I Got One Less, One Less Prob...

By SprinkleOfShimmer27

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I Got One Less, One Less Problem || A Nariana Story
Chapter One || The Promise You Made is Starting To Fade
Chapter Two || I'm Running from a Warzone
Chapter Three || It Was Gone With the Wind, But It's All Coming Back to Me

Chapter Four || And I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, Like Never Before

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By SprinkleOfShimmer27

Chapter Four.

Ariana had spent the past 5 days trying to contact Nathan. She'd tried his home phone, his mobile, his email, his Skype, everything. She'd then moved on to calling the boys, Jay and Siva both said that they tried to talk to him, but he just refused to say anything to them. Max had told her that he thought Nathan would contact her when he was ready to, and finally Tom and Kelsey had spent about an hour on the phone with Tom giving her detailed explanations on Nathan's current state and how he was staying at theirs, and Kelsey giving her advice on what to do to and how to discuss the situation with him.

After that phone call, Ariana threw her phone across the room in frustration. It landed on the other couch, luckily, but she kind of wished it had smashed because she was so annoyed. Not with Nathan, and not that much with Scooter (although she did wish he would stay out of situations that didn't concern him), mainly with herself. Because she was still questioning whether or not she had feelings for Jai, although even if she did, they were nothing compared to her feelings for Nathan. In the end, she just gave up trying to contact him and took Max's advice; she'd let Nathan talk to her when he was ready. Maybe.


Nathan was definitely not ready to talk to Ariana yet, no matter how often she called him or someone else told him how much she wanted to talk to him again. It had only been like a week since she'd revealed why she'd broken up with him. All he could think about was Jai now, her and Jai. Really Ariana? Jai? The one that claimed you cheated on him to get his 15 minutes of fame? He remembered the day that the first cheating allegation had cropped up; he'd been in the UK when Jay had first called him.


Nathan flopped down on his bed, exhausted because of the jetlag and the three interviews he had done today. Interviews with the boys were tiring in their own right, but when he was alone the attention was just on him,  which was even more exhausting. Just as he was considering going to sleep, his phone rung from his pocket; he answered in annoyance.


"Mate? It's Jay." 

"I know, it's on bloody caller ID. What's up?" 

"It's Jai-."

"I know."

"No, Jai Brooks. Ariana's ex?" Nathan sat up, still tired but more focused now.

"What about him?"

"He's uh...tweeted..."

"Really mate, why would he ever tweet about anything?"

"You didn't let me finish. He tweeted that Ariana cheated on him with you." Nathan coughed in shock, now giving his full attention to Jay.

"But...she didn't. She broke up with him like 2 weeks before we decided to go out."

"I know she didn't, but dude, a lot of people are giving her hate. Do you want me to-?"

"I'll call her. Cheers Bird."

"Anytime man." 

Nathan hung up the phone on Jay and dialled his girlfriends number. He paused before hitting call; what was he going to say to her? After a couple of minutes, he'd thought vaguely about what to say, so he pressed call and waited for her to answer. It took a while, but just as he was considering hanging up, she answered. He could immediately tell that she was crying, making his instinct to punch Jai Brooks' face till he wasn't recognisable kick in straight away.


"Hey honey, it's Nath."

"Oh hi Nath. Have you uh...been on twitter?"

"Bird told me everything babe, I'm logging in now. How you holding up?" He asked in concern as he logged into Twitter. His @ mentions were through the roof, but he managed to find Jai's tweet without too much difficulty.

"I just don't understand why he had to do that. It's not true, he knows it and I know it." 

"Exactly." Nathan was now reading the comments that the fans were writing. A lot of them were supportive of him and Ariana, many were defending her. Although, he was disappointed to see that quite a few of them were also hate messages.

"And why now? I just don't...I don't understand babe."

"He wants his 15 minutes of fame that's all. Honestly sweetie, if some fans are hating on you, then they're not really fans at all. Fans will support you no matter what, they're family."


Nathan groaned and put his head in his hands as his phone rang again. He glanced at it, and when he saw it was an unknown number, he picked it up cautiously.


"Hey." He froze; her voice was not one he wanted to hear right now, he'd spent the last few days avoiding her calls and messages.

"I can't believe you."

"I'm sorry Nath, but this is the only way I can get you to talk to me."

"Not if I just hang up now."

"NO...no please, just hear me out. And I'll understand if you never want to hear from me again after this." Nathan sighed and flopped down on his bed.


"I don't have feelings for Jai. They're gone-long gone. Nath, I was stupid and I couldn't see what I had when I had it. It's you I want to be with, it's always been you."

"You see Ari, why don't I believe you? You say it's me you want, you let me fall in love with you and then that's it. You have feelings for some other ex?" There was a long pause from Ariana's end.

"You...you love me? You've uh-never said that." Nathan froze again, suddenly realising what he had said.

"Well uh...neither have-neither have you." He said defensively. 

"I love you too." He sighed in frustration; Ariana could clearly sense why he was annoyed and quickly continued.

"Please Nathan, I want to be with you. Not Jai."

Nathan thought about his options carefully. Get back together with Ari and maybe face a breakup again or stay alone and miserable? He sighed again. 


"Really?" Hearing the surprise and delight in her voice made Nathan unintentionally smile.


"Good, because I'm standing outside your apartment block." Nathan frowned in confusion and went over to his window. He pulled back the curtains and looked down to see Ariana stood on the pavement. She looked up, grinned and waved at him. He just chuckled and waved back before coming away from his window and dashing down the stairs.


Ariana watched as Nathan came away from the window and waited expectantly for him to say something down the line. When he didn't she frowned for a second before there was a pair of arms around her waist.

"Hello." A familar cheeky Gloucester accent sounded in her ear, so she turned around happily to look up at him. Nathan winked and pulled her into the lobby.

"Nath what're you-" He silenced her by kissing her softly, answering both the questions of why he'd pulled her off the street and if they were back together or not.

AN: I'm so sorry about how long I took to update guys, and I have no excuse!! I love you, please still love me <3;)

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