Stars (Logicality) - Completed

By Creatively-Anxious

85.8K 4.4K 13.8K

(Sanders Sides Human AU) For years, Patton Sanders has been a single dad, working hard to provide and care fo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Written In The Stars [Bonus]
*Important!* Q&A! Comment Here (Closed)
New Book! Navigating Feelings
A Much Needed Update in 2022

Chapter 18

2.8K 144 556
By Creatively-Anxious

TW: Injuries and scars

Many days after he was hit by De, Virgil woke up in the hospital, scared, confused, and left with stitches and so much pain it brought a few tears to his eyes.

Out of the corner of his eye, Virgil noticed something almost shimmery by the door. Upon slowly turning his head with some difficulty, he noticed that it was like two glowing blobs, in the shape of humans, one taller than the other.

The figures slowly moved towards him, and he was left with no choice but to just watch, shaking in fear.

"Please don't be scared, Vee," A soft, female voice said, and the figures suddenly shifted into two people, ones Virgil only remembered seeing in pictures very recently, for he had been too young to remember them when they were alive.

August and Nina Sanders looked down at their son, looking rather young and small in the large hospital bed.

They looked so real, he noticed. It was as if he could reach out and touch them. But surely they couldn't be real, right? His mind had to be playing tricks on him. They were gone. Unless...

"Am I dead?"

The question seemed to echo around the empty hospital room, and their silence caused him to hold his breath in anticipation.

"Not yet," Nina hesitantly answered. "You need to try to hold on, my love."

August nodded. He hadn't spoken yet, letting Nina do most of the talking.

"O-Okay...what is this then? Am I actually dreaming, or hallucinating, or—?"

Nina walked over and rested a hand on his arm, comfortingly. Her touch was cold, as if she'd been outside in the snow, and it caused him to shiver slightly and immediately stop rambling. He looked up at her, then gasped quietly when he realized that it was like looking in a mirror, in a way, as they had the same, warm brown eyes. "You're awake, love. This isn't real, yes, but please don't be scared. You're safe..." She gave him a warm smile, then sat on the edge of the bed. Virgil noticed that her body made no indent as she did so.

Hesitantly, August walked over and sat on the other side of Virgil. Where Virgil had Nina's soft, kind eyes, hair, and her small build, he had August's face shape, as well as the same light sprinkle of freckles not only on his face, but all over his body.

"Virgil..." August finally spoke. He reached out and gently touched Virgil's leg, noticing a few scars that were now on full display thanks to the hospital gown he wore riding up. Virgil bit his lip and tugged the gown down to cover them. It was his big secret, something he never wanted to show Patton or have him know about.

Quietly, Virgil looked between the two in front of him, both of them giving him concerned yet kind looks. He found them comforting, and he felt his body relax a bit. However, he quickly tensed up when August and Nina started to flicker.

"No! Don't go!" Virgil cried out, reaching for them, though his hand went right through them.

"I'm sorry, but we have to go, my love," Nina said, softly. She gave him a small smile, trying to calm him in what way she could.

August nodded. "But please don't forget us..."

"We love you, Virgil."

His parents spoke in unison then, and, in a bit of shock, Virgil whispered, "I love you, too."

As soon as the last word left his mouth, August and Nina faded away, leaving Virgil alone once more.

The door suddenly opened, causing Virgil to jump in surprise and yelp in pain afterwards.

"Logan!! Virgil's awake!" Roman shouted loudly. His eyes were wide and he rushed over to Virgil's bedside, looking like he wanted to hug and kiss him, but refrained from doing so. He had heard him cry out from outside the hall.

Logan ran into the room, Lina close behind him.

"Don't crowd around him! Give him some space!" Lina ordered, causing Logan and Roman to take a step back from Virgil, who glanced at the nurse gratefully. As happy as he was to see them, and as close as he was to the two of them, he really did need some space.

Quietly, Lina checked over him, analyzing his current condition and writing some things down on a clipboard. During all of this, Roman and Virgil couldn't take their eyes off of each other.

A few minutes later, Logan and Roman were left alone with Virgil. The latter immediately (though gently) grabbed Virgil's hand, murmuring things to him that Logan couldn't hear, not that he wanted to.

"Where my dad?" Virgil asked Logan after, looking up at him.

"I'll be honest with you. We've been keeping him from visiting you, as to not overwhelm him too much, especially in the state that he is in now," Logan replied. "We've only been filling him in on your condition vaguely."

Virgil gave him a weak thumbs up with the hand that wasn't clutching Roman's. "Thanks..."

"It is no problem. How are you feeling?" Logan hesitated for a moment, then grabbed a chair and sat it beside Virgil's hospital bed, taking a seat.

"Like I was hit by a bus."

Logan chuckled quietly. "Well, that seems quite understandable."

Smiling slightly at this, Virgil said, "My head's pounding. It's like someone's taking a brick to my skull again, only repetitively. And let me guess, there's probably a scar and some stitches too?"

"Yes...but Lina did say that your bangs should cover the marks, so there's that," Roman chimed in.

Slowly, Virgil nodded, trying not to make his headache any worse. He wished he was allowed to have more medicine, definitely not enjoying the intense pain in his head, but he was officially cut off for the day.

"Wait, Logan...I thought you were supposed to be staying at the house to prevent De from getting you! Why are you here?!" Virgil asked, using Logan's first name rather than 'Mr. Stone.' He sat up too quickly, causing himself to hiss in pain.

"Virgil..." Logan's hand gently rested on the teen's arm. "I cannot live my life constantly in fear. Yes, I did suffer, and my horrid experiences left me scarred, both mentally and physically. But that does not mean that my life stops. I cannot let De's decisions hinder me from living my life. Sure, it will be difficult at times, but I will have to work through it. Isn't that what life is all about anyway?"

Virgil opened his mouth to say something, then closed it, nodding slightly. He seemed to be at a loss for words.

Feeling awkward now, Logan cleared his throat, standing up and returning his chair back to where he'd gotten it from. "Well, I will leave you two alone. If you need anything I'll be in the building, just call me," Logan said, the last part directed more towards Roman.

Logan quietly left the room, pulling his phone out and choosing a specific contact. Upon hearing Patton's upbeat voice, Logan smiled wide and his face instantly brightened. This was a usual occurrence when he talked to or was even merely around his boyfriend.

Down the hall, Remy watched Logan from around the corner. He was chewing his lip, filled with nervousness. Finally, he took a deep breath and walked over to his father.

Hearing footsteps, Logan looked up. He had to do a double take when he saw that it was Remy.

"Hey, Patt? I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to call you back...mhm...and I you..." Logan said i to the phone, the last part a little quieter. He hung up, then locked eyes with Remy once more. "What are you doing here, Remington?"

Surprisingly, Remy winced at the use of his full first name. He looked down and fidgeted with a ring that Logan had never seen before. "I...wanted to see you..."

"Is that so? And how did you even find me?" Logan crossed his arms.

"Well...I found a piece of paper you had in our kitchen with Patton's address on it a while ago...I figured you'd be there...I got there and followed your car to here."

"I see...And you do realize that now that you are eighteen and an official adult, I can charge you for stalking me? And even file a restraining order?" Logan's voice was oddly cold.

"I-I—Papa, I'm sorry!!" Remy suddenly cried out, like he couldn't hold it in anymore. His eyes seemed to shine with the tears that threatened to spill from them.

Logan froze. He hadn't been called 'Papa' by Remy since his son was eight years old.

"Please forgive me, Papa...I've messed up so much...Please...I want to help you..." Remy sounded like a small child rather than an eighteen-year-old.

He didn't really remember how it happened. One minute, Logan was leaning against the wall in slight shock. The next, he was embracing his son with a tight hug, and Remy immediately returned it, burying his face in Logan's shoulder. The two stayed there like that, not even moving a muscle or saying a word.

That is until a loud, terrified scream echoed through the halls of the hospital.


Well, well, well...

Another chapter...and I was absent this time...hmm...



Oof, I'm not sure what happened.

Anyway, another chapter done, and it has a cliffhanger!


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