magnetic [jeronica/vughead fa...

By TanyaDiva

5.3K 204 122

"i can't stop thinking about the god damn kiss, princess." Jughead hisses, his hands trapped her against the... More

chapter two - seven minutes in heaven

chapter one - princess

3.6K 113 85
By TanyaDiva


Camila Mendes as Veronica Lodge

Cole Sprouse as Jughead Jones

KJ Apa as Archie Andrews

Lili Reinhart as Elizabeth (Betty) Cooper

Madelaine Petsch as Cheryl Blossom

Jordan Calloway as Chuck Clayton

Jordan Connor as SweetPea


VERONICA STEPPED out of the sleek black limousine, tucking her perfectly glossy, raven hair behind her ears which were decorated with her trademark pearl earrings from her father. The crisp winter air slapped against her petite body as she clutched her dark coat against her tighter, as she stared up at what was going to be her new home. She pursed her lips, before gazing back at her mother who was helping the butlers with their many bags and luggages.

Her Christian Louboutin heels clicked against the cement as she walked towards the five-star apartment, the big and bolded letters staring down at her - THE PEMBROOKE. "Well, this isn't the Four Seasons, will have to do." She mutters softly to herself, before flashing the butler a dazzling red-lipped smile as he held her bags for her. "merci, messieurs." She replies before interloping her arm around her mother's as they walked up the steps of their new home.

Riverdale wasn't a town that Veronica, or anyone in New York had ever heard of, so when her mother, Hermione, broke the news two weeks ago that she had to pack up everything and say goodbye to her friends and cheerleading captain title, she was distraught. But she knew it had something to do with her father in jail. Of course, nobody in New York knew of this, she told all her friends that her father was constantly travelling around Europe, Australia, Asia, etc. If anyone found out the truth, she would have been ruined. To make up for lost time, Hiram always sent her her trademark favourite jewellery - pearls. She was never seen without them, they were either on her ears, around her neck or wrist.

"Mom, how long are we going to be here before we go back home. Our real home. This doesn't make any sense. This town old." Veronica says with exasperation as they arrive in their penthouse suite. She had to admit, the suite was stunning, but of course, she missed her mansion back in New York more, it had been her home for all seventeen years of her life.

"Mija, we've had this conversation already, I'm not going over it again. Please, I need to rest. Will you tell Anders to help us unpack? Oh and to get us some dinner?" Hermione replies tiredly, closing her eyes as she presses her fingertips against her forehead. Veronica didn't know much about the reason why they had to move so suddenly, her mother had just said that some bad people had some unfinished business to deal with her father, and it was safer to be away. But she knew that there had to be more to the story, Hiram had been in jail for three years already and they stayed in New York. But Veronica immediately felt bad for bringing it up and enveloped her arms around her mother, pressing her lips against her mother's forehead.

"Lo siento, mama. Sorry. I won't bring it up again. I'll pick up some food for us." She says softly before grabbing her Chanel purse. Another gift from her father, it was a clutch with intricate pearls around it. "Ok Mija, don't go too far. Bring your phone with you." Hermione says before lying on the lounge. Veronica nods before slipping on her favourite pair of black heels and walks downstairs to the reception. Anders, their butler glances up with a smile. "Miss Veronica, what do you need? Are you settling in?" He asks politely. Veronica smiles, "Mother needs some help unloading some of the luggages, if you're not busy. And, uh - any recommendations for some dinner? Somewhere not too far." She asks.

Anders nods. "Certainly, i'll send someone up. There's a diner a few streets away called Pop's, its usually busy at this time of night. Would you like me to call a cab?" He asks and Veronica pauses, before shaking her head, no. "Not a problem, I need to get used to these streets soon anyway. Thankyou Anders. What's the address?"


Anders was right. Pop's was packed, and full with groups of teenagers and families, the diner gave off a 1950's vibe, checkered floor, glossy red booths, staff in flapper skirts and their hair in a sleek high ponytail. It was amazing. Veronica suddenly felt extremely overdressed in her tight fitted little black dress which ended mid-thigh and was embellished on the collar, along with her 6-inch black heels and her Marc Jacobs cape-like black coat. She cleared her throat, and walked into the diner confidently, she was aware that people had turned the heads from their engagements and conversations to look at her. Veronica was no stranger to receiving attention - after all, she was the "it girl" in her previous high school.

She ignored all the stares as her heels clicked against the checkered tiles and finally reached the counter, and picked up a menu. A big guy with a giant soft smile greeted her. "Good evening, welcome to Pop's diner! You, miss, must be new around town." He says warmly. Veronica instantly liked the man's warmness and smiled. "Is it that obvious? People are staring as if they haven't seen a girl before." She laughs as she looks down at the menu. "Ah, in Riverdale, everyone knows everyone. And a pretty new girl like you will definitely cause catastrophe. We haven't had a new family in town for a few months. Now, on to the important part. What would you like? I highly recommend my burgers and sweet potato fries." He grins with enthusiasm.

"Then i'll take two classic burgers - one with no onions, a side of sweet potato fries and... a chocolate milkshake, with extra whipped cream. Takeaway please, for Veronica Lodge." She smiles as he nods, she pulls out her platinum card and payed for the order before he told her to wait and sit on the side bar for a few minutes. Veronica glanced at the busy tables filled with teenagers, there were no empty ones so she sighed and decided to look around.

She walked past a table of five guys laughing loudly, proudly wearing their blue and gold varsity jackets. One guy looks up and smirks at her, his dimples making an appearance. God, Veronica thought. She always had a weak spot for cute guys with dimples. She raised a dark eyebrow, her eyes shining with interest as he jumps off the booth and walks towards her.

"My, my. You are gorgeous as hell. Chuck Clayton." He introduces confidently. She won't lie, this guy was beautiful, but Veronica generally strayed away from the jocks of the school, they always had one thing in mind, and it definitely wasnt a relationship, and the last thing she wanted was a relationship like her parents. She cocks her head to the side, eyeing his hand which was waiting for her to shake. She takes it. "Veronica Lodge." She replies, her red lips quirking in a tight smile. He smirks again, looking back at his friends who were watching, and laughing. "I sure hope we have class together, I can already feel this ... chemistry. Both emotionally...and physically." He says as he walks closer to her. Veronica rolled her eyes at the lame pickup line, but didn't move back. She purses her lips before flicking her dark hair over her shoulder. "Oh? Unfortunately I don't take chemistry, but I do take history. Which is exactly what you're going to be. Lovely to meet you." She says with a million dollar smile as his jaw slacked open in shock and all his friends yelled and laughed at him.

She turned away with triumph and walked down before she heard a guy chuckle. She looked over to her right and saw a guy sitting by himself with a laptop on the table and a half-eaten burger. He was wearing a dark beanie and a leather jacket. Veronica noticed there was an empty seat in front of him, and contemplated if she should make small talk first or just slide right in. She opened her mouth before he beat her to it. "Most girls fall for the charm of Chuck Clayton. Especially ones like... you." He says as he finally lifts his head up from the laptop screen, giving her a quick once over before meeting her dark eyes.

"Girls like me? You don't know me at all." She replies back icily, pursing her lips and crossing her slender arms over her chest defensively. "I'm clearly not 'most girls'. I've been here a whole five minutes and here I am getting judged by the likes of you." She huffed. The boy cracked a smirk, he was pleasantly surprised. "Relax, Princess, was just stating facts, no need to get so defensive, Miss Fairfax." He teases. Veronica's eyebrows quirked up. "You're comparing me to Jane Fairfax? I'm truly honoured. Didn't peg you as a Jane Austen fan though." She says in surprise. Veronica absolutely adored literature, especially romance. Also a sucker for classic films, thrillers, and everything Audrey Hepburn. She was her idol in every sense. Veronica slides into the booth without hesitation, ignoring his look of annoyance, and the he raises his eyebrow, lifting his fingers off the keyboard.

"Sure, welcome, feel free to intrude on my personal space, Princess." He says sarcastically and she rolls her eyes, ignoring his nickname for her. "Quite dramatic. For an Austen fan, you're not much of a Darcy or Knightley." She teases. He chuckles, "Trust me. I'm far off from Darcy. Now, don't go expecting me to send you letters and be prince charming." He scoffs, shoving a few chips into his mouth as he continues to type away quickly on his laptop. "Prince Charming is overrated. I want a Dally Winston." She says a-matter-of-factly. This instantly got his attention once again. The raven haired girl dressed excessively in designer and class, from head to toe, kept surprising him. "You've seen The Outsiders? None of my friends have even heard of it." He replies, genuinely wanting to talk to the mysterious girl who had the same film and book interests as him.

Veronica chuckles and is about to reply before she hears her name being called. She looks over and smiles at the boy before standing, her stilettos pressing against the tiles loudly. "Not just seen. Read, lived and loved... I even played Sherri Valance in a school play." She grins, before looking over at her order ready on the counter. "Well, it was a pleasure to meet you.." She says, waiting for him to say his name. "Jughead. Jughead Jones." He replies, glancing at her hand which was out for him to shake and didn't take it. "Jughead? Interesting name. I hope we meet again... Jughead Jones." She says with a soft smile and walks towards the counter to get her meal, and walks out of the diner, before she looks over at Jughead again, before exiting.


At 6:20am sharp, Veronica's eyes shot open, as she clutched the silk grey covers against her body and she lets out a loud sigh, the bright sun rays splayed out in her room. First day of school. Veronica hadn't been the new girl, ever. Unless you count Kindergarten, but that was everyone's first day of school. Everytime school restarted every semester, Veronica made sure to start it off with a bang - an amazing outfit perfected with a new pair of shoes. First impressions were everything, it was important especially in a new school, in a new town. She sat up and stretched, running her manicured fingers through her hair before she began to get ready.

She ended up going with a sequinned black top with a round neckline, paired with a vintage Chanel mini skirt, and finished it off with a pair of black Valentino pumps. She stared at herself in the large mirror before fixing her hair and applying some black eyeliner, mascara and a dark red lipstick. She nodded in self-approval before grabbing her pearl purse and went to the breakfast room. Her mother wasn't awake yet, so she grabbed some fruit, and went to her mothers room to kiss her goodbye before heading down the elevator.

"Miss Veronica." Anders greeted as he opened the limousine door for her. Veronica smiled before sliding in and opening her phone as he drove to her new school - Riverdale High. She hadn't checked her phone since she arrived to Riverdale and saw many missed calls from her ex-boyfriend, Nick St.Clair and notifications on her social media pages. She sighed and cleared all the notifications. Veronica had broken up with Nick a month ago, she found out that not only was he dealing drugs around their private school but was hooking up with her best friend, Talia.

Veronica tensed at the memory, Nick has begged her to stay, that Talia was a moment of weakness; a mistake. But how could it have been a mistake if they had done it for three months? That day she lost her boyfriend and best friend, and it hurt like hell. Talia didn't even seem to care, she said Veronica had it coming. When Veronica became head cheerleader, beating Talia, it was a moment where she finally began to move on. She finally beat Talia. Until her mother told her the news that they had to move - and then, Talia won again.

She was whisked away from her memories when Anders cleared his throat. "Miss Veronica, would you like me to drop you off here or closer to the school entrance?" He asked with a small smile, seeing her teary eyes. Veronica blinked them away rapidly, and forced a smile at his question. Back in New York, she always insisted him to drop her off a few blocks away from school so nobody saw that she had a personal driver. It would just make her seem spoilt and a brat. "Here is fine Anders, thank you. I'll see you at four." She replies as she opens the door and walks towards the school, the nerves kicking in. She hated being a new girl, she had to make friends again, climb up the social ladder, choose who to befriend and who to avoid.

She let out a sigh as she walked past the gates, where many teenagers were flooding in with their friends. She clutched her purse to herself before putting up her usual facade with strutted down the hallways with confidence dripping off of her every step she took, until she found the school office. She walked in and to her surprise she saw Jughead Jones sitting down on the side chairs with a pretty brunette next to him with pink highlights, also in a leather jacket. They looked like they were in an intense conversation before they heard Veronica's heeled feet against the ground and Jughead slowly looked up in surprise.

"Princess." He blurted in surprise. The girl next to him glanced up at Veronica in confusion, her eyes darting between Jughead and Veronica curiously, before her lips quirked up in a smirk, her eyes giving Veronica a once over. Veronica looked away awkwardly and cleared her throat. "Jughead. I didn't quite literally mean to see you this soon, last night." She teases with a small smile, as she rests her purse on the table, before ringing the bell on the table to signal someone to assist her. Jughead chuckles, before he feels his best-friend nudging his arm, signalling him to introduce the two girls. He rolls his eyes. "Veronica Lodge, meet my side hoe, Antoinette Topaz. Toni, meet Veronica, the real life Cher Horowitz of Riverdale." He smirks. Toni punches his arm with a scowl, before standing up, showing off her ripped black jeans, mesh black top which showed off her plaid crop top and combat boots. "Don't listen to this idiot, who I unfortunately call a best friend, please, call me Toni. Pleasure to meet you. And Jug, you wish I was your side hoe. I'm nobody's side anything." She says with a roll of her eyes, but a hint of a smile.

Veronica immediately liked this girl. She grinned and nods. "Now, that, we can agree on. What are you two doing here in the office?" She suddenly asks, remembering where they were. Toni groans. "Ugh, don't remind me. I got detention for calling Mr.Daniels an asshole with no brains, and then Jughead joined in, and here we are." She says. Veronica's eyebrows shot up in shock before a laugh escaped her lips, and her hand flew to her chest. "Well, this school just got a whole lot more interesting that my previous school thats for sure. I went to an all girls private school in New York, the most interesting thing that happened was boys." She says with a grin before a lady finally came to the office table, boredly. "Yes? What do you need?" She says rudely. Veronica blinked in shock at the teacher before clearing her throat, "Uh- I'm new. I need my timetable, and I'm meant to meet the school guide... Elizabeth Cooper?" Veronica says slowly, before hearing Toni chuckle loudly, before the door flew wide open and a pretty blonde came running in, out of breath.

Her hair was in a neat high pony tail, she wore a grey sweater and a pair of plain jeans and black flats. She looked like the perfect good girl in every romantic book Veronica had read, the plain Jane who stole the heart of everyone, with a heart of gold.

"I'M HERE! I AM SO SORRY I'M LATE! V...Veronica Lodge?" She says while puffing, clutching some papers in her hand, before she noticed Jughead and Toni. "Oh!" She squeaked. "Hey Jughead...Toni." Elizabeth says with a smile, Toni didn't return it, she simply rolled her eyes, before standing up. "Betty. Nice to meet you Veronica. See you around." Toni says with a wink before heading to a room which had 'detention' written on it, Jughead followed after her. He flashed a smile at Betty and smirks at Veronica, nodding as he too went into the room. Veronica swivelled around and looked at the golden haired girl, staring at Jughead with content, and Veronica chuckled.

Veronica tucked her hair behind her ear and walked towards her, "So, how long have you liked Jughead Jones for?" She teases, causing a blush to form on the girl's face. "W-What? I dont have a crush on Jughead. Don't be ridiculous." Betty spluttered, blinking rapidly. The girl was adorable, it was so painfully obvious that she didn't just like Jughead, she was clearly in love. "Oh girl, anyone with eyes knows you're smitten with James Dean over there." she says coyly, readjusting her bag.

"So you're Elizabeth? My guide?" Veronica asks, causing the blonde to nod enthusiastically. "Betty, actually, but yes. It won't be too long, i'll just show you wear all your classes are, the cafeteria, gymnasium, etc. Welcome to Riverdale High by the way." She says warmly, passing over some papers to Veronica, which she glances at. "That's your timetable, school map and any forms if you want to join any school groups." Betty says as they walk out of the office and thus, begins the tour.


Jughead sat in detention, his hand resting under his chin as he played with his pen boredly, sitting next to Toni and a bunch of jocks who had also received detention. Toni was already asleep, her head laid against the table, her eyes closed, in her hand was her camera. Jughead chuckled and shook his head, before glancing up at the teacher who was reading a book. Twilight. Typical, of course she was reading a Stephanie Meyer novel, Jughead had read almost every book possible, he wanted to leave Riverdale one day and publish a novel, being an author was his dream. Unfortunately with an alcoholic father who was the leader of the biggest gang in Riverdale, didn't exactly help with any university fees or scholarships. He sighs before he took out his notepad and began to doodle random drawings, before his attention spiked at the mention of Veronica's name coming out of Reggie Mantle's mouth.

"Man, Chuck, you weren't kidding when you said she was hot. She's fine as hell. The things I would do to those legs of hers. Or those lips." Reggie whistled lowly, causing the rest of the jocks to agree with him with a laugh. Jughead's lips tightened, but he ignored them. He didn't like the way they were talking about Veronica like that, it infuriated him. Jughead didn't realise how hard he was pressing against the pages before his pencil snapped. He immediately let go of the pencil and shook his head. Veronica Lodge had been here not even 24 hours and was already messing him up.

What was it about this girl? Honestly, she wasn't even his type. He strayed away and typically despised snotty and rich know it alls, he hated how she expressed herself through her expensive designer clothing and makeup, he hated that she commanded attention without having to say anything at all, her beauty was enough to make men fall to their knees for her. Jughead was more into quiet girls, girls with emotion, girls who loved to read, write, didn't care about their social status...girls like Elizabeth Cooper. Jughead fell in love with Elizabeth last year when they were put together to write a journal article for the school newspaper, and they bonded almost immediately. Except, he was sure that she was in love with her best-friend since birth, and football captain, Archie Andrews.

But yet, Veronica had a strange pull, his curiosity for the raven haired girl grew with the moment, their little talk at Pop's last night surprised him, he enjoyed their small conversation, she picked up on the pop culture references he used and always had a witty comeback. She sure was interesting. Suddenly the bell rung, waking Toni up with a start and she jumped before looking at Jughead who was laughing, "Morning sleeping beauty - oh fuck, I mean, Shrek." He teases, earning Toni to flash him her middle finger with a sweet smile before they both grabbed their bags and walked into the cafeteria for lunch.

Toni and Jughead sat with the Serpents, the gang that his father lead. Jughead had been in the gang since he was born, since he was raised in the Southside. The Southside was a small area where the gang lived and owned, and everyone in the town was like family. The two walked towards their usual table outside, where everyone was already seated down and throwing food at eachother, Jughead chuckled and shook his head, taking his seat, before he saw Sweetpea, who was seated across from him look up in amusement.

"Have you all seen the new chick? She's pretty hot." Sweetpea says as he plops a pizza slice in his mouth. At this moment Toni gave a glance at Jughead who made no comment. "Jughead already met her last night." Toni pipes in with a knowing smirk, causing SweetPea to choke on his pizza and Jughead to look at Toni wide-eyed, glaring at her. "Forsythe Pendleton Jones the Third. Have you finally moved on from ElizaBoring Cooper? I am so fucking proud. So tell me, did you give her a good 'welcome to riverdale' treat?" SweetPea says slyly, causing the rest of the gang members to loudly holler, and Jughead to scowl.

The gang had never liked Betty, they said she was too uptight, too into the books, too... frigid. But Jughead couldn't help that he was attracted to the blonde. She was exactly what he needed to escape the gang world for a tiny bit and be normal. "No you fucktard. Veronica and I barely spoke, we only spoke for a whole five minutes. And stop talking about Betty like that." Jughead scowls. Toni rolls her eyes and smirks, "Speak of the prada." She mutters, causing the boys to turn and watch as Veronica descended the stairs, unaware of how unreal she looked. She looked like a character in a movie, almost as if she was in slow motion, her glossy raven hair whisked behind her as she laughed at something Betty had said, her long legs looking like they went on forever in that tiny skirt and ridiculously high stilettos, before the two headed to Betty's table, which consisted of Archie Andrews.

Honestly, next to Veronica, Betty almost appeared invisible, it was impossible to not look at Veronica. Jughead shook his head before making eye contact with Betty who smiled at him from her table, and he returned it, his heart racing, before Betty turned away and giggled at Archie who was laughing with her and Veronica. Jughead pursed his lips before eating his food. Archie Andrews was one of the biggest players in Riverdale High, along with Chuck Clayton and Reggie Mantle - basically the whole football team. Archie was protective of Betty though, he never let anyone date her, in fact he threatened the football team, said that they could fuck any girl, but Betty was off limits. Betty and Archie have been next door neighbours since they were born, and have been inseparable, and everyone knew they were going to be 'endgame'.

"Dude, when are you going to grow some balls and ask blondie out?" Fangs says as he notices the interaction between the two. Jughead's eyebrows furrowed. "Uh, never? Its obvious she's not into me, she's in love with Archie, like...every other girl in Riverdale." He scoffs in annoyance, as he watches Veronica and Archie chatting. Veronica didn't appear like the type to fall for Archie's charm, and Jughead knew she could handle herself, with her incident with Chuck at Pop's last night, but that didn't stop Jughead from feeling uneasy.


Archie Andrews was one of the most beautiful redhead's that Veronica had ever seen in her life, and to top it off - the boy could sing. If that wasn't the perfect boyfriend, she didn't know what was. When Betty introduced Veronica to Archie, Veronica had already chosen the venue for their wedding in her head. When lunch ended, Veronica glanced at her schedule, she had gym and advanced literature next. She say bye to Betty and Archie before heading towards the gymnasium, and walked into the changerooms, she took out the gym uniform before she was approached by a stunningly gorgeous redhead girl with exquisite taste. Veronica looked in appreciation at the girl's red chanel dress and black Louboutins. "Veronica Lodge. I've heard all about you. I'm Cheryl Blossom - captain of the RiverVixens cheer squad." She introduced herself, clearly holding pride in her position.

"Hopefully they're all nice things. I love your shoes, I have the same pair. I was captain of my squad too." She grins and Cheryl's smile widens. "Great taste and style, you're perfect. Come to the Vixen's try out after school. I have a feeling this is going to be the start of a great alliance." Cheryl says, tossing her hair behind her before walking out. Veronica shook her head before changing into the school sports shirt and blue shorts.

She stepped into the gymnasium and spotted Betty seated with Archie, talking amongst themselves quietly. Veronica cocked her head to the side in thought, the two seemed really close, but she was sure Betty liked Jughead. "Who are we spying on? Do tell." Cheryl's voice slice through the air and Veronica jumped, turning to look at Cheryl, before sighing. "What's the dish on Betty and Archie? Are they dating? Have they dated?" Veronica blurted out. She couldn't help the curiosity. She wanted Archie, but clearly wasn't going to make any moves if Betty was into him, it was against every girl code in the books.

Cheryl's cherry red lips smirked, looping their arms together. "Sickly sweet aren't they? Poor Betty. I'm sure was once tragically in love with Archie, but he only saw her as a sister. A sad unrequited love, but blondie moved on. She's obsessed with -" Cheryl visibly cringed, before turning to Veronica in distaste. "Jughead Jones. Ugh. So gross. He's part of some nasty gang, his dad went to jail last year and when he got bail, Daddy Jones became an alcoholic. Tragic." Cheryl says dramatically with a long sigh. Veronica's eyebrows rise in surprise. Jughead was part of a gang? That certainly explains the leather jackets and attitude. She nods slowly. "So... Archie is off the market?" Veronica asks hopefully.

Before Cheryl could reply, Betty spotted Veronica and grinned, dragging Archie with her. "Technically speaking, yes. But who knows how goldilocks is going to take it." Cheryl said under her breath before putting on a fake smile. "Betty. Archie." Cheryl says emotionlessly, before sauntering off towards her group of minions. Betty's wide eyes glanced at Veronica. "You're friends with Cheryl Blossom now?" She asked in surprise. Veronica shrugged, tying her hair in a pony tail, "I guess so. Come on, let's go play some dodgeball." Veronica replies, changing the subject, her eyes on Archie, who smiled at her.


Jughead watched from afar in the back corner of the gymnasium, his laptop on his lap as he watched Betty giggle and her arm lightly hit Archie's. He pursed his lips, it was far too obvious that Betty was into Archie, who wouldn't? The boy was basically the golden boy of Riverdale, with his football scholarship and his musical talents. Jughead was far from anything like Archie, polar opposites. Archie was a ray of sunshine, as was Betty, with her bubbly personality, charisma and constant laughter - then there was Jughead, the dark prince of The Serpents. There was no competition, Betty would never go for someone under her status when she had someone like Archie.

He shakes his head and immediately begins typing away. He was writing a piece about Riverdale High through the eyes of an outcast, through the lenses of someone who overlooked the social hierarchy and treachery that was Cheryl Blossom, and her minions. Then there was Veronica. Jughead wasn't exactly sure how to enter in Veronica Lodge into his novel, she quite literally came out of thin air, and made sure everyone knew it.

"You know, instead of lurking around like Edward Cullen, you could actually try to talk to girls." The hauntingly teasing voice of Veronica Lodge halted Jughead's train of thoughts and he immediately shut his laptop down and glanced up with a scowl. "Look, Heather Chandler, not everything evolves around you, and not every guy is interested in you." Was all he could snap at her, but she didn't seem affected by his words, her smile just widened and her eyes sparkled, as she adjusted her uniform. The goddamn uniform made her legs appear long, toned and tan in those tiny shorts and the tight shirt wrapped around her slender waist and he could see the contours of her body shape. He glances away as soon as he realised he was staring for too long.

She suddenly surprises him when she slides in next to him on the seats, before slapping her hands onto her thighs. "So, I heard that Cheryl is throwing a welcome back party at her infamous mansion. Are you going?" She says as she drums her baby pink manicured nails against her exposed thighs, her eyes staring at Jughead. Of course, she knew that he wouldn't, he wasn't the type. Dark, brooding, handsome guys almost never attended parties. But she had to make small talk, somehow. Jughead scoffed, adjusting his grey beanie.

"Please, I would rather wish death upon myself than step foot into Cheryl Blossom's house. No thank you. Now, if that's all you have to ask, please leave me alone." He muttered, patiently waiting for Veronica to leave so he could continue his novel, his fingers itched to type Veronica's entrance in his novel, it was the most exciting thing yet to happen. Veronica rolls her eyes and hops off the chairs with a huff, her slender arms resting on her hips, as she glared at him. "Well, not like I'm surprised. You don't seem like the type to have fun." She tuts before she swirls around and saunters back to Betty and Archie.

Jughead scoffs as he watches her retreating figure, watching the trio talk amongst themselves. I don't seem like the type to have fun? Please. If fun consisted of getting wasted and making out with random people in your class and awkwardly seeing each other the next day - count him out. Jughead swiftly grabbed his laptop and bag before walking out just as the final bell rung.


"Jones. What were you and Lodge talking about?" SweetPea asks smugly as his palm slapped Jughead's shoulder as they walked towards their motorbikes. Jughead rolls his eyes, turning around. "SweetPea, must you know every aspect and conversation in my life? You need a girlfriend." He says with a scowl, grabbing his helmut. SweetPea grins. "Why have a girlfriend, when you can have one night stands without feeling guilty?" SweetPea smirks back, receiving a slap on the back of his head by Toni.

"You're disgusting SweetPea. Now, what are we talking about? You two look like two twelve year olds gossiping about your first hookup." Toni says dryly, adjusting her leather jacket as she peers at the two serpent boys. SweetPea gasps dramatically, holding his chest. "Antoinette! How dare you. You know Jug hasn't has his first hookup yet. Have some respect." He says with a straight face, causing Toni and himself to burst out laughing and Jughead to glare at them both.

He puts his finger up at them in annoyance. "Shut the fuck up, the both of you." He grumbles as they both hop onto their bikes. "You know we love you Jones. Now tell me what Veronica was talking to you about. She looked pissed. And sexy as hell. Tell me your secret." SweetPea presses. Toni swirls her head around. "You and Veronica had another conversation? About what?!" She asks curiously. Jughead groans and presses his fingers against his forehead.

"It was barely a sentence. She simply asked if I was going to Cheryl's annual party and I politely told her that I would rather die." He says in a bored tone, before his back straightened immediately and his eyes widened as Betty walked towards him. She looked like an angel, her blonde hair acted as a halo around her head as the sun shone behind her. She was a drastic contrast compared to the Serpents with her white cardigan and jeans. Jughead cleared his throat as he heard Toni and SweetPea turn around and talk between themselves, completely ignoring Betty.

Betty smiles as she gets closer to him. "Hey Jug. Um- Veronica...uh, she told me that you weren't coming to Cheryl's party, and... god this is embarrassing, um, I just really wanted you to come. My mom finally let me go this year since we're seniors and I really hope you change your mind and come." Betty says with a hopeful smile, her big blue eyes drowning him in. "I'll come." He blurted out, and Betty blinks in surprise before she grins, jumping up. "Oh! Really?! I'm so excited! I'll see you tonight." She says excitedly before walking back to Archie's car. They lived next door to each other so it made sense that he drove her to school everyday.

Jughead finally woke up from his daze and blinked. Holy shit. he thought. "Did I just...agree to go to Cheryl's party?" He groans, causing SweetPea and Toni to shake their heads. "The power of love truly does make you dumb." SweetPea says before the three of them drive back to the Whyte Wyrm, the Serpents bar.

Sooooo that was my first ever fanfic!! What do you guys think? Please feel free to leave any comments or criticism below! 💗

Currently writing the next chapter it will be up in a few days.

Tanya 💘

Instagram: @tanyalao @tanyasedits

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