What kind of Magic?

נכתב על ידי LoneFandomgirl

98 1 0

A white mage princess must quest to find a dark warlock who is damaging her kingdom, but ends up finding much... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

5 0 0
נכתב על ידי LoneFandomgirl

The next morning, Langia stood by the castle gate as she waited for her escort. She was dressed for adventure today. She wore white leggings tucked into her boots, with a belted tunic. Once again she wore her short cloaks emblazoned with the family crest. She wore her gold hair in one long braid, with her tiara on top of that. Her parents had convinced her to wear a dagger at her belt, just in case. She had a bag packed of things she would need. No one knew exactly how long this trip would take, so she just took essentials.

Her parents came out to give their farewells before she left. "The carriage should be here shortly." Her mother told her as she gave Langia a hug. "Remember, it will take you to the edge of the woods. But, from there you must go on foot."

"Yes, I know." Langia said. Her parents had explained everything to her three times. She knew the only reason they had let her go was because Sergio had convinced them.

Her father looked over her. "Okay so, you have everything you need?"

"Yes." Langia said. "Don't worry. I can handle myself."

Her parents looked like they might have said more when the heard the sound of the carriage approaching. "That's your escort!" Her mother said, making shooing motions toward the carriage.

Langia took long strides to the carriage. It was the royal carriage only used for the royal family. It had elaborate gold designs all over it and the crest shone from on the door. It was pulled by four white horses who stamped their feet as they stood. She quickly stepped in and shut the door behind her. The interior of the carrige had heavy gold cushions.

Langia leaned out the window to wave to her parents. "Be safe!" Her mother yelled.

"I will!" Langia answered.

"Ready to go, Your Highness?" The driver asked.

"Yes." Langia answered, settling back on the bench. She felt the carrige lurch into motion.

They traveled straight out of the city and soon passed golden fields of wheat. As they got further out of the city, Langia started to get nervous. Was she really up to this? Who knows what things she would find in the forest? Of course, she got no response, which only added to the fear.

But then, Langia thought of Benji's face as he layed in bed. She remembered nights when he had trouble sleeping.  Langia would wake to find Benji at her door. He would crawl into her bedroom and she would have to read him cute stories until he fell asleep. She suddenly felt a lot more brave.

And she needed it, because they had just made it to the forest. Langia took a deep breath, and stepped out of the carriage. Before her, rows of conifers rose up to create the woods, somewhere in the middle of that was the cursed forest. "Good luck, Your Highness." The driver said, before cracking the reins and she was left totally alone.

Langia summoned her courage and entered the woods. Instantly, the wildlife sprung up everywhere. These were the normal woods, she wasn't yet to the cursed forest. She traveled on a lonely, dusty path. She headed north, the direction the forest was supposedly in, following some vague directions written up for her.

The forest seemed alive all around Langia. The trees extended their branches high above her. The sunlight appeared in dappled spots through the leaves. More than once, she startled some deer, and they crashed through the undergrowth. She saw the sight of their white tails as they dissappeared through the trees.
Birds sang their various songs as Langia walked. She found herself almost having fun.

Soon enough, Langia had to use her dagger to cut herself a path as the woods grew thicker. When she looked up at the sky she saw that the sky was a strange gray color, like it would be just before nightfall. That's odd. Langia thought. I don't think I've been in here all that long. It was only morning when I left.

However, the longer Langia traveled the darker it became. And soon, she had to cast golden balls of light to follow her and illuminate her way. It seemed oddly quiet, and she noticed that the birds had stopped singing. The only sound was the wind whistling through the trees. Despite having on a cloak, the wind chilled her. It had been a long time since she had seen any wildlife.

Gradually, the surroundings changed too. The trees began to have no leaves, their branches like forks in the sky. The huge gnarled roots made it harder for Langia to travel as she had to climb over them. She had a clear view of the sky, which was covered in swirling gray clouds. A raven cawed loudly from a nearby tree, startling Langia and causing her to trip over a root.

Langia stood up and dusted herself off. She looked around and studied her new surroundings. There was no doubt about it. She had reached the cursed forest. 

המשך קריאה

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