AVNEIL: its all about destiny

By alka000

404K 29.3K 1.8K

its a story on avneil and is all about how they meet how they fall in love with each other More

who is she?
meeting again
new start
Untitled Part 8
marriage alliance
honey moon
neils concern
mithalis return
avnis decision
consoling him
avnis denial
nanis love
unwanted guest
horror movie
Untitled Part 34
Untitled Part 36
movie night
Untitled Part 42
alis experience
Untitled Part 45
Untitled Part 51
Untitled Part 53
Untitled Part 54
Untitled Part 55
Untitled Part 56
slam book
who is he?
whats the reason ?
Untitled Part 63
Untitled Part 65
Untitled Part 66
Untitled Part 67
Untitled Part 68
jealousy track 1
avnis turn
jealousy track 2
Untitled Part 73
memory back??
Untitled Part 76
Untitled Part 79
finding them
Untitled Part 82
consoling her
family !!!
Untitled Part 87
Untitled Part 88
my new avneil story
Untitled Part 89
Untitled Part 90


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By alka000

next day morning avneil were sleeping peacefully in each other arms but were disturbed by  door bell , neil went to open the door and found ali and riya

ali , riya : surprise

neil : hey guys 

they both hug neil 

neil : wow guys really a surprise 

ali : where is avni ?

riya : is she still sleeping?

neil : yes my dear saali , ur sister wakes up late 

avni : oh really , then who prepares breakfast for u daily?

neil turns back to find avni who is glaring at him 

riya : avniiii 

she runs to avni and hugs her , ali also hugs avni 

ali : so how r u my champ ?

avni : i am super good and thanks for ur super surprise 

later in the kitchen 

riya : so avni what happened yesterday ? is everything fine between u both ?

avni explained her everything 

avni : u know riya i misunderstood that neil doesnt trust me but i am wrong he believes me and also he is now very adamant to know the truth 

riya : this is what i want , thats y i told u say like that 

avni : but riya how would i face neil now , i mean i am feeling some unknown hesitation to go infront of neil , because i know he is feeling sad that i hid a truth from him and i cant see him like that 

riya : but u have to do it avni , u cannot say the truth to neil 

avni : yeah but i can lie to him right ?

riya : about what?

avni : about y i slapped juhi 

riya ; after what had happened he would definitely not believe u , u should have lied yesterday only then but now it is not possible 

avni : yeah i know but

riya : now leave the topic and it is very good that neil will himself find out the truth , u just enjoy 

avni : hmm by the way u people here in delhi?

riya : awww avni , y ? we should not come ?

avni : no no i did not mean like that , now stop ur over acting i just said that u did not even tell me yesterday also , i am sure u planned this trip after u got to know about juhi right ?

riya : not bad my dear avni u r right 

ali : yes and how can we leave u alone to fight with that juhi (he says while coming into the kitchen)

avni hugs both of them and thanks them 

riya : now u will say thanks to ur own sister ?

avni : ok ok i took my thanks back ok now 

riya : ok 

ali : ok come now we will have break fast 

they three went towards dining table and found neil talking on the phone 

avni served the breakfast and all four had their breakfast but there is tension between avneil which everyone knew over there but maintained silent 

avni pov :  avni r u mad y r u behaving formally he is ur husband 

neil pov : i know avni after what happened yesterday u r feeling hesitated to talk to me but i will never make u feel uncomfortable 

after breakfast neil goes to his room to get ready for office 

avni did not dare to go inside their room and was with ali and riya 

neil : avni --- avniii

avni runs to their room and stops at the door 

avni : yes neil do u want anything?

neil : yes 

avni : what do u want ?

neil pulls her inside and locks the door 

neil : u 

avni : what ?

neil : yes my dear wifey y r u behaving as if something bad happened with us 

avni : no actually 

avnis sentence was cutoff by neil as he placed his lips on her 

he kisses her affectionately and shows his love towards her through the kiss , he bites her lower lip so that she can reciprocate the kiss and she does it , after kissing thoroughly  they break the kiss 

avni blushes hard and smiles 

neil : wifey i love when u smile , i always want u to smile like this 

avni hugs neil tightly 

neil : wifey 

avni : hmm 

neil : it is very nice to have u in my arms but i am getting late to office 

avni comes out of the hug immediately 

avni : oh sry u can go now 

neil kisses her cheeks 

neil : bye wifey , see u soon 

avni smiles placing her palm on her cheek where neil kissed her 

neil leaves to office 

as soon as he reached office he finds juhi in his cabin 

neil : juhi ?

juhi : hi neil 

neil feels embarrassed to talk to her after what happened yesterday 

neil : juhi ---

juhi : i am sry neil 

neil gets shocked 

juhi : i know neil u r confused , but i am really sry yesterday i lied to u that avni slapped me because she found me in ur room , but the real reason is avni and me r enemies 

neil : what ?u both know each other ?

juhi : yes neil we know each other before ur marriage , i am her neighbour and we did not get well along with each other and yesterday when she saw me , i made a comment and she got angry and slapped me thats it 

neil : but juhi as far as i know avni she would not slap anyone like this 

avni : she is telling truth neil 

neil turns back to find avni and juhi smirks 

avni : and juhi i am sry i shouldnt have slapped u and i really dont have any objection if u work here and i also want u to be friend of mine

neil gets shocked 

neil : avni !!!

avni : i am sry neil i hesitated to tell the truth to u y i have slapped juhi but the truth is what juhi said , we both have ego problems and she commented something about me and i got angry and i slapped her thats it , there is nothing much in it 

neil : but what did she say that u got so angry 

avni and juhi gets worried not knowing what to answer 

avni somehow convinces him 

avni : leave it na neil , that is between us but the matter is i am feeling sry for yesterdays incident and i want to be her friend , so juhi i am sry and will u be my friend ?

juhi : i am sry too avni and yes i would love to be ur friend 

they both hug each other and whispered in each other ears like this

juhi : wow avni not bad i thought u r an emotional fool and u would sit and  cry at a corner but now i got that u too planned against me  

avni : its good that u got to know about me that i am not of those girls who sits and cry for their love i am that girl who fights for their love and i will never let u win my neil 

juhi : lets see dear , this time definitely  i will win 

avni : let us see then 

 they both break their hug and give each other fake smiles 

neil pov : hmm i dont think they r saying truth but let us see , for now the matter is solved 

here outside the cabin all the girl again start gossiping about the three inside the cabin and are curious to know who exactly is neils girl friend 

hey guys honestly i am not satisfied with this chapter because i really did not had any idea how to make things easy between avneil i hope it went good and if not i will try to update good chapters further

 thanks for all ur love and support

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