Meaningless {Klance Pornstar...

By soki_kun

193K 5.4K 15.4K

Word count: 34,314 Living as a pornstar had its ups and downs. And as the most famous gay pornstar, Keith Kog... More

Not Again
Self Medication

No Fanboying Allowed

25.8K 589 2.6K
By soki_kun

(( Before we even start this off, yes, Lance and Keith are both legal in this. Lance is 21 and Keith is 22. Everyone in this story is at least over the age of 19 unless I specify otherwise. Okie, just had to say that right away. Welcome to my book, Loves. If you're a veteran here, congrats on making it through the other fanfictions. But if you're new, hello, I'm Soki and I leave author's notes sometimes. Sue me. AnYwAyS, happy reading!))

Waking up with a hangover was horrible enough on its own. But being woken up by the blaring scream of a cell phone ringing really was the cherry on top of an already superb morning.

" God, Hunk, why are you calling me so early?" Lance mumbled into his phone after begrudgingly answering the call from his agent/assistant/best friend. Hunk was a man of many titles.

" Dude, it's ten in the morning. I waited as long as I could." Hunk said, and judging by the sound of it, he was in a car.

" Whatever, buddy. Any time before noon can suck my ass." Lance grumbled, rubbing his tired and heavy eyes. The bags beneath them had to have been noticeable.

" So you've told me before." Hunk sighed, wishing his friend wouldn't swear so much. Waking him up was like disturbing a bear in the middle of its hibernation.

" Why are you calling me again?" Lance yawned. He really would've loved to roll over into the comforting hug of his fuzzy sheets, but unfortunately, that wasn't going to be happening anytime soon.

" I got you a shoot for later this afternoon." Hunk explained, knowing Lance would probably lose his shit once he found out who it was with.

" What else is new?" Lance sat up in bed, holding the phone to his ear lazily. " Who is it this time? Please don't tell me it's Nyma. She bites me in all the wrong places." He complained, running a hand through his gorgeous brown hair. " Ooo, wait! Is it Allura?"

" No, well, yes. Allura will be in it but I got someone a little more well known to be your co-star." He paused for dramatic affect. " It's Keith Kogane." Hunk anticipated the inevitable freak out on the other end.

Lance's eyes grew extremely wide.

" The Keith Kogane?!" He asked excitedly, shocked that he was even willing to work with him on a video.

" Yeah, him. I called his assistant and apparently he's down for it." Hunk was currently in the car, on his way to the mansion where most of Altea Studios' videos were shot. The director, Katie(Pidge) Holt was already there preparing everything.

Lance was pretty much drooling on the other side of the phone. Damn, out of all the guys he'd fucked and been fucked by, nobody came close to how he imagined Keith felt. Keith was about the best gay pornstar out there, and even though they worked at the same studio, Lance had doubted he'd ever be granted the privilege of making a video with him. It was like winning the lottery.

" Hunk, how the hell did you manage to get this done?!" Lance squealed.

" I had to pull some strings, but people have also been requesting a video from you two for a while, so that helped." Hunk answered. " Anyways, I shared a copy of the script with you on Google Drive, so you should probably start learning it."

" Wow, look at you go. You've come so far! I remember when I couldn't even say the word cock around you." Lance chuckled.

" You dragged me into this, gotta go, byeee!" Hunk hung up, and Lance snorted, almost tempted to go back to sleep. But he didn't. He was too revved up from finding out he'd be fucking Keith Kogane. KEITH MOTHERFUCKING KOGANE!

It would've been the epitome of an understatement to call Lance a fanboy. He'd seen most of Keith's videos, and really found inspiration in them. Everything Keith did was just so... natural. He wasn't like some bratty bottoms in the other videos, the submissives that would whine and howl and it would sound so God awfully fake. No. Keith only moaned if something felt good, and Lance couldn't wait to make him scream.

Lance McClain was not creepy.


He was just a very famous pornstar with a dream to fuck a slightly more famous one. His rank was only one below Keith's, so it wasn't like they were on different playing fields. It was just that everyone wanted to get in Keith's pants. Gay or straight.

But there was a little more to it than that. Lance may have had a... well... a giant crush on Keith. It went further than just wanting to rip his pants off and throw him down on the bed. He wanted to meet him, get to know him, genuinely understand who Keith was. The sex would be a sweet perk in all of it.

" Today is going to be a good day." Lance smirked, stretching his arms over his head.


" I'm sorry, what?!" Keith choked on his drink once his assistant, Matt, told him about the plan for the day.

" I've met Lance, he's not a bad guy." Matt assured him.

" That's not the problem." Keith tried to recover and prevent himself from inhaling anymore coffee.

" What is it then?"

Um. What was Keith supposed to say? 'Holy shit the picture of him you just showed me is already making my jeans tight?' Didn't think so. Keith might've been a pornstar, but he was far from being that outwardly raunchy. The porn was his career, not his entire being.

" Nothing... I just never thought I'd be working with him." Keith said, crossing his legs.

" Lance is ranked #2 on Pornhub for gay porn. He's right under you. People have been requesting a video between you two." Matt explained, flipping through some papers he'd brought.

" I know, I just didn't think Pidge was going to pair us up. She usually puts me with black guys." The other boy cleared his throat awkwardly, not wanting to think about the last video he'd shot. Long story short, having six guys cumming all over his face at once wasn't something he'd agree to ever again. And don't even get him started on the double penetrations. Those just hurt.

" Well, she did." Matt finally found the script he was looking for. " Here. The shoot starts at 2 this afternoon, so you know the drill. Be there for makeup and costume by 1."

Keith took the pages, and he skimmed over them curiously. As soon as his eyes fell upon a few words, he deadpanned.

" Really? I'm his maid?" He asked in an 'Are you fucking serious?' sort of way.

" According to the comments and polls that's what the people want." Matt shrugged.

" Well... I guess..." Keith sighed, agreeing to do it reluctantly. After all, it was just sex. And just one little video. It was harmless.

" Okay, so I'll meet you at the mansion later? Pidge wants me there now." Matt took a look at his phone.

" Yeah sure. But one thing first..." Keith snickered. " Do you ever get sick of having to listen to your little sister all the time?" He teased.

" Meh." Matt said. " It's not that bad. Anyways, see ya." He got up, hoping he wouldn't get lost on his way out of Keith's enormous house.

Once Keith was left alone, he was reading over the papers. He wasn't appalled by it, frankly, he'd had to do way worse before. Being a pornstar was just something he'd gotten used to. It was a regular job to him, nothing more, nothing less.

But... this was weird. He hated that he was actually attracted to Lance's picture. That was how it started.

No. Stop that. He told himself.

Keith decided he was going to do some 'research' on Lance before the shoot. After all, he had to know what he was getting himself into. That was the excuse he used, at least.

Lance McClain was the biggest bisexual pornstar- or wait 'adult film star' to be technical- that Altea Studios employed. He was more famous for the gay films he'd done, but he was still ranked #6 in the straight category.

Keith pulled him up on his laptop, obviously having free access to the premium videos on their website.

" He's a switch?" Keith made a confused face, thinking for sure that Lance was a dom. But, hey, who was he to judge? Keith could never be a dom, so he applauded Lance for being able to do both.

He clicked play on one of the videos, and Lance was with some really pale guy. The title was already tipping him off that Lance was playing a step brother.

" What did I tell you about going in my room?" Lance had barged into the bedroom, obviously angry. And Keith smirked, knowing that he was the tougher type of top. Further into the film, Lance had stripped down, and Keith felt his soul leave his body. Holy six pack. It wasn't extremely defined, and Lance was by no means a bodybuilder, but he was toned and clearly worked out. He was hot enough to make Keith's swooning, gay mind quake.

He watched a few of Lance's videos, figuring out that Lance was actually a pretty good actor. Keith was nervous that he wouldn't be enough, uneasy and feeling like he couldn't compete with that. Wait? What was he even thinking? He was #1! He'd be fine.


Once the time rolled around, Keith was really edgy and unsettled. He still made a pit stop at Starbucks before going to the mansion, though. What? Coffee helped appease his anxiety about this. Keith wasn't sure why he was even worked up about this Lance guy. He had done so many shoots at that point that he'd lost track, yet there he was, acting like he gave a shit what this guy was going to think of him.

He rolled up into the brick driveway in his bright red Jaguar sports car, letting his eyes fall over the house for the millionth time in his life. In the few years he'd worked for this studio, Keith must've pulled into this driveway at least five hundred times. It was all routine. Or at least it should've been.

After Keith shut his door, and took a sip of his iced double shot espresso caramel macchiato, he heard something in the distance. It was like a car was zooming in at near lightning speed with music blaring from it. And that was exactly what it was. There was suddenly a royal blue convertible arriving in the driveway with its top down.

" Hump me! Fuck me! Daddy 'betta make me choke!" Were the words blasting from the car's speakers, and Keith looked at the driver like he was nuts.

So this was Lance?

" Lick, lick, lick, lick! I wanna eat 'yo dick!" Lance sang along to the stereo before shutting off the ignition and noticing Keith was staring at him in disbelief. Maybe Lance listened to the song Deepthroat sometimes, no big deal. But he was definitely flustered seeing that Keith had just gotten a firsthand look at him jamming out to it.

Keith was about to walk in, not sure if he even wanted to ask what all that was about.

" Hey!" Lance called, taking off his jet black shades and tossing them into his car. " Wait up!" He swiftly caught up to Keith, trying to contain himself from fanboying. His crush was in front of him. Right there. Not just on a screen, he was physically standing before Lance.

Keith halted, wondering what he could possibly want. He put up a strong front, not wanting to give the impression that he was available... or even worse... attracted to him.

" What's up?" Keith asked him awkwardly, not sure if Lance was going to greet him or something.

" Nothing. Just thought I'd say hello~" He cooed, extending a hand for Keith to shake, which he did. " The name's Lance... but I'm guessing you already knew that." Lance smiled.

" Yep..." Keith looked to the side. " And I'm assuming you know who I am?" He purposely avoided eye contact, not wanting to seem like he was interested.

Lance tried to force himself not to blush. He had literally just binge watched a bunch of Keith's videos, and now he couldn't stop seeing past the smaller boy's clothes. He felt like he was tripping out at first. The black form fitting t-shirt hugging Keith's figure, and the red skinny jeans that clung to his legs and made his thighs pop, they were too much. Lance stared for a second before stopping himself.

" Hm... maybe you could refresh my memory?" Lance teased, acting as though Keith wasn't the most famous person from the studio.

" You're so funny I forgot to laugh." Keith remarked. " I'm Keith..."

After being in this industry for so long, Keith knew to have his guard up around people he hadn't worked with before. Reasons for that were better left unexplained as far as he was concerned.

" Oh, right. You're the only person ranked above me." Lance chuckled, liking that Keith was sassy. He wasn't taken back by it, in fact, he'd expected it from him. " And I can see why..." He had a tiny smirk, and blush had ultimately come to stain his cheeks from meeting Keith in person. His raven colored hair looked so thick, and soft, and Lance just wanted to tangle his hands in it. And the way his stormy purple eyes shined in the sunlight was making his heart palpitate.

Keith deadpanned and took another sip of his almost empty coffee. He wasn't going to be rude or anything. Not too rude, only standoffish enough for Lance to get his message. This was a job. That was it.

" So..." Lance said, scuffing his shoe at the ground. " You want to head inside?"

" That's what I was trying to do before you stopped me." Keith responded, walking toward the door. And Lance looked at him funny before trailing in his path. Was Keith already in character? He knew being a bratty sub was sort of his thing on camera, but Lance was curious what Keith's personality actually was. It seemed like he was putting up a facade.

" Have you read the script?" Lance smirked, side by side with Keith was they made their way in.

The entryway was immaculate, and there was a neutral color scheme for everything. The glossy floor tiles were a light sandy color, and the grand staircase had greyish hardwood on the steps. There was also a very large crystal chandelier that hung from the ceiling, and glimmered from every angle.

" Mhm." Keith hummed back. God, he had to stop getting sidetracked by gazing at Lance. His eyes kept catching glimpses of how toned his tanned arms were, and how he was just the right height. Lance didn't tower over him like most of the other people he was often paired with, and it was appealing. It made him less... threatening.

" Are you excited?" Lance bit his lip. He sure as hell was.

" I don't know... are you?" Keith turned to ask as they rounded a corner.

" I mean... I think any guy in my place would be." He flirtatiously said.

Keith was used to people attempting to flirt with him. He got it all the time. But he wasn't used to actually being fond of the guy doing it. Not after... the guy Keith refused to talk about.

He just shot Lance a look as they reached the crew inside the main kitchen area, where they'd be shooting.

" Keith, Lance, you made it!" Pidge, their director, exclaimed. " I was starting to worry you both were getting acquainted before the cameras could turn on." She joked.

And Lance could only think 'I wish.'

" Oh, Pidge, please." Allura, another one of the actors snickered. She had gotten there early, so she was already done with makeup and costumes.

" Keith, Romelle is waiting for you in the other room. You'll have to get in your... uniform... before she can start your makeup." Pidge laughed evilly to herself. She had known Keith for a long time, so she really did get a kick out of messing with him.

" Oh, goody." He remarked sarcastically. " I can't wait."

" Neither can I~" Lance dashingly smiled.

" Oh no, here he goes. Keith has barely been here for two minutes and he's already at it with the flirting." Allura folded her arms.

" You jealous?" Lance stuck his tongue out at her.

" Absolutely not." She responded immediately. And Pidge realized she'd probably need to talk to Lance, and advise him of a couple things. Matt's look to her was part of what triggered it.

" Lance, one sec, I gotta tell you something." Pidge hopped off of her set chair. And man, it was really high up off the ground, or maybe she was just short.

The director led Lance into the hall.

" What's up? Did the script change?" He questioned.

" No, just... be careful what you say around Keith, okay? After what happened with Lotor, he can get pretty... upset... when people openly flirt with him." Pidge explained quietly. She was saying this in a friend way, not in a reprimanding boss way. She'd known Lance since forever ago, so they were close.

" Wait? What about Lotor?" Lance was obviously oblivious. He'd seen Keith in videos with Lotor before, and they seemed fine? Did he miss something?

Pidge adjusted her glasses, knowing that she couldn't go around telling what happened.

" There were some issues with them, and Keith is sort of hypersensitive to it now. Even if you're joking around and everything. It's hard enough for him to do his job already." Pidge said under her breath. " That's all I can say about it." She walked back into the room, and Lance stayed in the hall, confused.

He'd never met Lotor, but he knew who he was. He also knew that Lotor had gone to work for another studio a while back.

What is Keith's deal with him? Lance wondered. But he decided to brush it off and take Pidge's advice without asking too many questions about it. It was someone else's tea, and Lance wasn't looking to spill it.

"  So... Allura, wanna run some lines with me?" Lance came back in.

" If you want to." She said.

Keith was in the other room, staring at the slutty maid outfit he would be forced to wear. But it was for the video. He would wear the garter belt, and the black stockings, and the black and white frilly dress if he had to. Oh, and how could he forget the skimpy black underwear that went underneath it.

It wasn't the lack of clothing that embarrassed him. It was the fact that he'd have to bend over for Lance while wearing it, or so the script said.

This video was going to get pretty heated, and Keith knew that much as he took the clothes and went to a main floor bathroom to change.

But at least there was one reassurance in all of it. With everyone else around, Lance would have to listen if Keith ever told him to stop.

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