Cared For #Yoonmin

By LittleHoneyBunBun

946K 30.8K 23.8K

SMUT WARNING!!! Hybrid Story MPREG Yoongi wasn't expecting to find a pretty, pink hybrid in his back garden. ... More

1: That's No Hedgehog...
2: Adjusting
3: Making Friends
4: Making A Choice
5: I Choose...
6: Accidents Happen
7: Mate
8: Be Mine
9: What A Sight!
10: Needing You
11: I Want You Daddy
12: Who The Hell Are You!?
13: Such A Good Boy
14: Something Special
Important Authors Note!!
15: Peaches And Cream
16: Nesting
17: You're Having A What!?
18: It's About To Get Crowded
19: Any Questions?
20: Pain And Need
21: I Need You
22: So Sweet
23: Unexpected Visitor
24: He Knows!
25: Seeing Red
26: I Need To Talk To You...
27: Suppressing Who You Are
28: Heat
29: Just How I Like It
30: Play Date
31: Careless Words
32: Part One
32: Part Two
33: You Make Me Feel So Good
34: Fragile
35: What A Tease
36: Punishment
37: More Babies!?
38: Baby Shopping
A/N: New Story
39: Flat Liner
40: Miracle
41: Nine Lives
42: Never Leave Your Side
43: My Little Kitten
44: Naughty Kitty
45: Superhero
Epilogue: Jimin
Epilogue: Jin
Epilogue: Taehyung

46: End

9.5K 414 457
By LittleHoneyBunBun

Yes this is actually, FINALLY a chapter!!! Yayyy but first:


Thank you guys so much for 57k views on this story. I'm so, so happy! This is like a dream come true. Crazyyyyy!

Like, I can't believe this is actually happening right now!?

I've had like 17,000 views I'm like a week.


Thank you so much to all of you for sticking by me and supporting me through a really rough time, you're kind words and support mean so much to me.

Thank you.

But I'm here to write another chapter for you lovely people. Life must go on!

Thank you guys for being so supportive and kind. You all mean so much to me! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I love you alllllllll!!!

You're amazingggggg!

And yes this IS the end...

But there will be epilogues etc. I mean idk if you guys want a sequel or a spin off. I probably won't bother because I doubt anyone wants one.

I'm cuddling my favourite stuffie as I write this, he he! 🙈🙊


Four months later:

Yoongi's POV:

What the... ?

"... Jimin? ... What are you doing?" I question, eyeing him with complete curiosity and confusion, as I watch him do god knows what.

What is he doing?

I stop typing on my laptop (A/N: I guess he has a laptop AND a computer idk 😂 he a rich boi) and watch Jimin as he swiftly manoeuvres around the room, collecting pillows, before entering the en-suite bathroom with intent.

What the heck?

I peer into the bathroom, he ignores me as he continues to gather all the bedding that he can from the cupboard, into his small arms.

When he's satisfied with the amount he has, he eagerly runs out of the bathroom with it all. Unable to see where he's going, due to how high he's stacked the fabric in his arms - well above his eye level!

I don't see this going well...

"Jimin, be careful!" I have one eye closed in anxiety as I watch him, ready to run over to him and stop him.

I watch like an anxious Mother, as he blindly runs with the massive pile of duvets and blankets in his arms.

I make to run over and stop him before he injures himself.

Too late.

I watch as Jimin runs straight, smack into a wall, I frantically kick myself into action, immediately running over to his aid in a mad panic.

Jimin lays on his back on the floor, body covered in duvets and pillow cases, as his tail twitches and he whines in pain.

"Jimin?!" I ask, wanting to hear some form of response, to know that he's alright.

All I get in reply is a groan of pain.

I scoop up his body into my arms, removing all the fabric clinging to his body, so I can observe his small body for any damage or injuries.

I immediately notice an angry, raised bump on his forehead and nasty looking carpet burn on both of his knees.

I sigh in sadness and annoyance at the fact that Jimin has hurt himself AGAIN!

He's so damn clumsy that he's always hurting himself.

I hate seeing him hurt.

I should've stopped him, so this wouldn't have happened.

I carry his crying, shaking body into the bathroom and set him down onto the toilet seat, after setting the lid down.


"I know baby, I know. I'm here, Daddy will make it alllll better for you!"

Jimin sniffles, nodding his head a little, balling his hands into fists and rubbing tears away from his eyes.

I place a loving kiss on his forehead, before rushing to grab the first aid kit that I keep under the sink, always fully stocked because Jimin injures himself so much.

I set the giant first aid box on the floor, next to Jimin and begin getting out all the things I need to tend to his wounds.

I kneel down on the floor in front of him.

I get out some antiseptic wipes and clean up the carpet burn on both of his knees, applying some soothing cream, before putting his favourite Minnie Mouse plasters over the wounds.

He smiles wide, tears forgotten when he sees me put them on him.

They're his favourite.

Now I need to tend to his head.
Shit, I need ice for it!

I'm gunna have to leave him for a minute or two to go and get it.

"Jimin, sweetheart I just need to get some ice. Can you be a really good, brave boy for me and wait here for me while I get it?"

Jimin sniffles once more, but nods in answer. I place a soft kiss on his lips before running to get some ice for the bump on his head.

When I come back with the large ice pack from the freezer, I find Jimin in the exact same place.

Such a good boy.

I quickly notice, with disdain, that he's rubbing his stomach. Did he hurt that too?!

"Sweetheart?" I call out, to get his attention.

He looks up at me, still rubbing his tummy with a sad look in his eye.

Shit, I think he did.

I make my way over to him, gripping the hem of his shirt, and look him in the eyes for some sign of acceptance, when he nods hesitantly.

I lift his pink shirt up to inspect his tummy.

I frown when I see no bruises or cuts or marks of any sort. Why was he rubbing it if it doesn't hurt?

But then my jaw drops.

I see it.

His stomach...
There's no denying it...

It's rounder and plumper.

I reach my hand forwards, touching his skin and caressing his belly.

He's pregnant.

"Baby? Why didn't you tell me?" I ask, confused as to why he didn't tell his fiancé, that he's pregnant.

He must've known, as he was rubbing his stomach just now. And it's blatantly obvious that he's pregnant, you just have to look at his protruding stomach to see that.

Jimin shrugs.

"Didn't want to bother you while you were working..."

What the fuck?

I'm shocked that he thinks for even one damn second that my work is more important than him. No fucking way.
Jimin will always be the most important person in my life, he is above everyone and anything else.

But I know that he already knows this, so there must be another reason why he didn't tell me.

There has to be.

"Jimin, look at me." I order, needing him to look me in the eye while we talk.

He obeys, looking up at me, a sad look in his eyes.

"What's the real reason?" I ask sternly, expecting him to tell me the truth.

He anxiously fiddles with his hands for a minute, still looking me in the eye, before answering my question.

"I was worried that you wouldn't be happy. I mean, we only just had the twins, 5 months ago... and now more babies? I thought you'd be mad or unhappy, so I was scared to tell you."

I can't believe he actually felt like this. How could he possibly think for even a minute that I would feel that way?

I shuffle forwards, until we are nose to nose, no distance at all.

"Jimin. I love you and our babies more than anything else on this entire planet, okay? You are my everything. I love our family and the fact that you're pregnant again means that it's about to grow even more and that truly makes me the happiest man. I would have hundreds of babies with you Jimin if that were possible, the more the better. I never want you to ever doubt again, okay? Never! I'm so, so happy and this news has made me impossibly happier. YOU'RE PREGNANT BABY!! That's amazing!" I don't hide how excited and happy I am, expressing it all.

Jimin giggles, as I launch myself at him, kissing him passionately on the lips to express my feelings and love for him.

Before I know it, Jimin's straddling my hips, on top of me as we both sit on the floor, erratically kissing one another, hands caressing each other's bodies. Jimin mewls in delight as I lick my tongue into his mouth, squeezing his ass in my hands.

When we've both pulled away we're gasping for oxygen, chests panting heavily, our bodies so close, that there's no space between us.

"You truly make me the happiest man in the world..." I whisper, breath ghosting on his lips.

Jimin leans forward kissing me once more.

"I love you..." He says as he blushes bright red.

"I love you too baby... so fucking much."

I see the first aid kit out of the comer of my eye.

Shit I forgot all about his injuries!

I reach over and grab the ice pack. I hold the now slightly defrosted ice pack onto Jimin's bump on his head, smiling down at him.

"Ahhhh that feels nice." I'm glad to see that the ice pack is relieving the pain from the bump on his head, and can even see that the bump decreases in size and redness from the ice.


"You're going to need to start being more careful, no more clumsiness. Not now that you're pregnant, you have to be so, so careful and protect the babies, okay?" I instruct him.

It's true, he needs to be so damn careful.

"Okay Yoonie. I will! I'll be more careful and not clumsy anymore! Um... Yoonie? Can we go to Doctor Hoseok and see what the babies look like?"

"I'm one step ahead of you sweetheart, I was planning on taking you straight after this. You know I'm not a patient man, I need to see our babies. We're going to Hoseok's clinic immediately."

Jimin, now all bandaged up and as good as new, save for a lump on his head and carpet burn, bounces with excitement as we ready ourselves to go to Hoseok's clinic to have an ultrasound.

I don't know how far along Jimin is or how long he's been keeping his pregnancy from me.

I'm devastated that he felt like he had to keep it from me because he thought that I'd be "mad."

I mentally shake my head.

We really need to have a proper talk when we get home after the clinic.

The thing with Jimin is that he doubts himself so much after what happened with his last owner. His "master" was a complete fucking psycho ass hole and I'm glad he's gone, he treated my baby like shit and I hated his fucking guts for that.

Good riddance to him.
Thank fuck he's gone and Jimin's got me now to mend him and make him whole again, fix him.

Love him.

We have a whole life ahead of us, and I can't put into words how fucking excited I am to live it with the love of my life.


The boy I found outside my house one night, when I was funnily enough only trying to lure in some hedgehogs, so I could see them for the first time in real life.

But instead I found a pink-haired hybrid, who changed my life forever.

Turned it upside down.

Introduced me to so many new, incredible things.

Gave me a whole new life, a fiancé, a family.

So much changed after I met him.

But I wouldn't change him for anything.


He's mine. All mine.


And I am truly the luckiest man for that.

I don't know how my life would be without my beautiful, little pink-haired hybrid.

Completely different, I know that for sure.

It's so god damn lucky that I put tuna out on my porch that day.

If I hadn't... I never would have met Jimin.

He never would have been mine.

It's something I don't even want to think about.

He's mine now, all mine. That's all that matters.

I'll give him the best life, make him the happiest hybrid on earth.

He and our children.

I'll give them an amazing life.

The best.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for me and Jimin.

A whole lot of babies and happiness that's for sure.




Lol. Yep it's over now!

I will write a few epilogues possibly.

I haven't decided yet. There will definitely be one though.

Uh let me know what you thought of this story I guess.

Was it good? Too long? 😂

I wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read this story and supported me along the looooooong journey of writing it.

Just thank you so much for being so amazing.

I love you all so much!!! ❤️

Thank you again for choosing to read my story out of all the other ones on Wattpad.

I honestly can't put into words how grateful I am.

I love you alll sooooooooo much!!!!

I'm planning on writing so many more stories and I hope you all support me with those ones too.

Secret Boyfriend - my Taekook story is the one I'm going to write next.

So like if you like Taekook and smut then like... read it I guess or at least give it a chance, I'm so excited for it and I've got so many ideas.

It's gonna be gooood! I promise.

I will also write Minjoon, Namjin, Yoonseok and Namseok!!!

So watch out guys there's more stories coming you way! If you want to read them 😭😂

I'm gonna go back to being a little depressed potato, cuddling my fave stuffie now lol


Byeeeee ❤️


BunBun ❤️

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