Camp Valhalla

By 0Winnowed0

225 8 18

[Other Characters From Riordanverse Are Present In The Book But It Is Centered Around The Magnus Chase Charac... More

Camp Valhalla / Chapter One
Chapter Three

Chapter Two

68 2 7
By 0Winnowed0

I feel myself begin to wake up and start to contemplate falling back asleep. But my mind decides better as I open my eyes.

At first I assume I have to wake up because of school, then it hits me that school ended 3 days ago.

Thats when my memory catches up with me. I sit up suddenly and look to the calander. July 2nd, the first day of camp.

My bags are packed and I had laid out clothes for today. Annabeth and her father are supposed to come pick me up at 3:15.

I check my clock and find that it's already 2pm. I did stay up late last night texting my friends and didn't set an alarm so it's understandable.

I first check my phone and find that it's blowing up with notiflications. Even Sam, who rarely chats, is texting in our group chat.

As I scan through the texts I catch up on the situation. Mallory Keen is on the way to camp already, Halfborn Gunderson hasn't left yet since he's only 40 minutes away, Sam is already there and since she's a counsler she has her phone, TJ is waiting for his parents to leave before he can go. Hearth and Blitz are M.I.A so I assume they have camp duties to attend to since they are also on staff like Sam.

MangoCheese ☀: Hey guys
Red-Haired Monster: magnussssss
Mature One: Finally you're up.
T to the J: Sup
Red Haired Monster: ofc u are
Mature One: Guys there's something I may have forgotten to tell you
Red Haired Monster: wut did u do
MangoCheese ☀: Uh Oh
T to the J: Sammmmmm did you mess up

Sam seems to be typing for a while so that means she either didn't know how to  say what she wants to or it's something really long she has to explain.

I put my phone down and use this opportunity to get changed out of my pajamas. After I throw off my shirt, I check back momentarily, just in time to see Sam sent her text.

Mature One: We all know that my dad has alot of kids with other people and i dont know alot of them, right? Well one of my half-siblings is going to be in our cabin this year. I think it's only half the year, but it will be in July nontheless
Mature One: Just thought you should know.

I tilt my head well looking at my phone. We once had another cabinmate, X, though he didn't last long. Since then it's always been us. I suppose this could be fun. A new cabinmate. Wow.

Red Haired Monster: awwww man
T to the J: Boy or Girl?
Mature One: I've got to go. Campers are arriving.
MangoCheese ☀: See you at camp, Sam

I laughs at my phone before checking the time. I have enough time for a quick shower.

MangoCheese ☀: Ima go shower! See you at camp.
Red Haired Monster: bai beantown
Half Giant: BY BY
T to the J: Bye Magnus.

I put my phone down and walk into the bathroom.

30 minutes later I've showered, gotten re-dressed, brushed my hair, grabbed my bags, and now I'm sitting on my bed waiting for Annabeth and uncle Fredrick.

Feeling my stomachs growl, I walk downstairs and into the big kitchen. I grab an Apple from the counter and head back upstairs, just as I make it to my room's door I hear my uncle yelling.

"Magnus! Annabeth is here!" Randolf called up the stairs. I smile to myself and grab my bags from inside the room. I leave my phone, because of course phones aren't aloud at camp and I don't want to leave it in Fredrick's car.

I open my room door and walk down the hall. The house smells like old books and a scent I can't quite place. Maybe..... Strawberries?

I walk down the stairs to see a girl, around the age of 17 standing there with her hands on her hips and a mischeviosu smile on her facd. She had curly blonde hair tied back in a long ponytail with a Yankees hat on. She wore an orange shirt that said Half-Blood High
Aka the high school she and most her friends go to. She had a nice and athletic build. She looked like a standard girl except for her stormy grey eyes Tehy looked like they were going to track someone down and end them.

She had a waterproof yellow dufflebag slung around her shoulder. She smiled at me making her eyes look just a bit less threatening.
"Hey magnus! Dad's waiting, let's go!" She said waving me over. I hurried down the stairs to meet her. She slung an arm around my shoulder which is a gesture I would usually resist but with Annabeth I guess I'm more used to affection with touches.

We walked outside the house to be greeted by a green van with a man sitting in front. Annabeth opended the trunk for me to put my luggage in along with hers. I put my dark red and white duffle bag beside Annabeth's vivid yellow one and I decide to keep my camo backpack and just carry it on my back.

I climbed in next to her in the backseat. She smiled at me as she did up her seat belt.

"We're meeting Percy and the others at camp instead of picking them up this year." She explained. I nodded my head and clicked my seat belt.

"All right back there, you two?" Fredrick asked, glancing at us from the rear view mirrior.

I glanced at Annabeth. "All right." We said in unison.

And for the time being, it is. Everything is all right.

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