Only You

By apparentlyavery

50.8K 1.6K 203

(~Completed~) Xu Weizhou and Huang Jingyu have been in a good relationship since the end of the Addicted Webs... More

Author's note
Chapter One: Found
Chapter Two: Try to Sleep
Chapter Three: Warmth
Chapter Four: Shopping
Chapter Five: Relization
Chapter Six: Preparations and Proposals
Chapter Eight: Fooling Around
Chapter Nine: Traveler
Chapter Ten: Ocean
Chapter Eleven: Loosing Sleep
Chapter 12: Statement
Chapter Thirteen: An Issue
Chapter Fourteen: Sleep, Then Breakfast
Chapter Fifteen: Stage
Last A/N

Chapter Seven: Set Up and Panic

1.9K 78 6
By apparentlyavery

Jingyu turned on the shower, making sure it was hot before stepping in. He had gone here with Jackson earlier in the week, setting everything up. There was clothes for tomorrow, and some... 'things' for tonight. Jingyu had also picked out new hair and body wash specially for tonight. He wanted these scents locked in WeiZhou's mind forever, to remember this night as passionate and loving. Jingyu stepped out, in only a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. WeiZhou stared at him, in all his glorious manliness and state of undress. He licked his lips, giving Jingyu the up down once more.
"Thirsty?" Jingyu asked, taking a bottle of water off the counter and opening it. He took a swig, making sure his head was tilted up so WeiZhou could see his neck.
"Fuck, Jingyu." WeiZhou stood, walking over to where his lover was standing. He put a hand on either one of Jingyu's shoulders, feeling the familiar muscles hidden by soft skin. He moved his hands downwards slowly, achingly, never looking up at Jingyu's needy eyes. His hands traveled over hardened peaks, down a toned torso, back up along beautiful hips, just to wrap around a sturdy neck, lean forward, and kiss Jingyu's lips softly.
This... this was them. They didn't need words when it was like this, their actions spoke for themselves. WeiZhou felt every tug, pull at his body in his heart- no, deep down in the darkest places of his soul, spreading warmth and passion.
WeiZhou pulled the towel, causing it to fall to the floor, exposing his half hard manhood. WeiZhou pulled away, looking down, then back up at his lover, who's beautiful eyes were idled in lust.
"It's only you, Jingyu, you're the only one for me."
Jingyu took off WeiZhou's shirt slowly. They had all night. Cai wasn't here to interrupt them, nor was managers or responsibilities. WeiZhou wanted to be lost in Jingyu's love tonight.
"You're mine." Jingyu said, reaching out to touch Timmy's body. He was so toned and muscular, Jingyu wanted to devour him whole. This was now his, for the rest of their lives. He kissed along WeiZhou's collarbones, down his chest to suck on aroused nipples, then down and down, leaving small kisses as he went, until he arrived at his destination. Slowly, he unbuttoned WeiZhou's jeans, pulling the zipper down and-
Jingyu was set on ignoring the call, but he could tell Timmy was concerned about it. He gave up licking the outside of WeiZhou's boxers, letting go of him with a smile. "Go answer it."
"Sorry." WeiZhou smiles cheekily, stepping out of his jeans and waking to the phone. It was Jackson, which made his heart pick up one beat. He answered it, putting it up to his ear. It was probably nothing.
"Timmy! Hey, uh, sorry to interrupt you and Jingyu's night, but, uhh, Cai's sick. You guys don't have to come back but we're a little panicked. He's crying a lot." Jackson's voice was super shaky, and it scared WeiZhou.
"We're coming home now, then. Tell Cai. Daddy's coming."
He hung up. "I'm so sorry Jingyu. Cai's sick." As much as Jingyu wanted to continue the foreplay, he knew Cai was more important. He put on the clothes he had prepared for tomorrow, and they rushed out of the hotel together.
They bursted into the car, starting it in a matter of seconds and driving off. Now Jingyu was worried too, whatever was left of his previously hard on now soft. Their shared concern for the only person they loved more than each other connected them again as Jingyu took WeiZhou's hand, fingers smoothing over the gold band.
They took off running from the parking lot to their apartment, bursting inside with a obvious panic.
Jackson was cradling a wailing Cai trying to calm him down. His face virtually lit up once he saw Timmy walking towards him.
"Cai, sweetie." He pulled the sniffing boy close, patting his back. "You're okay, now, daddy's here." As he said that Cai coughed twice, before throwing up all over the back of WeiZhou's cheap dress shirt.
"Oh my lord." Jingyu stepped forward, taking Cai from the arms of his boyfriend- no, fiancé. That's when he noticed the discharge on WeiZhou's back was almost completely water.
"How many times has he done that?" Jingyu asked, trying to calm down Cai.
"About 5 or 6." Jackson said, looking visibly panicked. Jingyu shook his head.
"We need to get him to a hospital."


They sat inside the hospital room, Timmy holding Cai's hand. Somehow, he had gotten food poisoning, but they were lucky they took him to the hospital when they did. Being little and being that sick was definitely not good for his growing body.
Jingyu rubbed circles on WeiZhou's clean hoodie, feeling the warmth from his skin. As much as he wanted to see Zhou beautifully undressed and untied from his usual quiet demeanour, he was glad they went home. Their child's health was more important than a passionate night anyway.
Jackson and BamBam were across the room, quiet until Jackson piped up. "Judging by the ice on your finger, you said yes." He motioned to WeiZhou's finger. WeiZhou laughed wholeheartedly, looking again at the ring that fit perfectly on his finger.
"Of course I did." He said, grinning. "How could I say no?"
Jingyu rested his head on Timmy's shoulder, breathing a sigh down his spine.
"Are you tired, Jingyu?" He said, wrapping his free hand around Jingyu's waist.
"Yeah. It's been an exhausting day."
Zhou kissed his head. "Sleep then. I'm here to stabilize you." With a small grin, Jingyu wrapped both his arms around Zhou and closed his eyes, falling into sleep in the brightly lit hospital room.

Ugh it's barely August but I'm already stressed about school. It will totally get in the way of my drama watching/writing time. Plus, with swimming I don't know how much I'm gonna be able to write. Hopefully a lot. No stress yet, though. School starts September fifth so I have plenty of time.

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