Black Sheep

By goldenscares666

436K 20.9K 10.6K

Y/N gets more than she bargained for when getting to know the mystery creature that's been living in her shop... More

Pins and Needles
Panic Attack
Prom Dresses
I Hate Bubblegum
Familiar Faces
Bad Dreams
Devilish Deal
Prom Night
Bed Rest
One Hell of a Castle
Stubborn Silence
The Worst Luck
Hellish Creature
Unfinished Business
Caring Companion
New Beginnings
Silent Familiar
Power Restraints
The Fallen Angel
Dinner Plans
Marquas and Eric
Accidents Happen
Servant for a Day
Seduction of the Inferno
Sibling Rivalry
Lambs of the King
A Loving Demon
Underworld Beasts
Coffee Date
Common Misconception
Wonderful Affection
The Fortune Teller
Medicine Man
The King's Quiet Tongue
Unexpected Visitor
Passer of Judgement
Mephistopheles II
Unstable Recovery
Attention, Attention
Painful Thoughts
Reverse of Curses
Snake Coils are Surprisingly Warm
Head Stuffed With Wool
Cain II
Fateful Decisions
When the White Fleece Greys
Lord Lucifer
A Story's Other Half
Human's Choice
You Have Such Dazzling Eyes, Darling
Slow Moving Feet Quicken
Long Forgotten Roots of a Dying Tree
The Things We're Afraid to Hear
Gluttonous Song
Don't Poke the Scorpion
Apologetic Offerings
Bachelorette Party

Threads of the Heart

5.4K 332 67
By goldenscares666

Your POV:


Phil and I stop in front of a dark, wooden door not too far from Phil's bedroom, which resides right down the hall. I could feel the anticipation bubbling up within me as my guide purposely takes a long time to fish out the key from his pocket. How cruel. With a click, it's unlocked, and he gestures for me to try the knob.

"Go on, open it." I could see the excitement burning in all four of his eyes, only making me more curious of the contents of the room. Without a second to waste, I twist the knob and push open the door to be greeted by a surprising sight. From the threshold, I admire the massive room before me with wide eyes, taking in all its details. All walls are a nice, cream color and are decorated in black-framed, beautiful art pieces from paintings to intricate embroideries and pressed flowers.

The first piece of furniture to draw my attention is the large bed, which stands in the center of a raised, carpeted platform the color of sand and is surrounded by a canopy of translucent, black curtains that are currently tied to the four bed posts. The fabric is long, draped from the ceiling, and the wooden bed frame matches its dark color with a cream, padded headboard. Right above that is a big mirror framed in black metal, which is curled into lovely designs. Stationed on both the left and right sides of the bed are the nightstands, which are each topped with a black lamp covered in a cream-colored shade and a small vase of blue and white flowers, while at the foot of the bed sits an upholstered, cream bench.

Off the platform, the hardwood floor is dark and polished so well that I could see my reflection in it if I were to look down. A black rug lies in the middle of it with white accents and tassels on the corners. Walking over it, I reach thick, black drapes, which I pull apart to reveal wide, French doors with two small windows above. They open out to a large balcony furnished with a set of black chairs with white padding and a small, round table. Also out there are a few pots of the most peculiar blue flowers with petals that seemingly glow and one small tree. The balcony overlooks the castle garden, which I adored, but I pry my eyes away to look to my right. Between two doors is a dark fireplace surrounded by black brick. It is currently unlit, but there are a few logs waiting inside to be set ablaze.

'It's beautiful.' A set of claws rest upon my shoulders, and I could feel breath pass the shell of my ear as Mephistopheles spoke.

"I had it made just for you. Of course, I wouldn't feel any offended if you chose to continue sleeping in my room. I quite enjoy your company in bed," he purrs out seductively, setting fire to my face. My reaction to his words made him chuckle as he pulled away. "I just figured you'd like your own space from time-to-time in a place that is solely your own." The gift was so thoughtful, it filled me with joy as I turned to look at him.

"You didn't have to, but thank you so much. This place is pretty amazing. I mean, just look at that view." I smile brightly while looking outside through the glass doors at the gardens, then shift my gaze to the beautifully decorated room. "And, this room is humungous. It's gotta be three, maybe four times larger than the one in the apartment." The man chuckles with amusement before looking over to the other doors in the room.

"Such high praise, and yet, you haven't even seen the rest of it." Right, I didn't even realize that. I was so caught up in this part of the room that I didn't even consider checking the other doors. Filled with newfound excitement, I walk towards the closest one and open it to reveal a huge, walk-in closet filled almost completely with a collection of clothes that ranged from comfy to fancy all neatly hung on hangers with shoes paired up on racks, and at the very end of the room, a beautiful, body-length mirror hangs on the wall, allowing me to see my own jaw dropping at the sight.

"No way! All this is mine?" Again, Phil laughs at me, probably enjoying my reactions thoroughly.

"Now I'm worried you'll faint from the next one," he jests, making my curiosity unbearable. Abandoning the closet, I hurry over to the last door, and damn, he wasn't kidding about me getting overly excited about its contents. I gasp and cover my mouth with both hands.

"No way," I mutter, near tears. The room is smaller than the bedroom, but still a decently-sized space with room to move around in. The walls are filled with shelves of different fabric with all sorts of textures and patterns, and towards the back stands a wooden desk full of drawers underneath a wide, paned window that lets in the light. Upon its surface is a new sewing machine just waiting to be used, and as for the seat, there is a comfortable-looking, grey, desk chair with a tall back and padded armrests. There are even a few mannequins I can use. 

"I know how much you like sewing," he starts while following me further into the room as I take it all in. His leathery fingers travel over one of the softer rolls of fabric on one of the the shelves as he continues. "So, I thought I'd add this little touch." The demon was caught off guard when I suddenly embraced him, squeezing his torso with practically all my strength. I'm so happy right now, I'm crying a little.

"This is the best present anyone has ever given to me. Thank you. Thank you." My fists clutch his coat as I burry my face against his chest, smiling so big, it hurt my face.

'This is amazing. He's amazing.' Mephistopheles chuckles and pats my head. When my grip on him loosened, he bent down until he reached my height and met my teary eyes, which I wipe with my hand, before pressing his lips to mine in the most caring manner. It caused my heart to jump and flutter all over again as he placed his hands on my sides and rubbed circles with his thumbs. The kiss, sadly, didn't feel long enough for me, as he soon pulled away with a dashing smile on his face.

"Why don't you adjust to your new room, while I go back to work? I should be finished by dinnertime, and Marquas is still around, so I'm sure he'll make you something good to eat. You seem to have gotten on his good side, my sheep." I felt warm inside hearing him use my title. It sounds like a silly pet name, yes, but I know the deep meaning behind being a sheep. I exist as his heart, as the person he loves most in the world. He reminds me of it time and time again. He does so much for me, and it only makes me feel like I'm falling deeper into debt, but I know he wants nothing in return.

"I'm glad, and I can't wait. His food's so good, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it." We both laugh as he picks up my hand to kiss the back of it.

"I'll be sure to send Ramsey with some snacks to hold you off, then. I must go now, though. Be good and stay in the room. If anyone knocks, it should be either Ramsey or me." I nod my head, having no plans to leave anyways, especially after the last incident.

Hopefully, nothing like that will ever happen again now that he's announced my position to his entire staff. Phil leaves me, and when he's gone, I look around my new sewing room with a smile on my face, feeling right at home amongst the fabrics. Walking over to the desk, I sit on the chair before checking out the drawers to see what's inside them. In one is a stack of notebooks, in another are spools of different colored thread, and the rest are filled with plenty other useful supplies, such as a box of pins, needles, measuring tape, scissors, pencils and pens, etcetera. Firstly, I pull out a few pencils and set them inside the metal holder on top of the desk, then take out a fresh notebook to start a new design.

It felt like forever since I've done this. Hard to believe I've only been in Hell for a short while, but so much has happened since my arrival. Humming in thought, I lightly tap the end of a pencil against a clean sheet of paper, waiting for an idea to jump out at me. My vivid dreams had disappeared a long time ago, ever since Phil had revealed his true form to me. By this point, I had already come to the realization that he was behind them, and though some were a bit scary, I couldn't help but love him more for giving me them. I suppose, in a way, he became my muse. I wouldn't have made half of my creations without those dreams. Suddenly, a light went off in my head, and I knew exactly what to make. I start by sketching out what the product will look like, then make a template, feeling excited by my idea.

Once I'm satisfied with the drawings, I get right to work.

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