Original G. I. B

By JarveniaJakaal

192 9 9

This is the original story. Have this while I make the better one. More

This is it.

192 9 9
By JarveniaJakaal

This is all I saved. Charish it.
Every day's the same for me
Wake up, do something, think, sleep, repeat.
Needless to say, I'm not exactly the most 'interesting' guy you'll meet.
I'm not the guy that girls fall for.
I'm not the guy that everyone wants to talk to.
And I'm definitely not the guy who the story's about.
Why would I be?
I'm not funny.
I'm not popular.
I'm not smart.
I'm just me, and I'm sorry that thats all that I can be.
You're probably wondering who I am.
My name is Zane Ro'meave.
Yes, I'm Garroth's brother.
That's all people see me as.
'Garroth's brother'.
I'm never Zane.
I'm never me.
And if I am then no one notices.
No one sees me.
The only time people see me is when I'm next to Garroth, but even then I'm
I'm just Garroth's invisible brother.
  "ZANE RO'MEAVE!" A voice shouts, waking me from my dreamless sleep.
  I snap my head up from its previous resting place clearly panicked, I don't like loud noises. I almost fall out of my chair, but end up saving myself before i did.
  Throughout the classroom I hear quiet laughter. A few of the kids were whispering among themselves, occasionally pointing at me.
  I look to the front of the room and I see my history teacher, Mrs. Hendry.
She looks mad.
No shit Sherlock!
Thanks for pointing that out Captain Obvious.
I smirk at the conversation going on in my head. They do this all the time, trying their best to make me feel like a piece of shit.
  "I wasn't smirking at you" I whisper to myself.
  "Before this conversation of ours? No, not that I can remember miss." I answer with a bit of sarcasm laced into my pubescent voice.
  "DONT USE THAT TONE WITH ME!" She demands her grey eyes narrowing, her slightly crooked teeth bared from behind her smudged red lips.
  I can tell that teaching is destroying this woman, everyday she has to walk into this school and teach us pitiful children. At the beginning of the year she was completely different, she was smiling, and she was kind. I guess that we were just too much.
  I stay silent for a moment, staring at her. After awhile I reply with.
"Is there a reason as to why you woke me?" I yawn a bit afterwards just to annoy her.
  She glares at me, tilting her head back just so she could look down her nose at me.
  "There is no sleeping in my classroom Mr. Ro'meave ." She states.
  "Really? Well if I am not mistaken I was sleeping a few minutes ago in YOUR classroom Mrs. Hendry." I reply, mocking her tone of voice. Glaring at her in the process.
  Her eyes widen. She stares at me, mouth parted slightly.
  "Mr.Ro'meave. Get OUT OF MY CLASSROOM THIS INSTANT!"she says pointing towards the doorway on her left.
  I stand up, grabbing my bag while doing so.
  "Do I have to go anywhere specific?" I ask her. Digging my nails into my skin, trying not to lash out at her.
  She inhaled deeply through her nose, probably trying to calm down.
  "Principal's office!" She answers grabbing a little slip of paper and quickly writing something down on it.
  As I made my way to the front of the classroom I couldn't help to notice half of the people smirking at me. Not a nice sort of "you're hilarious, I like you" smirk. More like a "Finally this losers gone!" Kind of smirk. The other half is just checking their phones... Acting like I don't even exist.
  I try to ignore them as best as I can, but I couldn't ignore the fact that my eyes were starting to water just a bit.
  I walk up to her and grab my ticket to detention. I look at her, she slightly glares back.
  "Go straight to the office and give the secretary this note. I'm sure you know what to do from there" she says to me clearly disgusted, she knows how much trouble I get in.
  I mutter a 'whatever' and start to walk out the door.
  "Oh, and Zane?" I hear her call to me. I stop in my tracks to hear what she had to say.
  "I expected more from Garroth's brother."
Funny ain't it? Even to the teachers I'm just "Garroth's brother"
Fucking hilarious!
Why wouldn't they compare you to Garroth? He's perfect!
  I smirk letting a tear roll down my cheek, I turn around and face the hallway so no one sees it.
  "Of course you did-" I tell her as I start walking towards the office but she couldn't hear the end of my sentence.
"everyone does."
————————————————————————————TiMe SkIp to brought to you by me not wanting to describe how Zane walks———————————
As soon as I walked into the office I felt a pair of eyes on me. I shifted my gaze from the floor to look at who ever was watching me. It was Garroth.
"Zane, what are you doing here?" He questions, gently placing his hands on my shoulders and bending down a bit so we can be eye level.
Wow. Finally being a brother, are you?
  I laugh a bit. "Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" I reply coldly. I step around him, shrugging his hands off in the process. I ignored the look of hurt on his face.
I walk right up to the secretary, waiting for her to look at me.
She lazily shifts her gaze to me. Chewing a piece of bubblegum while doing so.
Her dark brown eyes narrow a bit from behind her round black glasses.
"Mr.Ro'meave." She says voice rising a bit.
"Every day I walk through these doors wondering if you're going to walk in, hoping that you don't." She starts. Now giving me her full attention, she lets out a long breath before continuing. "Why is it that I'm always disappointed?"
Disappointed? I guess if I had to see me walk in every day I'd be pretty disappointed too.
I glare at her and cross my arms to look intimidating.
"You act as if I know the answer to that."
  She frowns, and looks back at her computer screen.
  "Zane, what did you do this time?" She inquires, still looking at her screen.
  I take the note out of my pocket and give it to her.
  "I don't know. You tell me."
  She quickly reads through the note. Shaking her head by the time she had finished.
She looks disappointed.
Really? Who the fuck knew?
I Wonder what Mrs.Hendry wrote.
  She starts to read aloud.
  "Zane Ro'meave was very disruptive during class this morning. First of all he was asleep, after that he smirked at me, and in the end (as we fade into the night) he was showing attitude. We need to get him under control! Next time something like this happens you contact his parents!"
Jesus Christ.
Garte will murder you if they call them!
  "I don't understand how you can get into so much trouble!" She says, looking at her beloved screen once more.
  Just then, I heard footsteps approach from behind me.
  "Mrs. Janna, may I ask you something?" A very familiar voice says.
I growl.
  "Yes Garroth, what do you need to know?" She asks, finally turning away from the screen.
  "Is my brother really in here every day?" He questions, glancing at me worriedly.
  "You didn't know?" She asks, cocking her head slightly.
  His jaw drops. He slowly looks at me. I can see the disappointment in his eyes.
  I look away from his stare and redirect my gaze to the secretary.
  "Where am I supposed to go after school?" I ask.
  "Wait." She types something into her computer "go to the detention room"
  I nod my response and quietly walk out of the room, shoving my hands into my pockets.
You do realize that the golden boy is following you, right?
  I groan, turning around so I can face him.
  "What do you want? I have to get to class."
  He looks me straight (can he do anything straight?) in the eyes and asks.
"Are you really in the office every day Baby brother?"
  I cross my arms, and glare at him.
  "What's it matter to you?" I question.
  He takes a step towards me.
  "You're my brother, I love you" he says.
  I laugh, and start to walk away.
  "Save it for someone who cares
I slowly but surely walked out the front doors of the learning facility called Phoenix Drop High.
  I had barely gotten five feet away from the entrance before I heard someone call.
  Who's here at this time of day?
  Probably another badass who had detention.
I turn my head a little to the right. Indicating that I could hear them.
"You're Garroth's brother right?"
I growl and start to walk again.
"EXCUSE ME! I'm still talking to you!" They say as they grab my right forearm. I wince a bit, the memories of pain from last night returning.
"And I care for what reason?" I ask the person behind me.
They step in front of me, not letting go of my arm mind you. It's a girl with candy red hair, turquoise eyes, and very pale skin. Not as pale as mine, but still pretty pale.
  "You care because I'm going to be your future sister-in-law!" She states in a whiny voice.
  Ten seconds in and I already hate this kid.
"Really? Is that a fact? Mind telling me how you're going to be my 'future sister-in-law?" I ask her, faking my interest.
"I'm marrying Gar Gar! He just doesn't know it yet!" She says.
  Oh God. She's one of those girls
"Can I please have my arm back?" I question, knowing that my cuts can open up at any moment and give me away.
She rips her arm back and wipes her hand on the front of her blue skirt.
  I wonder if there's blood on her hand?!
"Fine,there! Are you happy now?" She asks me rather impatiently.
  That was a close one.
"Haha.. happy? Yeah....sure" I reply rolling my eyes.
She looks confused at my reaction, but doesn't question it.
"Why do you need to talk to me?" I ask. Mindlessly readjusting the straps of my bag.
"Oh yeah! That!" She says.
"Yeah. That. Please start talking so I can leave"
"Rude! My Gar Gar won't like how you're treating me!"
"Is that a fact?" I ask her. Rolling my eyes once more.
"Can you stop saying that! It's really annoying!" She yells. Stomping a foot while doing so.
  Your fucking voice is annoying but that doesn't mean that I'll tell you to stop talking.
  You should! It would do us all a favour.
"Anyways the reason I stopped you is because I borrowed Gar Gar's phone and I wasn't able to give it back to him!" She says, boredly inspecting her nails.
"Why are you bugging me about it!?" I ask.
But I have to admit... It's nice to be noticed for once.
"Well, don't you like. LIVE with him?" I nod my response. Not really wanting to talk.
"I want you to return it to him!" She announces while holding out a Samsung galaxy S8 in a blue case towards me.
"Why can't you do that by yourself?!" I ask in a complaining manor.
"Because I'm a lady! And what I say goes!" She says matter-of-factly.
"Fine. Whatever." I reply grabbing the phone from her hand.
"That's a good boy! Well, I have to go! C'ya LOSER!" She says as she walks away from me. Purposely bumping into me.
I just stood there.
You're just a loser.
A freak.
A waste of space.
A fucking disappointment.
And in your brothers shadow.
I walked home with my head down to hide my tears.
——————TiMe SkIp because walking home isn't important—————————
  When I got home the first thing I did was lock myself in my room, like most days.
  Then I took off my uniform, changing into something more comfortable. Today that was a pair of black and grey pajama bottoms and a short sleeved black shirt.
  I look at my pants, realizing that there's a small hole just above my right knee. I start to pick at it, making the hole bigger.
  Then I stop.
  I stare at my arm.
  Red lines going every which way. Some are big and some are small. Some are deep and some healed in a week. Some are old... But most are new.
  What happened?
  I think to myself as I brush my fingers over my right forearm.
  I used to be so... happy.
  And it's true.
  As a child I was always playing with my brothers, I never talked back to my father, I never said anything rude to anyone...
  Why am I like this?
  I don't know the answer to that. One day I just woke up and I realized that they aren't my friends. They're Garroth's.
  What if I were more like my brothers?
  People would like me.
  I wouldn't be ignored.
  I wouldn't be "Garroth's brother". Because I'd be me. I'd be Zane.
  What if mom found out?
  My eyes widened at this one.
  Oh, God... what if mom found out?!
  How would she see me?
  Would she care?
  Of course she'd care... she loves you...right?
  But... What if she doesn't?
  I start to cry as these questions go through my head.
What if she hates you?
  She's definitely pretending!
  Why would she love someone like you!
  What if you'll never change?
  What if you're always going to be Garroth's invisible brother?
  "You're Garroth's brother right?"
  "I expected more from Garroth's brother"
  "Oh look. It's Garroth's brother"
  "Sh-shut up." I whisper to no one.
  "It's just Garroth's brother. He's nothing special"
  "Shut-shut up!" I say clutching my head.
"Loser!" "Pathetic!" "Stupid!"
  "Please shut up..."
"Freak!" "Cyclops!" "Fat!"
"Loner!" "Emo!" "Cunt!"
  I scream in outrage and punch a hole through my door.
  "ZU ZU! ARE YOU OKAY?!? I'M COMING UP!" I hear my mother call from downstairs.
  I run to the other side of the room, grab my hoodie, and put it on before mom gets up here.
  I then run back to the door to sit beside it as if I had always been there.
  "Zu zu?" I hear my mother say from the other side of my wrecked door.
  "Yes" I answer quietly.
  "Are you okay?"
  I just punched a fucking hole through my door what do you think?
  "Y-yeah... you don't need to worry about me..."
...because no one does
————————————————————————————-TiMe SkIp brought to you by the fact that I couldn't think of anything to write——————————
  I heard someone knock on my door.
  "Who is it. And what do you want?" I ask.
  "It's Vylad! and mom told me to get you! It's time to eat!" I hear his voice answer.
  You don't need food!
  You're fat enough already!
  "..... I'm not hungry. Tell mom I'll eat later."
  You're lying and we both know it.
  " Zane... you haven't eaten in three days... Are you oka-" he starts but I cut him off.
  "I'm fine! Vylad. Go downstairs and tell mom that I'll eat later."
  "Zane..... I'm worried about you... are you sure that-"
  "VYLAD WHATS SO FUCKING HARD TO UNDERSTAND?!? GO AND TELL MOM I'LL EAT LATER! NOW FUCK OFF!" I scream at him. Almost positive that the entire neighbourhood could hear me.
  I heard him whimper then I hear his footsteps fade away.
  He's scared of you.
  This is why everyone loves Garroth more than you.
  I think to myself as I grab the little black box that I hide under a loose floorboard underneath my desk.
  After I have retrieved the object of my desire I walk back to my bed and sit down.
  I slowly run my thumb over the lock. I then grab the key that I hide inside my pillowcase and unlock the box
  On the inside of my little black box are all my necessities.
  Three rolls of gauze, two safety pins, three blades, two thumb tacks, and a box cutter.
  I dump out everything in the box onto my bed.
  I grab a roll of gauze and put it beside me for when my "therapy session" is done.
  This will be poorly explained... just so you know.
  The first thing I grab is the box cutter
Tonight we're starting off easy.
  I think to myself as I press the blade and slide it across my forearm diagonally. Wincing a bit as blood starts to pour out.
  I deserve this.
  I put the box cutter back in the box and grabbed one of my blades.
  I look for another patch of skin that doesn't have any damage done to it. Once I find it, I put the blade on my arm, apply pressure, and drag it across my arm.
Why didn't the skin break?
  The blade is dull, dumbass!
  I start to move the blade over the cut, every time I do it gets deeper. The skin puffs around the opening, and the skin starts to turn pink.
  After a while I realize that it wasn't going to work.
  I reach into the box and grab a safety pin.
  I laugh to myself.
What's so funny?
  I'm about to hurt myself with a SAFETY pin!
  I open the pin and bend it upward a bit so it can go across my skin easier. (Believe it or not, safety pins cut through skin easily and heal within a week)
Then I pick a spot by my wrist and start to drag it up and down.
  You're pathetic
  I flinch, hearing the skin rip, and feeling the pin get stuck in my skin as I make it go faster. Opening the cut more and making blood run down faster.
  During this time I realized something.
  No one can fix me... I'll always be Garroth's invisible brother.
A few tears escape my eyes as I close the safety pin and put it back into my box.
Then I grab a roll of gauze and wrap my arm up as good as I can.
After that's finished I lock the box, hide the box, hide the key, then I cry myself to sleep.
Eventually escaping from reality and disappearing into a my own personal Hell...
————How Vylad's night went———
"VYLAD WHATS SO FUCKING HARD TO UNDERSTAND?!? GO AND TELL MOM I'LL EAT LATER! NOW FUCK OFF!" I ran away at the sound of his voice. HIS VOICE! I often find myself wishing that he'd change. When we were children we were inseparable! Well, that may not be completely true but, he was never like this.
  I don't even remember when this happened. I wish I had picked up on the signs. Maybe if I had... I'd have my older brother back. He wasn't the nicest when we were kids but... Anything's better than this monster in his place.
  When I reached the bottom of the steps the first thing I noticed was the worried stare of my older brother, Garroth. His cerulean eyes met my green ones.
Are you okay?
  They seemed to ask.
  I hesitantly nodded. Hoping that no one would call me out on it.
  "Is he okay Vylad?" I hear my mother ask. Her eyes full of hope.
  "He-um..." I hate lying to my mother but she needs to be happy. "Yes. He's okay. He's perfectly fine. He's just-um- not hungry? He said he'll eat later." I say avoiding eye contact.
  Her gaze faltered a bit, it looked like she was battling herself. She never wants us to see her anything but happy, I don't know why. Maybe she just doesn't want us to turn out like Zane... Her mask emerged victorious and she smiled at me from the table.
  "That's good. Now come here and eat. Your food is getting cold." She announces cheerfully, smiling that smile of hers in the process.
  I can't help but smile myself at the sight. What can I say? My mother's smile is contagious as always.
  "I'm coming mother." I approach the table, happily taking a seat beside my big brother. He studies me, Garroth is always able to tell when I'm lying. I'm honestly surprised that he's the only person aside from Zane that can. I am a terrible liar.
  After a short period of him looking at me, he decides that I was telling the truth, and starts to push his food around his plate.
If I wasn't at the table I would've laughed. This is the first time in history that he hasn't been able to detect a lie... He is literally a human lie detector!
  I look at the plate in front of me. There's mashed potatoes
Aphmau... she loves mashed potatoes.
Laurance burned his hand once when he tried making gravy.
When we were young, a decapitated  chicken chased me and Garroth around while he laughed.
  I shivered at the memory a bit. I had nightmares for weeks after that.
Zane eats them as much as he can. Ever since Garroth threw his disguised rock at Zane's eye, he had taken to eating carrots every chance he got. Trying desperately to return vision to his right eye.
  I push my food around my plate. Suddenly losing my appetite after the memories of him...
  "So..." my mother starts. Suddenly deciding that it was too quiet for her liking. "How was school, Vylad?"
  "School was good. We had a test in math. I'm pretty sure I aced it though!" I reply, brightening when I realized that my studying would probably pay off.
  "Really? That's good! I'm so happy about how well you've been adjusting at Phoenix Drop!" She states, smiling at me.
  I smile back.
  "Garroth? How was school on your behalf?"
  He looks at his plate, expression darkening a little.
  "Just peachy. I learned some very...Interesting information after having to go to the office for reasons that I do not wish to enlighten you on just yet."
This grabbed my attention. 'I wonder what happened.....'
"What happened?" My mother questioned. Curiosity laced into her words.
He looked up, making sure that the both of us were listening.
"...I found out that Za-" His voice is cut off by the front door opening. Garte tiredly walked into the front room.
Mother looks at Garroth, urging him to continue with his story.
He looks at her, and signs 'later' to her.
'Must be important if he can't tell us in front of dad...'
Mother looks up to see her husband, she rises from her seat and kisses him on the cheek. He responded by blushing at her sheepishly.
  I almost smile at the sight. My father blushing, all because of my mother.
  It was a wonder how Zianna had tamed the heart of the all-mighty Garte Ro'meave. From what we've heard, he used to be quite the man-whore in his days... MOM'S WORDS NOT MINE!
  "How was your day, father?" I ask. I know that Garte isn't my biological father but... He is always there for me. When we were young, he would take Zane inside to talk with him when he was caught bullying me. After that happened, Zane was nicer to me. I don't know what happened, but I do know that Garte has a lot of talks with Zane these days. Usually when no one else is here.
  "My day was okay. It was pretty tiring but I'll live." He reply's before shoving mashed potatoes into his mouth.
  I nod.
  The rest of supper was spent in silence.
  I was the first to finish.
  I stood up and put my plate in the sink, making sure that it wouldn't break. I then retreated up the stairs. When I was passing his door I heard a sound. It sounded like crying. I creep towards the door and put my ear by the hole located by the bottom left corner. The sound stopped instantly...
Maybe I had just imagined it. It was very faint.
'It was probably just my imagination... why would Zane be crying? He has no reason... His life is perfect from what I can see...'
"What are you doing?" Garroth's voice whispers to me. I turn around and sign
"Don't worry, it was just my imagination."
Which in reality was just "not worry it was just my imagine"
He gently grabs my arm and points to my door.
I nod and lead him there. Once we entered he started to integrate me.
"Why did you lie at dinner?"
"I..... He said that he would eat later." I answer, knowing that wasn't what he meant.
He glares at me.
"We both know that was not what I asking. What happened when we sent you to get him?"
I look at the ground
"You know what happened... I tried to convince him to come eat with us. He said no. I pushed him on it because I've noticed that he hasn't been eating these past few days. Then he snapped at me. I don't know if he was okay. I never asked, but I could tell that he wasn't."
"Then why did you lie to mom?"
"She already goes through so much to keep us happy... I couldn't bring myself to crush her happiness... I just couldn't."
"Now, What exactly did you hear inside of Zane's room?"
"I didn't hear anything!" I snap looking him dead in the eyes.
He arch's his eyebrow, clearly not believing me.
"Stop lying to me. If you don't how'll I ever be able to trust you again?"
"...FUCKING- FINE! I..... I think I heard crying... It stopped soon after but I'm pretty sure it was crying..."
He looks at me tears welling up in his eyes.
I shouldn't have said that!
  After the 'snowball' incident Garroth has felt guilty. He robbed his younger brother of sight in one of his eyes all because of a little prank.
He was also really close to Zane when they were children. He probably blames himself for how Zane acts.
"ButI'mpositivethatIwasjustimaginingit!WhywouldZanebecryingDon'tworry!" I ramble. Surprisingly not stuttering once.
  Garroth just stood there. Slowly he nodded and exited my room. Almost knocking down a candle.
  I crossed the room and quietly shut my door.
  I then lit my candles and started to meditate.
————————TiMe SkIp Because no one wants to read about Vylad being the deep soul he is!—————————
(They're children in the dream just so you know)
  A knock on my door woke me from my dreamless sleep.
I rose from my warm bed and answered the door...
It was Zane.
To say I was surprised was an understatement. Why would he suddenly decide to wake me up in the middle of the night? I didn't know, but the situation sparked my interest.
"Hello little brother. What's up?" I ask him.
He looks down and quietly answers...
"I-I...um... I hhhad a-a nightmare..... and.. um.. and I wanted to kn-t-to know if......" Zane started to play with the bottom of his grey t-shirt.
I gently grabbed his hand and pulled him into my room, leading him to the bed.
He smiled at me, and signed a 'thank-you'. I ruffled his hair and said.
"No problem bud! Now let's get some sleep... Kay?"
He nods. Then he climbs under the sheets, deciding to sleep on the side closer to the wall.
  I climbed in after him and immediately felt him hug me. He looked into my eyes. His piercing blue standing out in the shadows.
  "Y-y....yoooou won't le-let the monst-monsters get....me rrright?" He manages to stutter out.
  I smile at him.
  "The monsters ain't brave enough to even try and get you while I'm here!"
  He giggles.
  'Good-night Garroth' he signs to me while yawning.
  "Night baby brother."
  I then hear a maniacal laugh.
  I look down to see Zane but his skin was grey, his eyes white, and his teeth sharp.
  "Your brothers gone" he whispers to me.
  Then, from all around the room all you can hear is 'your brothers gone' repeating over and over and over again. None in the same tone.
  I woke up in a sweat.
'Thank god it was a dream..'
  I get out of my bed and walk to the bathroom. Once there, I splash water onto my face.
  I look at myself in the mirror.
  My blonde hair every which way, my eyes rimmed with red from crying myself to sleep, and my skin as pale as Zane's.....
Zane... he was the reason we had to learn ASL. When he was a kid he had a horrible stutter. He couldn't speak half the time so, we decided that ASL would be the easiest way for him to communicate. It took a while to be able to fully understand it, but it was worth it in the end.
When Zane was ten he overcame his stutter, but we didn't find out until he screamed a string of curses after a kid in his class broke his right arm.
  In the end Zane wasn't the only one with a broken bone. Who knew that a pasty faced Emo kid could fight?
  I smiled at the memory of my old brother. After ten minutes of thinking of the past, I decided to fall back asleep. Not knowing what my little brother was going through, and definitely not knowing about what he was planning to do in just as little as a month...
————Zane's nightmare————
I sat in the corner of my room, hugging my knees to my chest.
I had really messed up this time. I was at my friend, Alcori's. We were in his backyard, behind a willow tree.
  We had been friends for years. I knew him better than anyone else. That's why I immediately sensed something wrong. He wasn't talking as much as he always did. Which  was concerning, considering he fact that he could talk for a hour straight without changing topic once.
  I have also noticed that he was looking at me differently. His cheeks would often get a slight red tint to them.
  His voice changed too. It sounded smoother. Almost like he was trying to impress someone.
  As I said before, we were behind "our" willow tree when the strangest thing happened.
  "Zane?" I heard him ask.
  "Mmm?" I reply, not looking up from the ant that was scurrying on the tree roots.
  "C-can you um... look at me. Please?"
  Alcori stuttering? This was new. Alcori was never known to stutter. Or to stumble with his words. He always said what was on his mind. That was part of the reason I had asked to be his friend.
I look at him, his silver eyes looking into my blue ones.
  "A-arre you. O-okay Al-alco-alcori?" I manage to stutter out. I hate my stutter. It made me sound weak or scared. Well, I'm not weak and I'm never scared!
  He looks at his hands. Playing with them a little before answering.
  "I like you Zane. Do you know that?" He asks, looking at me again.
  I smile. "I-I like you t-too Alc-Alcor-ri! You-you're my b-b-best frrriend." I state.
  He moves a little closer to me, planting his hand on mine. I blush a little at the sudden contact.
  "No Zane... I... I... I like you... More than a friend. More than a best-friend... I love you." He finishes. Hand still on mine.
  I look into his eyes once more, searching for a sign of a lie. Yet, all I found was sincerity.
  I blush once more.
  "I... I love you... t-too." I didn't know if I did love him. Hell, I barely knew what love is, but Alcori was always there for me, and he always stood up for me. If I did love him I wouldn't be surprised...
  He put his right hand under my chin, his left still on top of my own. He moves his head a little closer to mine.
  "Is this okay?" He murmurs. I hesitantly nod. My heart beat pounding in my ears.
  He slowly inches closer. His lips about an inch away from mine. I could feel his breath on my face, it smelled like peppermint.
  I look into his eyes, urging him on.
  Then... It happens.
  I feel the warm sensation of his lips against mine. It was almost as if the rest of the world had slipped away. All that mattered was this. All that mattered... Was us.
  I remove my hand from his, running it through his platinum blonde locks. (I think i described Draco Malfoy by accident... Woops!) Enjoying every minute of it.
  He repositioned his hands. Wrapping them around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
  I was happy.
  I had Alcori
  That's all that mattered...
  Then, I felt strong arms rip me from my best friend's arms.
  I turn around only to be met by the murderous glare that belonged to Garte Ro'meave. He pulled his hand back and slapped me with such a force that it made me fall back a foot or two. I instantly put a hand up to my now burning cheek, blinking back the tears.
  My father took a step foreword. If looks could kill. I'd be dead before you could say "Emo"
  I heard Alcori shout. I looked to the direction of where the voice originated to see him with tears streaming down his face.
  "HEY HEY HEY! What's going on here!" Alcori's mother, Atrona yells from across the yard.
  As soon as her eyes fall onto the scene before her she rushes to her son wrapping him into a bone crushing hug.
  She glares at Garte.
  "WHAT. HAPPENED?" She asks him.
  "YOUR FUCKING SON JUST TURNED MY BOY INTO A FAG! THATS WHAT HAPPENED!" He screams at her, face red from rage.
  Needless to say... He was not happy when we got home.
  I hadn't taken two steps through the door before I felt a fist connect with my stomach.
  I doubled over in pain, almost letting a sob escape from my mouth.
  He then grabbed me by the hair, forcing me to look at me.
  I didn't answer. I COULDN'T! It was almost like my throat had closed off, I couldn't get a sound out, I could barely breath.
  He pulls my hair up, lifting me off the ground before he drops me again.
  "WHAT WERE YOU FUCKING DOING?!?" He asks again.
  I start to silently cry.
  "DON'T CRY YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He demands slapping me across the face once more.
  'Alcori kissed me... And I kissed back.' I sign to him.
  He looks absolutely outraged.
  He starts to twitch a bit. It was times like this where I completely feared my father.
  I stood up and did the only thing I could do at this point.
  I ran.
  I ran up the stairs and to my room. Shutting and locking the door in the process.
  I run to the corner farthest from my door and I sit in front of it. Pulling my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them.
  "ZANE!" I hear him call from the other side of the door. I don't respond.
  "Zane. I know you're in there. Please come out." He asks, trying to sound as nice as he could. It was fake though. I could tell by how his voice was. It was a little shaky and deep. That's how people sound when they're mad.
My breathing started to accelerate, I have never been this afraid in my life.
He starts to ram the door with his shoulder. Breaking it down eventually.
He walks into the room.
He sees me.
"Zane~" he purrs.
I start to shake.
He walks towards me, his feet thundering with each step he takes
I squeeze my eyes shut.
Doesn't he see what he's doing? I ask myself
Of course he does! I hear a voice say.
He wants you to die! The voice continues.
Who doesn't? I don't think I like the voice
You're you! He finishes while laughing.
  Garte then grabs my ankles and drags me away from the protection of my room.
I scream. My hands searching for anything to grasp onto.
He lets go of my ankles. I try to crawl away, but he just picks me up by the waist instead. Carrying me to his room. I try desperately to get out of his grasp. I punch, I kick, I try to scratch him. Nothing works. Nothing affects him.
Why would it?
You're weak!
This is all your fault! The voice reminds me.
  He opens the door to his room, and throws me inside. I land on the floor with a barely audible thud.
He slams his door close, locking it in the process.
He turns around and smiles at me.    He takes a slow step towards me. I push myself backwards until my back is pressed against the grey walls.
He slowly walks towards me.
What will he do?
Doesn't matter! You deserve it. The voice taunts.
  He grabs me by the arm and pushes me onto his bed.
Holding me down as he starts to undo his belt....
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I wake up in a sweat. Biting down on my hand so I don't scream. I have tears in my eyes...
I remember when that happened...
I was around nine.
I curl into a ball on my bed.
Why me?
What did I ever do?
You were born.
Your parents never wanted you.
They had Garroth, why would want another kid when they already a perfect one?
I start to cry again.
I sat there for hours, crying until I had no more tears to cry.
When I finally decided to get up and do something it was 5:15AM.
I got out of my bed, going to my closet to retrieve my uniform. Once I had it I started to search for my black towel and my first aid kit.
  I quickly walk to the bathroom, opening the door and flipping the switch. I place my stuff on the counter, making sure that it doesn't make any noise.
  I turn around and close the door, locking it shortly after.
  I remove the bandages from my arm. Eyes lingering on the new scabs, some of them bleeding lightly. I then take off my shirt looking at my face and chest. A collection of healed injuries on my chest. My gaze shift to my face. I bring up my uninjured hand and I brush my fingers over the scar that runs from the right corner of my mouth, to my earlobe.
  I still remember how I had gotten this one.
  It was about a month after Alcori kissed me. I was the only one at home. Dad came home drunk, he stumbled into the family room and caught me talking to Alcori on the phone... He then raised his bottle over his head and brought it down on the right side of my face. Blood was everywhere. He didn't take me to the hospital. I had to quickly learn how to patch my own wounds, and from that day on I had taken to wearing face masks. Praying that no one would spot my scar or try and take off my mask. Luckily no one ever questioned it. I guess I'm thankful for that. If people found out what dad does to me... They'd just bother me more, anything can be used against you.
  I look away from the mirror, not wanting to look at my hideous reflection any longer. Instead I turn to the left and walk to the shower. Once there I slide the shower curtain to the right side of the tub so I can access the tap. I put my hand on the handle and I turn on the water, occasionally putting my hand underneath to check the temperature. Once I decide that the water is hot enough for my liking, I take off the rest of my clothes  and carefully step into the shower.
  I stood there for a while. Wishing that my problems would accompany the water and blood on their journey down the drain.   
  Sadly, that wasn't the case. My problems and thoughts were here to stay. If anything they were more noticeable now that there was no noise to drown them out.
  When I was finished I shut off the water and stepped out. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist, careful not to disturb the healing cuts on my hips.
  When I was dry enough to actually get dressed, I pulled on my boxers then my pants.
  I grabbed the familiar white box and opened it, immediately grabbing a bottle of ointment.
  Once it is in my grasp I open it and gently rub it over my cuts. It feels weird. Kind of cold.
  After I finish applying the ointment I skillfully wrap my forearm in gauze, making sure that it isn't too loose or too tight.
  When I have finished re-dressing my wounds I pull on my white shirt, shortly followed by my blue over coat. I'd put my tie on when I got to school.
  When I have finished everything that needed to be done (such as brushing my hair and teeth, and washing my face) I walk out the door. Making sure that my old bandage is hidden as well as possible.
  I walk back to my room, pausing to look at the hole in my door.
  I start to bit my bottom lip.
  I hope mom isn't mad... Or dad... If I can even call him that.
  I step into my room. Searching for my face mask, in the end I have to look under my bed
  If I had a dime for every time I've hidden under here...
  About five minutes later I emerge victorious. Mask clenched in my grasp.
  I sit up straight and put it on, sighing dreamily when the familiar fabric brushes against my skin.
  "Zane?" I whip around instantly only to see Vylad.
  "Why are you in my room?" I question. Trying not to scream at him to leave.
  His eyebrows raise when he realizes that I didn't yell at him, or try to hurt him.
"Why are you up so early? It's not even six yet."
   I just sat there and glared at him.
  "Why do you care?"
  He looks confused at my reply.
  "You're my brother-"
  "HALF brother"
  "To me your my full brother! And why does it matter if we don't have the same parents?" He asks raising his hand a little.
  "I-I.... um.... D-don't worry ab-about it!" I snap at him, blushing at my stutter.
He looks at me, concern present in his eyes.
"Are you okay Zane? You haven't stuttered since you were ten..." he asks, his voice suddenly softer.
"I-I'm fin-fine! Why d-does something have to be-to be wrong? Why?!" I ask him, trying to contain my anger.
He sits down beside me.
"Zane I didn't mean it like that..." he places his hand on my shoulder. I almost flinch at the unexpected contact.
I turn towards him.
"What did you mean than!?"
"I...Zane, I'm worried about you." He states. Looking at the ground. I shake a bit with rage.
That's the last fucking straw! I'm leaving.
I stand up, grab my bag, hurry down the stairs and open the front door.
"Zane wait!" I hear Vylad call from the top of the stairs.
I turn my head to look at him.
"Please don't do this Zane... Please." He begs me. Tears in his eyes.
I laugh coldly.
"Begging again? REAL Ro'meave's don't beg." I snap. Saying the same words that my father has said to me a million times before.
  He looks at me, eyes wide, tears making his eyes shine.
  I smirked at his reaction. After a while I realize that he is once again scared of me. My smirk falters a bit. I turn so he doesn't see.
After that encounter I take a deep breath, and take a cautious step out the door, walking to the left. I didn't know where I was going, and I didn't care. Why would I? Maybe if I'm lucky I'll run into Gene and his pathetic excuse of a gang. It's always fun to irritate them. Most of the time I end up with a black eye, or a busted lip.
  I like it when that happens.
  It means that I'm a step closer to the sweet release of death.
  Maybe today marks the end of Zane Ro'meave...
  No, it's too early. Just one more month. Just wait one more month...
—————Garroth's POV—————
I woke up to a soft knock on my door.
Opening my eyes a bit I reach for my phone only to realize that it isn't there.
"Fuck" I mutter under my breath.
I bet that bitch Ivy took it!
I slowly get up and start to walk to my door. I open it and see my youngest brother with tears in his eyes. He immediately hugs me, soaking my striped shirt with his tears. I hug him back, waiting for him to tell me what's wrong.
It took awhile for him to calm down, once he did he whispered one word.
"Zane...." his voice was so... Small.
What happened now?
I gently grab him by the arm and set him on my bed. I then quietly shut my door and walk over to him.
I kneel in front of him, my hands rubbing his shoulders. He looks into my eyes and a stray tear rolls down his cheek. I wipe it away with my thumb.
"What happened?" I quietly ask, speaking softly so I don't scare him.
He sniffles.
"I messed up again, Garroth..." he says, his eyebrows creased, his breath shaky.
  I look him in the eyes and I whisper a few reassuring words to him. Desperately trying to get him to tell me the entire story.
  He takes a few deep breaths, slowly calming himself down.
"I... We were in his... Room. And... We were talking... Like normal siblings, no one was shouting... I was, and still am, worried about him, after that noise I had heard last night, I've been on edge. Anyways I went to talk to him and..." he looks down at his hands. "He was stuttering again, I didn't know what to make of it." He puts one of his hands under his chin, his elbow resting on his knee. "I guess I was scared... He'd never show any form of weakness... I asked him what was wrong."
Of course you did... We all know that deep down you love him.
  "He snapped at me... It was like losing him all over again. I tried to keep him here but" his voice starts to waver again. He puts his hands over his face. "He left ag-again!"
  His lip shakes and a tear rolls down his cheek, he starts to shake and he once again starts to cry. I wrap my tanned arms around him, pulling him towards me.
  "Shhhh... It wasn't your fault... You know how he's like. He'll be calm at school. Maybe..." I take his hands away from his face. Looking him in the eyes, smiling a little. "You can talk to him there! He wouldn't try anything if there were witnesses!"
  He looks down, weighing the options.
  He meets my eyes again, obviously determined.
  "You're right!" He stands up and rushed out my door.
I smile to myself.
I laugh as I remember a really stupid video about that.
  I stand up, and throw myself onto my bed. Hoping that I can fall back asleep.
  I kept on tossing and turning.
Fuck this! I'm up.
  I get out of bed for the second time this morning, grabbing my uniform and light blue towel. Heading to the bathroom.
  I open the door and step inside.
  I yank my shirt off, admiring my muscular chest in the mirror, then I admired the secret tattoo I had gotten about a month ago.
  It's a dark blue dragon with green eyes. It's on my left hip.
Mom would fucking kill me if she knew about this... Who fucking cares? You can't change the past.
  After that thought I turn on the water and start to wash myself.
  Not noticing the little drop of blood on the dark tile floor.
———-Back to Zane's POV———-
  "Well, well, well. Look at what we have here~" The man who has me pinned to a wall says.
  I look to the right of me, avoiding his gaze.
  "Can you let me go?" I ask. Trying to sound as intimidating as possible.
  He laughs.
  "Let you go? No, I'm afraid I can't do that..." he says, leaning his forehead against mine. His purple hair mixing with my black.
  He leans towards my ear
  "You see, I'm hungry... And you look delicious~" he purrs to me.
  I shudder.
  Why does this always happen to me?
  Because you're too fucking weak to fight back!
  He bites my earlobe lightly and then he pulls my mask down with his teeth before drawing back. He looks me in the eyes. Well, eye in my case.
  He leans in and tries to kiss me.
  Key word:TRIES
  I bite his lip hard before he gets the chance. He releases his grip on my wrists a bit. Seeing my chance, I knee him in the stomach, grab my bag, and run out of the alleyway.
"You bastard!" He calls from behind me.
I keep on running, fixing my mask in the process. People may say that I can't run, but in reality I'm quite the speeder.
  I ran, and ran, and ran. I wasn't going to stop until I got to school.
  I kept on running, people staring at me, wondering what happened.
I closed my eyes. Not really liking all the sudden attention.
Next thing I knew I was on the ground. Pain rushing through my being. Especially in my left leg.
  It's probably nothing!
"Sh-shit" I whisper.
I slowly open my eyes, glancing around warily, terrified that he caught up to me.
  "Hey! Fucking watch it!" I hear a deep voice snarl at me.
  I look at where the voice is, it's a man. Around 6'1, greasy black hair, obsidian eyes, pale skin, long hooked nose, and he was wearing a pair of black trousers, and a white shirt.
  "S-sor-sorry, sir..." I mumble. Turning my gaze to the ground.
  "Do I know you from somewhere?" He questions, voice cold and lifeless.
I look at him. His eyes narrow.
"No. I am positive that you don't." I snap at him. Spitting every word with poison. I can see him shudder a bit before he stands up and starts to leave.
A very faint "He'd make a good Slytherin..."could be heard of your ears were good enough.
  I narrow my eyes, obviously confused.
  What the fuck does "Slytherin" mean?
   I'm guessing that you don't read a lot.
   I just shrug my shoulders, and get up.
  I look around and grab my bag, slinging it over my shoulder.
  After that I slowly start to limp in the direction of my school.
—————School!... yay?...—————-
I limped through the halls of Phoenix Drop High. Turns out, my leg was worse than I had originally thought. At least I have an excuse to not participate in gym.
I smile to myself at the thought.
  You do realize that they'll find out eventually.
Of course I do... I'd just rather they not find out now.
What will you do when they DO find out? People are starting to get suspicious...
I snort, "bullshit" I say rather loudly. That doesn't really matter though, the school is basically deserted at the moment. That's a good thing in my eyes...
Well, I like the school when there's not to many people in it. It's calming to know that you can't be bothered by anyone else but yourself.
And the voices in your head.
Yeah you fucking cunt, you couldn't have forgotten us already.
I let out a sigh.
I hate it when this happens. They never shut up. Breaking me day by day, piece by piece. Eventually I will just be a shadow that roams this world. I guess I'm fine with that.
I've excepted my fate. I've come up with a plan... A plan that will play out in about a month.
I step into the classroom, walking towards my usual seat in the back left corner. I like sitting there. It allows me to observe everyone else.
I slowly sit down, making sure that I don't cause myself anymore discomfort.
  When I am safely in my seat, I roll up my pants leg immediately spotting blood.
"Fucking Hell." I whisper under my breath.
  I slowly reach for my bag, praying that no blood gets onto the floor.
As soon as it's in my grasp, I pull it towards me. Opening it soon after.
I pull out my first aid kit and I wrap up my leg.
When I've finished that, I pull my pants leg back down, oblivious to the blood that had now stained the material.
I look at the clock
What the fuck am I supposed to do?
That's up to you!
You don't have any ideas?
No! Why would I? You're the dumbass that decided to come to school TWO FUCKING HOURS EARLY!
I growl. My hand turning into a fist.
Awe! Is little Zu Zu getting angry?
  Really? Too fucking scared to say something? No wonder why everyone hates you! You're just a pathetic, stupid, cutting son of a bitch that no one fucking likes! Your own FUCKING FATHER hates you!
  "Fuck off..." I whisper
Hmm? Did you say something?
  "I fucking told you. To FUCK OFF." I say, voice louder than earlier.
Why should I?
  "I swear to God... I will fucking kill you one day!" I shout. Slamming my hands on the table in front of me.
  I waited for a smartass comment... But it never came.
  I smile cockily.
  Finally that bastards gone!
  I learn forward, and rest my elbows on the table, putting my head in my hands.
  I sat there, thinking of everything that has happened within the last hour.
First, I ruin my chance with Vylad, then I almost get raped in a fucking alley, I hurt my leg, and I've finally gotten this fucking voice to shut up. Definitely one of my better days if I'm being honest.
  I slowly take my head out of my hands, and put my arms on the table instead.
  After a while, I start to impatiently tap my fingers on the hard surface. Eventually making a tune that is obviously "Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance.
  When I have finished my little music session. I put my head in my arms. Suddenly very tired. I eventually fell asleep. Slipping away to another nightmare.
  I woke up from someone shaking me.
  I slowly lifted my head, and met the gaze of a certain green eyed brunette who was crying the last time I saw him.
  "What do you want, Vylad?" I ask him rather impatiently.
  He looks uneasily at the ground.
  "Well?" I ask. Getting annoyed.
  He looks me in the eye and he raises his hands in front of him. He very quickly signed
  'are you okay?' I scowl and sign my reply.
  'Why wouldn't I be?'
He shrugs his shoulders, frowning slightly.
  'I was just worried... especially with how you had reacted earlier.'
  "Can you just fucking drop it?" I ask him, my voice dangerously low.
  He takes a step back. His face paling considerably.
  I look down at my desk.
  You've fucking done it again.
  This is why no one likes you.
  Your little brother is scared of you.
  He probably hates you.
  "Zane, I-"
  "You fucking what?"
  "I'm sorry."
  "Real Ro'meaves don't apologize."
  "What's your fucking problem!?" Garroth cuts in.
  I look at him, I hadn't noticed him walk into the room. I look around the room finding out that everyone is here. I've also realized that everyone was watching us with great interest. I look down, trying to hide behind my hair.
  He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him.
  "Zane. You didn't answer me... what's your fucking problem!?"
  "I-I.... um...." I look at the ground, a blush creeping onto my face because of my stutter.
I didn't reply. I just glared at the ground, clenching my jaw and tightening my hands into fists.
"Huh... Guess you aren't as tough as you make yourself out to be Cyclops." I hear Laurence's voice call out from the other side of the room...
I woke up gasping for breath.
  I fucking hate that dream!
I look at the clock
People will arrive soon.
No shit Sherlock
I roll my eyes.
That's just what I needed! You to come back and ruin my fucking life!
  I sat there, cursing the voice in my head for simply existing.
  You do realize that kids do the exact same thing to you?
  Fuck off!
  Okay, okay! Stop being such a bitch!
  I close my eyes and count to ten, desperately trying to calm down.
  The door opens.
  My eyes snap open and I glare at whoever walked in.
  It was that one asshole with the white hair and green eyes.
  Me and him made eye contact before he spoke.
  "What're you looking at Ro'meave?"
  "What do you fucking think Valkrum?" I snap at him.
  He fucking laughs.
  "Anyone ever tell you that you look sexy when you're mad?"
  I flip him off. "Fuck you!"
  "Maybe later~" he winks at me.
  By now, my face is red from rage, and my blue eyes narrowed and filled with hate at the White haired Asshole.
  He chuckles and makes his way towards me, sitting on top of my desk.
  "Get. Off. Now" I say, a murderous look on my face.
He leans forward and puts a hand on my cheek. Pulling my mask down a little.
"We both know you don't want that..." he leans in closer, pulls my mask down a bit more, he closes his eyes...
In a split second he's on the ground, both hands covering his nose, blood running down his face. I hear footsteps approaching the doorway. I fix my mask.
"Holy shit!" Dante's concerned yell is heard over Travis' moans of pain.
Dante runs to my desk to help his injured friend.
"Travis!" Now you can hear Aphmau's voice.
"....Zane?" There it is... I look up and see the wide eyes of my half-brother.
While looking at Vylad I never noticed the fist that was heading in my direction.
I fell out of my seat, putting a hand onto my jaw.
I then felt a pare of hands pick me up by the collar and slam me into the wall.
"What did you do to my fucking friend you Emo prick?" Dante snarled at me.
"What he fucking deserved you cocksucker." I snap, staring him right in the eyes.
"What did you just fucking call me?"
I smirk from behind my mask.
"You heard me."
He glares at me and slams me to the ground, straddles me, and then he wraps his strong hands around my neck, squeezing ever so slightly.
Black spots were starting to appear in my vision. My lungs were screaming for oxygen, but I didn't care... Why would I? I fucking deserve this.
You're better off dead!
Just give in!
The world would be a better place without you in it!
"Get off my fucking brother!" I hear a very familiar voice call from the doorway, but nothing happens. If anything Dante tightened his grip.
"Get off!"
I immediately felt the hands release me, air soaring into my lungs. I bolted up into a sitting position and I started coughing. Trying desperately to steady my breathing. I felt a hand rub soothing circles on my back.
I started to calm down almost immediately. Did I know who was doing this? Fuck yeah! Did I care at the moment? No, not at all..
When I was able to, I opened my eyes. Immediately seeing the blue ones that belonged to Garroth.
He smiled just a bit.
"Are you okay?"
"I-" I started coughing again. My being shaking every time I did so.
I raise my hands and smoothly sign.
'I've been better.'
Garroth smiles, quickly turning into a frown afterwards.
'What exactly happened? Dante isn't known to attack people at random.' His eyes narrow.
I roll my eyes 'That bastard Travis was flirting with me so I set him straight.(can Travis do anything straight?) Dante got pissed and one thing lead to another and now I'm on the ground and unable to speak.'
He laughs.
  'You really got Travis good. I think you broke his nose!'
I quietly chuckle.
I then felt a great force push me over.
I pull my half-sibling in front of me and sign
'You really like asking me that, don't you?'
He looks down and blushes while Garroth laughs quietly.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?!?" I hear the enraged voice of the principal yell.
"ZANE ATTACKED TRAVIS!" Dante shouts, pointing a finger at me accusingly.
The principal glowers, eyes glancing frequently between me, Travis, Dante, Vylad, and of course Garroth.
"Boys, follow me!" He shouts as he starts to walk out the door.
Vylad and Garroth gracefully stand up while Dante helps Travis. I try to stand, but find that I'm not able to.
"Yo! Zane."
I look at Vylad.
"Do you need help?"
I look at the ground and nod.
  I fucking hate asking for help!
Well you wouldn't need to if you weren't such a weak piece of shit now would you?
Him and Garroth rush over and throw my arms around their shoulders as they help me slowly limp through the halls.
When we got to the office, Travis and Dante were already seated. Both glaring at me. I smile from behind my mask. The fabric pulling up just a bit.
"What are you fucking smiling at freak?"
I take my arms off of my brothers' shoulders before signing to them.
  'I find it quite amusing that you think your glares can hurt me in any way possible.'
They look at Zane, confused as to what they were just told.
"He finds it amusing that you think glares can hurt him." Garroth interprets.
The two boys glare at me again, but I honestly don't give a shit, so I throw my arms around my siblings again and they help me to a seat.
We all had to sit there for quite a while. Sitting in a comfortable silence.
The silence was broken when the secretary walked out of the office and beckoned me over.
I stood up as best as I could, and limped my way to her.
She frowned at my limp.
"What happened?"
  'Do you really want me to elaborate on that?'
She looked at me, obviously confused. I smile at her reaction, I've always loved watching how people do things. I feel like if I knew their body language and tones of voice I'd be able to understand them more. I was obviously right. I know exactly when someone has had a change in emotion, so I always know when I'm about to get into trouble, or get beat up. That's only if I've observed the person before.
  "Anyways... Mr. Jankens would like to speak to you now."
Garroth stands up and starts to walk towards me.
"Sit down Garroth." She orders.
"Mrs. Janna. I need to go with him. He can't exactly speak at the moment so I need to be his interpreter." He calmly explains to her.
  She looks at me suspiciously.
  'He speaks the truth.'
  She just stares at me, a blank look on her face.
  "Fine, you can go in with him!" She sighs, obviously admitting defeat.
  Garroth smiles at me, showing all of his perfect white teeth. I smile a bit from behind my mask. Mentally scolding myself afterwards.
What the fuck Zane?!? Get your shit together!
  You HATE Garroth!
  He's the reason no one loves you!
  He always steals the fucking spotlight!
  Now stop smiling, and learn your place!
  "Come in! Come in!" I hear Mr. Jankens call from inside his office.
  "Close the door once you enter!"
  Garroth obeys obediently, and quietly shuts the door.
  I limp to a chair and sit down. Glad to be putting less pressure on my leg.
  "Now, what exactly happened in class this morning?"
  "Now, what exactly happened in class this morning?" He asked, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.
  I look at Garroth. Waiting for him to begin, then it hits me.
  He doesn't know the entire story.
  I close my eyes and throw my head back. Accidentally showing a bit of my neck.
  My neck is littered with scars, I know that for a fact. I honestly can't remember how many times I had taken a knife to my throat. How many times I had decided that I couldn't take it anymore.
You should be dead right now
Why are you still alive?
You're worthless.
I put my hands over my eyes and I let out a long sigh. Unfortunately this attracts the attention of both Mr. Jankens and Garroth.
  I bolt upright and stare at Garroth. His eyes narrow.
  "W-what?" I ask him.
  "What's up? You seem annoyed."
Oh, you have no idea.
'It's nothing.' I quickly sign to him.
He sat there, looking at me. His cerulean eyes staring into my soul. I involuntarily shudder.
I swear to God this prick can read minds!
Even if he did, why the fuck would he want to read your mind?
He doesn't seem like the one to stare at nothing.
I clench my jaw, and fix my eyes on a spot just above the window right behind Mr. Jankens' bald head.
Calm down, Zane! Just, count to ten.
Ha! I don't even think he can count that high!
I'd be surprised if he can count to two!
I obviously can!
Really? Do you have proof?
If I wasn't able to count, do you think I'd be in highschool?
You parents are fucking loaded!
They probably just bribed the school!
There's no way you're smart enough to get into highschool by yourself!
I inhale deeply through my nose.
I will not lash out. I will not lash out. I will not lash out! I will not lashout! I willnotlashout! Iwillnotlashout!
————-GARROTH'S POV————-
  I glanced at Zane. His eyes had a glazed over look to them and they seemed to be fixed on an unseen spot behind Mr. Jankens' head.
  "Garroth. Can you please tell me what happened?" He asked, slightly tilting his head to the right. His glasses reflecting the light that originated from the lamp on his desk.
  I can feel the blood rushing to my face. I squirm a bit in my seat and I look at my lap. I had been praying that he wouldn't ask this question. The truth is that I don't know exactly what happened this morning besides what Zane had told me. Zane wasn't known for honesty.
I clear my throat before speaking.
"Well, I-um- I don't know exactly what happened, sir..." I inwardly cringe at how shaky my voice is at the moment.
"That doesn't matter boy! Tell me what you DO know! It's 8:51 in the goddamn morning and I don't want to spend more time than necessary on this problem!" He declares. His southern accent suddenly appearing.
"Yes, sir. Well, from what I've been told, Travis was making a move on my baby brother so he punched him. It was simply self defence from what I heard, sir. Then, Dante saw Travis on the floor and attacked my brother. When I walked into the room, he had his hands wrapped around my brother's neck..." I start to glare at the floor. I couldn't believe that one of my friends would ever do anything to cause a member of my family harm. Of course I know how they feel about Zane, they had hated him from day one... I just never thought that they'd attack him like this... "I told him to stop." I continue. "He tightened his grip, acting as if he hadn't heard me..." I clench my jaw, visibly shaking with anger. "I pushed him off of Zane, and Zane told me what happened-" My words cut through the air like a blade.
  "Wait, wait, wait! I thought that Zane was unable to speak?" Mr. Jankens interrupted.
  "Oh trust me, he is." I blink in shock, I hadn't expected him to say anything until I was finished speaking. I look up at him and I see his green eyes questioning me.
Why is he looking at me like that? Oh, I should probably answer.
  I blush in embarrassment. "We were simply conversing through sign language. Anyways, that's all that happened." I conclude.
—————-ZANE'S POV—————-
  Mr. Jankens stares at us, biting the inside of his cheek.
He doesn't believe us.
How can you tell?
Look at him! It's all in his eyes.
I call bullshit!
You aren't smart enough to know what a persons feeling!
"Are you two positive that that actually happened?" He questioned, leaning forward and tilting his head up.
I smirk for behind my mask.
  Told you!
"Excuse me?" Garroth said, his voice dangerously low and his muscles tense.
"With all do respect Mr. Ro'meave, Dante isn't one to attack people, and even I know how much of a player Travis is. There is no way in Hell that Travis would flirt with ZANE." He shouts, throwing his arms in the air.
Even the principal knows that you're an ugly piece of shit!
"He did!" Garroth argues, his voice shaking.
"Do you have any proof?" Mr. Jankens inquires, crossing his arms over his chest once more,
"The only proof we have are our words." Garroth answers. His voice growing clam.
"Exactly." Mr. Jankens smirks. Obviously believing that he has won the argument.
"But that also means that they don't have any proof either." Garroth continues, acting as if Mr. Jankens has never spoken.
His smirks falls from his face before his eyebrows knit together in confusion.
  "What makes you say that?"
"Zane is Zane for crying out loud! If he isn't able to find any proof than I highly doubt that Travis and Dante will." Garroth chuckles at the end of his statement.
'Zane is Zane'?
Mr. Jankens narrows his eyes.
"Yes, I suppose you're right." He looks to the right and leans back into his chair.
  The room was silent for a few more minutes. The only noise that could be heard was the steady breathing that came from the three of us.
  "Are we allowed to leave, sir?" Garroth questions. He was growing impatient. His knee was bouncing and his teeth were clenched.
The sudden noise made Mr. Jankens jump. This resulted in him falling out of his chair.
Garroth practically jumped over the desk to help Mr. Jankens. He waved Garroth away and slowly rose to his feet.
  "Yes, I suppose." He grumbles.
  "Send Vylad in when you leave. I want to talk to him."
  "Yes, sir. Are we allowed to attend class now?" Garroth questions. It was obvious that he didn't want to spend another minute in the same room as the principal.
  Mr. Jankens narrows his eyes, pondering on whether we should get to class or not.
  "Ah, what the Hell. Fine. I'll call you both back to the office when we've figured out the entire story." He answers.
  He probably just can't stand to look at you for another minute.
  Fuck off!
  Garroth nods his understanding before helping me out of my chair.
  "We'll see you later, sir."
  Mr. Jankens grunts.
  "Yeah, whatever."
We both walk out of the door to find Vylad and Dante in a very heated argument.
  "- THAT PRICK STARTED IT!" Dante's voice drifted towards us.
  "NO HE DIDN'T! IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY, TRAVIS WAS SEXUALLY ASSAULTING HIM, WHORESON!" Vylad counters, his voice higher than before. That usually happens when he's mad. His voice will rise, his left hand will shake, his right eye will drift ever so slightly to the left.
  "WHY YOU LITTLE!" We met the view of Dante walking towards Vylad with a slightly raised fist.
  "HEY! Break it up!" Garroth quickly interjects,pushing both boys away from each other. His right hand tightly holding on to Dante's tie.
  "What in Irene's name is going on?!" He shouts at them. Eyes looking at one boy, than the other.
  Dante grinds his teeth, trying to calm himself down so he can answer without snapping at his best friend.
  "Your brother was insulting Travis... I was trying to defend him." Dante looks up into Garroth's eyes.
  Everyone knew how close Dante and Travis were. Apparently, they were friends since they were babies. Travis had moved away from Dante when he was ten. They had just reunited here in sophomore year. You would've thought that after all this time apart they would've drifted. Surprisingly enough, their bond only thickened.
  "Is this true?" Garroth averts his gaze from Dante and instead looks at Vylad.
  Vylad looks at his feet.
  "Technically, yes." He answers.
  Garroth's gaze softens.
  "We'll talk later, but right now you need to go and talk to Mr. Jankens."
  Vylad nods and walks into the principal's office, lightly shutting the door behind him.
  "Dante, I'll talk to you after school. Meet me at the park. Okay?"
  "Yes, sir." Dante does a fake salute before smirking at Garroth.
  Garroth smiles before playfully punching Dante's arm.
  I quietly limp away from them, not wanting to ruin their precious moment.
That prick loves his friend more than he loves you.
  Why wouldn't he? I'm just a worthless piece of shit...
  That's right.
  I turn around and I see Garroth running to catch up to me.
  "Do you need any help to get to class?" He smiles at me. Showing off his perfect teeth.
  "No. It may be hard to believe but I'm strong enough to walk to a fucking classroom." I sneer at him, hoping he'll get the point and leave me alone.
  He puts his hands up in mock surrender.
  "No need to be hostile,bud. I was just offering help."
  "I don't want or need your help. I don't need anyone's help. Now go away." I snap at him, putting as much venom I can into my sentence.
  He sadly looks at me before turning around and walking towards his class.
  I let out a sigh of relief and I limp my way to my biology class.
Let's hope nothing else happens.
——————-Vylad's POV—————-
   I cautiously step into the office and softly shut the door, my eyes trained on the ground.
  Why am I so nervous? I know exactly what happened in the classroom.
  I stand there for quite a while until I gain enough courage to sneak a glance at Mr. Jankens. When it finally happens, I see Mr. Jankens sitting at his desk, his hands folded in front of him. Our eyes meet. I freeze in fear. In all my years of living I've never actually been to the office.
Me and Mr. Jankens hold an intense staring contest that goes on for around five minutes until Mr. Jankens breaks the silence.
  "Sit down Vylad." He orders me. I jump a bit at the unexpected noise, then I quickly make my way over to the chair that Garroth was sitting in several minutes prior. I carefully sit down, not wanting to give Mr. Jankens a reason to be mad. Mr. Jankens looks at me, his eyes bearing into my soul. I involuntarily shiver.
  Mr. Jankens smirks before speaking.
  "Son, are you aware of the events that took place at around..." He glances at his golden wrist watch before continuing. "8:34?"
  I quickly nod my response and I add.
  "Sir, Travis was sexually assaulting my older brother, Zane before I walked in along with Dante and Aphmau. Travis said that he'd meet us in class but he had forgotten his bag, so we grabbed it and went to give it to him. We walked in on Tavis holding his now bleeding nose, and Zane fixing his mask..."
  "Son, what exactly do you mean by 'sexually assault'?" He questions.
  I look down at my hands playing with my fingernails before replying.
  "Travis tried to kiss Zane..."
  Mr. Jankens smiles.
  "Son, are you sure that counts as sexual assault?" He questions.
  I look up and I cringe at his smile.
  "Y-yes sir."
  "Son, you sound awfully hesitant." He points out.
  Thanks for that, Captain Obvious.
  "Sir. I am positive that it was sexual assault!" I nearly shout.
  Mr. Jankens smiles at my outburst.
  "Son, the only thing that Travis did was show his affection for your brother, do you realize that?"
  I worry my bottom lip. Technically he isn't wrong. What exactly counts as sexual assault? As you can probably already tell, I have no idea what counts as sexual assault, but still Zane was taken advantage of in a way... That counts for something, right?
  Maybe I have it all wrong... I do have a bad habit of being over dramatic, maybe this was one of those times?
  I sat in the chair and got lost in my thoughts.
  Mr. Jankens could be right... After all, being affectionate never hurt anybody, but if that's the case... Why would Zane lash out? I may not know a lot about my brother, but I do know that he would never attack without good reason.
  While I was thinking, Mr. Jankens was growing impatient. I could just barely hear the impatient tapping of his shoes against the wooden floors. About ten minutes pass before Mr. Jankens breaks the silence.
  "Are you going to say anything, son? You've been awful quite these past few minutes."
  I jump in my seat. I hadn't expected Mr. Jankens to say anything. I feel the blood rushing to my face.
  "No, sir." I mutter. "Can I please leave? I have class..."
  "Of course you can leave. You do need to collect more knowledge if you're going to get to college." Mr. Jankens smiles.
  I gratefully stand up and walk to the door.
  "Son?" I hear him question. I politely look at him to show him that I am listening. "Can you please send in Dante? I need to ask him a few questions regarding the... Incident."
  I nod and calmly walk out of the room, shutting the door behind me. Once I hear the familiar 'click',I let out a shaky breath.
  That went better than I expected...
  I glance at the familiar blue-haired boy, who immediately tensed as soon as the door opened. I awkwardly glance at my feet before speaking.
  "You're wanted inside..."
  Dante quickly stands up and rushes into the office. Slamming the door behind him.
  I turn around and immediately spot Travis. He looked better than before, sure his nose was still red but at least it wasn't bleeding anymore. I couldn't tell if he was in pain, his face was completely void of emotion. The only thing I did notice was that his eyes seemed to be following me across the room.
  "Hi?" I ask. Travis nods his response, his eyes still trained on me.
  "Are you... Are you okay?" I awkwardly ask.
  Travis looks over to his right and lets  out a choked laugh.
  "I've been better..." His rasping voice responds. It sounded as if he had recently been crying. Of course, I couldn't blame him. I've been on the receiving end of Zane's punches long enough to know that it hurts like a bitch. No one ever expects that of course. People usually just assume that Zane is weak. It's no secret that he skips every gym class and that he's usually out of breath whenever he walks or runs.
  Just then, a thought occurs to me.
  "Why did you do it?" I blurt out.
  Travis' jaw clenches. Travis' jaw clenches. As if keeping himself from answering. I feel myself frown.
  "Can't you tell me, Trav?" Travis shakes his head.
  "I... I don't know... I really don't... know... Why I did it." He manages to say. I can see the tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
  I worry my bottom lip with my teeth. "Has it, has it ever happened before?" Travis closes his eyes tightly.   
  Something about this was bothering me... Travis was shutting his eyes as if he were wishing that everything would disappear by the time he opens them up. That wasn't what bothered me though... What was bothering me was the fact that Travis was choosing to stay quiet.
  I slightly frown.
  Has this happened before?
  I start to venture out the door before Travis stops me.
  "Vylad...Can you please tell Zane that I'm sorry? I don't want him to think less of me... I want him to know that he's safe with me...He already has so much going on." Travis says, his hand on my arm.
  Something about Travis' words put me on edge.
  What does he mean? What could possibly be happening in Zane's life that has Travis worried?
  I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm confused.
  "What exactly do you mean?" I ask Travis urgently.
  "I don't know..." Travis shoved his hands into his pockets. "He just seems so distant from everyone else. No one does that just because they feel like it."  
  Travis does have a point... I've also noticed how distant Zane is from the rest of us... The only time he ever speaks to any of us outside of school is when he's insulting us. I smile a bit at the memory of the time that Aphmau came over for supper.
  "Just tell him I'm sorry." Travis' voice brings me out of my trance. I glance around before making eye contact with him. Travis slowly walks back to his seat and sits down once more.
  "Don't worry, Trav... I will" I promise. Out of the corner of my eye, I see one of Travis' rare breathtaking smiles.
He must be really happy if he's smiling like that.
  I smile back at him before walking out of the room, and down the familiar hallways that take me to my English Literature class.
I hope that they sort out this problem soon.
—————-Dante's POV—————-
  I rush into the room, slamming the door behind me before striding over to Mr. Jankems desk and slamming my hands down hard into the dark wood.
  I smile broadly. "Let's get down to business, shall we?" I say, glancing at the all too familiar man on the other side of the desk.
  Mr. Jankens pales considerately.
  "Y- yes of course." He stutters. Fidgeting nervously with his hands.
  You see, Mr. Jankens is under the impression that I am just like my older brother, Gene. I tend to enjoy messing with the principal. Back when Gene was still a student here, he would constantly be in the office. Sometimes I'd be with him, other times I wouldn't. We had put the principal through Hell when he was still here. It was my absolute favourite thing about school besides seeing Travis.
  I smile.
  The things we used to do to the itty bitty principal.
  I am honestly surprised that someone like Mr. Jankens was allowed to rule a school full of weak children, and he is terrified of quite a few of these children. Sure, everyone has their faults but Mr. Jankens is a special one.
  He is very easy to manipulate even though it doesn't look that way, he always plays favourites and will go as far as refusing medical attention to students he hates, and he tends to stare at the girls here.
  I sigh. "Hurry up, Brutus. I know that you have quite a few questions for me." I say while throwing myself onto the hard chair.
  "O-okay." Mr. Jankens stutters. He glances around the small room, desperately trying to escape my gaze. It made me very angry and impatient.
Is this asshole trying to waste my time?
  "Well?" I say rather harshly. Mr. Jankens jumps at my tone.
  I snicker.
Pathetic piece of shit, that one is.
  "I-I... Um o-okay. C-can you tell me what happened this morning?" He manages to say.
This asshole sounds like Zane when he speaks to me!
  I ball my hands into tight fists. My knuckles turning white and my nails digging into my palms.
  Mr. Jankens notices this and launches into his next sentence.
  "O-or not! Whatever you're comfortable with!" Mr. Jankens squeaks.
  "I was under the impression that you already know what happened." I growl, my voice dangerously low.
  "Y-yes of course I know! I-I just wanted to hear your side of the story." He says, his voice panicked.
  "Why would you want to do that!? It's exactly that same as what the others said!" I yell at him.
  "They...They c-could've been lying!"
  I glare at him. "Are you calling my best friend a liar?!" I shout. Grabbing him by his tie.
  Mr jankens squeaks again and looks down. "A-what no! I would never do that. I was just saying that Zane might've made him lie!" He quickly says. Closing his eyes tightly.
  I look down, thinking it over.
That could be a possibility.
  I let go of his tie and run a hand through my hair.
  "Yes, I suppose that could be true."
  I sigh.
This prick better not make me regret this.
  "This morning me and Travis were walking to school with Aphmau and Vylad." I roll my eyes. "Like every morning. Except today, Travis decided to meet Aphmau and Vylad at their Homeroom. We said that it was okay and told him that we'd catch up. He ended up leaving his bag behind, so we went to give it to him. We walked into the room to find Travis pushing Zane away from him. Zane was yelling at Travis. It seemed as if Zane had tried to do something to Travis." Mr. Jankens' eyes widen. I smirk at this.
  "Travis slapped Zane, and in a result Zane punched Travis." I sigh. "Of course, I immediately ran towards my now injured friend to see if I could help him in any way possible. Zane laughed at us and then he called us..." I tighten my hand into a fist. "He-he called us dirty fags." I force a tear to roll down my face.
  Mr jankens gasps. He of course was buying the lies that spewed out of my mouth. It was no secret that he never liked Zane. It seems as if he hated him from day one. He was always in the office, always causing problems. Especially for me. Whenever I try to hang out with Garroth or try to get a date, he's there to ruin it. That's why I'm giving Mr. Jankens a reason to expel Zane... It would really do everyone a favour.
  I cross my arms before continuing.
  "I screamed at Zane. I fucking hate it when he does that, insulting me and my friends. He's always calling us 'fags' and 'cocksuckers' I think he even called Travis a 'pillow biter'... God, he's called us so many things that I can't fucking remember half of them..." I bite the inside of my cheek. Technically it is true, he always calls us names, but that only happens when we say the first thing. I groan.
  "I told him that he should leave us all alone, me and my friends. We are all fed up of his shit. He laughed at us and called us 'weak' because we never fight back... Thing is, the only reason we don't fight back is because we don't want to sink to his level.
Show time.
  I think to myself as I look down at my shoes, trying to seem as sorry as possible.
  "I-I snapped. That was the last time I'd ever let Zane abuse me, or any one of my friends. I walked over to him, and punched him. Zane tried to land a hit on me but he was too slow, so I... I started to choke him." I can hear Mr. Jankens gasp. "That's about the time Garroth came in. He pulled me off Zane and he never allowed me to explain what happened, but... Aphmau and Vylad knew, so Zane threw a potion at them to alter their memories. He was about to do it to me but, you walked in... That's all that happened." I conclude, still looking at my feet.
  I could tell that Mr. Jankens was furious. He probably hated Zane more than he ever did. Even though that doesn't seem possible. If I lied good enough, he probably won't feel the need to talk to Travis anymore... I hope that's the case because I know for a fact that Travis hates lying to people.
  "Zane did that?" Mr. Jankens asks.
  "Yes sir."
  "Should I talk to Travis before contacting Zane's parents?"
  I think about it for a while.
If I can convince Travis to tell my lie to Mr. Jankens from his point of view... Mr. Jankens might believe it more than he already does.
  "Talk to Travis, if Zane tries to deny what actually happened, we'll have a statement from the victim to prove him wrong."
  "Okay... Go grab Travis and bring him in here." Mr. Jankens orders.
  "Will do, sir." I stand up and give Mr. Jankens a mock salute before walking towards the door.
  "By the way, it might take a while to get Travis in here... I have a feeling that something horrible happened in that classroom before we got there." I say.
  Mr. Jankens nods.
  "Yes, of course... Take all the time you need."
  I smirk as I turn the handle and step out of the office. I close the door before walking up to Travis.
  "Mr. Jankens is going to ask you what happened this morning. No matter what he asks, you tell him that Zane took advantage of you."
  Travis' eyes widen.
  "But what?" I interrupt. "Come on Trav! This little lie possesses the power to send Zane away for good! Think of everything that we could do without him there to ruin it! Please Trav... Do it for me." I beg.
  Travis thinks about it, I can basically see the gears turning in his head, weighing his options before smiling his blinding smile.
  "Ah, what the Hell? Sure."
  I chuckle behore clapping my hand on his shoulder. "Thanks a billion, Trav. You won't regret it."
  I start turn around and start walking back to the office when I hear him say.
  "I sure hope not."
  My stride faulters a bit, but not enough to be noticeable.
  "C'mon Trav... Mr. Jankens is waiting for us." I say while looking back at him.
  "Oh, yeah... I'm coming." He says while standing up and calmly walking towards me.
God forbid if anything happens to him...
  Me and Travis stroll up to the door before I stop him.
  "Now remember, you forgot your bag so we tried to return it to you. This resulted in us walking in on you pushing Zane away, he started yelling at you. You slapped him, he punched you, I ran in to help you, he called us fags then I started choking him. He also threw a potion at Vylad and Aphmau. He tried to throw one at me before Mr. Jankens walked in, okay?"
  Travis nods and walks into the office.     Mr. Jankens looks at Travis with a pitying look in his eyes.
  "Mr Valkrum, is it true that Zane attacked you?" Mr. Jankens questions.
  I glance at Travis. I notice that his hand is clenched.
  "Y-yes sir..." He answers.
  "Do you remember exactly what he did and why?"
  Travis starts to shake, he only does that when he's nervous. Thankfully, Mr. Jankens doesn't know that.
  "As a matter of fact, I do... I went into the classroom because I like the quiet that an empty classroom provides, but it wasn't as empty as I would've hoped...Zane was in there already... He saw me and smiled from behind that horrible mask he wears. He walked towards me, as a lion would to a lioness in mating season. He back me up to a desk before grabbing my wrists hard enough to bruise, thankfully he's too weak to leave any bruises. He starred grinding up against me. I started to cry, I didn't like what was happening so, I'm the heat of the moment, I stepped on his foot with the heel of my shoe and I pushed him off. Zane started to yell at me, it scared me so I slapped him as hard as I could... This wasn't a good idea because he punched me as a result." He starts to bite the inside of his cheek. This caused his eyes to water.
  "Around that time, Dante came in. He saw me on the ground and he... He..." Travis forces tears to room down his face. He wipes at them roughly before speaking.
  "I-I'm sorry I can't..." I start to rub his back in a comforting manner.
  Anyone could see that Mr jankens was livid.
  I wonder if this lie is believable enough to get Zane expelled...
  "You can go to class now... I'll call you back once I get ahold of Zane's parents." Mr jankens says sending us out of the office.
  We nod out response as we walk out and close the door behind us.
  "Is he okay?" Mrs. Janna questions from her desk.
  I wonder if she was always there.
  I think to myself as my stomach fill up with dread.
  "Y-yeah... He's feeling better now."
  She nods.
  "That's great, now get to class. We wouldn't want you two to miss anything important now, would we?"
  "No, Mrs. Janna, bye." I say as we walk out the doors and into freedom.
  "Thank God! This might've been enough to finally be rid of him!" I whisper to Travis as we walk to our next classes.
  "Mhm." Travis replies.
  "Hey, Trav? I'm sorry I made you do that... But, it'll all be worth it in the end... Zane has caused us enough harm." I say, hugging Travis.
  "No I understand." Travis says, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Don't worry."
  We stay like that for what feels like forever until we let each other go.
  We wave to each other as we go our separate ways.
  Hopefully it was enough...
FINALLY! You guys aren't the only ones who were waiting for the next chapter to come out! Jesus Christ this took longer than expected! I'm so sorry for delaying this chapter but I had to research on the stuff happening in the book! You know, the mental illnesses and shit.
Anyways, I'm sorry about how much this chapter sucks. I hope the next one will be better...
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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