain. 

What can you do when the one person who can make you stop crying is the one who made you cry? 

Over there, by the side of the road, a fake blonde girl shoves a cat out of her car and drives off. The cat meows and rushes after her, only to be hit by a car. 

I realize that the cats last thought was probably

"Why is she leaving me? Am I not good enough?"

I see a woman with her child who is six. The young girl reaches in her mom's purse and pulls out a penny. The mom isn't paying attention, she is on her phone.

"Mommy, I want some more pennies please." The girl asks. 

Her mom hands her maybe 50 pennies and goes back to the phone. The little girl steps into the street, putting the pennies into words. A CAR whizzes by and smacks into the girl. The mom's head shots up and she screams, yelling at her daughter, who is laying there, crying. Her mother yells at the driver to go away and she hits her daughter's head as hard as she can. Her daughter falls unconscious. Her mom checks her pulse and suddenly cries. Her daughter is dead. She looks and sees that the pennies spell something.

"Mommy, I know you're busy with work, but I love you." 

Her mom rushes over to the bridge I'm at and jumps. I watch in silence. 

My twin sister died yesterday, Elliot killed himself. His mate had died.

My mate had left.

And my beta. And my sister. And my mother and my father.

I step closer to the edge. I fell of and into the water.

On purpose.

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