THE HEROIC HUNTER(neglected a...


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Y/N was a wolf faunus part of the rose family but sadly he's not wanted by anyone due to him being 'semblance... More

BIO (for future)


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Hey guys so a few more girls to the harem bubble girl, the girls from the pussycats, and fuyumi(todoroki's sister)


It's been a week since the girls of 1-A and nemuri became my girlfriends and its been a blast but sadly since I was still staying I was handed off to Mt. Lady or as she has me call her yuu and we share the same bed its fine but shes a little perverted but for some reason I don't mind and that's probably because I'm still in heat because of the pills and nemuri didn't get to me in time so yeah as for raven she's been great she haves me in her class sometimes but she does get close to me to close like to where she's leaning on me but I still don't mind but today I am scared shitless cause today I'm meeting the girls parents and I'm kinda scared and first is jirou's parents and I was with her right now walking to her house

Y/N: jirou are you sure about this

Jirou: I'm sure your fine they'll love you

We kept walking until we reached her house an she knocked on the door and a women with earphone jacks answered and then a man with long hair came to the door as well

Women: hello jirou is this your boyfriend you were talking about

Jirou: yes mom

Man: so your the guy come inside and we can talk

Y/N: okay and its a pleasure to meet you air

I stuck out m hand and he shook it then we went inside and sat down in the living room and jirou's mom got some snacks and ten she sat down and it was quiet until the dad spoke

Man: okay kid I want to know if you can protect my daughter

Y/N: yes I can sir

Man: oh yeah then what's your semblance

Jirou: dad stop it

Women: kyoutoku stop being so strict 

Kyoutoku: well I'm sorry mika I'm just teyinto see I he can protect our little rock star

Jirou: DAD!

Mika: stop embarrassing her

Kyoutoku: whatever anyways kid can you fight

Y/N: yes sir I attend beacon academy and as for my semblance its called "ONE FOE ALL" and my name is Y/N toshinori

Mika: what does one for all do

Y/N: it helps me in speed and strength but I can nor use in fully

Kyoutoku: how can you protect jirou if you can't even use your semblance at full strength

Jirou: cause if he uses it at full power he has a chance at killing himself

Mika: then how much can he use

Y/N: I can use 36% ma'am but it is strong enough to take down an Ursa major in one punch

Kyoutoku: well then I guess you can protect her you have my approval buif you break her heart I break you

Y/N: son worry sir I won't

He smiled and went for a hand shake and I took and I spent an hour with them until me and jirou left to a coffee shop where I was passed to momo and we went to her mansion and it was as big as dads

Y/N: wow this place is big

Momo: yup now I need you to be on your best behavior

Y/N: what makes you think that I'll be bad

Momo: your still in heat remember

Y/N: oh yeah

Momo: but if my parents accept you them you'll get a reward

Y/N: ....... Let's go meet your parents

We walked up to the door and she knocked and a man with a tuxedo answered

???: hello Ms. Yaoyorzu

Momo: hello Alfred (yes Alfred from batman)

Alfred: and who is this young man

Momo: Alfred this is my boyfriend Y/N, Y/N this is Alfred my family's butler

Alfred: ah the boyfriend well then it is nice to finally meet you and Ms. Yaoyorzu your parents are waiting to meet him they are in the dining room

Momo: thank you Alfred, come on Y/N

Alfred aloud us through and I followed momo to the dining room and I saw her parents waiting for us

Momo: hello father, mother

Mr. Yaoyorzu: sit

We both sat down and I saw sweating bullets

Mr. Yaoyorzu: so you are my daughter boyfriend

Y/N: yes sir

Mr. Yaoyorzu: I also see your a faunus

Y/N: yes I am sir

Mr. Yaoyorzu: well I got one question can you protect momo

Y/N: yes I can sir

Mr. Yaoyorzu: then show me. Alfred!

Then the door opened and Alfred walked through

Mr. Yaoyorzu: if you can land one hit on Alfred then we approve of you

Y/N: okay

I got out of my seat and walked in front of Alfred and activated full cowl and jumped at Alfred but when I threw a punch he disappeared and I was slammed the ground and when I turned around I saw Alfred then I got up and tried to hit him again but I missed and was smacked at the back of my head

Alfred: I am afraid that you will not be able to touch me sir my semblance is time manipulation

I turned around and tried to grab him but he disappeared then I stopped and used my faunus trait to help me and I heard a footstep and I caught a fist from the side and saw Alfred with a shocked face then I tried to grab him with my other hand but he dodged it and grabbed my arm and lifted me into the air and slammed me to he ground

Mr. Yaoyorzu: well kid I'm sorry

Alfred: on the contrary Sir he did make a hit

We looked and saw a cut on Alfred's cheek and the dad was surprised

Mr. Yaoyorzu: well then Y/N welcome to the family

He stuck out his hand and offered a handshake and I took it and after a while I left with momo and met up with uraraka and walked with her to her apartment to meet her parents

Uraraka: I know they'll love you

Y/N: sure they will * hopefully I don't have to do the same thing I did at momo's*

As we were walking I got a text and it was from momo but it was a photo and when I opened it i blushed at the picture well actually pictures


Uraraka: what are you looking at

Y/N: oh nothing

I said as I his my scroll and we reached her house and she opened the door and when we walked in I saw her parents

Mr. Ochako: hey you must be Y/N correct

Y/N: yes sir

Mr. Ochako: well its a pleasure to finally meet you

Mrs. Ochako: uraraka talks a lot about you

Y/N: like what

Mrs. Ochako: like how kind, strong, gentle, reckless, and smart you are

Y/N: oh

Mr. Ochako: well Y/N I just want to let you know as long as you can provide and protect her then we approve of you

Y/N:*I can't believe it was that easy!* don't worry sir I will

He smiled and we talked for a while until me and uraraka left and I met with tsuyu at the park and we walked to her house

Tsuyu: just to let you know Y/N my dad can be very strict but when it comes to faunus its fine

Y/N: good to know

We kept walking until we reached her house and I knocked and a man that was a frog faunus answered

Tsuyu: hi dad

Mr. Asui: hello tsuyu is this the boyfriend you tell me about

Tsuyu: y-yes

Mr. Asui: well hello young man my name is ganma its nice to meet you

Y/N: you to sir

Gamma: please call me gamma drop the formalities

We walked in an I saw her family and they were all a froggy family she also had a brother and a sister but founder than her and her dad actually accepted me pretty quick and tsuyu was right its because I was also a faunus and when we left ganma gave me his blessing to marry tsuyu and she blushed when he did that and ragged me out with her tongue and we were on our way to meet Mina at an arcade and when we got there I saw her and tsuyu left and I walked with Mina to her apartment to meet her dad and when we got there she kicked open the door

Mina: I'm home!

Mr. Ashido: Mina how many times have I told you not to kick open the door!

Mina: sorry dad

We walked INA and I closed the door and when we went into the living room I saw a man with messy hair like Mina but didn't have pink skin

Mr. Ashido: so is this the guy

Mina: yeah

Mr. Ashido: well nice to meet you kid you may be a faunus but you look alright just don't hurt Mina and remember to use protection

Mina blushed and grabbed !e by my wrist and dragged me out

Y/N: well that went well

Mina: y-yeah

We walked to another coffee shop where I met up with my last girlfriend todoroki and when we got there Mina missed me then left and I walked up to todoroki and she hugged me when she saw me then we started to walk to her house but I felt a huge amount of hatred coming from her so I held her hand and she calmed down but as we were walking I got another text but it was from Mina this time

Mina: hey momo told me what she did for you and well here you go I hope you like it

I blushed and put away my scroll cause we reached her house and we walked in and when we did I followed her to the living room and I saw the number 2 huntsmen endeavor

And I don't know why but I already hate him

Endeavor: so this is the guy

Todoroki: yes

Y/N: hello it's a ple--

Endeavor: get out

Y/N: excuse me

Todoroki: dad!

Endeavor: when you said you had a boyfriend I didn't except you to bring a filthy animal

Todoroki: he is not an animal!

Endeavor: yes he is he's probably also working with the white hang he's a an animal like them

I hated that he was calling me an animal and he was getting me pissed

Y/N: call me an animal one more time

Endeavor: your a filthy idiotic ani--


I punched him in the face and he stumbled back and got pissed

Endeavor: you, me UA arena, one hour don't be late

Y/N: I wouldn't !is it hot head

He walked out leaving a trail of flaming footprints and when I looked at todoroki she was smiling

Y/N: what are you smiling about

Todoroki: oh nothing and I want you to kick his ass

Y/N: oh I will also we better call the girls, raven, and Mt. Lady

Todoroki: and tell them about the fight

Y/N: yup now let's go

Todoroki: actually since my dads out of the question let's go meet my mom

Y/N: oh okay

We walked out and I followed her to the hospital and when we got there  I still followed her to her mothers room and when we got there she opened the door and I saw a women with pure white hair

Todoroki: h-hey mom

Women: hello todoroki who's this boy

Todoroki: this is my boyfriend Y/N

Y/N: hi its nice to meet you

Women: its mice to meet you to I'm rei

Todoroki: mom we have a slight problem

Rei: what is it

Todoroki: well dad got mad when I introduced him to Y/N and he called him a filthy animal so Y/N punched him in the face and now dad is gonna fight him later today

Rei: oh god I am so sorry about his behavior he is just a stubborn man

Y/N: its fine I'm gonna bat him anyways

Rei: and how do you know that

Y/N:  cause of my semblance

Rei: well I have faith in you but what are you two really here for

Todoroki: well I wanted to make sure if it was fine to date him with your permission

Rei: of course but Y/N don't hurt her in any way or I'll freeze you to death

Y/N: ha ha

Rei: I'm serious

I gulped and we talked for thirty minutes and then we left and on our way our I met her sister fuyumi but we didn't really have time to talk cause we were in a rush to get to UA so I could meat endeavors ass and when we got there we walked to the arena and I saw endeavor still with a pissed look and on th e side lines we saw momo, uraraka, jirou, Mina, tsuyu, for some reason there family, raven, nemuri, yuu, and the rest of team fuckin strq

Y/N: UGH! why are you three here, ah whatever I need to put this asshole in his place

Todoroki walked to the rest of the girls and I walked I to he arena

Raven: alright this is a 1V1 match the first one for there aura to hit red loses

I nodded and endeavor grunted

Raven: FIGHT!!

As soon as she said that he unleashed a huge flamethrower at me but I used full cowl to dodge it and rushed him but he use flamethrower again but this time it as blue and I was barley able to dodge it but I kept running at him a and when I got close I used one for all at 20% and punched him but he blocked it and punched me in the face with a fire fist and launched me into a wall but I got back up and used full cowl at full power and started to bounce all over the room and endeavor had a hard time keeping track of my and when I was able to I flew by him and punched his head and jumped away and I did that for a while until he slammed his hands on the ground releasing a heat wave knocking me down and then he used flamethrower again and it hit me full on and launched me into the wall again but I got back up and he was pissed but then his whole body caught on fire and I knew that was his special move

Endeavor: BLAST BURN!!

He punched the and the ground started to break and move toward me and when it got close it exploded


Everyone saw how endeavor used his special move on Y/N

Girls: Y/N!!

The smoke cleared from the blast burn but nobody saw Y/N

Endeavor: huh?

???: hey hot head!

Everyone looked and saw Y/N on the ceiling

Y/N: I'm still alive

Endeavor: WHAT?!

Then Y/N used full cowl and jumped down and as he was falling endeavor use flamethrower one more time but missed and then Y/N landed on the ground and he started to charge up full cowl and everyone saw a scar like pattern glow all over his body then he jumped st endeavor breaking the spot he was in and he reeled back his fist 

Y/N: 100% TEXAS SMASH!!!!

He punched endeavor in the face and launched him out of the arena and the building and through three other buildings and raven announced Y/N as the winner and when Y/N looked at his arm and legs they weren't broken and he smiled but then he was tackled down by all his girlfriend's knowing that he won and that the can all be together


Heya so yes you kicked endeavors ass and I also need to do something for the ice dragon emperor and the blind hero plus number two one for the hero your new costume and as for the name fuck it, its DEKU and with that said I will see you all in the next update PEACE!!!!✌✌✌✌

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