She's The Only One I Want (A...

Autorstwa shestheonlyonefanfic

101K 2.7K 125

South London born and bred, your singing career took off when you were just 13 years old and you had to move... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 23

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Autorstwa shestheonlyonefanfic



Me and Dig had been on two dates this week after the funfair. We went incognito at the movies on Tuesday and we visited the Statue of Liberty yesterday. 

Nori and I had were telling my parents about the Jessica incident after the police contacted Nori yesterday with news that they were still searching for Jessica.

My mum was worried about my safety but I tried to reassure her I was fine during the Skype call. My dad however had Stas’s approach and he told me how they’d catch her and she wouldn’t get away with it and if need be he’ll get the best lawyers and attorney’s to prove Jessica was harassing me. 

Leonardo *via skype call* How was the concert?

Y/N- It was really good though, they’re putting it out on dvd in August like Nori told you, so I’m really excited

Leonardo- I think for your security reasons, and when you’ve finished the tour of course, you should buy a house where you are

Y/N- What?

Janet- Well you surely can’t enjoy checking into hotels, having paparazzi follow you there and not have anywhere to be securely staying?

Y/N- Hmmm…

Janet- You’d have somewhere to call your own, you’d be in one place and not cooped up in a hotel and you’d have lots more security, you can have as many friends over and you can move all your stuff from wherever you have it to your own home…

Leonardo- And it’s perfect for you to get on the property ladder now…

Y/N- At 16 years old? Really dad?

Leonardo- Yeah, you’re almost 17, the earlier the better! You can build a profile for yourself

Y/N- Ha, if you say so dad!

Janet- Just have a look with Nori after the tour and if you see anywhere you like, you can call us, we’ll sort all the details if you like and maybe move your things if you find a place

Y/N- Okay mum, but after the tour.

Leonardo- We’ll talk to you soon 

Y/N- Okay, bye mum, bye dad! *blows kisses*

Leonardo/Janet- Bye! *ends Skype call*

Nori- They’re right, you need your own home after this tour is done. 

Y/N- I know, I’m kind of agreeing with them actually…it’d be nice to have my own place, I love New York…

Nor- Okay, I’ll start looking and getting the information 

Y/N- Alright…


Me, Spin and Roger were chilling in our hotel room. Roger was so intrigued by Y/N, he wanted to know all about her. After the restaurant, he was so surprised that she casually paid for a $500 meal on Monday. 

Roger- *looking at laptop* Dig, do you know all these things about Y/N?

Diggy- Like what?

Roger- Like that she’s worth almost $150 million? She’s only like 16 and she’s becoming a billionaire!

Diggy- So…?

Roger- Dig, yours is only $3.75 million,

Spin- Woah, that’s almost…. 50x what you’re worth Dig…

Diggy- I’m not interested in what she’s worth, I never cared about her money, why do you?

Roger- I was just curious! We never spend $500 in a restaurant, she can afford it tho…

Spin- You still hung up on that restaurant bill? Get over it mayne! 

Diggy- She ain’t the kind of girl that thinks money if just an object. She hates spending it on stuff she don’t need. 

Spin- Most girls love to spend money on anything in sight

Diggy- She’s not like most girls, but if it lasts a long time or if she’s investing in something, she’ll spend crazy.

Roger- *reads laptop article* …..Have you heard about how much her family’s Net Worth is? 

Diggy- *sighs* What is it?

Roger- Almost $12 million in the last year!

Spin- That’s not bad.

Roger- She could buy out her whole family…

*knock on door*

Diggy- Who’s that?

Roger- *shrugs*

Spin- I don’t know

Diggy- I’m not expecting anyone…*gets up and opens door* What are you doing here?


I was packing my things from my hotel room into boxes, my clothes and things so they could be flown to the North Carolina with me to continue with my tour.

Stas- Hey…*walks in room*…are you packing already?

Y/N- Yeah! You know me, I can’t just wait to get things done or it’ll play on my mind until I do it. 

Stas- It’s a bit early, I mean, you’re flying to North Carolina on Saturday night, it’s only Thursday. 

Y/N- I have to prepare tho!

Stas- Yeah, whatever! *jumps and lays on your bed* Ohhh your bed is so much more comfier than mine….so what did your folks say about the incident. 

Y/N- Well you know my mum and of course, she was worried. I had to reassure her so much that I was okay!

Stas- Ah, I love your mum!

Y/N- My dad was like “if Diggy brings this much trouble, you shouldn’t be with him right now” I was so annoyed. And then he was laughing cause it was a joke…

Stas- *laughs* that’s actually hilarious, you probably thought he was serious!

Y/N- Hell yeah! But then they were saying how after the tour I should buy a house in New York, like cause I’ll be here all the time and I don’t have to keep returning to a hotel and I’ll have my own security and everything….

Stas- That’s awesome! And we can all visit you in the summer! We’ve finished our exams, so we’re technically on holiday now!

Y/N- I wish I was with you guys for longer…

Stas- Yeah, well you went and ruined it by getting a boyfriend and still being on tour!

Y/N- *laughs* Yeah, sorry about that! *phone rings* Oh wait, hold on my phone is ringing. Oh it’s Dig….*on phone* Hi baby!…..Dig? Diggy? *hears conversation in background* 

Stas- What’s going on?

Y/N- Come listen to this…*beckons her to listen to phone call*


Roger- Dig? Dig, who is it?

Spin- Yeah man, what’s going on?

Jessica- *pushes past Diggy* Oh, hey guys…Long time no see..

Roger- Well there was a reason why

Jessica stormed in our hotel room wearing a long black trench coat, black sunglasses and a black hat. I was so shocked to see her. I purposely pocket-dialled Y/N as soon as she walked in so she could hear the whole conversation. Part of me wanted to call the police immediately, and another wanted to punish her for what she did to try and hurt Y/N and break us up. But I couldn’t hit a girl. Not ever…

Jessica- What? Because Daniel here selfishly broke off our relationship  because I wasn’t getting him any press attention? *intimidatingly looks at Diggy*

Diggy- What? Things were alright before you got in a fight with your record label and when they dropped you, you posted naked pictures of yourself online because you wanted a bad reputation?!

Jessica- *shouts* No, you were annoyed that they didn’t put out your album fast enough and you were scared of becoming irrelevant and a failed rapper so you took it out on me!

Diggy- *shouting back* I never did, and now look! When we broke up, yes, I was unhappy but I got over you because I was the good guy. I was good to you, I always made you feel wanted. Flowers, gifts, dates, surprises, but it wasn’t enough for you! You just wanted fame and it’s like you were using me for fame! And now my album’s out, it’s sold loads of copies, I have dedicated fans and a beautiful girlfriend!

Jessica- Oh yes, you do have a girlfriend…Y/N…was that her name? Hm? How is she?

Diggy- I know it was you who destroyed her dressing room and vandalised the mirror in her hotel room. 

Jessica- Oh, you don’t know it was me!

Diggy- We caught you on tape! We all saw it, we saw your face when you tried to destroy the security camera

She looked at me dead in the eyes, I could see her panicking. Her fingers twitching, her eyes moving nervously and struggling to focus on my face. 

Jessica- Well I know you’re only using her for her fame, her money and who she is!

Diggy- Why would I want to use Y/N for everything she has? To benefit myself? I don’t use people. You, now you use people, you used me to get publicity.

Jessica- Maybe I did do it, so what? Now she’s afraid of me…but I did it because I still love you Diggy…*comes closer to Diggy*

Spin- Diggy, no don’t….

Jessica- *leans towards Diggy to kiss him*

Y/N- *listening on other line* Oh my God….

Diggy- *stops her* You know I’m not going to kiss you. Because I have a better girl at her hotel. Waiting for me to call her tonight and ask her how her day is, what she did, how her friends are and to have a conversation with her, something you never appreciated me for Jess. 

Jessica- No, but I did love you, I still love you Dig…*reaches for Diggy’s face*

Diggy- *puts her arms down* But I don’t love you Jessica. I did, once. But not anymore *looks away*

Y/N- *listening on other line* I’m calling the police, Stas, give me your phone…

Jessica- *shakes Diggy’s hands off her arms* Well if I can’t have you, then neither can she…*reaches in coat*

Diggy- *5 seconds later* *cries in pain* *collapses on floor*

Jessica- *walks quickly out of hotel room*

Roger/Spin- *rush to Diggy’s side* Dig! Diggy!


Y/N- *talking to police* Okay, thank you….*hangs up* the police are on their way to Dig’s hotel immediately.

Stas- *listening on other line* Y/N, erm, I think you have to listen to this…*hands her the phone* something’s happened to Dig..and I don’t know what..

Y/N- *hears Diggy crying in pain* Oh my God, no no no. Dig! DIGGY

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