Class 1-A Group Chat!

By nameless_nebula

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Class 1-A has finally made a group chat. Starring Teasing! Relationships! and Memes! Updates weekly - On hiat... More

Sunday Night
One Month Special
Monday Week 2
Tuesday Week 2
Wednesday Week 2
Thursday Week 2

Milestone Special

2.7K 91 600
By nameless_nebula

A/N okay get ready for a long ass author's note. This chapter isn't a chapter. It's a special as a thank you to everyone. (6.3k is crazy!!!!) Next upload will also be a special because it will be the one month anniversary of this fic. And then after that special we will be uploading once a week on Sunday due to school rapidly approaching us. All of that aside thank you to everyone once again!!! We love reading the comments and hearing what people think!

Okay social media dump as always and a reminder that we love hearing from you guys so please don't be shy!!!

Instagram- dungunrunpun
Tumblrs- spicypistachio nameless-nebula
Discord-  chargebolt boi#8769 spicypistachio#4276
And here's a link to my discord server! Everyone is friendly here and there's not a lot of people so please join! (if you need a link to it personally please contact us)

Also one more thing. If you don't like one of the ships we have in this book then please don't comment about how you hate it. These are the ships WE LIKE so we wanted to put them in OUR BOOK. If you hate it, then ignore it or stop reading. Going through the trouble of commenting about how much you hate it is disrespectful and it kinda hurts our feelings. We're sorry if you don't like it but that's not our problem so please don't bring it up. We won't specifically cater to anyone (with the exception of like 2 people) so please don't try to make us incorporate something it seems like we won't like. Mkay rant over.

Bakugou Katsuki to Midoriya Izuku

Monday 2:23 AM

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:23 AM] Deku

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:23 AM] I need to scream at someone and surprisingly I thought of you

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:23 AM] I swear to fucking god if you tell anyone about this I'm going to set you on fire

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:23 AM] just. please answer.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:25 AM] Kacchan? Why are you texting me so late?

[Midoriya Izuku 2:25 AM] scratch that. Why are you texting me at all? Are you okay?

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:25 AM] I don't fucking know

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:25 AM] I really have no fucking clue why this is fucking happening but here we are

[Midoriya Izuku 2:25 AM] you're freaking me out whats wrong?? Is someone in trouble??

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:25 AM] no dipshit

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:25 AM] my mind won't fucking stop thinking

[Midoriya Izuku 2:25 AM] About what?

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:26 AM] I swear to god if you fucking say anything I will slam your fucking head into the ground

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:26 AM] I can't stop thinking about Kirishima.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:26 AM] I mean I get it. We are a thing but it never stops.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:26 AM] Is it like a bad thinking or lovesick thinking?

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:26 AM] it's preventing me from sleeping.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:26 AM] it's good I guess but it's just giving me really bad nightmares. Like I'm afraid of losing him or some shit like that.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:26 AM] oh trust me i understand that

[Midoriya Izuku 2:27 AM] ever since I've met Uraraka she's always been at the back of my mind and once i started spending more and more time with her she's like consumed my mind whole and all i want to do is protect her and help her

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:27 AM] so this shit is normal?

[Midoriya Izuku 2:27 AM] of course it is Kacchan

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:27 AM] I just

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:27 AM] I really like him and I don't know what to do anymore

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:27 AM] I'm an angry asshole and he's so kind and sweet and I don't want people to think I'm like. Bad to him.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:27 AM] fuck I'm bad at this shit.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:28 AM] maybe you should tell him about all of this?

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:28 AM] yeah but I don't want him to worry about my dreams again.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:28 AM] I figured you probably wouldn't give a damn so that's why I told you.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:28 AM] Well I don't think you're bad to him and this proves it

[Midoriya Izuku 2:28 AM] if people thought you were bad to him they would be showing concern or something

[Midoriya Izuku 2:28 AM] we can all see you really care about him

[Midoriya Izuku 2:28 AM] relationships and feelings can really mess with your brain. It just takes time to figure out

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:28 AM] I wish it would take less time. This shit is getting really fucking annoying.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:28 AM] I can barely fucking focus at school or while we are sparring. It's fucking ridiculous.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:28 AM] I don't want to be weak or some shit.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:28 AM] It doesn't make you weak at all

[Midoriya Izuku 2:29 AM] Feelings don't make you weak. They're completely natural

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:29 AM] he's just really beautiful and strong I guess and fuck I'm not good at this shit.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:29 AM] I could go on for hours about him

[Midoriya Izuku 2:29 AM] If you want you can vent about him. Im here to listen and im really not tired

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:29 AM] Welcome to hell

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:30 AM] He is just so breathtaking. Like everything about him. Not only is he insanely attractive but he's insanely strong and I wish he'd realize that. I'm not very affectionate but I wish I could just hug him and tell him how strong he is because he just doesn't understand that at all. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:30 AM] He's turning me into a fucking softie

[Midoriya Izuku 2:30 AM] welcome to the club Kacchan

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:30 AM] also can we bring up how fucking impressive it is that his damn hair can stick up for that fucking long. What kind of fucking gel is he using because sign me up for that shit.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:31 AM] I thought he uses his quirk for that?? Don't you use your quirk for your hair

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:31 AM] I have hair like my old hags so it's all gross and sticks up like a fucking porcupine

[Midoriya Izuku 2:31 AM] I mean,, i like it

[Midoriya Izuku 2:31 AM] I think it suits you and your personality

[Midoriya Izuku 2:31 AM] Also I'm sure it drives Kirishima crazy

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:31 AM] you think so?

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:31 AM] I hope so at least

[Midoriya Izuku 2:31 AM] If I know anything about Kirishima its that hes a very affectionate guy

[Midoriya Izuku 2:31 AM] i know that look in his eyes when he sees you almost too well

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:31 AM] fuck I think I'm in love

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:32 AM] is this how you act with Round Face? Like. In love

[Midoriya Izuku 2:32 AM] yeah actually i think so

[Midoriya Izuku 2:32 AM] holy shit am i in love

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:32 AM] we are fucked

[Midoriya Izuku 2:34 AM] uraraka is just so pretty like everything about her and she's s o c a r i n g and I just it drives me crazy everything from her smile to her laugh to her hair to her bubbly personality and just bgibjrhvk goddammit i like her so much and if anything would ever happen to her i would never be able to smile again. When i first met her i was at a loss for words and i still am im still so nervous around her oh my god

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:35 AM] everything?

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:35 AM] even her ass ?

[Midoriya Izuku 2:35 AM] i

[Midoriya Izuku 2:35 AM] yes

[Midoriya Izuku 2:35 AM] are we in a mutual agreement that everything said here will never be said out loud?

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:35 AM] sure

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:35 AM] to make it even I like Eijirou's ass too so I guess you are good

[Midoriya Izuku 2:35 AM] its not like i would even dare tell anyone what you've said

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:35 AM] I think we've known each other long enough that you would know that I would beat the living shit out of your ass.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:35 AM] i would never be able to escape that

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:35 AM] besides. I've kept your larger secrets for a while now. Why would I expose this tiny fucking one

[Midoriya Izuku 2:36 AM] oh

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:36 AM] I must be fucking out of it or something because I'm actually having a fucking conversation with you which is shocking.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:36 AM] I'm still a little freaked out if im being honest

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:36 AM] I figured Calamari Danki and Pepto Bismol would say something to him so I guess my last option was you

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:36 AM] I guess I believed you wouldn't say shit.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:36 AM] I mean I'm happy to talk about stuff like this and i'll never say anything to anyone but why not sero? I'm sure you could have scared him into not talking or something

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:36 AM] I figured he'd say something to Kaminari so I didn't want to say anything.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:36 AM] not saying anything to kaminari was a smart move he can't keep secrets for shit

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:36 AM] who do you think told me that Kirishima liked me.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:37 AM] I assumed that was the case

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:37 AM] i don't hate them as much as they think I do you know.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:37 AM] I guess they've helped me a lot and shit idk

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:37 AM] I dislike people but I don't hate people too much

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:37 AM] except for that fucking grape bitch. He's an asshole.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:37 AM] I know

[Midoriya Izuku 2:37 AM] Like ive known you for so long that I can tell

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:37 AM] ever since Kamino I've been trying to be less of an asshole

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:37 AM] I guess it's worked? I'm not sure.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:37 AM] Hm here's a goal

[Midoriya Izuku 2:38 AM] The day that kouda can say he isnt terrified of you is the day that you'll know its working

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:38 AM] I'll still threaten to kill you bitches. That's just my personality. Explosive like my quirk.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:38 AM] Ive seen you talk to your mother like that so i know

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:38 AM] yeah.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:38 AM] honestly I'm surprised Kirishima even remotely liked me. I'm an ass.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:38 AM] Well think of this

[Midoriya Izuku 2:38 AM] isn't he practically obsessed with manliness

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:38 AM] yes

[Midoriya Izuku 2:39 AM] Maybe that's what attracted him to you in the first place?

[Midoriya Izuku 2:39 AM] when he was first getting to know you i bet he could practically smell the manliness radiating off of you why did i type that

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:39 AM] or maybe he's just fucking insane?

[Midoriya Izuku 2:39 AM] It's not impossible to like someone like you Kacchan

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:39 AM] who knew I would feel better talking to you

[Midoriya Izuku 2:39 AM] I'm glad i could help you feel better!

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:39 AM] I'm going to say this one fucking time

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:39 AM] thank you.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:39 AM] No problem!

[Midoriya Izuku 2:40 AM] If you want to keep venting or something go ahead. I'm not tired at all and i cant stop thinking about stuff so i need a distraction anyways

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:41 AM] he's kind of like a dog. Like he can smell things that people wouldn't normally smell and he gets so excited when you see him. It's strange

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:41 AM] his hair is also very soft and so is his skin which is strange since his body is constantly fucking rock solid all the time

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:42 AM] like how the fuck does it stay like that

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:42 AM] also seeing him with his hair down drives me insane

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:42 AM] he is just so attractive I don't get it.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:42 AM] didn't he dye his hair red

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:42 AM] yeah his actual hair color is black

[Midoriya Izuku 2:42 AM] oh my god i want to see him with black hair

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:42 AM] I help him cover his roots sometimes so I like help him re-dye it.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:43 AM] doesnt that also mean his hair was blonde before he dyed it

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:43 AM] yes

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:43 AM] for you to be asking all these questions you must not know shit about hair dye.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:43 AM] that is correct but also im just trying to imagine him with all those different hair colors

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:43 AM] oh my god what if with his blonde hair he looked like Kaminari.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:43 AM] that just means they were meant to be best friends

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:43 AM] that's true

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:43 AM] they are inseparable

[Midoriya Izuku 2:43 AM] theyre by each others sides at all times???

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:43 AM] every time I want Kirishima to myself they all flock over

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:43 AM] also like I have an actual fucking question

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:43 AM] is Todoroki or Iida your best friend? Or both? Or maybe Uraraka but I know she's super close to Asui

[Midoriya Izuku 2:44 AM] I guess both????? I hang out with Iida more though. I'm too nervous to always be hanging out with Uraraka

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:44 AM] I see you with Todoroki a lot so that's why I thought that.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:44 AM] you all look pretty close.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:44 AM] I mean. Kaminari, Sero, Mina, and Kirishima are my closest friends but I don't think they are aware of that.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:44 AM] Jirou is also pretty cool to hang out with. We have a lot in common actually.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:44 AM] maybe you should tell them that they're your closest friends? I think it would make them really happy

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:44 AM] yeah

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:44 AM] I think Jirou knows that she's my friend but I'm not sure the others are aware.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:44 AM] i never expected either of us to be such good friends with all of our classmates

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:44 AM] I thought I would fucking hate everyone

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:44 AM] I do have to give props to Mineta though

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:44 AM] must be hard to know that everyone can't fucking stand you

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:44 AM] at least I have some people that can tolerate me

[Midoriya Izuku 2:45 AM] a lot of stuff has changed since we got to UA

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:45 AM] yeah

[Midoriya Izuku 2:45 AM] like i've become more confident and I'm not as scared like in general

[Midoriya Izuku 2:46 AM] Kacchan

[Midoriya Izuku 2:46 AM] Why are you always so mean to me?

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:46 AM] fuck

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:46 AM] I guess it's just my personality or some shit like that.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:46 AM] fuck I don't know

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:46 AM] well shit

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:46 AM] I just don't get it either

[Midoriya Izuku 2:46 AM] you're just,,, always the meanest to me

[Midoriya Izuku 2:46 AM] ever since your quirk developed you know

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:47 AM] I'm just.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:47 AM] you piss me off Deku

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:47 AM] it was never a competition against you when you were younger because you were weak and quirkless. But ever since you got your....power it's been constant competition for me

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:47 AM] the whole fucking game changed

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:47 AM] you always fucking find a way to save me and it pisses me off

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:47 AM] how am I supposed to be a hero when my ass always has to be saved?

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:47 AM] It's just the constant feeling of being fucking weak

[Midoriya Izuku 2:48 AM] Heroes need saving too. It's not just people who can't defend themselves. You're just a person who's action put them in situations where they need saving

[Midoriya Izuku 2:48 AM] What happens doesn't make you weak or anything

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:48 AM] but barely anyone else in this fucking class has to be saved. They defend themselves. Icy Hoe doesn't ever need saving and always shows off how fucking talented and strong he is. I constantly feel fucking vulnerable all the damn time now. It's awful.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:49 AM] I mean. The fucking league of damn villains captured me. What the fuck do I do. It's hard to fucking come back from that. I just don't feel like the same person. I have to put on this fucking facade of acting like I'm this strong asshole who can fucking save everyone but I keep doubting myself.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:49 AM] Like I said your actions happen to put you in these situations

[Midoriya Izuku 2:49 AM] It's also the way people view you. The league wanted you because they saw you as someone they can really use. Maybe if you put an effort in to be nicer to people, maybe starting with your classmates, things like that would change. When you have friends on your side you don't have to feel so vulnerable

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:49 AM] If I randomly just start to be fucking nice how would the others react? It would be an awful idea and they'd just make fun of me for making an effort.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:50 AM] No one would make fun of you. Start gradually. Be subtle about it. Maybe ask Kirishima about how you could be nicer?

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:50 AM] well I'm still going to fucking argue with Icy Hoe. But I'll make an effort to be civil with him.

[Midoriya Izuku 2:50 AM] Kirishima did make that group chat. Utilize it

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:50 AM] I guess maybe this fucking group chat would be a good chance for this

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:50 AM] it's a good thing he made it today

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:50 AM] or I guess yesterday now considering today is Monday

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:50 AM] well fuck this night took one big ass fucking turn didn't it

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:51 AM] I can't believe we are fucking bonding right now

[Midoriya Izuku 2:51 AM] Honestly me too. It's kinda concerning

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:51 AM] I bet the bitches wouldn't expect this shit coming

[Midoriya Izuku 2:51 AM] No one did

[Midoriya Izuku 2:51 AM] so now i'm thinking a lot about Uraraka

[Midoriya Izuku 2:51 AM] would you mind if i just,,, ranted

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:51 AM] go for it

[Midoriya Izuku 2:53 AM] i've like full on sobbed before over how pretty she is you know. Like she makes me feel something I've never felt before. I've felt admiration but this is far past it. It hurts in a way? When i look at her I just uhghghgh there's so many things going through my head that I can't comprehend what they mean anymore. I just can't express it anymore. When she's all fired up it's weird to be calming her down and be by her side. I'm not even entirely sure what she thinks of me but it has to be good if we're dating right? I can't tell anymore. I used to be good at analyzing stuff but then I met her

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:53 AM] she probably thinks you are great or some shit. Even though you don't notice the things she does around you we do and we all know she's fucking head over heels for you.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:53 AM] I'm not nearly as good at analyzing people as you are but even I can fucking tell that she's crazy about you. It's obvious

[Midoriya Izuku 2:54 AM] I'm just scared i don't pay attention to her enough and she'll lose interest or something. That's what scares me the most

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:54 AM] I mean. You tend to have your head up All Mights ass all the time which might frustrate her but other than that she really cares about you and we can all fucking tell. Maybe you should just talk to her or some shit?

[Midoriya Izuku 2:54 AM] No no I can't do that what would she even say

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:54 AM] bringing up the subject instead of sitting on your ass and thinking about it is all that matters. It would show her you care about her and her needs. Don't be selfish.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:54 AM] maybe I am super fucking gay

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:54 AM] I'm giving fucking relationship advice what the f u c k

[Midoriya Izuku 2:55 AM] tonight is just wild

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:55 AM] yes I agree

[Midoriya Izuku 2:55 AM] so,,

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:55 AM] I hear fucking Todoroki walking around above me and I'm going to beat his ass what the fuck is he doing up at 2:55

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:55 AM] wait fuck

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:55 AM] we are up at 2:55

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:55 AM] better fucking question. Who the fuck is walking around at 2:55

[Midoriya Izuku 2:55 AM] maybe its a ghost

[Midoriya Izuku 2:55 AM] Wait isn't Kirishima in your room?

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:55 AM] Kirishima is in my room why?

[Midoriya Izuku 2:56 AM] You're just a,, loud texter

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:56 AM] what the fuck does that mean?

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:56 AM] the keyboard doesn't make any sound

[Midoriya Izuku 2:56 AM] your fingers hit your phone really hard

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:56 AM] it takes a lot for him to wake up anyways

[Midoriya Izuku 2:56 AM] oh well i guess that makes sense since he's like part rock

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:56 AM] yeah

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:56 AM] waking him up in the morning is awful

[Midoriya Izuku 2:57 AM] How do you wake him up?

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:57 AM] aggressively shaking

[Midoriya Izuku 2:57 AM] Fitting

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:57 AM] y e p

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:57 AM] you know what

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:57 AM] fuck it

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:57 AM] sleep could kiss my ass

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:57 AM] I'm getting coffee and no one can stop me

[Midoriya Izuku 2:58 AM] you won't

[Midoriya Izuku 2:58 AM] You won't be able to sleep

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:58 AM] do you hear that Deku

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:58 AM] it's the sound of all the fucks I don't give

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:58 AM] I'm getting my fucking coffee and UA can suck my entire ass

[Midoriya Izuku 2:58 AM] Well then

[Midoriya Izuku 2:58 AM] fuck now I want coffee

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:58 AM] come get some

[Midoriya Izuku 2:58 AM] fine

[Midoriya Izuku 2:59 AM] I'm making decaf because if I fall asleep in class Aizawa will literally vore me

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:59 AM] but Aizawa is always fucking sleeping in class so I think you'd be fine. Now Cementoss' class. That's what'll get you.

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:59 AM] I feel like it would be too hard to fall asleep in present mics because he doesn't shut the fuck up

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:59 AM] ectoplasm and midnight don't give a fuck anymore because they've literally lost all fucks

[Bakugou Katsuki 2:59 AM] and you are shoved up all might's ass so I don't think he'd give a fuck

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:00 AM] why the hell am I ranting about sleep and teachers what the fuck has gotten into me tonight

[Midoriya Izuku 3:00 AM] I still feel like it would be very disrespectful to fall asleep in class? I'm still making decaf

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:00 AM] I'm just gonna get caffeinated and then drink more coffee in the morning so I don't fall asleep. I'm just going to run on caffeine

[Midoriya izuku 3:00 AM] caffeinated coffee tastes better to me

[Midoriya Izuku 3:00 AM] oh who am i kidding. I wasn't going to sleep tonight anyways

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:00 AM] fuck sleep

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:00 AM] sleep is irrelevant

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:00 AM] just bamboozle your body

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:00 AM] Katsuki what the fuck did you just say

[Midoriya Izuku 3:00 AM] I'm trying not to laugh because I've suddenly remembered one time when a kid told you "Sleep is for the weak" and you just refused to sleep for a really long time

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:00 AM] sleep is for the weak and I'm not weak

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:01 AM] fuck you body I'm running perfectly fine on coffee and sheer will to survive

[Midoriya Izuku 3:01 AM] If I fall asleep in class and All Might vores me who will really care

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:01 AM] Your fucking girlfriend

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:01 AM] and Todoroki

[Midoriya Izuku 3:01 AM] Knowing them they would probably say I deserved it because i didn't sleep but OH WELL

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:01 AM] we are just fucked I guess

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:01 AM] listen up all might you pussy ass bitch I'll vore you first asshole

[Midoriya Izuku 3:01 AM] that's a valid argument. He might back down

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:02 AM] Dear All Might,

suck my dick


Sincerely, Katsuki

[Midoriya Izuku 3:02 AM] i

[Midoriya Izuku 3:02 AM] hm

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:02 AM] real men would tell their favorite pro-hero to suck their dick

[Midoriya Izuku 3:02 AM] Something tells me that's not right

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:02 AM] I literally think I've lost my fucking mind

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:02 AM] my mind was bamboozled, Deku.

[Midoriya Izuku 3:02 AM] Coffee is definitely not a good idea

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:02 AM] coffee was a great idea

[Midoriya Izuku 3:02 AM] well today will be interesting that's for sure

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:03 AM] so no one told you life was gonna be this w a y *clap clap clap clap*

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:03 AM] oh my god I've lost my fucking mind

[Midoriya Izuku 3:03 AM] do you,,, watch Friends?

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:03 AM] I'm a fucking human too Deku of course I'd watch Friends what the fuck

[Midoriya Izuku 3:03 AM] Sorry I guess I just assumed that you would hate shows like that

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:03 AM] Ross is my bitch.

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:03 AM] what the fuck am I saying

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:03 AM] Joey is my bitch

[Midoriya Izuku 3:03 AM] Ross is easily one of the worst characters in the gang

[Midoriya Izuku 3:03 AM] Chandler is the best one in the gang

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:03 AM] okay fuck off all the characters are great what the fuck Deku.

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:03 AM] Don't fucking attack me for liking fucking Ross what the fuck

[Midoriya Izuku 3:03 AM] How could you like Ross??? He's so annoying

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:03 AM] Joey and Ross are my bitches

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:03 AM] okay well you are fucking annoying but Todoroki still likes you what the fuck

[Midoriya Izuku 3:04 AM] You just have no taste

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:04 AM] well maybe you have no fucking taste because you can't see how amazing Ross is fuck off

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:04 AM] what the fuck has this turned into

[Midoriya Izuku 3:04 AM] I just don't understand what anyone sees in Ross

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:04 AM] you better fucking like Phoebe

[Midoriya Izuku 3:04 AM] I'm not a monster. She's my second favorite

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:04 AM] Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
What are they feeding you?
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
It's not your fault
They won't take you to the vet
You're obviously not their favorite pet
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
It's not your fault
You may not be a bed of roses
You're not friend to those with noses
I'll miss you before we're done
Or the world will smell as one
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
What are they feeding you?
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat
It's not your fault
Oh are we done?
One, two, what's that smell?
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
What are they feeding you?
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat
You're getting fat
I think that I'm gonna be sick
It's your ears, and nose and pick
Part of it, tempt me
One, two, what's that smell?
All the dogs in the neighborhood
Are saying this for your own good
What, you're fat, so you can't run
No fun, I bet, No fun
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
Porno makes you eat like that
I saw you in the shopping mall
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
It's not your fault,
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
It's not your fault
Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat,
It's not your fault
We know what was in your food
They say it might affect your mood
You smell like something dead

[Midoriya Izuku 3:05 AM] My bussy bops to that shit in the shower every morning

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:05 AM] we have lost our fucking minds

[Midoriya Izuku 3:05 AM] I can agree with that

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:05 AM] I wonder if Todoroki listens to "Let it Go" when he's trying to get pumped up for sparring

[Midoriya Izuku 3:05 AM] before I question that I have to question something else

[Midoriya Izuku 3:05 AM] Where are you I thought you were coming down

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:05 AM] give me some fucking time

[Midoriya Izuku 3:06 AM] What have you been doing

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:06 AM] smelly cat.

[Midoriya Izuku 3:06 AM] oh okay it's clear now

[Midoriya Izuku 3:06 AM] carry on then

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:06 AM] this coffee better keep me up for fucking d a y s

[Midoriya Izuku 3:06 AM] n o

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:06 AM] okay but do you think that Todoroki listens to let it go to get pumped up

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:06 AM] or maybe to sleep

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:06 AM] what is wrong with me

[Midoriya Izuku 3:07 AM] We'll have to ask Yaomomo

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:07 AM] let's just knock on her door at 3:07 AM. Barge in. And just ask her about let it go.

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:07 AM] one of us have to follow him around and see what's up

[Midoriya Izuku 3:07 AM] or we could just,,, text her?

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:07 AM] I don't know I think my idea is better and more efficient

[Midoriya Izuku 3:07 AM] Todoroki is probably in her room. I'm opposed to the idea of becoming a human popsicle

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:07 AM] coward

[Midoriya Izuku 3:07 AM] If you do that then there's no doubt you'll get shit from Aizawa tomorrow

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:07 AM] he can suck my dick too

[Midoriya Izuku 3:08 AM] Soon you'll make the wrong move with Aizawa and you'll regret I can almost s e e it

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:08 AM] what is he going to do? Hang me up in front of the classroom for everyone to see? I don't think so.

[Midoriya Izuku 3:08 AM] Hm i don't know. If you step over the wrong boundary then it won't be uncharacteristic of him

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:08 AM] he likes us too much. He should've beaten our asses a long time ago.

[Midoriya Izuku 3:08 AM] I'm just saying be careful. You never know when a sister will snap

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:08 AM] i

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:08 AM] anyways

[Midoriya Izuku 3:08 AM] I'm playing Room Where It Happens and you can't stop me

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:08 AM] why would I stop art

[Midoriya Izuku 3:09 AM] I'm going on hour 3 of repeating this song

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:09 AM] one time Kaminari listened to Africa on repeat for 10 hours

[Midoriya Izuku 3:09 AM] that doesn't surprise me one bit

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:09 AM] Kaminari loves Africa

[Midoriya Izuku 3:09 AM] trust me i know. His room is above mine. It's only been one night in these dorms and I've heard africa too many times

[Midoriya Izuku 3:09 AM] *not enough

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:09 AM] fuck he's come to my house one time and it wouldn't stop

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:09 AM] it's kind of breathtaking

[Midoriya Izuku 3:10 AM] Africa is a good song

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:10 AM] good continent

[Midoriya Izuku 3:10 AM] I've never been yah yeast

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:10 AM] I've also never been to Africa

[Midoriya Izuku 3:10 AM] Wait Kacchan

[Midoriya Izuku 3:10 AM] I never knew you had a spotify playlist

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:10 AM] Jirou and I made it together

[Midoriya Izuku 3:10 AM] I'm surprised at the lack of Starset on this playlist

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:10 AM] honestly same

[Midoriya Izuku 3:11 AM] You should point that out to Jirou tomorrow

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:11 AM] I'll tell her first thing in the morning

[Midoriya Izuku 3:11 AM] do you mean,, right now?

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:11 AM] I'll tell her when I actually see her face to face

[Midoriya Izuku 3:11 AM] Ohh

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:11 AM] we will just have to add more Starset

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:12 AM] this is some bomb ass coffee

[Midoriya Izuku 3:12 AM] I agree but you're standing right next to me Kacchan

[Bakugou Katsuki 3:12 AM] yes

[Midoriya Izuku 3:12 AM] I

[Midoriya Izuku 3:12 AM] hm okay then

Monday 4:17 AM

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:17 AM] yeah I'm not gonna sleep tonight

[Midoriya Izuku 4:18 AM] Man the coffee did us dirty

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:18 AM] One thing that's keeping me from sleeping ,besides the coffee, IS THINKING ABOUT ICY HOE AND LET IT GO. LIKE I CAN'T STOP FUCKING THINKING ABOUT IT

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:18 AM] should we buy him an Elsa costume and see what happens

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:18 AM] do you think he would freeze us?

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:18 AM] what was in that coffee

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:19 AM] dude I wonder if we can get him to recreate the scene of like Elsa first revealing her badass power and like almost killing everyone and then get her running on the fucking ice dude that would be epic

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:19 AM] did you drug me

[Midoriya Izuku 4:19 AM] I drank the same exact coffee you did. What would be the benefit in also drugging myself?

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:19 AM] you can also drug just one cup Broccoli Boy

[Midoriya Izuku 4:19 AM] I didn't even go near your cup. If I had drugged you it would be the both of us going down or neither of us

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:20 AM] you were there before me Deku

[Midoriya Izuku 4:20 AM] Funny weed joke

[Midoriya Izuku 4:20 AM] Well I didn't choose your cup that was up to you so

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:20 AM] are you fucking joking

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:20 AM] you are making a drug joke as I'm talking about being drugged this is very serious business Deku

[Midoriya Izuku 4:20 AM] oh and happy birthday

[Midoriya Izuku 4:20 AM] I couldn't miss a 4:20. Not again

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:20 AM] I'm gonna blow myself up

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:20 AM] I'm glad that you find me being drugged funny Broccoli Bitch

[Midoriya Izuku 4:20 AM] Good news I didn't fucking drug you

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:21 AM] Fuck you

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:21 AM] you did something to me Deku

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:21 AM] if something spontaneously fucking happens to me I'm suing Inko

[Midoriya Izuku 4:21 AM] I didn't do anything to you Kacchan I would have nothing to gain from that

[Midoriya Izuku 4:21 AM] OH COME ON NOT MY MOM

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:21 AM] you'd gain followers on Instagram

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:21 AM] I know these bitches want me assassinated

[Midoriya Izuku 4:21 AM] I

[Midoriya Izuku 4:21 AM] I'm going to try to sleep

[Midoriya Izuku 4:21 AM] good night didnt drug you

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:21 AM] it's going to be hard to sleep knowing you fucking drugged someone but sure. Be my fucking guest. Good fucking night asshole.

Monday 4:43 AM

[Midoriya Izuku 4:43 AM] damn it are you still up


[Midoriya Izuku 4:44 AM] I DIDN'T DRUG YOU

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:44 AM] THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY



[Bakugou Katsuki 4:44 AM] FUCK I MEAN DELIRIOUS

[Midoriya Izuku 4:44 AM] I would say Kirishima disagrees

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:44 AM] who knows what he would say because I've been fucking drugged by my childhood friend who won't admit to it and I might fucking die and I may never hear if he thinks I'm fucking delicious

[Midoriya Izuku 4:45 AM] You just called me your childhood friend and that makes me happy

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:45 AM] fuck you

[Midoriya Izuku 4:45 AM] I seriously didn't drug you if you want to hear it from my face come to my room or whatever but i'm telling the truth

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:45 AM] Drugs are wild let me tell you

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:45 AM] you'll understand when you've been drugged

[Midoriya Izuku 4:45 AM] Whatever i didn't drug you

[Midoriya Izuku 4:45 AM] I just wanted to see if you were still up

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:45 AM] why?

[Midoriya Izuku 4:45 AM] I felt lonely and I needed a distraction from my thoughts

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:46 AM] well you definitely got a distraction

[Midoriya Izuku 4:46 AM] so,, what's your opinion on um

[Midoriya Izuku 4:46 AM] ramen?

[Midoriya Izuku 4:46 AM] I'm sorry I said the first thing that came to mind

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:46 AM] dude are you alright

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:46 AM] also you already fucking know I'd vore for spicy ramen

[Midoriya Izuku 4:46 AM] I'm honestly not sure

[Midoriya Izuku 4:47 AM] I don't eat spicy ramen too often but I know it's good

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:47 AM] dude is it the drugging thing that's bothering you because I'm just out of it and I didn't mean it

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:47 AM] I've lost my damn mind how am I apologizing

[Midoriya Izuku 4:47 AM] no it's okay I think I'm also becoming delirious

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:47 AM] fuck me in the forehead with a scooter we have to be up in like two hours

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:47 AM] fuck me in the forehead with a scooter?

[Midoriya Izuku 4:48 AM] as far as everyone else knows, we slept right

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:48 AM] oh yeah we definitely slept

[Midoriya Izuku 4:48 AM] I feel like no one should know that we didn't sleep and made coffee so yeet I guess

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:48 AM] no one will ever know

[Midoriya Izuku 4:48 AM] it's just our little,,, secret

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:48 AM] my lips are sealed

[Midoriya Izuku 4:48 AM] yeah you're definitely out of it

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:48 AM] that's very true

[Midoriya Izuku 4:49 AM] i don't know how people will think that you did sleep

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:49 AM] I'm just going to act pissy I guess

[Midoriya Izuku 4:49 AM] you won't be acting

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:49 AM] wow sleepy Deku is a bitch

[Midoriya Izuku 4:49 AM] don't fuck with me yeet

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:49 AM] we've both fucking lost it

[Midoriya Izuku 4:49 AM] yep

[Midoriya Izuku 4:49 AM] I've been awake for too long

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:49 AM] me too

[Midoriya Izuku 4:49 AM] so uh do you want to talk or something?? Idk im bored and still need a distraction

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:49 AM] Kirishima just yanked my arm and now I'm stuck

[Midoriya Izuku 4:50 AM] He can tell and he's sleeping

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:50 AM] somehow he's going to find out I didn't sleep and kick my ass for it

[Midoriya Izuku 4:50 AM] maybe he can smell it like a dog

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:50 AM] i

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:50 AM] Deku what the fuck

[Midoriya Izuku 4:50 AM] maybe he can smell the sleep deprivation just radiating off of you

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:50 AM] I'm gonna say this again

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:50 AM] Deku what the fuck

[Midoriya Izuku 4:50 AM] coffee was a horrible idea

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:50 AM] we are just going to die

[Midoriya Izuku 4:50 AM] wait kirishima has that big ass bottle of melatonin right

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:50 AM] yeah he keeps it on my nightstand

[Midoriya Izuku 4:51 AM] maybe taking melatonin would be a good idea but then we would run the risk of oversleeping

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:51 AM] I mean I have Kirishima to wake me up but you don't have anyone??? Unless Uraraka is with you

[Midoriya Izuku 4:51 AM] no around 1 she yelled that my bed was uncomfortable and then left my room

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:51 AM] what? Your bed is uncomfortable?

[Midoriya Izuku 4:51 AM] No i think she just wanted an excuse to go sleep in her bed

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:51 AM] that's a harsh way to say you want to leave

[Midoriya Izuku 4:51 AM] yeah and I would have gone with her

[Midoriya Izuku 4:51 AM] Idk the whole thing was weird and I wanted to get my mind off of it because I'm just going to get paranoid

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:51 AM] oh this is what was bothering you?

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:51 AM] maybe she was flustered? Or overwhelmed by ALL OF THE FUCKING ALL MIGHT SHIT

[Midoriya Izuku 4:52 AM] Sure let's go with that

[Midoriya Izuku 4:52 AM] I guess it would be uncomfortable to sleep in a room where All Might is always staring at you and you aren't used to that

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:52 AM] maybe next time go to her room?

[Midoriya Izuku 4:52 AM] I probably will. Her bed is way more comfortable than mine

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:52 AM] dude wanna know whose bed is like. Really comfortable

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:52 AM] Yaoyorozu's. Like I've been there because Jirou and Kaminari forced me to and her bed is big as fuck and comfortable.

[Midoriya Izuku 4:52 AM] Todoroki is a lucky bitch

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:52 AM] that's true

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:52 AM] do you know how great it would be to just share a king sized bed with your significant other?

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:52 AM] like you wouldn't be shoved on top of eachother all the time. Ponytail and Icy Thot are lucky bitches

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:52 AM] that was a very wild conversation about beds

[Midoriya Izuku 4:53 AM] I don't necessarily mind being shoved on top of ochaco. Shes squishy and she says the same for me so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:53 AM] Kirishima has cold feet and decides to constantly PUT THEM ON ME BECAUSE HE KNOWS I H A T E IT

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:53 AM] he also constantly makes me big spoon. Sometimes I want to little spoon okay

[Midoriya Izuku 4:53 AM] I feel that on a spiritual level

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:53 AM] like we have a one centimeter difference I don't always have to be the big spoon because I'm "taller"

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:53 AM] sometimes I want to be held too

[Midoriya Izuku 4:54 AM] Uraraka just has short arms

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:54 AM] Oh

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:54 AM] Kirishima has long arms that I wish he'd use to hold me sometimes but n o p e

[Midoriya Izuku 4:54 AM] You'll never be the little spoon if you don't tell him

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:54 AM] I don't want to hurt his feelings though because he's very sensitive when it comes to cuddling

[Midoriya Izuku 4:54 AM] It's just spooning

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:54 AM] I'll do it tomorrow

[Midoriya Izuku 4:54 AM] good. I thought i was going to have to resort to calling you a coward

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:54 AM] I will be held

[Midoriya Izuku 4:55 AM] you're lucky because you have a chance of being held. I physically can't be help

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:55 AM] just let her like. Lay on your back or something?

[Midoriya Izuku 4:55 AM] Yeah because who needs a spine

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:55 AM] She's not that heavy

[Midoriya Izuku 4:55 AM] if you had 100+ pounds lying on your back for a while that shit would hurt

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:55 AM] one time I was in our bed and Kirishima was just lying on my back

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:55 AM] fuck I meant my bed

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:55 AM] anyways it wasn't too bad

[Midoriya Izuku 4:55 AM] ,,,whatever,,,,

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:55 AM] what?

[Midoriya Izuku 4:56 AM] nothing

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:56 AM] Deku you are starting to annoy me what the fuck is wrong

[Midoriya Izuku 4:56 AM] nothing??

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:56 AM] then why did you say whatever

[Midoriya Izuku 4:56 AM] calm your 36 C boobs i was just being salty because you were right

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:56 AM] did you just.

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:56 AM] did you just say I wore a 36 C

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:56 AM] I'd be a solid D asshole

[Midoriya Izuku 4:56 AM] Well damn sorry

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:56 AM] you wish you had my titties

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:56 AM] what the fuck is happening to us

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:56 AM] maybe both of our coffees were drugged

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:56 AM] Todoroki

[Midoriya Izuku 4:57 AM] If anyone were to drug us at this time of night without us noticing it would obviously be Hagakure considering shes invisible

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:57 AM] Tokoyami considering he stays up all night listening to Panic! At The Disco

[Midoriya Izuku 4:57 AM] but that's completely normal??

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:57 AM] I guess that is true

[Midoriya Izuku 4:57 AM] I feel like if someone were to actually drug us it would be Mineta

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:57 AM] that's true

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:57 AM] Mineta would take every guy here down so he could try and take all the girls

[Midoriya Izuku 4:57 AM] jokes on him. A handful of the guys are gay

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:57 AM] I'm gay. Kirishima is gay. Aoyama is gay. Sero is. Questionable.

[Midoriya Izuku 4:58 AM] Here's the list of gays (including questionable) You, Kirishima, Aoyama, Sero, Tokoyami, Shouji, Kaminari

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:58 AM] are the questionables Sero, Tokoyami, Shouji, and Kaminari?

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:58 AM] Kaminari has Jirou but Jirou is bi but I think Kaminari is pan and doesn't give a fuck.

[Midoriya Izuku 4:58 AM] yes and kaminari is hella pan

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:58 AM] Low Key I feel like Tsu and Tokoyami flirt a bit but I wouldn't be opposed to Tokoyami being a bit gay

[Midoriya Izuku 4:58 AM] I thought I was the only one who sensed it

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:58 AM] oh no I totally sense it

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:58 AM] surprisingly a lot of people in the group come to me for relationship advice and I'm not sure why because 99% of the time I have no clue what the fuck I'm talking about

[Midoriya Izuku 4:59 AM] you give good advice

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:59 AM] I try

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:59 AM] fuck I can't believe anyone is seeing me act like this. Like the only person that's ever seen me be "caring" is Kirishima

[Midoriya Izuku 4:59 AM] does seeing you be "caring" before you got your quirk count

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:59 AM] sure. I was a little shit then and I'm a little shit now so it counts.

[Midoriya Izuku 4:59 AM] Cool then I was the first in the class yeet

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:59 AM] congratulations you are the winner

[Bakugou Katsuki 4:59 AM] I might steal Aizawa's sleeping bag tomorrow

[Midoriya Izuku 5:00 AM] good luck living if you do

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:00 AM] I might not steal Aizawa's sleeping bag tomorrow

[Midoriya Izuku 5:00 AM] good idea

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:00 AM] only the best ideas here

[Midoriya Izuku 5:00 AM] you say that but you had just suggested stealing Aizawa's sleeping bag

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:00 AM] when will you learn to shut the fuck up

[Midoriya Izuku 5:00 AM] When will you learn to stop saying stupid shit

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:00 AM] wow sleepy Deku is a bitch

[Midoriya Izuku 5:01 AM] your point?

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:01 AM] calm your 34 A boobs

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:01 AM] that's right. 34 A

[Midoriya Izuku 5:01 AM] well now

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:01 AM] they have boob exercises. Try them. Maybe it'll help.

Monday 5:32 AM

[Midoriya Izuku 5:32 AM] there's no way in hell you would be a D

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:32 AM] Deku what the fuck?

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:32 AM] oh the boob sizes

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:32 AM] why not?

[Midoriya Izuku 5:32 AM] why would you be a D just think about it for a second

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:32 AM] why wouldn't I be a D?

[Midoriya Izuku 5:33 AM] Okay so i did a little research on how to tell cup size. You have to measure your band size and then your bust size. From there you would subtract the band size from the bust size. About 10 cm is D which doesn't seem like it would be you

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:33 AM] I'm doing this for a good reason

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:33 AM] Izuku what the fuck

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:33 AM] I can't believe you literally researched how to tell a cup size

[Midoriya Izuku 5:33 AM] Telling cup size would be different on a guy obviously so dont try it because we would all be As

[Midoriya Izuku 5:34 AM] I couldn't sleep what did you expect

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:34 AM] I didn't expect you to look up how to measure someone's boobs

[Midoriya Izuku 5:34 AM] Whoops

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:34 AM] what if Uraraka saw that on your search history and thought you were gonna give her some kind of physical or something like some weirdass doctor

[Midoriya Izuku 5:34 AM] One step ahead of you

[Midoriya Izuku 5:34 AM] I went on incognito mode. I'm not a fool nor born yesterday

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:34 AM] good idea

[Midoriya Izuku 5:34 AM] She'll never know

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:34 AM] unless you guys somehow swap phones and she pulls up this conversation

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:34 AM] Don't ask me why you guys would swap phones

[Midoriya Izuku 5:35 AM] note to self: don't swap phones with uraraka

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:35 AM] She'd see where you said you thought she had a nice ass

[Midoriya Izuku 5:35 AM] I'm never swapping phones

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:35 AM] she probably talks about how fucking weird all those all might figures are

[Midoriya Izuku 5:35 AM] they aren't weird. They're charming

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:35 AM] whatever helps you sleep at night

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:35 AM] how the fuck do you fall asleep to thousands of little all mights staring at you

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:35 AM] imagine what those all mights have seen

[Midoriya Izuku 5:35 AM] I guess I've just grown very accustomed to them since i've had them for years

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:35 AM] tell inko that I said to stop buying them it's getting creepy

[Midoriya Izuku 5:36 AM] I'm not telling her shit

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:36 AM] but we already see the real thing everyday why do you need so many of them

[Midoriya Izuku 5:36 AM] I don't enjoy being questioned like this

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:36 AM] it's just a bit strange

[Midoriya Izuku 5:36 AM] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:36 AM] I wonder if anyone else has all might figurines here

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:36 AM] Todoroki probably has some to piss off endeavor

[Midoriya Izuku 5:36 AM] I would do that too

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:36 AM] same

[Midoriya Izuku 5:37 AM] we have to get up in less than 30 minutes,,,,

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:37 AM] I have to act like I'm sleeping so Kirishima doesn't beat my ass

[Midoriya Izuku 5:37 AM] maybe I can catch an early shower so I won't have to run into Mineta

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:37 AM] do it

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:37 AM] I take my shower at night but Kirishima takes his in the morning so he wakes up at 5:55

[Midoriya Izuku 5:37 AM] Wow so early

[Midoriya Izuku 5:37 AM] Mkay well I'm off

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:37 AM] time to act like I slept all night and I was "healthy"

[Midoriya Izuku 5:38 AM] Catch you later Kacchan

[Bakugou Katsuki 5:38 AM] see you later Deku

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