Fire and Ice, Sugar and Spice

By kensy_lane

222K 5.9K 1.9K

I walk over behind Steve and T'Challa and peek over their shoulders at the oversized Pez dispenser. Faintly... More

Chapter One-The Fugitive
Chapter Two-Oversized Pez Dispenser
Chapter Three-Roomies
Chapter Four-Dog Tags
Chapter Five-Pancakes
Chapter Six-Field Trip
Chapter Seven-Green and Brown Eyes
Chapter Eight-Double Date
Chapter Nine-The Future
Chapter Ten-Kiss Me
Chapter Eleven-
Chapter Twelve-
Chapter Thirteen-Safe House
Chapter Fourteen-The Fam's All Here
Chapter Fifteen-Mundane
Chapter Sixteen-Bullets
Chapter Seventeen-Poetry
Chapter Eighteen-Vacation's Over
Chapter Nineteen-Brand New Home
Chapter Twenty-Butting Heads
Chapter Twenty-Two~Party Time
Chapter Twenty-Three~Dominate Me
Chapter Twenty-Four~Tad Sore
Chapter Twenty-Five~Here Comes the Bride
Children Cast;

Chapter Twenty-One~Preperations

5.8K 174 49
By kensy_lane

Chapter Twenty-One


I stare at the door after he's left, then follow him out. I go to the elevator and head up to my own floor, hitting my head against the doors until they open. When they do, I go to my room and sigh at the beautiful view. The city is lit up and looks like a starry night sky. Next, I change back into some workout clothes and walk around my floor, guessing there's probably a gym up here. I find it and duck inside, happy to find it's fully stocked. I decide to practice a little with my abilities. It's been a while since I let go. Instead of windows lining the wall there are mirrors, so I can see my reflection in them. I reach out with both of my hands and pull water from the air, only enough to fill a small bucket. I throw it in the air and let it disperse while lowering the temperature. It falls as snow and I hold out my tongue to catch the flakes. I collect all of it back up again and smooth it out over my arms, leaving out my elbows so I can move easily. Freezing the water, I elongate the parts over the knuckles to make deadly spikes. I march over to the punching bag and take a couple hits. The spikes rip the bag almost immediately. The water melts off me when I stop concentrating and instead focus on the air around me. I move my hands out then clap them together, moving them apart just after. A disk of air spins between my hands like a saw, making my hair fly away from my face. I pull back and throw it at a new punching bag. It splits in half and I laugh. Finally, I put a hand over my heart and shut my eyes. Heat radiates through me and up to my skin as I slowly catch fire, non-lethal of course. I open my eyes and look at the mirror. I'm covered head to toe in blue flames, even my hair is on fire.

"Liya!" I spin around and find Steve standing there in a fighting stance. I kill the flames in a second as he stares at me in surprise.

"Sorry if I gave you a scare, Steve. I'm just flexing a little." I explain and sit on the floor, letting the temperature drop to cool me off.

"Flexing?" He asks with a small, apprehensive smile and comes to sit down in front of me. "That isn't exactly what I'd call it." He continues. I sigh and shrug.

"Whatever. Where's Victoria?" I ask, feeling bad for taking more of his time. He chuckles.

"Grant stole her away from me to decide on a costume for tomorrow. I thought I might come see how you were doing," he looks at the destroyed punching bags and smirks. "looks like you're doing great." He gets a laugh out of me. I examine his caring face as he waits for me to speak.

"What am I going to do with him, Steve?" He laughs lightly at the question and scratches the back of his neck.

"I've asked myself that same question plenty of times. There's no easy answer." I nod along to his words, agreeing.

"Well, should I push harder or lay off? It seems like both could just make him leave forever." I lament quietly.

"I think you're doing better than you think." He assures me and stands, helping me up once he's standing. I hum, but shake my head in disagreement.

"Hey, while you're here could I ask you a favor?" My fingers fiddle with my necklace as I ask, knowing my request is a little silly. His expression turns amused as he nods. "I'm a little out of practice with dancing. I'm guessing there's going to be dancing tomorrow?" I ask. Before I formally ask him, he's taking my hand and putting my other on his shoulder.

"Yes. Slight warning, by the way. All team members dance with one another so prepare yourself for Tony and most likely a jealous Bucky." He warns as we begin to sway. I stumble over his feet a tad, but once I have the motions down my lessons as a child come back to me.

"Thanks for the warning. I can handle Tony, easy. It won't be a problem." I assure him as we dance slowly. I watch his face as we continue to sway, thinking about all the questions I could ask him. "You know, you're kind of like the brother I always wanted." I decide to compliment him instead. Gratification rushes through me when he beams down at me and squeezes my hand a little as a makeshift hug.

"Thank you. I feel the same, only you as a sister, of course." He corrects himself quickly. I smile and chuckle at his words. "Victoria feels the same, you know. You've already become family here." We stop dancing as his words hit me like a freight train. I take a second, then just give in and hug him.

"That means...thank you." I'm at a loss for words, but it doesn't seem to matter to him. He returns the hug. When we part I kiss his cheek and he laughs, the goofy sound making me grin.

"Come on, we've got to get you to bed or else you won't get up until noon tomorrow." He teases and gets ready to walk over to the door. I stop him with a hand on his arm.

"First, most twenty something year-olds do that. Second, I can't sleep without him, so...I'll just stay here. You go be with your fiancé." I pat his shoulder to send him on his way. The eyebrows of concern show up and now I start shoving him towards the door. "I may be like your sister, but I can take care of myself. Get out." I say as firmly and nicely as I can. He goes now, but not without throwing me one more concerned look. Shaking my head, I go over to the treadmill and just start running. I run for as long as I can until weariness bites at my bones. I stumble back to my room and crash into my bed, falling asleep from sheer exhaustion.

* * * * * * *

I wake up to find a small foldout table set up with breakfast organized on it sitting beside my bed. After blinking a couple times and cracking my neck, I get up painfully and sit on the edge of my bed. A glass of orange juice, a stack of pancakes with syrup, silverware, napkin, and a small flower sit on the little table. A note sits in front of the glass all folded up nicely. I grab it and unfold it gently, reading the words curiously. 'Don't work yourself too hard.' Is all it says. No signature. "Huh." I eat the food with pleasure, then go to the bathroom to turn on the shower. I do and turn to the double sinks to brush my teeth, but hesitate when I see Bucky's tag laying on the counter. When I moved up here I accidently put it with my Twizzlers. It was sticky, so I washed it then set it out on the counter to dry. Sighing, I pick it up and reattach it to my necklace. I point at myself in the mirror and make a business face at myself.

"Today, you get back that asshole man named Bucky Barnes." I waggle my finger at my reflection, then get naked and get into the shower. I shave everything possible and make sure to use the shampoo that smells the best to me. There are at least ten different kinds in here. Once I'm dry, I put my hair up to keep it out of my face. I dress in loose, stretchy pants, a tank top, and a loose sweatshirt. When I walk back to my room I grab my dress and put it in the bathroom and shut the door. The steam will make sure that it has no wrinkles for the party tonight. Once that's done, I jog down the stairs until I'm at the kitchen/living room. Coffee is my go to, but it's blocked by a handsome man in a navy shirt and low-hanging sweatpants. Grinning, I go over to him and go up on my toes to kiss his cheek. "Morning, handsome." He turns to look at me in surprise. "Could you pour me a cup too?" I ask sweetly, smiling happily.

"You do realize it's past twelve in the afternoon, right? What did I say to you, Liya?" Steve scolds me from the bar, sliding onto a stool. I shrug and wink at him.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Thanks for the breakfast platter, by the way." I thank him, but he just looks confused.

"I didn't set out any platter for you. Sorry." He looks at Bucky who seems like he's trying not to be noticed. Steve grins. "I did tell Bucky you were working too hard, though." I turn towards James as he hands me my cup of coffee, made exactly how I like it.

"You did, huh? Well, he's a sweet boyfriend for thinking of me." Steve smirks at me, catching on, as Bucky stops on his way to the couch. I hide my smile by taking a sip of my coffee. Victoria appears behind Steve as she wraps her arms around his waist. Steve takes her hand and kisses it, then turns around and whispers in her ear. She beams and walks to the couch, bumping Bucky in the process.

"I'm glad you two worked everything out. Communication is an important part of any relationship." She winks over at me after she sits down. I hear Bucky sigh as he sits too. I walk over and when he sets his coffee on the side table I take the opportunity and sit in his lap. Muffled laughter comes from Wanda and Ria on the couch, but Bucky looks less than amused.

"This isn't going to work." He growls. I place my coffee next to his and relax more onto him, letting one of my arms wrap around his shoulders. I move closer and trace his hairline with my lips, kissing the spot just in front of his ear. His hard-on is a constant presence under me, signifying that I'm winning. I shift slightly in his lap, making him tense up.

"I think it's working already." I tease a little before my tone grows serious. "I'm not giving this up, James. I'm yours and I'm not leaving." I kiss his cheek tenderly, lovingly, before he groans. In a moment, I'm lifted up and plopped in the seat, watching his fine ass sashay out the door.

"I'd say that was a win for you, Li." Victoria says, giggling quietly. Sighing, I turn to Steve. He nods with a smile. Relaxing back in my seat, I pick up my cup of coffee and continue drinking it.

"I hope so. Anyway, what time is the party tonight?" I look between the three of them in the room after Steve joins Victoria on the couch.

"Seven, but the girls are meeting up in Tony's bathroom at five to get ready because it's basically the size of a small palace." She explains. I decide to let that go and nod.

"Great, I'll be there." I finish my cup of coffee and trade it for Bucky's. Not like he's going to drink it anymore. "What do we do until then?" Victoria grins and turns to Steve who begins shaking his head at her.

"What do you say to a little competition, Li?" She uses a cute nickname for me and I grin back at her.

"I'm in. Vi."

* * * * * *

A few minutes later, Victoria and I have changed clothes and are in the training ring together. Grinning, we circle each other like two tigers ready to pounce. Steve and Wanda joined us and stand just outside the ring to watch and be our referees.

"We going to dance all day?" I tease when neither of us make a move.

"I can save my moves for tonight." She jokes back and I throw a leg out towards her stomach. She jumps back and catches it in her hand, then steps forward to stretch my leg up. The muscles in my thigh strain, but I'm not too bad at gymnastics. It doesn't hurt. I turn and bring my leg down while using my other one to jump up. For a moment, Victoria and I are face to face while I'm in mid-air. Then we're falling and I'm straddling her waist on the floor. Before I can pin her, she strikes my throat to incapacitate me. While I struggle to regain my breath, she slips out from under me. She's behind me in a moment, taking my hands and holding them behind my back. I push my knees forward and use my weight by leaning back to pull Victoria down. I get my feet back under me and knee Victoria in the head so she'll release me. When she does we both retreat to opposite sides of the arena, breathing hard.

"Alright, alright. I'm calling it a tie this time ladies. We can continue this another day." Steve steps forward and waves his hand at us. I nod at him and step towards Victoria. We embrace and laugh breathlessly.

"Nice job, Li."

"Till next time, Vi." We say simultaneously. We separate and walk out together, Wanda and Steve talking behind us.

"I'm going to grab my stuff and head to Tony's, anyone else is welcome to join me." Wanda and I part from Steve and Vi as they say their goodbye sappily. I wrap an arm around her shoulders and she laughs a little.

"How are you, kid?" I ask as we head to the elevator. She smiles softly.

"Actually, I'm really good. It's great to be able to be here again and be free." She blushes slightly. "And, I think Vis and I might be...starting something." I squeeze her shoulders and smile.

"That's great! I'm happy for you, zvyozdochka (little star)." She grins up at me and squeezes my waist affectionately. We enter the elevator and I drop her off on her floor, promising to pick her up so she could show me to Tony's room. I go all the way back up and grab my dress, then all the way back down to get her. When we enter Tony's room Natasha and Victoria are already there. Tony's there too, leaning against the doorway of the bathroom.

"T, you don't have to do any of that. I asked you to walk me down the aisle because that's just what I want. You don't have to throw the whole damn wedding." Victoria scolds Tony lightly.

"Just let him do it, Victoria. He's not going to let up." Natasha tries to convince Vi. Wanda and I hang our dresses on the molding of the door and join the group in the bathroom, sliding past Tony. Victoria nods at us and bites her lip while she thinks.

"Ask Steve. If you can convince him, then fine." Tony snaps his fingers happily and kisses her forehead.

"Deal, Queen. Now if I could just convince you ladies to let me stay as you get ready..." He sends a wink my way and I roll my eyes.

"Not a chance, Stark. Get out." Natasha says in a light tone, but Tony leaves instantly, unwilling to test her. "Alright, I'm on make-up." She stands from her seat on the tub and opens what looks like a tool belt of brushes, blushes, eyeshadow, and mascara.

"You learn from Clint?" Victoria teases and my eyebrows pop up. Natasha laughs.

"You joke, but..." She plays along and we all giggle a little.

"I'm doing hair." Vi claims and sets out various curlers of different sizes as well as straighteners.

"Uh, I'll do up-dos." Wanda looks at me and shrugs. I look around and shrug.

"I'll ask everyone deep, probing questions about their lives to keep the conversation going." I say and sit in one of the chairs next to Victoria.

"Sounds good to me." Natasha says and starts going to work on Vi's make-up. After I explain what I want to Wanda, she kindly begins twisting my hair into an up-do.

"Alright, first question goes to Natasha. You're the one I know the least about." I preface and look at her reflection in the mirror.

"Nat's fine, Liya." She comments and sends me a gentle look, telling me it's okay to continue.

"Okay, this one's for you, but I want to know everyone else's answer too. What's your biggest kink?" She bursts out laughing at my question, but takes a few moments to consider her answer.

"Bondage. You?" She answers nonchalantly, a smile still on her face. I nod, understanding while Vi and Wanda blush.

"Hmm. I love a little light domination. Whether it's me or him." We all look to Victoria next. She swallows and giggles nervously.

"Biting." She says sheepishly and Nat grins.

"I could've called that one." She says and Vi does her best to swat at her. "You're next Wanda." I look at her in the mirror as she continues trying to tame my blonde curls.

"Uh, I think it's called edging?" Wanda says and we all hum in agreement.

"God, who isn't into that?" I wonder aloud and we all chuckle.

"Alright, alright. I wanted to ask you all what you thought about bridesmaid dresses." Victoria starts off with a glowing expression and joyful grin.

"Do you and Steve have colors picked out?" I ask and switch spots with Wanda, thanking her as she sits down.

"No, no, no. Although I have a slight feeling they'll be red, white, and blue. I just wondered what you all were thinking. Do you care if you wear the same dress, different dresses? I just want some feedback." She stops talking when Natasha makes her pout out her lips to apply lipstick.

"Personally, I love the different dress look. Plus, I like that the bridesmaids get to look like themselves instead of copies of one another." I try to say non-pushily, but I feel a little less guilty when Wanda and Nat agree.

"Alright, well that settles that. I like the way that looks too." Vi speaks when she can, making Nat frown slightly when she smudges her lipstick.

"I was actually wondering how you and Steve are going to be able to get things done with the press sticking to you like glue." Wanda asks as I do her hair up in a fancy braid, heating my hands up a little to get her hair to stay in place better. I nod.

"Yeah. Even with everything that's happened you're America's favorite couple, not to mention most of the world." I point out. Vi sighs, telling us she's already thought about it.

"I know, I know. While extremely flattering, I never thought about the press knowing who I am before. It's hard to go shopping without being recognized! No clue how we're going to get married." Natasha soothes Vi by running a brush through her hair.

"We'll figure it out like we always do." Nat assures her and sets the brush down. I finish up Wanda's hair and quietly tell her she looks beautiful in Russian. She grins and stands up.

"Alright. Are you going to do your own hair, Queen? If so, could you do my make-up?" Wanda asks and Vi jumps up, taking her hand and sitting her back down.

"You got it!" She says cheerily and gets to work. I walk over to Nat as she gestures for me to sit down.

"I can do your hair and make-up it you like." I offer as she starts working. "I love your hair, by the way." I compliment her honestly. The color reminds me of fire and fire is my favorite. She smiles softly.

"Thanks. I'll take you up on the make-up offer, but my hair is already done." She gestures to her short curls that cling to her head in a way that would make Marilyn Monroe proud.

"Alright." I agree and close my eyes so she can apply eyeliner.

"Oh, has anyone warned you of the people to avoid, Li?" Victoria's voice floats over to me and I have to stop myself from shaking my head so Nat doesn't murder me.

"No. There are people I need to watch out for?" I ask, a little surprised. Nat's sweet breath tickles my nose as she chuckles.

"Aren't there always? So, there's that creepy business guy with big teeth, a reporter who always wears a blue suit, oh! That one girl with dirty blonde hair...what's her name?" Nat asks.

"Katherine. I remember her from last time. Ugh." Wanda replies and I laugh a little at the disgust in her voice. I've never heard her sound like that.

"And there's Tony, of course. He means well, but when he's drunk his hands roam a bit more than usual." Victoria says with laughter in her voice.

"Got it. Thanks ladies. And if we see someone dancing with one of these people or just with someone they don't like..." I trail off, waiting for the others to finish for me.

"We save them instantly." Wanda finishes and the other two hum in agreement.

"And we do everything we can to get Bucky to dance with Liya." Nat says with a smirk, surprising me. The other two laugh, but agree anyway.

"Thanks." I tell her and open my eyes as she swipes blush across my cheeks. She nods, eyes shining, then has me pout to apply some wine-colored lipstick.

"It may seem weird, but I'm rooting for you two." She tells me quietly as Wanda and Vi talk. I stare into her green eyes, unable to respond yet. I suspect that's how she wants it right now. "He and I split amicably. I still care for him as a friend and want him happy. You make him happier than I've seen in years, happier than I could ever make him. So, never worry about him being any contention with the two of us. Unless you break his heart." Her eyes flash for a moment and I feel a sudden shock of fear before it's gone and her eyes are soft again. If she wasn't still working on my lips, I'd smile. Finally, she's done and she steps back. I look in the mirror and grin. I look like I could kill someone with a finger. Which I can.

"This is exactly what I wanted. Thank you. And thank you for your words." I stand and she sits, slowly. "What are you going for? I can kill you with sex or the dagger between my breasts?" I ask and everyone bursts out laughing, filling the bathroom with the sound.

"Little bit of both, please." She says and I instantly get to work.

"Should we start finding you a man, Natasha?" Vi teases and Nat's lips twitch.

"Good luck with that, but I will not be joining anything online." She swears adamantly. Wanda, Victoria, and I trade looks of amused excitement.

"Alright, we can work with that. Maybe there will even be someone at the party tonight?" I suggest and we all ooo dramatically as she grins.

"I'd like to talk about the youngest female member of our group and a certain tall, sometimes awkward man, who is very bad at cooking." Natasha glances at Wanda before I have her shut her eyes. Wanda smiles without seeming to help it just at the thought of Vision.

"I agree, you two have been making eyes at each other since I got here." Victoria says and Wanda looks at me, knowing that I already know. I nod at her, telling her to go for it.

"We might" She says hesitantly, still smiling joyfully. We whoop in happiness for her and she chuckles, blushing. "Okay, okay, enough. Time to put on our outfits and book it down to the party floor." She says and stands just as I finish putting blood red lipstick on Natasha's lips. We walk out of the bathroom and face our outfits hanging side by side, shoes on the ground underneath them.

"Alright, ladies," I look each of them in the eyes, "let's kick it in the ass."

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