Definitely Unexpected

By TheOnlyBurningCandle

99.3K 2.7K 1.9K

Summary: 25 year old Audrey Collins lives an ordinary life; works part time at Starbucks and lives alone wit... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: The Starbucks Employee
Chapter 2: The Lonely Celebrity
Chapter 3: Parties and Alleyways
Chapter 4: Hey There Stranger
Chapter 5: Believers Never Die
Chapter 6: Going Down Swingin'
Chapter 7: Don't You Dare Fangirl On Me!!
Chapter 8: Films, Games and Pizza for the Vegan
Chapter 9: Consequences of Saturday Night
Chapter 10: There's Your Reason
Chapter 11: Just Dinner Right?
Chapter 12: A Miracle
Chapter 13: Time To Tour
Chapter 14: Wanderer
Chapter 15: Salt Lake City
Chapter 16: Me and You...
Chapter 17: Pete fucking knew it
Chapter 18: Sad times come...
Chapter 20: Miss Missing You...
Chapter 21: It's gonna get better
Epilogue: Thnks Fr The Mmrs

Chapter 19: I need to Run Dry...

2.6K 117 100
By TheOnlyBurningCandle

Authors note:

Hello friends! Sorry it's been so long but schools just ended for 6 weeks so I'll have time to write now!

Thank you so much for 20k reads on this fanfic that is really unbelievable, and I can't believe so many of you like my crappy writing.

Also I've been listening to Soul Punk a lots lately and the song 'Run Dry' really fuelled me to write this chapter and I also apologise in advance for what happens I know my friend Chloe will kill me (but not as much as what I did to Monty - also sorry bout that too).

I do not own fall out boy but I wish I did but I do own my oc Audrey and her friends.


Also thanks Pete.


Chapter 19: Thoughts are bad for the mind

(Audrey Collins | Third Person)

"Come on Penny!" Audrey called out as she grabbed her shoes and quickly slipped them on.

Audrey then grabbed the little leash for the little dog and grinned as she heard the tiny scampering of paws across the wooden floor of Patrick's home. Coming round the corner was the small Pomeranian who ran around Audrey, barking excitedly.

Audrey laughed and bent down and put the leash on Penny's collar before standing back up and opening the door.

Soon, they were walking down the street, Audrey had her headphones in and Penny was walking along happily.

As they headed towards the park, Audrey bumped into someone.

"Oh god, I'm sorry-Jon?!" She laughed.

"Hey there Collins." Jon grinned at her. "Who's this?" He asked bending to stroke penny.

Penny idly let him stroke her once before moving away.

"This is Patrick's dog Penny." Audrey replied.

"Cool." Jon said after a moment. "Oh hey, you wanna hang out this Friday? It'll be you, Alex and me."

"If Alex is going then hell yeah!" Audrey grinned. "But what's the occasion?"

"I'm moving up to New York Sunday." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Really? Well sure, I'll be there Friday. A little goodbye party." Audrey smiled.

"Great. Ill text you where and the time." Jon grinned and winked as a joke before heading off home from his jog.

Audrey walked round the park a little bit more with Penny, watched her run around and play with some other little dog before heading home as well. It was getting to two in the afternoon so Patrick should be up by now.

"Audie?" Patrick called out from the kitchen as Audrey closed the door behind her when she got home.

"Yeah, it's me!" Audrey grinned as she took off Penny's leash and let her fun through the house.

She let out a bark as she scampered towards the kitchen and Audrey grinned as she heard Patrick laugh.

"Hey there pretty girl!" Audrey heard Patrick say and then Penny let out more excited barks.

Audrey walked into the kitchen where Patrick was still standing in his pyjamas with messy hair but was cradling his little dog who was trying to lick his face. He looked up and saw Audrey and grinned.

"Morning." He smiled.

"It's the afternoon." Audrey replied as she took her shoes off quickly, smirking ver so slightly.

Patrick laughed and shrugged. "Oh well. I need my beauty sleep!"

"Well you might want to go back to bed then for a few more years." Audrey laughed and went to grab a glass of water.

"Hey!" Patrick laughed a little.

Suddenly, Audrey let out a yelp as Patrick wrapped his arms around her and tickled her gently.

"No, no, no!" Audrey said through bursts of laughter.

"Apologise!" Patrick laughed.

"Never!" Audrey said through more laughter but then squirmed. "Fine! Fine! I'm sorry, okay? Pease stop tickling me!" She giggled.

Patrick stopped and kissed her cheek. "Thank you." He grinned cheekily.

(Patrick Stump | First Person)

"Oh hey, I'm going out Friday." Audrey said as she moved around the house.

"With the girls?" I asked as I played with Penny.

"Uh, no, with the guys from work; Alex and Jon." She said.

I stopped moving the rag toy around and looked up. "Really?" I said with a frown.

"Yeah, Jon's moving to New York on Sunday so it's kind of like a goodbye party." Audrey said walking into the room.

I smiled up at her. Well... That made me feel a little better. That the fact that this Jon guy was moving away. I didn't like him. It wasn't that he was dick of anything; it was because of Audrey.

He would look at her with this...look. I don't know how to explain it, but it just bugs me. He looks at her how I look at her and I don't like it.

I don't like him. And I feel as if I've seen him before but... I don't know where and that worries me.

I'm worried I may lose Audrey. I don't want to lose her. She's one of the best things to happen to me since Elisa cheated on me.

I sighed and shook my head; I was being stupid. But as she said New York, I remembered something.

"Oh, in two weeks were playing on the Jimmy Fallon show up in New York, you up for it?" I said and Audrey grinned.

"Sure." Audrey said with a large smile. "Alex wouldn't mind if I took off a couple more days. I have been working extra shifts anyway."

I grinned and quickly pecked her lips. "Now, I'll do the washing up while you find a good film on TV, sound like a plan?"

"On it!" Audrey grinned before heading out into the living room with Penny running after her feet.


"Woke up this morning

The room was spinning

And I don't remember what I did last night..."

I woke up and looked around the hotel room. The covers were everywhere across the bed due to myself tossing and turning all through my sleep probably. My head pounded and I groaned and rested my head back on my pillow.

Audrey wasn't in the bed, she was most likely taking a shower. We'd played the Fallon show yesterday.

But when did I start to drink last night? Jesus Christ my head was killing me...

"Patrick. Get your ass up now." Pete's voice suddenly filled the room and I looked up to see him standing at the end of the bed with his arms crossed and he looked extremely pissed off.

"Pete? What happened?" I asked as I sat up Andrew an a hand through my hair.

"Oh fuck no, you don't get to forget that!" Pete growled angrily.

I paused and looked up at Pete worriedly who held out a note for me. I slowly took it from him and read it, my heart dropping as I did so:


I'm sorry but I've gone home. It's over between Patrick and I apparently. I can't be in a relationship were I am accused of cheating and there is no trust.

Tell Patrick I'm sorry and that I didn't want it to end like this. Tell the others I said sorry and bye as well.


It was then everything came rushing back and my eyes widened in shock. What the fuck. Oh god, I can't believe what I've done. Shit. I've just lost the best thing in my life and it's all my fault.

"Beg the ceiling for forgiveness

Cause I don't want to remember what I did last night..."


"Hey have you seen where Audrey went?" I asked one of the bodyguards after we finished our set in the Fallon Show.

"She left only a few minutes ago. She said that she was gonna go visit someone. J...John or Jake or something like that." The bodyguard shrugged. "But she left her phone though."

Her phone was still open when I picked it up and it was ons text message and I read and felt everything around me stop:

Audrey: Hey :) I'm up in New York for a couple days. Wanna meet up?

J: Sure :) come over now if you can :) everyone's out anyway. I've missed our nights together.

I stopped reading after that, the phone had slipped from my hands anyway. She was meeting up with Jon. Fuck. Shit! Wait, she only left a few minutes ago.

I quickly raced out into the busy street of New York and looked around to see if I could spot her.

And then I did.

And then everything fell apart.

Her face was being cupped by other hands and other lips were kissing hers. Jon was kissing her.

"Audrey...?" I found myself saying.

Jon broke the kiss while Audrey shoved him away a little in shock as she spun around to look at me.

"Patrick! No! It's not what you think!" She exclaimed.

"You left your phone." I said in gritted teeth and shoved it into her hands before I suddenly hailed a taxi and got in.

I don't know why I suddenly got into one, or why I didn't go back to the others, I just needed to get away and think things through. Or maybe have a drink or two.

"Step one: drink

Step two: make mistakes

Step three: pretend you don't remember

Step four: drink a little more

Step five: I need to run dry

I need to run dry..."

(Audrey Collins | Third Person)

"Hey, can you tell Patrick I'm going out to give visit J-" Audrey began to say as she talked to a bodyguard.

"Yeah sure." He said before he had to go off and escort the guys back.

Audrey sighed and nodded before walking out to grab a taxi. She wanted to go visit J quickly and see her nephew Callum and sister in law Tiffany. She hardly ever got to see them.

But after just texting J, apparently Callum and Tiffany were out but she could still come round and watch a film like they used to.


Audrey turned around and saw Jon standing there shocked but happy and slightly tipsy; New York parties dude.

"Oh my god, Jon! Small world." Audrey laughed.

"S'very small." Jon nodded with a goofy smile.

"You okay there?" Audrey laughed. "How many drinks have you had?"

"Not many..." Jon said after thinking for a moment but then grinned. "I wanted to do this for a while... I don't see no boyfriend so here I go..." He said drunkenly.

"What are you-" Audrey's eyes widened as Jon suddenly kissed her.

She attempted to push him away but her held onto her shoulders tighter. It was only when she heard Patrick speak that Jon broke the kiss and she shoved him away in horror and looked at Patrick.

Patrick! No! It's not what you think!" i exclaimed.

"You left your phone." He said in gritted teeth and shoved it into my hands before he suddenly hailed a taxi and got in.

"No! Patrick!" Audrey shouted after the taxi and stood there in shock and then looked at Jon angrily.

"What the fuck Jon?!" She exclaimed angrily.

"What? There's no Patty in the way now?" He laughed and went to kiss her again.

But Audrey reeled her hand back and slapped him hard across the face, hard enough to leave a red mark that slightly resembled a hand.

"Fuck you Jon." She spat.

"I'm gonna take one more shot

Then I'm quitting forever

Cross my heart, cross my fingers..."

(Patrick Stump | First Person)

I had staggered back to the hotel ages ago, a bottle in one hand and the key card to the room with the other and I managed to open the door after a few moments. I stumbled in and saw Audrey sitting on the bed, chewing her nail when she looked up.

"Patrick! Oh my god you're okay!" Audrey exclaimed and jumped up but I held a hand out, making her pause.

"How long?" I asked simply with a slur in my voice.

"What?" She asked.

"How long have you been fucking him behind my back?" I asked, glaring up at her.

"Patrick, I swear nothing is going on! He was drunk and he just kissed me!" Audrey said.

"That doesn't explain the texts though!" I shouted suddenly, causing her to flinch. "'I've missed our nights together..' You were organising to go and meet him and fuck him! You've been cheating on me this entire time! Ever since I got you that fucking job! You know, you're no different than Elisa!"

Audrey's eyes had welled up with tears but I was far too drunk and angry to actually realise this.

Suddenly, her expression changed to one of anger and she glared at me.

"I was meeting my fucking brother you dick! My fucking older brother who is married with a baby, who is my nephew that I was going to visit! I'm glad we've established the amount of trust and faith in this relationship!" She shouted back at me as I stood there drunkenly fuming.

"Well maybe this isn't even a relationship anymore!" I shouted back and Audrey froze slightly but she was too angry now as well.

"You know what? Fine! I'll get out of your hair!" Audrey screamed back and grabbed her bag that was still packed and shoved past me. "Fuck you Patrick Stump! Gave a great life!"

I should have chased after her. But I was still angry and my drunken mind was taking over and I fell backwards onto the bed and curled up into sleep, to exhausted to do anything. Little did I know of the giant mistake I had just made.

"I get drunk a little too much

For it to be healthy

No one wants to tell me..."

(Audrey Collins | Third Person)

Tears rolled down her face as she stormed down the hall way but she stopped outside of Pete's room and quickly put a note on his door before leaving and pulling out her phone.

"H-hey J...?" She asked in shaky sobs. "C-can I stay the night...?"

"What happened?!" J demanded as soon as she got there and Tiffany walked up behind him holding baby Callum.

"Come on in, tell us what happened." Tiffany said.

She didn't explain what had happened that night, she couldn't stop crying, she hugged her bother while Tiffany put Callum to bed.

The next day, she stayed for breakfast before Callum drove her to the airport and she went home.

"I'm not just drunk

I really think I'm in love with you baby

(Okay, I really am just drunk)..."

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