The Elementals

By Sniggett

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As Amelia breezes through the end of her highschool years, odd events start happening. She discovers she's an... More

Chapter 2. Nightly Stranger
Chapter 3. Announcement
Chapter 4. The Departure
Chapter 5. Travels

Chapter 1. A New beginning

1.2K 67 67
By Sniggett

If you're here right now reading the beginning of The Elementals I just want to let you know it means the world to me. All comments, votes, follows etc. are so appreciated but I'm just happy to share this story with you. Thank you (:


Amelia's POV.


Know when people ask you who you are and there's really not much to say besides your name, your age and your school? Yeah, I was one of those people. Amelia Ryder, Grade 11, goes to Petersburg High aka The School of Torture and Demon Teachers.

I didn't make that up or anything...

First fact you should know, I don't like Tuesdays. In fact, I may even despise them. They're the one day nobody cares about.

Monday- That crappy day that says "El Weekend is over!"

Wednesday- Week is half done!

Thursday- The day before Friday.

Friday- No caption needed.

Saturday and Sunday- A two-day heaven away from most obnoxious human beings out there.

Notice I didn't mention Tuesday? That's because there's nothing to say!

On this particular Tuesday, the morning started off horribly. Not only had I missed the bus but I had also forgotten to finish a calculus problem. My parents were out so I'd have to call Quinn and convince her to drive me. I finished eating half a grapefruit and stuffed an apple into my bag. I suppose you could say I followed a strange diet. I was vegetarian and forget about any processed stuff you find in your typical grocery store. I basically lived off fruits and vegetables. I ran upstairs and got my cell phone out to call Quinn.


-Hey, it's me... I said.

-I know what you're going to ask and the answer is NO.

-YES! Please?

-I'm not your mum Amelia! This shouldn't be my responsibility! she groaned.

-I'll love you forever! Please? We're wasting precious time right now as we speak! Ice cream after school is on me.

She didn't reply.

-COME ON! That strawberry ice cream with mountains of delicious sprinkles which really makes me want to throw up whenever I look at it, is waiting for you! I wailed dramatically into the phone. I know you're picturing it right now, I added.

-You suck. Be there in ten. I will enjoy eating the best food in the world while you eat some of your god forbidden carrots or something.

I could hear her smiling even if she had turned her "Quinn-is-about-to-murder-you" tone on. When she finally pulled into the driveway I gathered all my stuff and ran out the door.

One thing you need to know about Quinn is that she looks just about as scary as she sounds on the phone. (I have witnessed really young children cry from merely looking at her) In crowds, she's always easy to spot, wearing her black stiletto heels, black jeans and tops. Sometimes she changes it up and wears black studded leather jackets or necklaces. She'd dyed her hair again for the millionth time last week and it was currently short and a dark shade of blue. Another contributing factor to her frightening look was that Moderation and Makeup weren't two words that corresponded together in Quinn's mind. When she saw me, she batted her eyelashes and sarcastically exclaimed "Oh look! Mummy has arrived, all ready to take her duckling to school!"

I rolled my eyes and grumbled under my breath. Quinn's sarcasm is seriously hard to handle on a TUESDAY morning. "Sorry I got here late," she said with a sigh. "Arianne and Audrée needed help with breakfast." I couldn't necessarily picture Quinn making lovely heart shaped pancakes for her sisters but whatever. Don't question the tigress. Second fact: Quinn had nine siblings and they are all girls. In case you're wondering, it's as horrible as it sounds. Everyone weirdly had a rather french name except for Quinn. Arianne, Audrée, Chloé, Lucie, Constance, Louise, Claudie, plus the twins Marie-Laurence and Marie-Christine. I never really understood how that had come to being. Had Quinn's parents thought it would be hilarious to single out one of their daughters with a name? Who knows. You weren't going to see me ask such questions to Quinn anytime soon; she might bite my head off.

We got to school a bit late but it wasn't a huge deal. I beamed at Quinn before running off to Chemistry. "Thank you!" I said, stretching the "you" as I always did. "I hope you die in a fire," was her loving reply. That's Quinn-Code for: I love you too.

When I got to Chem, the teacher, Mrs. Holt, shot me a look as I arrived in a rush. "Sorry!" I whispered meekly. I finally took a seat and noticed Colin staring at me. He was adorable, sand coloured hair, expressive blue eyes and crooked smile. He was borderline lanky and he definitely liked me. I smiled at him and he grinned back. I hadn't known him for long but you could tell he was good hearted. I was also hoping he'd ask me out to the dance coming up in May.

The class went by, we took notes and listened to Mrs. Holt's explanations. Eventually, someone knocked at the door, she excused herself and told us she'd be right back. As soon as the door shut, Catherine sneered at me, "Late again Ryder? Did your freak emo friend drive you here once more? Too poor to afford your own car? Maybe if Daddy and Mama had real jobs, this wouldn't be such an issue," she said.

People like Catherine are hard to ignore but you quickly learn that ignoring is far better than replying to her. I could feel my cheeks redden from the stares other students were giving me and her. It annoyed me considering they were used to her acting this way. However, she wouldn't leave me alone, "No answer? I knew I was right. Maybe if you weren't such a freak, normal people would actually want to associate with you." Catherine really likes the word "freak". You often wonder if she'll ever broaden her range of insults. I would have tolerated her childish remarks until I suddenly felt something slimy, drip down my back. I looked back and saw mud. Who the ____ brings mud into chemistry class?! She was just like an irritating five year old.

I wasn't annoyed anymore, I was mad. Was she retarded? Slowly, I got out of my chair and turned to face her. Then, something odd happened. The ground shook. It was shaking just like I was inside. Almost as if we were on the same wavelength. An earthquake was making the whole class tremble and shake. Glass shattered and people screamed. It didn't last for very long, one minute? 30 seconds? I couldn't really remember. I wasn't angry anymore, just tired. Everything went still. Nobody moved or said anything; I was certain every living being could hear my heart slamming into my chest. Not much had been damaged besides the glass and a part of the floor precisely where Catherine had been standing.

Mud and dirt covered her from knees down. I could have smiled victoriously at her and said something like: "Look at that, guess Karma really is a b-eautiful person." I was nevertheless still shaken from the earthquake (literally) and decided I needed fresh air. Immediately.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one for ditching class, that was one of the many domains Quinn was specialised in. Stepping outside, I immediately took my shoes off, preferring the texture of soft grass over practically anything. I walked for a bit and sat down, rolling around a few times before making myself comfortable. I shut my eyes and thought about the earthquake. I had been so angry. It was almost as if it had been under my control. Someone sat down beside me, nearly giving me a heart attack as I sprung up to my feet in record time. I am a very jumpy person.

It was Colin. I was seriously hoping he hadn't witnessed me rolling around in the long grass for a minute. "Hey," he said. "Hi," I replied, more guarded. "That was-" he started. "Intense? Freaky?" I suggested, raising an eyebrow. He sighed and agreed then proceeded to lying down in the grass. He even rolled around a couple times, making it clear he had seen me earlier. "Oh stop!" I said laughing from embarrassment but also because I was happy to be out with a friend.

I got down beside him while staying a safe distance away and staring at the sky. He cleared his throat, "I'm sorry nobody defended you earlier." "Sorry I didn't do anything," he added. He continued, "Normally she shuts up after a while. I don't think anyone expected her to actually throw mud at you. Although, it's a bit ironic considering she-" "Was covered in mud after the earthquake?" I asked. "Yes!" We both smirked.

-That one looks like a whale, I said, pointing at a cloud.

-And that one resembles a key, he answered, squinting at the sky.

-Well that one surely looks like a face!

-Oh my goodness! It's so Mr. Brown's face!

-That's so mean! I said, even though I laughed.

This went on for almost an hour. Later, he turned around to face me. "Hey, so you know that dance coming up next month?" he started. I smiled knowingly and looked at him, "Yeah?" "Well, I'm bringing Catherine and I'm trying to tell her the dress she's been wanting to wear looks like something even Grandma Jen wouldn't have worn," he said pouting. My eyes darkened, I had been expecting him to ask me out. I faked a laugh, my brain having one of its epic moments where I go blank and can't come up with anything to say. He leaned in closer "Kidding," he whispered, "She's horrendous." I propped myself up on an elbow, "That was not funny!" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes and then shoving him over.

He wouldn't stop grinning.

"So we're going together?" he asked hopefully, regaining a straight face. "Fine," I replied, completely failing at making it seem like I was grudgingly accepting his request.

I then left telling him I owed Quinn a strawberry flavoured ice cream with sprinkles. Little did I know this day was the beginning of a great change.

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