I'll hold your hand.

By Writer-under-fire

222 5 3


I'll hold your hand.

222 5 3
By Writer-under-fire

When you're weak

When you can't stand any longer

When the pain is just too much to bare

When a friend is what you need

I will be there.

When you've fallen down

and scraped your knee

When you're feeling sick

When you've had just enough of the world

I will be there to soften the blows.

When you get bullied

When no one seems to love you

When the world looks bleak, dark and gray

I will be the light that leads the way.

When the angels weep

and forever rains

When the sun seems to hide its face

When the feel of touch fades

I will not be far away.

When you need me most

and have feelings that you just cannot say

When all the problems just seem to pile

and there is no end to the torment

I will share your burden.

I will feel what you feel.

Through all the pain



I will be there right beside you.

I'll hold your hand.

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