my fantasy

By mwicheb

5.8K 1.3K 2.6K

this story is about a girl who moves to a new town with her family , in the new town she meets new people and... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Pârt 13
Part 14
Pàrt 15
Párt 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
part 25
part 26
Part 27

Part 8

189 66 141
By mwicheb

Enjoy ❤

*phone rings*

Mwiche : Who could be calling me at this hour .*checks her phone* urgh kill me now !

Phone conversation

Mwiche : Hello .

Trent : Hey sunshine !

Mwiche : what do you want ?

Trent : wow somebody woke up on the wrong side of bed .

Mwiche : Just tell me what you want , I have to freshen up .

Trent : wow .. I just wanted to tell you about my date , but I guess it's okay .

Mwiche : Hey I'm sorry tell me , how did it go ?

Trent : It went great really , I didn't think it would go that great cause , you know it's being so long since we went out .

Mwiche : I'm glad you enjoyed it *smiles* so did you watch the movie you wanted or did you go for something else .

Trent : we watched part of die zombie die , then saw another one was a comedy .

Mwiche : Cool .

Trent : Hey do you have any plans today ?

Mwiche : Umm no , why ?

Trent : I was thinking we could start working on our song .

Mwiche : Oh okay sure .

Trent : Great , we can do it from my place , if you don't mind .

Mwiche : No I don't , I have never been there so .....yeah just text me the address and I'll be there .

Trent : Cool , see you then bye.

Mwiche : later

Mwiche hangs up and goes to the bathroom to take a shower.

20 mins later


Mwiche : Good morning everyone .

All : Morning .

Mwiche : Hey where's the food ?

Laura : There's no food .

Mwiche : what do you mean ?

Mace : Dad said we are all going for a morning jog.

Mwiche : what ! why I thought that would end , now that we are in a new place .

Laura : Nope .

Mace : He said we'll eat when we get back .

Mwiche : Oh my God , I just had a shower , so I have to shower again ?

Mrs Hart : Yep now go and change ..

Mwiche : *Groans*

15mins later

Mr Hart : Great i see everybody is ready so let's go people !

All : Ahhhh...

2 hours later

Laura : Phew i'm so tired !

Mwiche : I'm just glad we're finally home .

Mace : I need water people !

Laura : Dude get it yourself we're all tired .

Mrs Hart : Girls just get him some water , look at him the poor kid can't stand up.

Mwiche : Why don't you get him some water mom .

Mrs Hart : Are you Kidding me *grins* no way *walks away*

Laura : *laughs*

Mr Hart : Okay everybody go and freshen up so we can have breakfast .

Mwiche : you mean's almost lunch time.

Mr Hart : yeah that *heads upstairs*

Mwiche : Oh i'm so tired .... *Gasps* i completely forgot that I told trent to send me his address , he must have done that by now . *quickly gets her phone and goes through her messages* here it is ..let me freshen up real quick.

20mins later

Mwiche : Okay this is the street but which one is his house ..

Trying to figure out where Trent's house is a lady passes by her and she decides to ask her ..

Mwiche : Excuse me ...hi !

Lady : Hello honey *smiles*

Mwiche : Umm i'm looking for this address *shows her the address* do you know where it is ?

Lady : Of course I do , it's over there *points at a house behind them*

Mwiche : what it was there the whole time!

Lady : Yep *chuckles*

Mwiche : *smiles* Thank you so much.

Lady : you're welcome honey *smiles*

mwiche heads to Trent's house ...she reaches the door step , rings the door bell...then a tall dark boy who looks like trent opens the door

Mwiche : Hey *smiles*

........... : Hello how can I help you ?

Mwiche : I'm here to see trent is he around ?

.......... : Ooh you must be Mwiche , how are you ?

Mwiche : I'm fine ..

......... : Oh i'm sorry , i'm Chris Trent's older brother .

Mwiche : Nice to meet you Chris .

Chris : Nice to meet you too ..please come in .

Mwiche : Sure this place is beautiful .

Chris : Thanks .

Trent walks into the Living room

Trent : Hey

Mwiche : Hello

Chris : Okay I'll leave you two , I have to go ..

Trent : See you later .

Mwiche : Bye Chris

Chris : Bye .

Chris leaves the house

Mwiche : He's nice .

Trent : Nicer than me?

Mwiche : *laughs*.... do you even have to ask ?

Trent : Okay enough what do you think of my crib.

Mwiche : It's really beautiful

Trent : Thanks

Mwiche :  where's your dad ?

Trent : He went out ...I don't know where exactly .

Mwiche : Alright , shall we start ....

Trent : Sure ...should we work from here or my room .

Mwiche : let's just work from here.

Trent : Great *sits on the couch next to mwiche *

Mwiche : what should our song be about.....

Trent : love.....

Mwiche : Good because I came up with this sweet melody , here listen to it *Trent listens to it with a big smile on his face *

Trent : Girl this is amazing it's great ....

Mwiche : Really *smiles* thanks i'm glad you like it .

Trent : I love it and I think we should use it .

Mwiche : Seriously ?

Trent : Yep ...listen to this , I wrote this last night .

Mwiche : After your date ?

Trent : yeah .

Mwiche : Cool let's hear it .

Trent : Uuuh goes like this .

(starts to sing)🎶 there's a ray of sunlight only you set free...and it's like you stop the clocks when you're with me ....cause you touch my very soul..and your hearts my only goal and I'll never ever leave you alooone.... (Stops singing)

Mwiche : Beautiful..just beautiful , wow . And come to think of it your lyrics and mine are kinda similar .

Trent : Wait , for real ?I don't believe you , okay you sing your song.

Mwiche : Okay (starts to sing)
🎶i can feel it when you're walking next to me....there's a girl inside me only you can see..and our love has made me sure you're all i waited for say you never ever leave me alone......

Trent : Damn ! the lyrics kinda match , wow this is .....

Mwiche : Strange !

Trent : No it's great and kinda strange *chuckles* did we come up with similar lyrics ?

Mwiche : I don't know .

Trent : Maybe it's a sign...

Mwiche : what sign?

Trent : I don't know... We've gat a connection , you might like me and not know it *winks*

Mwiche : Oh boy , dude for the last time I don't like you ....maybe you're the one that likes me like alot . *Smirks*

Trent : what no!!! I don't know if you've noticed but I have a girlfriend .

Mwiche : I pity her so much .

Trent : *hits her with a pillow*

Mwiche : You did not just do that .

Trent : You mean this *does it again*

Mwiche : That's it !

Mwiche grabs a pillow , gets up and hits him continuously until he falls to the ground , he then grabs her by the wrist and pulls her down right next to him ..

Trent : You didn't think i was going to fall alone did you ?

Mwiche : you're such a fool .

Trent : And what are you ?

Mwiche : A normal person... now let go of my waist .

Trent : Mmmmmh should I ?

Mwiche : Uuhh Trent....someone might find us lying here .

Trent : So ?

Mwiche : So let me go dummy !

Trent : Okayy .....quick question , why aren't you looking directly at me while talking ?

Mwiche : I don't think it's necessary.

Trent : Oooh I totally forgot that you have a thing for my eyes .

Mwiche : I didn't say I have a thing for your eyes ...I said you have nice eyes that's it would you please stop complicating things..

Trent : Oh right ....well I have something to tell you too , do you wanna hear it !

Mwiche : Uum ....nope you can keep it to yourself .

Trent : Nah...I'll tell you .

Mwiche : *sighs*

Trent : I really like your eyes they're really beautiful..I don't know if it's your eyes or your f....

(gets interrupted by Chris who walks in)

Chris : Heey guys uuh ....what are you two doing down there* tries not to smile*

Mwiche : *stands up quickly*

Trent : Uh her earring fell so we were looking for it .

Mwiche : yeah *blushes*

Chris : Oookayy..... anyway ...trent , dad said he'd be a bit late today so it's either we order something for dinner or cook something .

Trent : I think we should order something i'm not really in the mood to cook .

Mwiche : wait can cook .

Trent : yeah girl *grins*

Mwiche : wow i didn't know that .

Trent : well .. you know now .

Mwiche : well I have to go , you two can start planning your dinner .

Trent : what so soon ?

Mwiche : I have been here for like an hour that's a lot of time

Chris : Come on stay a bit longer .

Trent : yeah ....please *pouts*

Mwiche : Urgh fine , but i'm not staying because you asked me to but because your brother asked me to .

Trent : I don't care as long as you're staying ....come on let's go upstairs .

Mwiche and trent go to Trent's room and it's a mess

Mwiche : Oh my God what happened in here ?

Trent : what do you mean ?

Mwiche : Don't you see that large pile of clothes .

Trent : Oh you're talking about that ....don't worry about it .

Mwiche : I can't see your bed because of all these clothes .

Trent : Mwiche ! wow you sure complain a lot .

Mwiche : *gives him a death stare*

Trent : Will you help me clean this place up ?

Mwiche : You're kidding right , there's no way i'm doing that .

Trent : Please.... it's safe .

Mwiche : Promise ?

Trent : I promise .

Mwiche : Okay ...but if anything happens to me because of you ....i'm telling'll wish you had never met me .

Trent : Oh my God *laughs* ... girl can we get started already !

Mwiche and trent start cleaning Trent's room and all of a sudden mwiche's phone starts to ring and she can't see it .

Trent : Umm .... mwiche I think your phone's ringing .

Mwiche : Oh ....*starts to look for it *... Trent !

Trent : Mmmh .

Mwiche : where's my phone ?

Trent : Don't you have it ?

Mwiche : No ...well I thought I had it .

Trent : Shhhh I can hear it ringing . I think it's coming from there *points at the pile of clothes*

Mwiche : Nooooo my poor baby ,you get it since it's all your fault .

Trent : My fault ?

Mwiche : Yes you are the one that asked me to help you .

Trent : But did I tell you to accept .

Mwiche : Dude just get my phone !

Trent : Fine ...stand back I may or may not make it , so just in case I don't make it tell my dad that i love him and tell my brother to keep his dirty hands off my cheese cake and tell rose to stay pretty .

Mwiche : *laughs*...... wow okay I will and what about me , any last words for me *smiles*

Trent : Oh yeah I do ....don't help my brother in eating my cheese cake .

Mwiche : I'll try not to*laughs*

Trent dives into his pile of clothes

Mwiche : Dang man how many clothes do you own ?

Trent : I...I *speaks in between breaths* I gat it ..

Mwiche : Finally *grabs the phone*

Trent : Mwiche ....a little help !

Mwiche : Oh sorry I forgot .

Trent : Really !

Mwiche : *shrugs and laughs*

Mwiche helps trent get out of the pile of clothes .

Trent : Phew , thanks ...i'm gonna go get something to drink you want anything ?

Mwiche : yeah sure . *Smiles*

Trent : I'll be right back .


Chris : My man ! how's it going up there ?

Trent : It's going great man , at least this time she's not shouting at me unnecessarily . *Laughs*

Chris : But you like it when she shouts at you right ?

Trent : Yeah man , it's cute . *Laughs*

Chris : She's really beautiful if you ask me .

Trent : So damn beautiful .

(Knock knock)

Trent goes to check who's at the door....

Trent : Hey man !

Max : Sup dude *walks in *

Chris : Max !

Max : Yoh ! Chris how are you man !

Chris : I'm good .

Trent : Hey dude why don't you go up to my room and entertain Mwiche I'll be with you in a few .

Max : Mwiche's here ! what is she doing here ?

Trent : we were working on our song .

Max : Oh okay .. I'm going there now .

Max goes up to Trent's room ,he opens the door without seeing the large pile of clothes , he trips and falls into the pile of clothes .

Max : Dang it Trent ! *Faces the ceiling*

Mwiche : Max are you okay?

Max : yeah i'm fine ....I always tell him not to leave his clothes anyhow !

Mwiche : why do you even bother he will never listen to you*laughs*

Max : Help me !

Mwiche : Sure .

Mwiche gets up totally unaware of her untied shoe laces , takes a step forward and the next thing , she finds herself on top of Max who's already lying on the floor . They somehow both get lost in each other's eyes , a few seconds later Max slowly kisses her and she kisses him back .

After realizing what just happened mwiche gets up quickly

Mwiche : what - what just happened.... Max why did you do that ! *Touches her lips*

Max : Mwiche i'm so sorry ...I promise I didn't mean to do that !

Mwiche : Oh my God ... what will Paris think of me ..

Max : Mwiche i'm sorry ..I ..

Mwiche : Why on earth did you kiss me..

Max : I....I ..don't know , really .

Mwiche : you don't know ? Great so you just felt like doing it !

Max : No ! .... Ahh I don't know what came over me !

Mwiche : Seriously !

Max : *sighs* Yes i'm sorry it won't happen again.

Mwiche : I never thought you'd do such a thing , I mean you have a date and you didn't think of that before you kissed me !

Max : Mwiche please forgive me ....I honestly didn't want to do it but looked so....

Trent walks in

Trent : Hey guys sorry to keep you waiting ....are you guys okay... you look... nervous .

Max : we're fine ...

Mwiche : yeah ...umm I have to go. See you guys tomorrow .

Trent : wait , what !! why are you leaving we have to finish our song.

Mwiche : we can finish it tomorrow ....bye , oh and max have fun on your date .

Max : Thanks

Mwiche walks out

Trent : Did I miss anything ?

Max : what do you mean ?

Trent : I mean she was fine before you came must have done something ...

Max : what could I possibly do to her ?

Trent : who's going to drink this ?

Max : I'll take it !


Chris : Hey you're leaving ?

Mwiche : yes it's getting late , I'll see you later .

Chris : Okay bye .


Mwiche : This is not good , this is not good , I can't believe Max kissed me and I kissed him back . Lord I'm a monster , how can I do this to Paris .

Trent : MWICHE !!Wait up .

Mwiche : Oh no did Max tell him ?

Trent : Hey *smiles*

Mwiche : Hey ? that's all you wanted to say ?

Trent : No you think i'm dumb ?

Mwiche : Do you really want me to answer that ?

Trent : Uhh nope *laughs*

Mwiche : Good answer why have you followed me , did I leave something .

Trent : No .. I just want to walk you home .

Mwiche : You've left Max all alone ?

Trent : No he's with Chris .

Mwiche : Still he's your guest.

Trent : Forget about it...can we start walking now ?

Mwiche : *sighs* sure let's go .

Trent : Okay soo..

Mwiche : Sooo..

Trent : why did you leave all of a sudden ?

Mwiche : Umm I don't know if you've noticed but the time is 6 : 56pm sooo...

Trent : Come on you know what I mean ...did Max say or do anything ?

Mwiche : what !! *gently scratches her eyebrow* no nothing happened.

Trent : you're lying.

Mwiche : I'm not .

Trent : yes you are .

Mwiche : I am not , jeez !

Trent : Ookay *trent grabs her wrist and pulls her back *..tell me .

Mwiche : Nothing happened .

Trent : Okay ..look me in the eyes and tell me that nothing happened .

Mwiche : Uhh ...trent i'm telling you the truth.

Trent moves much closer to her

Trent : Are you sure ?

Mwiche : Ahh ....okay fine ...max kissed me alright !

Trent let's her go and moves back

Trent : He kissed you ?

Mwiche : Yes , but he said it was an accident .

Trent : Oh my God did it happen ?

Mwiche : It all happened because of your stupid clothes , he tripped and fell , I got up to help , my shoes were untied I fell on him and bamm...he kissed me , I kissed him and now I don't know what to do n

Trent : Wow .....did you like the kiss?

Mwiche : what !!! Of course not ...i'm not saying it was bad or anything , it was good but I just wish it never happened .

Trent : But did he tell you why he did it ?

Mwiche : N o.....ah you know what let's not talk about this...I have to go ...

Trent : I'll walk you home

Mwiche : Nah it's okay's not that far....

Trent : o..okay...

Mwiche : Bye *walks away*

Trent's place

Trent : Dude can I talk to you ?

Max : Sure


Max : what's up ?

Trent : why did you kiss mwiche when you clearly know how much I like her !

Max : Dude I wasn't planning on doing it I promise just happened .

Trent : what made you do it man !

Max : Okay ..i'm sorry to say this but she looked so beautiful her beautiful eyes ..I..I just couldn't help it ..

Trent : Dang it max ! you're lucky she's not my girlfriend ....yet... I would have punched you so hard .

Max : You wouldn't ....wait did you say she's not your girlfriend yet...*laughs*

Trent : yeah ... once I tell rose how I really feel , I'll make my move and tell mwiche how I feel . But the only way she'll accept is if she falls for me and I am going to make sure that happens .

Max : How are you going to do that?

Trent : I have my ways , but dude never do that again !

Max : O.okayy i promise ....and good luck with making her fall for you...i have to go I have a date so...later

Trent : Oh yeah well have fun ...wait dude you're not taking her out because you feel bad for what happened are you ?

Max : No ...I really want us to try and see what will happen next .

Trent : Oh okay cool ...

Max : I'll see you later !

Trent : Sure


Paris's house

Paris : Oh my God , max will be here soon and I haven't found anything to wear ...this is bad this is really bad....*snaps her fingers* I'll call mwiche and ask her , i'm sure she'll have something in mind

Phone conversation..

Paris : Mwiche I need your help !

Mwiche : What kind of help do you need ?

Paris : The fashion kind

Mwiche : Oouu okay what you gat so far ?

Paris : Umm ....nothing I gat nothing help me please !

Mwiche : Okay did he say where you'll be going ?

Paris : we're going to the cinemas then have a walk in the moon light ...

Mwiche : Aaww.. a walk in the moon light that's so romantic...okay I think you should wear a cute sweater , some black ankle boots and a simple skirt and a top inside the top shouldn't be long though ..I think that will do .

Paris : Thanks so much you're a life saver !

Mwiche : I know , send me a photo of your outfit okay !

Paris : I will !

Mwiche : Bye .

After 20 mins Paris sends mwiche a pic of her outfit

Phone conversation..

Mwiche : Oh my God that's gorgeous .

Paris : Thanks , hey ! I'll talk to you later Max's here .

Mwiche : Okay have fun.

Paris : Girl you know I'll .

Paris rushes downstairs to meet max , she fixes herself before opening the door.....

Paris : Hey max *smiles*

Max : you look great.

Paris : *blushes* Thanks , you look great too .

Max : Thanks ....shall we ?

Paris : Yeah sure *smiles*

A/N : hey guys thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it 💕

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