Versus The Captor

By SaylorS0

759 14 0

After saving Mackenzie's father, the team gets notified about other technopaths being held captive by a woman... More

1.) Mech X Crew
2.) Duty Calls
3.) Back To The Cold
5.) Family Reunion
6.) Suiting Up
7.) Break In
8.) Fresh Start
9.) *Teaser*

4.) Preparing For Take Off

44 1 0
By SaylorS0

Mackenzie Ross:

Oh! Guess it's my turn. I waited anxiously for my teammates to arrive. I tried coping with it by sitting on top of Harris's desk and watching him check out his station. That always calmed me down for some reason. I think he knew I was there since he constantly looked back at me. I smiled every time so he would worry, but like the caring guy that he is, his seat swiveled around to face me so he could make sure I was fine.

"Hey," Harris greeted me in a way that made me laugh, "I didn't know you found my space to be that interesting."

I bit my lip a little.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I nodded, though he didn't seemed to be convinced.

"Yeah," I started out, "just my friends have been like my sisters for years. I'm just hoping they're ok."

"Don't worry," Harris reassured me, "you were like this with your dad, right? And what happened?"

I took a second to think.

"I nearly got shot in the stomach by Tregear and my dad was injured to no end." I told him.

He shook his head.

"No," Harris corrected me, "well I mean yeah, but what I meant was that you saved him. Now he's getting better and is going to be twice as strong as he was before. You're a real hero Kenzie. I believe in you."

Aww, he's so sweet. I grabbed his chubby little cheeks with both of my hands and pulled myself closer to him.

"You're incredible," I complimented him, "do you know that?"

He smiled at me. I returned the look, the sound of footsteps reaching my ears. I didn't pay much attention to it as I kissed Harris on the cheek and ruffled his hair a bit. I walked away to join Veracity up top. The face she was making had me confused.

"What?" I asked.

She nudged my shoulder a bit.

"I saw that." V told me.

"Saw what?" I questioned still puzzled.

"That kiss." Veracity clarified.

I nodded.

"Oh, well Harris was just being very sweet to me." I told her.

V raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah?" She began to ask, "you do that to anyone when they're sweet?"

I shrugged.

"I guess," I replied. I knew what she was trying to get at, which is why my smile started to show, "why?"

"Nothing nothing, just wondering." Veracity tried to play off.

I shook my head and let my arms cross. They rested on top of the steel handle out in front of me. I looked down at chubby cheeks for a second. He was making sure all systems were a go. My eyes went to the floor of the balcony. I felt my face grow hot. If I had a mirror, I bet you a million dollars I was pink. I hate that I blush so easily.
The elevator doors opening didn't even faze me. I heard two boys talking, but that was about it. It wasn't long before I felt someone staring at me. I didn't see who it was until a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I was being moved across the balcony, my feet dragging against the floor.

"Ah!" I yelled.

I turned to see it was Mark. He pushed me back up to my normal position. I shoved him playfully before moving to V's right.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked him.

"Just making sure you were focused," Mark told me, "which you weren't."

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, what were you smiling about?" Veracity inquired to me.

I was about to reply, but then I realized that everyone was looking at me. I lifted my arms up from the steel balcony handle bars and gave them a look.

"Why are you all looking at me?" I quizzed, "turn around. Stop be nosy, ya eavesdroppers."

All of them shared a laugh. My cousin hooked up using the harness. His powers connected with the robot's system.

"Ok guys, time to make sure Lincoln loses her weave." Ryan told us.

Huh, she has fake hair? Eh, her fault for being a lunatic. And within very little time, we were heading to Arctic like weather to save those two technopaths.


"Hi," the woman greeted, "comfy?"

They did say there were two. The other prisoner was separated from her friend. She grunted at the crazy lady.

"What is wrong with you?" She asked. "Why do you wanna hurt kids for your personal benefit?"

"Girly, I plan to cure all of my people and then use the remaining substance to cure myself," the wan explained to her, "sorry your losing your life, but it's for the best."

She then turned back around was about to exit, but had one more thing to say.

"And by the way, don't expect this to be an easy operation." The woman warned.

The girl growled at her. She watched the older lady exit from the area. Struggling against the grip from the chains, the technopath prayed that she and her friend would get out alive.

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