T i m e l e s s {book one}

By weepingraine

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"When you think you have forever with someone, you feel like the happiest person in the world. The truth is... More

➖chapter one➖
➖chapter two➖
➖chapter three➖
➖chapter four➖
➖chapter five➖
➖chapter six➖
➖chapter seven➖
➖chapter eight➖
➖chapter nine➖
➖chapter ten➖
➖chapter eleven➖
➖chapter twelve➖
➖chapter thirteen➖
➖chapter fourteen➖
➖chapter fifteen➖
➖chapter sixteen➖
➖chapter seventeen➖
➖chapter eighteen➖
➖chapter nineteen➖
➖chapter twenty➖
➖chapter twenty-one➖
➖chapter twenty-two➖
➖chapter twenty-three➖
➖chapter twenty-five➖
➖chapter twenty-six➖
➖chapter twenty-seven➖
➖chapter twenty-eight➖
➖chapter twenty-nine➖
➖chapter thirty➖

➖chapter twenty-four➖

388 39 0
By weepingraine

third chapter that's going up today and I quite like this one :) the votes are also much appreciated, so thank you

"No offense, but I'm not really invested in the whole 'let's get Elena's humanity back'," Davina tells the Salvatore brothers as she sits in their living room.

"Look, Davina, I know we're asking a lot here, but you're the one person who can get her under control if she gets out of hand. I mean, she can't beat a thousand year old witch," Stefan points out.

"She can't beat two-century year old vampires either," she replies.

"Yeah, but we might be a little hesitant on the punishments," Damon says. "You, on the other hand, won't care."

"I don't want to babysit an emotionless vampire," Davina exclaims in exasperation. "What I should be doing is getting out of town."

Caroline comes into the room in a bathrobe and looks at Davina. "Come on, I don't want to babysit her alone. But, I think that bringing her to school will be a good idea."

"Why are you here," Damon questions.

"Uh, blame it on your fancy water filters," Caroline answers. "Your house has the only vervain-free showers in town."

"Oh, yeah. The mayor put vervain in the town water supply." Damon clicks his tongue while shaking his head. "So many people to kill."

"Yeah, my mom says it's about to get worse, so she could use a little help."

"Fine, I'll go after the psychotic doppelgänger. Stefan, you wanna talk to the Sheriff?" Stefan nods, so Damon turns to the two girls. "You two, take her to school."

"I don't-"

"Sounds like fun," Elena says as she walks into the living room. Davina glares at her before sighing. "What? Nothing like you guys haven't seen before."

"I haven't seen you get butt-naked before, Elena," Davina grumbles. "And frankly, it wasn't on my wish list. Get dressed, we're going to school apparently." With that, she stalks out of the Salvatore house.


"Why am I pretending to be a high schooler for the second time?" Davina shuffles down the hallway full of teenagers and looks at Elena. She watches her pull off a flyer for Jeremy's memorial before grabbing the one advertising the school cheerleading team.

Davina turns to Caroline who was currently talking to Matt. Elena approaches them and shows Caroline the flyer. "I have an idea. Can you get me my old spot back on the cheerleading squad?"

"Because that's not the lamest thing ever," Davina mutters under her breath, making the three of the look at her. "What? I didn't come for moral support, I came to babysit. Excuse me." She pushes through more teenagers to get to the bathroom. Unfortunately for her, Davina ended up in the one with urinals.

"What the—this is the men's bathroom," some guy exclaims, quickly pulling his pants up.

"Yes, I realize that now, thank you," Davina tells him sarcastically. She turns and exits the bathroom, only to bump into another guy. "Okay, what-"

"I'm sorry, that was my bad. Uh, I didn't assume a girl would be coming out of the men's bathroom..."

"Trust me, neither did I," she grumbles. "Is it too early to ditch?"

"Um, first period hasn't started yet, so probably."

"Perfect," Davina says and heads straight towards the exit. Once she gets outside, she leans against the wall, as this was not what she wanted to do with her day.

"Sorry, I followed you outside. Figured I couldn't do much worse in school than I am now, so why not ditch?"

She glances up at the guy before offering him a small smile. "I'm pretty horrible company. My mood has been the same all week."

"Rough, eh? I feel ya. When life gives you lemons, add them to vodka," he remarks with a smirk.

"Yes, well, I've drank a lot recently, so I'm not going to be downing alcohol anytime soon," Davina replies. Probably a lie.

"Ah, I see. Well, lassie, my suggestion would be to go to the gym. Get your frustrations out on a punching bag, or a person, if you can find one willing enough to get hit."

"Maybe. I don't know, I was actually thinking of just ditching this town," she sighs. "It's filling with too many bad memories."

"Does it have something to do with whoever gave you the necklace you keep touching?" When Davina looks at him in surprise, the guy just shrugs. "I'm an observant guy."

"I can see that," she replies. "Uh, yeah. If the guy who gave me this was still around, my mood would definitely be better."

"Family or lover?" Davina narrows her eyes at him, causing the guy to raise his hands in innocence. "Don't shoot me, I'm just nosey."

"He was my boyfriend," she murmurs quietly.

"Bad breakup?"

"If you consider him dying a bad breakup, then yes. It was the worst one imaginable," Davina admits. She then chuckles humorlessly. "I can't believe I'm spilling my sorrows to a stranger."

"Better than to a bottle of alcohol," he comments, making her chuckle lightly. "Listen, any time you need someone to complain to, I'm the guy you can call."

"And who might this guy be?"

"Declan O'Connell," he answers and holds out his hand for Davina, which she shakes.

"Davina Claire. So...basically, you want to be my personal therapist?"

"If you put it that way, sure. Most people just call them friends," he grins.

"Heh, right." The two quickly exchange numbers before Davina smiles at him. "Well, it was nice to meet you, Declan. I guess I'll see you around?"

"Definitely," he responds, giving a small wave before going back in the school.


Davina's leaning against a locker as she watches cheerleaders stretch for the invitational. Caroline and Elena were dressed in their uniforms, which looked a bit too short for them.

"The uniform still fits," Caroline comments to Elena. "You look fantastic. We are totally going to kick Grove Hill's ass."

"Yeah, should be fun," Elena replies, not really paying attention. Davina's phone suddenly beeps from a text alert. She chuckles when the message she received was from Declan. He was at the cheerleading invitational as well.

"Wow, the competition's bigger than last year," Caroline observes as she glances around. "I'm going to go stretch. You gonna find a seat, D?"

"Uh, yeah, I'll make my way in the gym," Davina nods and starts heading there. She never will understand the point of cheerleading. Anyone can cheer, and it's just as motivational even when there aren't any cool flips. When she enters the gym, Davina sighs at the sight of all the people. She was really hoping to be antisocial, so she made her way to an empty corner of the room.

"Now, you're being very introverted at the moment, hiding away like this," an Irish voice comments. Davina looks up and sees Declan watching her with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I'm not a fan of cheerleaders, so," Davina replies with an awkward smile.

"Ah, I see. I just came to see if I could flirt my way through any of these ladies, maybe even land a date," Declan tells her with a smirk.

"Oh, you think? I'll be your wingwoman. Point to someone who you think would go on a date with you," Davina giggles. Declan puts on a thinking face as he looks around the gym. His eyes land on someone and he grins.

"What about her?"

Davina follows his gaze, which just happens to unfortunately land on the emotionless Elena Gilbert. "Oh, no, you don't want her."

"And why is that?"

"She's mean," Davina immediately blurts out. "Trust me, if you want to be a real lady killer, Elena Gilbert is not the one you want to go for. She bites back."


"I say...go for the pretty brunette who's currently eyeing you from the bleachers," she points out.

"She's not even a cheerleader."

"Yeah, and that's a good thing. Go get her, bro," Davina snickers and practically pushes Declan in her direction. She glances over at Elena, who seems to be irritating Caroline at the moment.

Davina approaches the girls with an expectant expression. "Everything okay here?"

"Yeah, as soon as the queen backs off, everything will be fine," Elena answers calmly before walking off.

"So, Damon attempted to sire her so that she'd behave...it didn't work," Caroline explains, making Davina roll her eyes.

"Of course not. Her sire bond with Damon was stemmed from feelings that she felt towards him. Now that she's an emotionless bitch-"

"Hey, she can hear you," Caroline exclaims, eyeing Elena, who seems fixated on stretching.

Davina crosses her arms and scoffs distastefully. "I don't care. I'm just saying, if you force her to do anything, she's going to act childish and do the complete opposite."


Back in her corner, Davina watches the invitational, slightly hoping that something interesting would happen so she could ditch. Her mind begins to go on a tangent as she starts thinking of all the places she could start over. Maybe Europe, maybe the Caribbean, possibly even-

Davina's thought process is cut off when she sees Caroline fall flat on her back, as Elena hadn't bothered to catch her. Everyone gasps and her teammates rush over to help her. Instead of going to assist Caroline, Davina decides to go confront the brat who was currently sneaking away.

"Nice move," Davina calls out from behind her. "What do you do for an encore?" Elena was texting on her phone, so Davina whacks her on the back of the head. "It's rude to text when someone's talking to you."

Elena just rolls her eyes and plasters a fake smile on her face. "I'm pretty sure that what I do doesn't need to end with a condescending lecture."

"I'm not so sure about that. But, hey, if you want to continue acting like a scoundrel, the gymnasium is not the place to do it," she remarks.

"Oh, yeah? Where would you suggest?"

"Well," Davina smirks. She holds up the keys to Stefan's motorcycle between her fingers. "Why don't we take a drive and see?"

"Because I trust you so much, right? Please," Elena scoffs. "I'm not the gullible idiot you think I am."

Davina purses her lips and smiles. "I guess you're not." She then twists her hand, causing Elena's neck to break.


Davina watches in amusement as Elena gasps awake. She was currently laying in Damon's bed while Davina nonchalantly leaned on the bedpost.

"Good, you're awake," Davina chirps.

"What'd you do to me?"

"Brought you home before you could cause anymore trouble," Davina replies while casually filing her nails.

"So, I'm being grounded by you because I dropped Caroline on her thick head? I think you're overreacting," Elena smirks.

"Well, you also fed on someone in public, which is also a big, fat no-no," Davina chastises patronizingly.

"So, what? I was hungry." Elena then stands up and begins undressing in front of her.

"What, is this a strip show now? Super mature, Elena," Davina sighs.

"I'm done cheering, so I'm going to change," Elena tells her condescendingly. She pulls of the cheerleading top and throws a different one on.

"For the record, you're acting very indiscriminating. People will grow to hate that about you, among other things," she remarks before grabbing a pair of sunglasses from the nightstand and perching them on her head.

"I've shut it all off, Davina. I'll bask in whatever people think of me without having a care in the world. One of the greatest perks about being a vampire," Elena responds. She grabs her phone and starts typing away, laughing occasionally.

Without a word, Davina comes over and plucks the phone from her fingertips. "What do we have here? A party, you say?"

"Yep," Elena replies and raises an eyebrow at Davina. "You know, you could do with some fun. You're pretty dull and snappy these days."

"Gee, I wonder why. You think I should let loose, maybe even go crazy?"

"Yeah," Elena sniggers. "Maybe I did you a favor by getting rid of your boyfriend. You're free to go after any guy who looks at you the right way, and trust me, there are a lot. Don't think I didn't see you checking out that Irish fellow. He'd look good on you." With that, she takes her phone back and saunters out of the room.

"That gormless, little twit," Davina murmurs but not taking any of it to heart.


Davina walks down the stairs to see a crowd full of teenagers. How bloody fantastic. She glances over at the door where Caroline and Stefan have entered.

"What in the world is going on in here," Stefan exclaims as he looks around the party.

"It's Elena, what do you expect? When life gave her death, she threw a party," Davina grumbles.

"This is insane," Caroline muses.

"Yeah, it won't last. They'll either drink all the booze and get bored, or Damon will come home and slaughter everyone," Stefan remarks.

"We can't compel them to leave, the locals are all on the vervain water supply," Caroline sighs.


"So, what do we do?"

"Pfft, I don't know. Enjoy the party, keep Elena from butchering Grove Hills' cheerleading squad." Stefan takes a swig from a bottle of alcohol.

"Give me that," Davina says and snatches the bottle from Stefan's hand before drinking some. "I can't be in the same room as Elena without being drunk."

"Great, and where is she?"

"Where do you think?" Stefan points to Elena, who was currently dancing on a table with a bottle in hand.

"Well, if you can't kill her, join her," Davina chortles and jumps up on the adjacent table. She raises the bottle back up to her mouth that was curled into a temporary smile.


"Look who finally decided to join the party," Elena comments, referring to Davina, Caroline, and Stefan.

"Yeah, I guess you're kind of tolerable when I'm drunk," Davina giggles.

"High praise," Elena replies. She looks over at Stefan and Caroline who were currently dancing. "Don't those two look like the power couple here, huh? She'd benefit by taking him out for spin."

Davina sobers up as she sees Sheriff Forbes enters the house, looking to punish someone. Elena goes over to talk to her as Davina stares at her bottle of bourbon in distaste. Without another word, she sets it down.

She's about to leave the house when she sees Elena push Sheriff Forbes against the wall. "Woah," Davina butts in before pulling Elena away. "That's no way to treat a sheriff."

Caroline also speeds over, looking concerned. "Mom!"

"I'm okay," Liz assures her.

The blonde vampire then scans the room for the brunette, ready to lunge for her. "I'm going to wring her skinny, little neck." She immediately turns around when hearing someone speed away.

"I'm pretty sure we just lost a vampire with homicide on the brain," Davina exhales.


The three of them are out in the woods searching for Elena. "Elena! Where the hell is she?"

"Probably chewing on someone," Davina grumbles. "Remind me to never have fun."

"Oh, no, this is all on her. Elena's out of control. She drew all of those people to the house, waiting for an opportunity to distract us, and now she's free," Stefan sighs.

"I can't believe she's doing this. I mean, she hurt my mom, guys," Caroline mumbles.

"All right, listen, you two search the woods, I'll check the road. If you see her, don't hesitate, snap her neck," Stefan advises.

"Pleasurably," Davina smiles.


"Elena! Don't make us fight you, Elena! I'm stronger than you, and Davina can kick your ass in a second! We don't want to hurt you!"

"Speak for yourself," Davina snorts before halting when she sees Caroline fly against a tree. She turns around and sees Elena in her face, so she thrusts her hand out, casting a pain-infliction spell. "I truly hope you weren't naïve enough to think that you could beat us. Now, Caroline may be hesitant on hurting you, but I'm not."

Blood runs from Elena's nose, but she still manages to smile. "How do you think Kol would react if he saw your recent behavior? In fact, I bet he's watching you from the Other Side, wondering where things went wrong."

"And what exactly do you think Jeremy's doing right now? Surely not announcing how much he loves the new version of his sister," Davina snaps.

"Difference between you and me—I don't care about anything," Elena smirks, though she's clearly still in pain. Davina clenches her fist harder, causing more blood to leak from Elena's nose. "This is the better version of me."

"Maybe it is," Davina retorts. "This is the one that's not whiny, the one who doesn't come to everyone else about her problems. This one is just a damn inconvenience."

"Okay, okay," Caroline murmurs, deciding to interfere. "Davina, I think you can snap her neck now."

"You want her dead? Fine." Davina twists her hand, killing Elena. "Ding, dong, the bitch is dead." With that, she storms away.


Davina returns to Rebekah's house and sees her sitting on the couch, nursing a glass of wine.

"What a way to end a hellish day," Davina remarks, gesturing to Rebekah's glass.

"Right? Today was a bust, honestly. Every time I think I'm closer to finding the cure, something always has to give out."

"Well, you're lucky you didn't have to spend the whole day with Elena," Davina replies. "Look, can we just ditch this town? Go somewhere nicer, somewhere with less vampires, perhaps?"

"I would love to, but I can't leave until I get this cure," Rebekah sighs. "The treacherous search is annoying me to no end."

"Why do you want the cure so much, anyways?"

Rebekah looks up at Davina before putting her wine down. "I want to have a family. I want to grow old and die with that family, and I want to stop living like the monsters vampires were born to be. It's the same cycle—paranoia, betrayal, violence, repeat."

Davina nods understandingly. "Even though my situation's not the same as yours, being immortal really, really sucks. So, how about I help you find the cure for yourself, and then we could be off?"

Rebekah smiles in return. "I wouldn't complain."

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