Breathe Deep

By CharmingFacade

263 8 0

The Voltron Coalition is beginning to pick up speed. But with Zarkon back on the throne and Lotor up to nothi... More



32 1 0
By CharmingFacade

It was different. They were all different. They were even different among themselves. But they all had one thing in common. Keith. Keith and his growing love for hugs. He never really got them very often and they were usually only from Shiro. Because of how few and far between they usually were, he cherished them deeply, but it was often he would forget how they felt and how much he enjoyed them.

He found that he seemed enjoy Hunk's embrace the most. More than likely because his was the strongest. Hunk was so emotionally liberated; the man wore his heart on his sleeve and gave no hoots about who cared one way or another. It was so easy for the larger man to pour his delight and compassion into one gigantic back crushing body lock. Keith couldn't breathe for several seconds, but he felt that he couldn't be lost in a hug like that. He felt safe. He felt secure. Coran was a surprisingly close second, he could tell even through sharing it with Allura – whose was unsurprisingly delicate and proper. Pidge's hug he liked just for the sake of her trying to be on par with Hunk's hug. He imagined, sandwiched between Katie and Matt, they had shared many tight sibling clinches. Keith was glad to share a 'Herculean Holt ArmHuggedon' (trademark pending, Matthew Amadeus Holt) with them. He wouldn't take any single one of those hugs for granted.

"It's truly wonderful to have you back in the Castle of Lions, Keith." Allura and Shiro were more than anxious to hear about what transpired with Keith and Lance as far as Vartex, but they were just as eager to welcome home a member of the family.

"We've certainly missed you." Shiro took him by the shoulder. "I know I have."

Keith let the corner of his lips curl up in a demure smile. "Thanks, Shiro. It feels really good to be back."

"How long will you be staying with us?"

Keith flinched slightly at Allura's innocent inquiry. It was still a bittersweet subject in Keith's mind. "Actually, I... might be around for a bit."

"I'm glad to hear we'll have you around for a while, Keith. The team isn't the same without you." Shiro spoke with a smile that shifted into knitted brows of concern, "But I feel like something happened since we talked last..."

Keith spent the rest of the afternoon explaining everything that had come to pass the last two cycles. It actually kind of shocked him how little time had passed. And yet, even then, the trauma still felt minutes old; every once in a while, he would catch himself taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly to convince himself he was able to. Keith recounted the report from the scout unit, the blatant disinterest in it on Kolivan's part. He described the planet and the unusual atmosphere of abandonment. Keith again recalled the panic and helplessness he felt as he described getting ambushed and tossed like trash at the week's end. He could feel the strings of anxiety tighten inside him as he relived it in his mind, but he moved on as quickly as he could. He brought up Lance pulling him out of the water, (leaving out a few select details,) saving his skin and helping him retrieve what he had gone for. With clenched teeth he relayed the conversation that he had with Kolivan before storming out of M-Center and blew right into Lance suggesting he come back to the Castle for a bit of time, (leaving out a few more select details.)

"So... I'm not sure exactly when I go back to the Blade of Marmora." He sighed heavily, "If I do at all..."

When, at last, Shiro had come to pull him into an embrace, he truly felt home. He was glad that Shiro didn't let go right away. He could feel tears burning in his eyes and he refused to open them lest any of them break free in front of them. But he was home. There was a moment not far in the past that he thought he would never be able to hug any of them ever again. But there was one other thing; none of them made him feel the way he did when he was in Lance's arms.

"I know what the Blade of Marmora meant to you, Keith." Shiro pulled him back to arm's length, "I'm sorry things turned out the way they did. But, more than anything, I'm just glad that - after all of that - you're ok."

Keith gave him a weak and crooked smile.

"Blade of Marmora or not, you're still part of the team here and this will always be a home to you." Allura reached to place a soothing hand on Keith's arm and he nodded.

"Thank you, Princess."

It warmed Keith to hear them say those things. And he knew they were sincere in their sentiments, but still, he only felt pacified for the time. There was still something swirling in the pit of his stomach about Vartex. He couldn't ask Shiro or Allura to keep any sort of eye on the place. Voltron had fewer resources than the Blade of Marmora and, according to their leader, they were already spread thin themselves. He knew he wouldn't be able to find any sort of respite until he had the answers he wanted. He just had to figure out how he could get them, especially now.

"Uhm, you ok?" Keith blinked out of his trance to find Lance waving a hand in his face.

"Lance..." Keith had left the control room after the conversation with Shiro and Allura had ended, absentmindedly making his way down the halls while his thoughts circled around Vartex. He never noticed Lance heading the opposite way and bumping into him.

"Everything alright?" Lance's brow piqued in light concern.

Keith thought a moment before glancing around and grabbed Lance by the wrist, leading him down a much narrower path. After a second turn, he stopped and wrapped his arms around McClain, burying his face in that perfect space between his neck and shoulder. "Thanks, Lance. I'm glad you had me come back." Keith tightened his embrace in emphasis. "I really needed this."

Lance's quiet, delighted surprised ebbed and a gentle smile moved across his lips. He hugged Keith back just as tight and Keith could feel what he missed in every other hug, even if he could quite place what it was. "Good. I'm happy to hear that."

Keith moved to smile gratefully for a moment and Lance took the opportunity to lean in for a kiss. Keith felt his heart race in a solitary second of nerves, but it was quick to pass once he felt the touch of Lance's lips. He leaned into it in answer. Keith hadn't intentionally snuck them away for a kiss. Really, all he wanted was a hug from Lance and to share a sincere thank-you. He wanted that particular piece he missed from everyone else, that soothing calm that no one else seemed able to provide. But why deny Lance's opportunistic theft? He admitted to himself the night before that kissing Lance was a succor he wouldn't turn away.

The kiss broke, and Lance reached to stroke Keith's cheek much in the same way as before and Keith smiled coyly. They could stay tucked away for a few more. Keith nosed lightly at Lance, a soft blush growing on his cheeks. Lance was quick to take the hint or, perhaps, he simply couldn't help himself. Either way, there were more than 'a few' kisses to follow.


The next day, Hunk had it in him to prepare quite the feast for everyone. He had disappeared for the better part of the day and kick anyone who dared enter out of the kitchen. He allowed a ration of snacks but even the grumbling of stomachs couldn't turn his heart for some nourishment. 'It'll ruin your appetite' he said, but to the chagrin of everyone. For the sake of everyone and their personal safety from the rages of 'hangry', the crew spent that time much to themselves - Lance wasn't entirely sure if that was the best situation for Keith; to stew in his own thoughts, but maybe he also needed some time to decompress. (Keith had actually managed to find some Zen in cleaning his Mamoran blade, the item hardly a trigger to any emotional distress. He actually enjoyed the time on his own in his room.)

When the dinner bell rang, none wasted a second. They all made their way to mess and were gloriously rewarded

with the most extravagant spread of food ever to be laid out on the ship. The long table barely had any room for plates to eat from between the platters of food. Hunk had truly outdone himself. It was enough to rival any feast ever held in honor of Voltron. And Hunk was beaming.

"I made everyone's favorite!" He motioned toward the smorgasbord. "You know, plus... one or two more things."

"You've really set the bar here, Hunk." Coran couldn't help but eye some of the familiar dishes rather threateningly. Suddenly, he found the one specific meal he was after and there was a deadly gleam in his eye.

"I... I started, and I couldn't stop. I still have so much more I want to try cooking." There was clearly a spark of determination in Hunk's eyes. "Having a universe full of so many wonderful foods, the possibilities are endless!"

Pidge was delighted to see the TohGrak Hunk promised was set nearest to her seat. Allura practically wept at the milkshakes that speckled the tiny spaces between dishes. In perfect honesty, Keith was actually most excited for a bowl of familiar green goop.

"Welcome back, Keith." Hunk hugged Keith again lightly, "I hope you don't mind my way saying I'm glad to have you back. I missed ya, buddy."

"Thanks, Hunk. Me too."

It was no surprise that every bit of food was culinary perfection. Hunk, himself, was rather pleased to see that his intentions of using food to bring everyone together and enjoy each other's company as though nothing was amiss had come to a successful fruition. It had always been his favorite park of cooking. Keith was back, and it was like the family was whole again. There was laughter and smiles and everything that made Hunk. Plus, food. So much glorious food. (And everyone eventually thanked Hunk for keeping their stomachs empty until they could eat proper.)

"You really out-did yourself, Hunk." Keith set a stack of plates into the sink.

"The TohGrak is beyond perfection, Hunk." Pidge praised before shoving a spoonful in her mouth.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say that it was actually peanut butter." Matt licked his own spoon clean before getting up to clean his place at the table. "GOOD peanut butter."

"Thanks everyone! I'm super glad everyone enjoyed the meal!" Hunk started running water in the sink, the cleanup part of the evening getting underway. The rest of the gang had long finished and headed off to nurse their food comas.

Pidge picked up the bowl of TohGrak and headed for the door, obviously intending on hoarding the remains for herself. Matt followed close behind.

"Hey guys." Keith spoke up before they disappeared around the corner. "Do you guys mind giving me a hand with something?"

"Of course not, Keith." Pidge slapped her brother's hand away from the bowl in her arms. He flinched and tried to shake off the sting. "Happy to help."

"Thanks guys." He moved to follow them out of the kitchen. Keith hesitated a moment and looked back at Hunk. "Thanks again, Hunk. Nothing beats coming back to a good home cooked meal. It means a lot."

Hunk beamed and waved them off.


The reflection of light from the room danced across the lenses as Pidge adjusted her glasses. The item seemed straight forward enough. Metal circle. Made for restraining. There were still a couple links attached to the anchor loop.

"When we worked on prying it open there would be symbols that flickered on and off all the way around it." Keith explained as the Holt siblings looked it over. "Once Lance popped it off, they vanished."

"What did the symbols look like?" Matt asked as he looked up at Keith from over Katie's shoulder.

"They didn't look familiar to me." Keith frowned softly. "I was expecting Galra. The computer systems were Galra. But this looked nothing like it."

"Hmn. Perhaps if I connected it to the console, I could see if I can stress the material enough that we get the same reaction as when you tried prying it open." Pidge shifted in her seat, but Matt had already popped the side panel open and pulled the connections she needed for the experiment. "Excellent. Thank you, Matt."

He fixed the connections to the open ends of the circle while Pidge worked at getting a current signature to flow into it. After a moment, the shackle began to pulse once more. The green symbols faded into view and Pidge and Matt both watched it as she increased the energy rate. Soon, the lights were steady.

"Interesting. They almost look... Olkari." Pidge cocked her head curiously to one side. "But... not at the same time."

"That's because it is ." Matt replied, "And it isn't."

"Huh." Keith mused alongside them, "Glad that's cleared up."

"It's Olkari. But it's a more archaic dialect. It's no longer a written language they use." Matt explained.

"Since when were you the resident alien linguist?" Pidge looked up curiously at her elder sibling.

"Aah, well you know..." he shrugged sheepishly, "You pick up things here and there when you date one."

"You dated an alien linguist?" Keith found himself entertained by the idea, though he found it hardly surprising.

"I suppose I wouldn't say dated." Matt sighed heavily, clearly affected by the memory. "There are surprisingly few drive-in movies in space."

Pidge and Keith only stared. Seemed Matt wasn't going to get out of talking about it with humorous quips. He figured as much.

"It was difficult a lot of the time, stuffed in a dark cell and not knowing what the next day was going to bring. You tend to get close to cellmates. Marson was always kind enough to offer me some of her food and she would always sit closest to me when things got chilly. And it was always nice to have someone to talk to. When you feel trapped and hopeless, having someone to hold really helps. Marson and I were nearly inseparable, keeping each other together physically and mentally. If it wasn't for Marson, I don't know how much I could have suffered through when they took Shiro away.

After we were busted out, I found out that she had been part of the rebellion. So, naturally, I joined. That's when I found out she was so learned in distant languages. Etymology was practically her hobby. For a time, we were still really close. But, after a while, we both realized that we were just coping mechanisms for each other in a dark time. We both wanted a distraction from feeling hurt and broken down; to forget where we were for a moment or two..."

"I had no idea, Matt." Pidge pouted slightly, and Matt's face brightened.

"It's perfectly fine. Once we realized, it was mutual, and it made things easier." He patted his sister's shoulder, "With no immediate impending doom, and other things to focus on, there was really no time to feel bad about anything."

Keith considered just how much Matt was forced to deal with things on his own once he had been separated from Shiro. 'Easy' was never a word he would have used to describe anything they had all been through since leaving Earth behind, but at least they all had each other for the brunt of it.

"Anyway! Do observe!" Matt picked up the shackle, holding it on display for the two of them. "Hard metallic material. Decently weighted. Sleek design and well-engineered for its purpose." He reached for the large glass of water he had brought from the kitchen and set it on the floor. He placed the shackle inside the water, both Keith and Pidge looked on, intrigued. "Keith, try and pick up the glass."

Keith stepped over and reached for it. He was surprised to find, though, it wasn't impossible to pick up, it was four times as heavy as it was before.

"Holy crap!" Keith could only manage to lift a few inches.

"The symbols are the Olkari programming." Matt explained, "This one in particular is weight variable in particular environmental conditions."

"Fascinating." Pidge made a mild attempt at the glass as well out of curiosity, "Olkari tech is amazing. Even their obsolete gear."

"Well, that certainly explains a lot." Keith folded his arms thoughtfully, realizing why, even underwater, the restraints were so difficult to move. "What it doesn't explain, though, is why Vartex has Olkari and Galra tech. Both of which are so outdated..."


There was a familiar rumbling in the distance. The storm clouds rolled in much quicker than last time. It was like a living, breathing entity. Once the storm engulfed him again, he felt heavy and burdened. It was difficult to move anything; arms, legs, head. Even though he still didn't seem to be physically present, he could feel the electricity of the storm prickling on his skin. The lights began to flash around him and the rumbling began to mount. The sounds began to thump at his chest and he could feel his heart race. If the thunder hadn't been mounting, he swore he would have been deafened by the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears.

Someone was out there in that haze that swallowed him. He could feel them. He wanted to scream. He wanted to shout and yell. "What do you want? Who are you? Why are you after me? What do you want with Keith?" He knew they were looking for him too. He could feel it swirling around him. He wanted to demand answers, but nothing left his throat. Not a sound. He was drowning in the smoggy cloud, flashes of lighting disorienting his sense of direction and the rumbling of thunder made it difficult to breathe. Suddenly a loud clap of thunder punched against his chest and the dark grey mist shot at him in a malicious spire. A hand formed and clutched him around the throat.

Lance shot up in a cold sweat, much in the same manner as the first time he was haunted by that dream. He could feel his heart racing and his breathing was ragged. Looking around him, he calmed slightly, realizing he was in the safety of his own room in the Castle of Lions. He pulled the covers and shifted his feet over the side of the bed, his face falling into his hands. He wasn't going to be sleeping much more the rest of the night. McClain sighed heavily and wiped the sweat from his brow before deciding to grab his robe and get a drink of water. He wondered how much sleep he was going to get in nights to come. If this storm was going to be there every time he closed his eyes, he guessed it wasn't going to be a lot.


The water felt good as he felt it slip down his throat and he pressed the cool glass against his forehead for a bit. After a moment of peace in the kitchen, Lance decided to at least give it one more try. Hopefully the nightmare was passed, and he would be able to get some rest. He wasn't all that confident it was going to happen, but he had little else he could do. Lance made his way down the halls from the kitchen back toward his room. On the way, he passed by the control room and noticed that the navigation system was up, bathing the room in deep red light. Curious, Lance stepped in to see what was displayed.

Vartex was displayed on the screen next to the giant orb that turned delicately on its axis.

Lance sighed heavily to himself and shook his head. It seemed he wasn't the only one taking in little sleep that night. He wasn't all that surprised. If anything, it was one of the qualities he admired in Keith. The determination to see things through was never a bad quality; a little frustrating a times, but never bad.

"Find anything new?" Lance asked softly as he stepped up next to the chair Keith sat in, leaned forward with elbows resting on his knees as he folded his hands in front of him, his chin resting on his thumbs as he peered staunchly at the displays.

"Just more questions." Keith answered in a defeated tone. He didn't even flinch. Lance studied him carefully, watching his eyes roam the screen for something he might have missed, his brows furrowed tightly in frustration. He looked tired, be Lance knew he would wave off any suggestion of sleep. He blinked curiously when Keith looked up at him after a moment, not expecting to meet his gaze. "What are you doing up so late?"

"Ah, just..." Lance shrugged, "Trouble sleeping."

"Same dream?" Keith moved to sit up straight and turned his attention to McClain completely.

"It's not a big deal." Lance waved off the concern, "It just catches me off guard and jerks me awake."

Keith's eyes softened, innately knowing that Lance wasn't giving him the full story, but he thought better than to press. Lance couldn't help but smile softly. Keith was anything but difficult to read at times. When Keith didn't get anything else out of McClain he groaned.

"I don't know what else to do." He rubbed his eyes as he thought out loud, "I don't have any other leads to follow and I only end up with more confusion the more I try to look. I've paged through almost half of the files I downloaded and it's like Kolivan said; it's all useless. I have nothing , but I know there's something there! I... I can't explain it. But... I can't leave it alone. It feels wrong to ignore." Keith leaned back and slouched deeply into the chair.

Lance could understand the frustration. He was starting to feel the same way about the images that haunted him in his sleep. "I think you need a break." Lance held out his hand to Keith, "I think we could both use something to take our minds off our troubles."

Keith looked at Lance and to his hand. He didn't want to walk away from Vartex. It was a personal vendetta at this point, and that only pushed Keith to want to break the mystery further. But maybe McClain was right. He was at a stalemate at the moment and staring at a screen for hours obviously wasn't getting him any closer to an answer. Keith sighed and shut down the computer before taking Lance's hand. McClain smiled again and helped Keith to his feet before leading him out of Control.

Keith wasn't stupid and knew, more or less, what Lance had alluded to. Suffice it to say that he wasn't all that surprised when Lance led the back to his room. He had to be honest with himself and admit that when he fell asleep in Lance's arms at the Blade of Marmora it was one of the few nights he actually slept rather well. It had been some time since he was able to say that he woke up feeling as well-rested as he did that morning. He wouldn't protest another chance to get the sleep he was clearly depriving himself of that night. He sat on the edge of Lance's bed and kicked his shoes off as Lance discreetly locked the door.

McClain made his way to Keith's side and urged him back onto his feet. Keith complied and eagerly accepted the kisses Lance pulled him into. They were soft and light, and Keith started to want more. He moved to press stronger kisses against Lance's lips and was relieved when Lance answered them in the same way. But it was only a few before Lance pulled back.

"Forget the universe." Lance spoke softly, his ocean blue eyes brilliant in the darkness of the room. "Tonight, there is no Vartex. There is no Galran Empire. There is no Voltron. Tonight, there's only me, you, and the stars."

Lance reached to the panel over his bed and a strip of the solid wall against it shifted into a clear window to the starscape on the other side. Flecks of starlight glittered the blanketing void, decorating the empty space that wasn't occupied by the glow of a large galaxy in the distance.

You, me, and the stars... Keith repeated in his head as he looked out to the distance. What would life be like if they didn't have everything to deal with; if the universe was saved from the impending tyranny of Zarkon? What would it be like if they managed to stop the Empire? Would Keith be on his own again? He felt Lance slip his hands over his waist. No. He had friends. He had family. Right now, he had Lance. And the stars...

Lance pulled him close again, his lips leading the move. Keith answered, and his arms slipped around Lance's shoulders. He couldn't help himself. When Keith looked at him with those softened features of concern over his bad dream, he wanted to kiss him then and there. He wanted more than that. He hoped that Keith did too. Lance was daring enough to try and find out. Kisses were light and thoughtful, as were Lance's hands as he pulled gently at Keith's shirt, freeing it from the grip of his belt. His fingers traced the edge of Keith's pants before they slid up his stomach and chest, feeling firm muscle and defined lines hidden beneath fabric. Lance's kisses became slightly hungrier after that. Keith noticed, but answered him still. It wasn't until Lance worked at Keith's belt he pulled back.

"Lance..." he huffed softly.

"We can stop." Lance pulled his hands away and took half a step back, the belt only half undone.

Keith was nervous. He couldn't recall ever feeling that way before. And over such a thing as getting undressed. He looked up at Lance and studied his gentle expression; the soft look in his eyes that seemed to burn just as bright as the stars. They eased a knot or two in his stomach. Being with Lance these past few days were nothing but calming and McClain never made him feel anything less than safe, wanted, and supported. Keith could say with confidence that he trusted him completely. What was there to be nervous about? He took in a soft breath, bolstering his found bit of resolve and reached for the tie around Lance's robe.

The corner of Lance's lips curled as his robe fell open and he moved to slip it off his shoulders. As he did, Keith pulled off his own shirt, both discarding their articles on the floor. Keith worked at losing his gloves, tugging the material free of each finger and pulling off the first glove. As he pulled at the second, Lance reached for the covered hand and slowly pulled the glove off with his teeth, his eyes locked on Keith's during the whole process. Keith froze, feeling things stir in him he never imagined ever would. The hand was bandaged; the same hand that Lance had brought to his lips before. As he repeated the move, he earned the same flush on Keith's cheeks and he smiled. Lance hooked his other arm around Keith's waist and pulled him in close, his lips seeking out Keith's own. Lance didn't bother to hush a soft hum that slipped passed his lips while he felt Keith's hands slip over his shoulders and fingers into his hair.

Keith couldn't help but take particular note of how Lance felt, skin against skin. He was warm. And soft. And Keith could smell the light fragrance of the man's cologne much easier without the net of fabric holding it back. His hair was like the plume of feathers, or velvet, or silk. He liked the way it felt between his fingers. Everywhere he could feel Lance's bare body against his own exposed skin burned. He liked it. Everywhere Lance's hands caressed tingled. He liked that too. Every kiss between them was sweet and addictive. He liked those best. There was a slow lingering kiss between them before Lance broke away. He urged Keith to the bed and he complied with silent, subtle insecurity that still lingered in the back of his mind. As Keith laid back on the bed, Lance moved over him and greeted him with a kiss. Or several. Each finding a spot on Keith's flesh lower than the one before.

Lance could tell Keith was out of his comfort zone. The man trembled just slightly beneath him and his breaths were arrhythmic. But, if he were honest, Lance kind of enjoyed the way Keith's chest rose and fell with his nervous breaths. It dipped dramatically each exhale and rose slowly with every cautious inhale. Finally, his lips reached Keith's neck and he let them play lightly at the shifting of Keith's throat after a thick swallow. Finally, after a teasing brush, his lips locked onto Keith's throat while Lance debated whether or not he wanted to leave Keith marked. His subject in question made a vocal breath and Lance felt his arms tighten around his shoulders. He would leave him immaculate for now and he dragged his tongue back up the curve of his neck and along the line of his jaw.

"Lance..." Keith heaved softly.

It was McClain's turn to take a heavy swallow at the call of his name from that visage of Keith he couldn't drink enough of. The look Keith gave him in the control room was enough to make him want this. The way he was now drove him crazy. Lance could feel a shiver crawl down his spine when he heard Keith moan against a kiss as he set the weight of his body on him and rolled his hips against Keith's own. He felt Keith's hands slide around his arms and up his back before they clutched at his shoulders. He loved every but of it. He rolled his hips again and again, relishing every sound it forced from Keith's lips.

Keith pulled in a breath to speak, but only succeeded in allowing Lance entry with his tongue. He tensed at the sensation, not knowing what to do with it. But Lance was a strong lead. It didn't take too long for him to figure out the motions. Keith's heart raced as fast as his head, both trying to make heads or tails of the feelings building everywhere else. He couldn't deny the want for Lance to keep doing what he was doing, and it was getting stronger. Maybe 'stronger' wasn't the right word.

A hand of his slid down Lance's side and his hips subconsciously raised against McClain's movements. Soon as it did, Lance stopped and sat up leaving Keith in a surprised daze. His hands went straight for the half-undone belt and aimed to finish the job. Keith looked up at him from the bed in a heavy blush, watching this half-naked man between his legs. He was nervous, embarrassed, anxious, and excited all at the same time. Keith was no stranger to myriad emotions and internal conflict, but he never felt this way before and it made him want to shrink away and hide from Lance entirely. But the way his body craved more of this new attention kept him from doing so.

Lance moved over him again and, suddenly, Keith felt a warm and gentle touch where he never had before - that wasn't his own, at least. He felt so sheepish watching him so intently, so closely - close physically as well - while he caressed him so intimately. Keith's mouth gaped slightly as he held back a moan. He couldn't do it. He clutched at the sheets at his side to steel himself, but he couldn't do it. He shut his eyes and turned his head away. He was too timid to look Lance in the eye as it all transpired.

Lance couldn't get enough of him. He didn't know he could feel so much for Keith so quickly, but he was consumed. With the responses he was getting, he only wanted to have more. In the back of his mind, Lance knew Keith was in a fragile state and didn't want to cause any more undue stress on the poor man. But this was one of the definitions of 'stress relief', right? He couldn't look at him, but he didn't push him away. Lance's own excitement was building so much that he had to loosen the tie around his own hips. God, he's beautiful. As Keith turned away Lance glanced down the length of him and could see every twisting muscle, every undulating breath. His finger wrapped around the muscle in his palm and hit a spot that Keith arched to with a hushed groan. He wanted him. Lance wanted him in a terrible way. He dragged his hand up again and Keith's spine curved in response again, this time he'd failed to quiet himself. Lance exposed Keith completely and himself after that. He took them each in hand, clasping them against one another, gently but firm.

Keith's eyes opened at the sudden warmth against his bare flesh. He could feel the hot excitement pulsing from Lance - against his own. His cheeks flushed even further, and Keith almost began to feel dizzy. He still couldn't face the man. Not completely. His gaze wandered to the corner of his eye, watching Lance with a sidelong look. He had closed his eyes too, clearly focused on working between them and how it made him feel. His lips were slightly agape as his grimaced in controlled ecstasy; small groans and murmurs spilling from them now and again. Keith wanted to shudder at the sensations of Lance's lengthy movements and the friction building as he held them together tightly. It felt insanely good and every now and then Lance would graze that spot that made him buck just a little. But, now that he saw Lance in that raw passionate light, the amorous expressions of his delicate face, he couldn't stop watching him. He was always the better looking one of the group and even in such a carnal state he was still gorgeous.

"Wait..." Keith managed to whisper somewhat coarsely.

Lance halted immediately. His eyes opened, and he looked down at Keith with more worry than surprise. The expression was washed in such concern over having done something wrong that it clutched at Keith through his chest. He had turned his head to Lance by then, watching him as he pleasured Keith and himself.

"Like this..." Keith reached between them, positioning their heat in a way that would strike him right with each roll of Lance's hips.

Lance had followed his movement and watched as he adjusted before looking back at Keith with such a fire in his soul, Keith couldn't help but let himself smile softly. Lance slipped his hand over Keith's, both of them wrapped around themselves and each other as he resumed his pace. Fuck, did it feel good. Hushed sensual sounds broke between them occasionally as both men could feel what built inside them rise to a climax. When Keith whispered "slower" Lance had to clench his jaw and fight every fiber within him that wanted to go faster and harder. But he managed to reel back to slow, long drags and, God-fucking-bless Keith, it was worth it. Not just for Lance, either. When he slowed, he was able to press heavier and move further along their length. As he did, Keith's head rolled back with his shoulders in a breath that hitched in his throat as he broke. He tensed a small handful of times in his release, amongst them, Lance found his own peak.

Both stilled for a long moment, catching their breaths and allowing their bodies to ease all of the tension. Keith had to smile a little watching Lance reach for facial cleansers to clean the mess between them. As he finished, Keith sat up and reached for Lance, taking him by either side of his face and pulling him down with him for the slowest, most sensual kiss they shared. Lance stared at him, wide-eyed and flushed. Keith wasn't entirely sure what he was thinking until he laid beside him and pulled him in for several more.

The stars could have all died out the in a single dramatically choreographed show of galactic implosions and explosions just then; a grand show of the End of All Things. Keith never would have noticed. There was only Lance. Lance and the way he touched him. Lance and the way he kissed him. Lance and the way he held him. Lance and the way he seemed to make every trouble in the universe fall away and dissipate.

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60.2K 850 11
The war is over, and omegas have never been more valuable. The Galra empire severely dwindled Earth's population, and now omegas were required to hav...
49.6K 1.6K 21
Teased, pushed around, brushed off, alone: all words Lance McClain believes perfectly describes him. The phrases his "friends" use to prod and tease...