The Flower Pot

By clicketyclackity

14 2 2

The Flower Pot is always on it's spot, right on top of the fire place. It's Jael's beloved family heirloom. O... More

The Flower Pot

14 2 2
By clicketyclackity

The Flower Pot

The Flower Pot is forever sitting atop our fireplace. Its engravings of roses and other flowers is the reason everyone calls it The Flower Pot. The Flower Pot is a family heirloom passed down all the way from great great great great great grandma Abigail. Nana tells me even before that. Grandma Abigail, as my mom prefers me to say it without the greats, was a pioneer up in North Michigan. After all, we still live there today. North Michigan is a beautiful place, especially in the small town we live in, Fort Elmer City. It isn't very close to Lake Michigan, the famous lake, but we do visit there every once in a while. Nana and Pops live right by the lake in a pretty cabin.

The cabin they own is cozy with a small brick fireplace and four guest bedrooms where we would stay in. Three of these four bedrooms aren't really guest bedrooms, because Nana loves to sing and collect items. One room is her instrument room, one is her collection room, and one is her singing room. I'd like to say Nana is a world - class singer, but she isn't, even though her voice is angelic. Nana could probably be a celebrity singer but one time I visited, she told me why she wasn't one.

"Nana!" I had shouted, sitting on the pink and white polka dot comforter that was laid out on the bed in the room I was staying in, which was the singing room. I had on a very thick jacket, making it hard to move my limbs.

"Yes, Jael?" my grandmother asked in her sweet voice.

"Why aren't you a big popular singer?" I asked, my eyes bright and my nose red..

"Well, if I was a popular singer, I wouldn't get much time to spend with my wild little Jael!" my grandmother said, making me laugh.

My name was a unique one, having a Hebrew origination. It was Jael and it meant that I was wild as a mountain goat, which I guess was true.

Everyday at my house, I would wake up and run downstairs to eat a delicious breakfast, where I would catch a glimpse of The Flower Pot sitting in its place where it always is, on top of the fireplace, and today was like any other, at least, I thought it was.

"WE SHALL DEFEAT JAEL!" said a mysterious figure.

"No!" happy music began to play as I shouted.

My eyes snapped open as my alarm went off. The sunlight from the rising sun was almost blinding to my eyes that were used to the dark. I rubbed my eyes and everything in the room was clear. I wasn't actually defeating my apparently long time nemesis, Dr. Evil, because it was just a dream. I thought it was a pretty cool dream though, seeing as I was a hero. I always thought dreams were pretty cool, even nightmares. Well, they were cool only if I knew it was a dream. If I didn't, they could be very scary.

I was groggy, as usual, but I managed to put my clothes on.

"Ugh! Another school day, but at least it's Friday," I muttered to myself.

"Jael? Are you awake yet?" I heard my father call me from downstairs.

"Yes dad! I'll be right there!" I shouted back. I pulled my socks on and ran down the stairs to eat the blissful toast waiting for me.

After I was done brushing my teeth, eating breakfast, and all that, I was in my dad's snug car, driving through the snowy winter roads of Michigan to my school, Fort Elmer Intermediate Academy. I sipped my hot chocolate as my dad drove up to the school, and I wasn't very happy to get out of the warm car.

"Hi Jael!" my friend, Avary was calling my name.

"Coming, Ava!" I shouted back.

Avary was one of my friends, and today her bright red hair was in a straight ponytail. The color of our hair was quite different, as was the style. My hair was a light brown that reached to my waist, and Ava's hair would reach to just below her shoulders when down. She was a bit taller than me and always wore cute and comfy clothing. I mean always, once she wore a sleepwear dress to a choir recital and everybody thought it was a normal dress! A cool fact was that Avary was from Australia and she moved to Fort Elmer last last year.

"Jael, my mum told me that

However, before I knew it, I was in my cozy house. I went downstairs and I decided I wanted to take a look and dust off The Flower Pot a little bit. We write it with a proper noun because that's what it is. It's proper. I knew Nana and Pops came over for Winter Break so we were doing some cleaning. As I looked at the living room, nothing was abnormal, and The Flower Pot was sitting pleasantly on the fireplace, as it always is.

What happened next was my worst nightmare come true. I started dusting The Flower Pot with too much force and it came crashing down and I started running to my desk. I could hear footsteps as my mother, father, and Pops went downstairs. Behind them was Nana, the person I was now dreading to meet.

"Oh no! What happened? The pot!" Nana shouted.

"Who did this?" my mom asked, her voice stern.

My little brother Billy and I stood up from our seats.

"Was it you, Billy?" my father asked.

"No, not me!" Billy said truthfully. His speech wasn't the best, as he was only six.

"Did you do it, Jael?" Pops asked me.

I knew I would never hear the end of it if I told the truth, so I lied.

"Nope, it wasn't me, maybe it just tipped over," I lied.

"I don't think so. I hope you two aren't lying," my Nana said.

"I really didn't do it!" I said, desperate.

"I trust you Jael," my Nana said.

The fact that Nana trusted me just made the guilt more. It was getting late though, so I went to bed. The next morning, I woke up to the sounds of my mother sweeping up the shards of The Flower Pot. The weight of the guilt started to feel unbearable. I knew that I wanted to tell Nana the truth and I knew I was going to do it this minute. I went downstairs, and fortunately, Nana was there.

"Nana! I need to tell you something!" I said.

"What's wrong, Jael?" Nana asked, her eyes filled with worry.

"It's the pot! I broke it! I lied because I didn't want to get into trouble! I'm sorry! I really am!" I burst into tears.

"Oh, Jael! You know I don't blame you!" my Nana told me.

"You don't?" I was still sobbing.

"That pot that you broke? It wasn't The Flower Pot! I was just sad because I knew one of you were lying, I just didn't know who and I didn't want to wrongly blame anyone!" Nana told me.

"Then where is The Flower Pot?" I wiped away my tears.

"I was planning on giving it to you for Christmas as a surprise! I just put a fake there so you wouldn't notice anything amiss and it would be a surprise!" Nana said.

"Was?" my tears started to form again.

"Was because it isn't a surprise anymore! You're still getting The Flower Pot! No worries!" Nana said.

"Really?" I asked.

"I wouldn't lie to you , but you would lie to me!" Nana said playfully.

"Nana!" I said, unamused.

Christmas Day soon arrived, and we were all joyful.

"Jael, wake up! It's Christmas!" Nana whispered to me.

I rubbed my eyes and jumped out of bed to the Christmas tree. The Flower Pot wasn't sitting atop the fireplace like always, but under the Christmas tree, in a package that had beautiful roses and other flowers on it, just like The Flower Pot.

A/N: Sorry that this story was lame. I know, no need to sugar coat the truth. I wrote this a few years ago, and I wanted to post it! I hope you enjoyed it.

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