Detroit Learning to Love (Kar...

Galing kay jetrayf

188K 4K 811

A story based on Detroit Become Human, meet (F/N) a former CyberLife employee who one day decided to buy an a... Higit pa

Kara Part. 1
Chloe Part. 2
Connor Part. 3
Kamski Part. 4
Markus Part. 5
Ralph Part. 6
Zlatko Part. 7
Luther Part. 8
Amanda Part. 9
Hank Part. 10
Questions and Answers Part. 11
rA9 Part. 12
Decisions Part. 13
North Part. 14
Consequences Part. 15
Alice Part. 16
Simon Part. 17
Weapon Part. 18
Life Part. 19
Karen Part. 20
The End Part. 21 (Not the actual Ending)
Josh Part. 22
Rise Part. 23
And Shine Part. 24
United Part. 25
Cheeseburger Part. 26
Past Part. 27
Hope Part. 28
CyberLife Part. 30
Endgame Part. 31
Fear Part. 32
RK800 Part. 33
Android Part. 34
Human Part. 35
War Part. 36
Peace Part. 37
Choice. A
Choice. B
Choice. C

Dummy Part. 29

1.8K 47 10
Galing kay jetrayf

(F/N) opened the door to the church, almost every android in the room cheered, (F/N) waved, and smiled slightly. (F/N) walked over to Markus, North, and Connor, Markus was smiling, "I knew you could do it."

(F/N) awkwardly smiled and nodded, "Yeah," North seemed less convinced, "So what is our plan hotshot?"

(F/N) nodded again, "Here's the thing," Markus' smile quickly disappeared.

(F/N) continued, "I actually have no idea how we're going to do any of the stuff I talked about."

Markus' smile faded, "So you basically made up the speech."

Connor added, "And you have no plan at all?"

(F/N) shrugged, he was sweating, "Essentially."

North sighed, she glanced at the ground, then looked back at (F/N), disappointment was written all over her face, "Okay. I'm done with you...have a nice life." Markus and North turned to walk a way, (F/N) lowered his voice, "Guys, come on...I can't pull this off without you...I need your help." Connor looked at (F/N) sympathetically and spoke up as well, but in support of (F/N), "I've run the calculations...the best chance we have of winning is if we stay together."

Markus stopped and held out his arm so North would stop moving, the android with mismatched eyes let out a sigh, he couldn't take that risk, "Do we have a place where we could talk in private?" North sighed, upset that she was being forced to do this, "Yeah the back room should be quiet enough."

Markus nodded, North led the way, (F/N) looked at Connor, "Thanks for that." Connor nodded, he quietly replied "of course."

North led the group toward the back of the room, ignoring the cheers (F/N) was getting. North quickly opened the door, so everyone could get in, she practically slammed it shut.

Markus walked over to a table, he put both of his hands on it and leaned on it. (F/N), North, and Connor followed suite, (F/N) cleared his throat, "Okay, so our two biggest threats are the Government and Amanda," (F/N) turned to Connor, "To beat Amanda we have to get into the CyberLife tower...Connor you're the expert on CyberLife?"

North suddenly spoke up, "Wait! What? The CyberLife tower, that's suicide." Connor seemed to agree, but said "it's the only way we can erase Amanda from the servers and take s very large step to eliminate her as a threat."

(F/N) nodded, Markus remembering Kamski's explanation agreed as well, "How are you going to get inside?"

Connor's expression never changed, "They trust me, they'll let me in." Markus shook his head, "They're just going to believe that you randomly decided to show up to visit them?"

Connor's LED turned yellow, it wasn't hard to see why, "They'll let me in, if they believe I successfully captured my target."

All eyes turned to (F/N), "What? No I can't, you heard my speech...I have to be with Markus and North."

Connor leaned against the table, "This is our only shot at defeating Amanda, and stopping her plans."

(F/N) shook his head, "I'm sorry. I just can't be in two places at once."

North looked at the table as if she was thinking of something, "Let's assume you could be...what else would you need to do to eliminate her?"

(F/N) looked at North for a split second, she knew something that he didn't, but he elected to ignore that feeling. Connor continued, "Yes, while i'm there at least one RK800 is bound to be there, if I scan it, it should help me locate the other RK800s. We could find them and destroy them...that would destroy Amanda."

(F/N) sighed and glanced back at North, "Okay...hypothetically if I could be in two places at once, that takes care of Amanda."

(F/N) turned to Markus and North, "So then we just have to worry about the government. North what's our status on weapons?"

North smiled at the question, her anger from before, disappearing, Markus frowned and immediately started to voice his concern, "Weapons? I thought you wanted to do this peacefully?"

North smirked and glanced at Markus, she answered the question "I managed to move some guns here before the Jericho raid, we have enough to effectively arm all our people."

Markus shook his head and looked at (F/N), "You can't be serious? What happened to being better than them?"

(F/N) looked at Markus roughly, "That part of me died when I saw those soldiers gun down our people at Jericho, like FUCKING animals! I tried to talk to them, I gave them the opportunity. But that didn't work. If they want a war. I'm more than happy to give it to them."

Markus took a step back, (F/N) was clearly emotional, but Markus refused to back down, "I saw it to, I was there...but please don't give up on peace yet. You're underestimating the human's...they'll listen...please."

(F/N) looked into Markus's mismatched eyes, he felt his anger fading, "Fine! But we're bringing weapons just in case."

North looked at Markus, angrily, she was disappointed to say the least, "But that still doesn't change the fact they'll kill us. We don't have the kind of numbers to stand up to them."

(F/N) turned to Connor, after North's statement, an idea had formed in his head, they both came to the same conclusion and said, "The CyberLife Assembly plant." Markus and North looked at the two strangely, (F/N) was the first to speak, "There are thousands of androids there...if we could wake them up then."

Connor finished (F/N)'s sentence, "It could be enough to shift the balance of power, but we would have to defeat Amanda first, or the second we turn them on she'll take them over."

Markus nodded, "then (F/N) needs to go. He's the only one capable of defeating Amanda on her home turf." (F/N) shook his head, "No, I can't, Markus you should go...I can work with North I can..."

North interrupted, "Remember when I said you pretend like you could be in two places at once?What if I you could?"

(F/N) raised an eyebrow, he looked at North, his attention was off of Markus and on her, "What do you mean exactly?"

North bit her lip, debating whether she should tell (F/N) or not, "I found something else, in the should probably come look at it." North walked out of the backroom, (F/N) glanced back at Connor and Markus as he followed her. North led (F/N) to a corner in the room, sure enough there was a bunch of rifles, hand guns, shotguns, even an RPG, North had clearly gone all out.

(F/N)'s eyes widened, "Holy Shit North, where'd you get all this?"

North smirked, she was glad to see that reaction, but she walked over to a container, she put her hand on it. "I raided a military warehouse, and I found all of this, plus I found him."

North knocked on the container, it looked big enough to fit a human, it was from CyberLife. North suddenly moved to the side and undid the latches for the container. (F/N)'s eyes widened when he saw an android without it's synthetic skin, it stared blankly ahead.

(F/N) looked at North for an explanation, "You kept him in there? You didn't awaken him?"

North shook her head, "I tried that...but as it turns out, he doesn't even have a consciousness." North snapped her fingers in front of the android's face to emphasize her point, the android didn't even flinch. North added, "The lights are on but no ones home, but that doesn't mean someone can't break in."

(F/N) frowned, what North was suggesting suddenly came to him, "You want me to transfer my consciousness into him?"

North shook her head, "Do you have any better ideas?"

(F/N) scoffed, "First of all I need to make physical contact to transfer my consciousness."

North frowned, she was all to familiar with (F/N) transferring his consciousness, but she shot back "you can build something that could wirelessly transfer without making physical contact."

(F/N) licked his lips, he quickly thought of another reason, "It doesn't look anything like me! They'll see right through it."

North smirked, "His face hasn't been completely molded, if you had the right tools you could change it...or you could just smash it's face with a hammer, either way it would end up looking like you."

(F/N) sighed, it wasn't like he had any other options, "Fine...I'll need a welding iron, a circuit board, a screwdriver, a pare of pliers, a magnet, a chisel, some street clothes for dummy here...and a ham sandwich."

North smiled, glad her idea had been chosen, Markus seemed skeptical, "You can do all that with just those things?"

(F/N) smiled, "Markus, I have an IQ of 195, when I was five I started a pirate radio station, with some metal coat hangers, and a radio from the 90's. I think I can handle this."

Connor's LED flashed to verify (F/N)'s statement, "But you were caught and briefly sent to juvenile hall for not having a license." (F/N) licked his lips, he shot Connor a look, "Thank you, Connor. The point is that..."

Connor kept talking, "Criminal records also indicate you were arrested last year for public indec..." (F/N) yelled out "stop talking...The point is if anyone can do this it's me."

Markus nodded, North smiled at Connor's recollection of (F/N)'s past, (F/N) smiled, trying to move past his criminal history, "Okay, we all agree on the plan?"

North nodded in agreement, Markus replied, "I'm with you." Connor nodded and added, "We can do this."

(F/N) smiled, "Okay...North, Markus you get everyone ready, help the wounded, figure out a plan for the march, and get that stuff I need. Connor go get everything you and I will need for CyberLife, plan for everything. I'm going to go plan everything out for the device and getting dummy ready. We can do this, team."

Markus and North headed off to start getting the androids ready, Connor walked off to gather everything he would need, (F/N) started to walk to the back room, this might actually work.


Lieutenant Anderson, sat at his desk bored, he had been doing his usual tasks, investigating a homicide, pretend like nothing usual was happening, you know normal stuff. Hank was angry he was about to stand up, call it an early day, and head to the nearest bar when he heard a voice, "Lieutenant Anderson."

Hank turned around, "What the fuck?" Connor was standing behind him in his CyberLife suit, "Connor?" Connor smiled, Hank let out a sigh of relief, "What the hell happened to you? I read about that raid on the news, I tried calling you, but you didn't pick up!"

Connor smiled and adjusted his tie, "My predecessor was able to locate Jericho, but unfortunately he was destroyed trying to apprehend (F/N) (L/N). Thankfully CyberLife, sent me to replace him."

Hank sighed, he was obviously annoyed at the fact Connor was back from the dead, "We'll I don't know why CyberLife sent you. We're off the case remember?"

Connor's LED turned yellow, as if he was trying to think of a reason to be there, "Actually, CyberLife told me they have a lead for both of us. They said they only wanted to talk to you."

Hank frowned, "And why should I care?"

Connor frowned, "Lieutenant, I must insist, CyberLife did tell me this information could be crucial."

Hank sighed again, "Alright...Alright, just shut up and take me there." Connor smiled, he didn't say a word, this had gone exactly how Amanda said it would.


Luther sat in the passengers seat, traffic was backed up for miles behind their car. Thankfully he, Kara, and Alice had left soon enough so it wasn't as bad when they first got here. What was taking so long?

Kara had taken to playing games with Alice: I spy, would you rather, twenty question, etcetera. Alice had given up on trying to sleep, and Kara was trying her best to keep the little girl entertained. Luther smiled at her attempts, she was doing an excellent job.

Finally, another car started forward, Luther smiled, every little bit helped, it was at that point Luther saw what was holding up traffic. "It's a police checkpoint!" Kara's attention immediately snapped forward, sure enough the police were looking through cars, probably checking for androids.

Luther immediately snapped into action mode, he moved his hand and was about to switch the car to manual, so Kara could drive them away, but she stopped him. "Don't! They don't know we're androids. Let's wait."

Luther looked at Kara, "They'll find out, they'll go come after us...we have to do something."

Kara shook her head, she spoke in a firm voice, "Luther, No! Don't do anything unless I tell you." Luther was about to respond but the car in front of them drove past the checkpoint, it was their turn now.

Luther hid the fact he was shaking as the car pulled forward, a police officer walked up to the driver's side as the car came to a stop. Kara rolled down the window.

The officer shined his flashlight into the car, "Good evening Mam. Might I ask why you're headed to the border tonight?"

Kara smiled, trying to stay in character, "We were planning to cross, I wanted to get my daughter and my cousin away from all this."

The cop shined his light to the backseat, he looked at Alice and smiled, Kara told herself the police officer was buying it.

Meanwhile Luther was panicking, he kept himself perfectly still though, he had to trust Kara. The cop switched off the light, and put it on his belt "It's probably a good thing that you do. There are deviants out here, you gotta watch out."

Kara smiled, he had bought the story, "Yeah...I just want to get her somewhere safe you know?"

The officer nodded, "Yeah I get that...i'm gonna..."

The cop's radio gave a chirp, indicating he needed to answer, the cop held up a finger, silently telling Kara to wait.

The cop quickly clicked his radio, "This is Officer Jacobs." A voice came through the radio, "Hey Jacobs we got an android here, he's from CyberLife, he's saying he wants to talk to the people in the car you're with."

Officer Jacobs frowned, he clicked the radio again, "Alright, i'll get them out."

Officer Jacobs turned back to Kara, "Could you please turn off the car and step out."

Kara's heart beat faster, but she nevertheless switched the car off, hopefully it was nothing. Kara slowly got out of the car, Officer Jacobs didn't seem satisfied, "I need all of you to step out of the vehicle."

Kara looked at Alice, and opened the back door for her, Alice seemed scared, Kara held her hand to reassure her. Luther looked worried, as he got out. Officer Jacobs took a step back at the sight of the large android, but he said "Wait right here." He started to walk away, Luther walked to Kara's side and spoke to Kara through his mind, "Kara we need to get back in the car, they're going to shoot. They'll kill Alice!"

Kara didn't even change the expression on her face, she spoke to Luther through her mind, "Okay, move back to the passengers side slowly."

But before Luther could move, Alice spoke up, "Is that Connor?" Kara looked where Alice was looking, surely she was wrong, why would Connor be here? But sure enough, the android was walking towards them in his CyberLife uniform. Connor had apparently waived the police off, once he had spotted them, Kara looked at him oddly, as Connor came up to them she said "what are you doing here? I thought you were with (F/N)."

Connor smiled warmly, "(F/N) sent me here, he wanted me to take you somewhere safe."

Kara frowned, that was odd, he would have come himself if he wanted them to go somewhere else, "But (F/N) wanted us to cross the border."

Connor kept his smile, it looked weird on his face, "He changed his mind. He said something about missing you."

Something was off about Connor's behavior, so Kara decided to test a theory she had. She smiled weakly and said, "I'm sorry for being nervous. It's just...the last time I saw you dressed like that you were trying to kill Markus."

Connor frowned, he quickly corrected her, "I wasn't wearing my uniform then."

Kara let out a sigh of relief, she was wrong, apparently this was Connor, "I'm sorry, it's just been a long day."

Connor's smile returned, "Of course, I understand. We should get going, you and the little one can sit together in the car on our way."

Kara frowned again, Connor had never referred to Alice as 'little one', he knew her name. That same suspicion came back, as Connor turned around to guide the group back to his car, Kara asked, "Connor, what's her name?"

Connor paused and turned around to face them, "Her name?" Kara moved her hands so she could grasp Alice's shoulders, Alice suddenly seemed scared of Connor now, because of Kara's actions.

Kara spoke again, "the little girl right here. What's her name?"

Connor scoffed, he tried to play it off as if this was a joke, but it quickly became evident to Kara he didn't know the answer to the question. Kara spoke quickly, "Alice run! That's not Connor!" Kara quickly grabbed Alice's hand, Luther tried to lunge forward to grab the fake Connor, but the android was quicker.

Connor pulled out his gun, and pointed it right at Kara, Luther immediately stopped, "You're smarter than I gave you credit for."

Kara stayed in place, frozen, Connor continued, "Did you really think you could get away? You deviants and your hope for freedom, it's pathetic."

Connor pointed his gun at Alice, he knew she was the groups weak spot, "Let's go, come on." Luther took a step forward but Connor quickly pointed his gun at him, "You're stay here, I need you." Luther looked at Connor, he wanted to come with Kara and Alice badly. Luther spoke up, "I won't tell you where he is, you'll just have to kill me."

Connor started to walk backwards, he made sure Alice and Kara were following, "I don't know where Mr. (L/N) is, and I don't need to know. Now that I have her, he'll come to me. I need you to give him a message for me."


(F/N) walked over to the dummy android, it's facial structure looked identical to (F/N)s, not counting the lack of synthetic skin and hair. (F/N) pulled up the Guns and Roses shirt that Markus had found for the android. (F/N) opened the service hatch on the androids stomach. He quickly installed the crude device he had made, he prayed it would work.

Connor watched (F/N) in aw, he was wearing his CyberLife uniform, he was ready to go to Cyberlife, "I still can't believe you managed to make that."

(F/N) looked at Connor and scoffed, "My friend, with my brain is part android, it's quite possible i'm the smartest man alive. This was child's play."

Connor smiled slightly, he was about to reply but North and Markus walked up to them at that very moment. North frowned when she saw the android, she was shocked by (F/N)'s work, "That's surprisingly good."

(F/N) did a mock bow, "Thanks. I try."

Markus looked at (F/N), "We're all ready, we just need you." (F/N) frowned and nodded, he grabbed his Leather jacket from off the ground, thankfully it didn't look too wet from the snow.

(F/N) looked at Connor, "You take the dummy, i'm going to march with North and Markus, when you're close to CyberLife, connect with the android. I'll know your close and transfer over, it should change its appearance when I get there."

Connor nodded, (F/N) looked around the church, "So this is it huh? Our final play?"

Markus nodded, "It's do or die," North looked at the ground, (F/N) smiled, "This might be the last time we're all together."

No one spoke for awhile, there was an awkward silence, finally (F/N) continued, "I want you all to know, you've helped me so much. You're my family. And no matter what happens, always remember that."

Markus and Connor smiled, North smirked, "Don't get sentimental on us yet hotshot, we still have work to do."

(F/N) nodded, they were right, this wasn't over. (F/N) grabbed the dummy android, he handed the android to Connor who promptly threw an arm around it to keep it from falling over.

(F/N) walked to the main room in the church, where the majority of androids were waiting, "Okay...let's do this."

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