One For Sorrrow [MxM]

By Jaambui

268K 13.4K 1.8K

His voice dropped a few octaves in a way that made my knees tremble and my body ache, "come here and I'll sho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 [Mature]
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 [Mature]
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 [Mature]
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 [Mature]
Chapter 22 [Mature]
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 [Mature]
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 [Mature]
Chapter 28 [Mature]
Chapter 32
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 6

9.9K 515 101
By Jaambui

Daerna: Dern-uh
Mouryll: More-ill

I would've fallen asleep much quicker if I hadn't been so keenly aware of every time its fingers brushed against my neck. Nevertheless, the feeling of the monster's hands in my hair was unholy. It was relaxing in a way it shouldn't have been.

The only reason I knew I had fallen asleep was that, hours later, I woke with my head resting on the vanity. I yawned and stretched my arms above my head.

Then I saw my reflection. I let out a small gasp. My hair was longer than I would've liked and hung around my ears.

But it was short.

Thank the gods, it was short.

Long hair made my life miserable, not only because it was embarrassing but it also got caught on branches in the forest.

I clenched my jaw. The monster would probably never let me back in the Mouryll wood again. Unless it's intention was to leave me to starve or die.

For a few minutes, I just sat there staring at my face and playing with my hair. When short, I realized, the strands were curly, like Callista's.

I closed my eyes, already missing them. What if something went wrong and they starved through the winter? I couldn't bear to think about it. Instead, I turned and saw it sprawled across the bed again.

My hand wrapped around the hilt of the scissors that still lay on the vanity. I could end this right now, go back to my sisters.

I walked to the side of the bed and was frozen by how human it looked in its sleep. Face slack and calm, unlike the usual condescending smirk. Its chest rose and feel with each slow breath. I lowered the weapon to my side and just soaked it in. My fingers clamped over my mouth as I dug my teeth into my cheek. It was showing a lot of- erm, skin. I found myself wanting to run my fingers over its exposed chest.

It couldn't be that much of a monster if it could look so human like this. It might be insufferably snide and patronizing, but there was something human inside him. If not he would've let Callista be run over by that carriage.

But I lifted the scissors up again. Hesitated. Repeated. Finally, I sighed and threw them across the room and turned to stomp out.

"I was wondering if you'd do it, turns out you're not a killer" he spoke and my breath hitched at how rough his voice sounded in the morning, "but that will only make it much easier to bend you to me."

"I've killed," I muttered, ignoring his last comment, and clenched my fists at my sides, "those scissors probably wouldn't have done any good anyway."

"A daerna doesn't exactly count," I still hadn't turned back to him, but the cockiness seeped into his voice. He was smirking at me. I listened to the rustling of sheets but remained still as he crept up behind me. "But you're right, scissors would just mildly annoy me," the monster added and placed his cold fingers on my shoulders. I shivered as they ran up my neck and into my now short hair. "You don't want to annoy me, do you, Kellen?"

My eyes fluttered when his mouth strayed too close to my neck and his warm breath hovered over my ear.

"No," I breathed and clenched my fists tighter, fingernails digging into my palms.

"Do you like your hair?" He asked and sifted his hands through my curls, "it's just the perfect length for this," I remained quiet and still and allowed him to tug lightly on my hair. I bit down on my bottom lip at the surprising sensation it gave me.

"Yes," I muttered and crossed my arms over my chest self consciously.

"Do you like it when I touch your hair, Kellen?" He mused, purposely using my name to enact authority over me. I grit my teeth and wrapped my fingers around his wrists in an effort to remove them from my hair. Because embarrassingly enough, I did like it. "Answer me."

His tone was deadly as he clamped his fingers around my wrists. I let out a small gasp as he lifted my arms high above my head.

"Let me go," I tried to speak firmly but it sounded more like a pitiful whimper, "I don't like it."

He let out a huff of annoyance and pushed me down against the bed. Something in the way he stood above me, the way his fingers pressed into my wrists equally excited and terrified me.

"Liar," the monster hissed, his mouth dangerously close to my own. I jerked my head away.

"Fine. I do like it," I muttered and scrunched my eyes closed. Just like that, he released me and placed his hands on either side of my head. I glared at him and wrapped my arms around myself. "Get off me."

"I'll do whatever I like with you," he replied and dragged his thumb over my Adam's Apple. I caught the double meaning and felt my stomach clench with fear.

I stayed quiet and watched as he focused his gaze on my body. My neck, my jaw, my lips.

"What's your name?" I finally broke the silence and hoped that he would get off me before he touched me in the wrong place.

"Master would do nicely, I think," he drawled and grinned at me, I felt my blood boil at the notion.

"I won't call you master," I seethed and pushed my hands against the monsters surprisingly firm chest.

"You'll call me whatever I want you to," he replied and ran a hand over my hip. I jerked in surprise and tried to avoid being touched again. Alas, he still had me cornered beneath him. "And it's only proper that you do, I own you, Kellen. So start acting like it."

"You know my name, it's only fair that I know yours," I tried to calm my frustration and crossed my arms.

"I don't know why you think I should be fair. Or even gentle with you for the matter. You will respect my wishes and you will call me master," he replied and flicked its tongue over his bottom lip. Respect. I'd never respect a monster, "although I might let you scream my real name when you warm my bed."

"Respect is earned you jackass," I couldn't help but let my temper flare, even if I'd probably pay for it.

He narrowed his blue eyes at me and pressed his body into mine. My breath caught as his lips brushed over my ear.

"Swear at me again and I'll put your pretty mouth to much better use," he threatened and dug his fingers into my thigh. I stifled a whimper of pain and felt shame and hatred and rage all swirl inside me.

"Then you should know that I bite," I hissed in response and squirmed to get away. The monster obviously didn't expect that response and let out a low chuckle.

"So do I," he murmured and I gasped when he bit down on my neck. My toes curled in pain, but at least he didn't break the skin.

"Stop- stop it, it hurts," I gasped but he only turned my face to the side and bit down harder. I breathed deeply and whispered a quiet 'master'. He eased off of me and licked over the bite mark.

My skin chilled with goosebumps at the sensual strokes of his tongue.

"See? That wasn't so hard," the monster whispered as I clasped my palm over the sore place. It still throbbed with pain. "If you'd just behave I wouldn't have to punish you. You don't want to be punished, do you?"

"No," I mumbled in defeat, I didn't want him to hurt me. I knew full well the kind of damage he could inflict on my body. At first I just assumed he'd use me solely for pleasure but it appeared he liked entertainment as well. He wanted to break me. He wanted to tame me and make me quiver beneath his undoubtedly skilled fingers.

But this was for my sisters. It's all for them and I'd endure anything to keep this monster away from them. And if that meant letting him bed me, then so be it.

"No what?"

"No, master," I replied with a surprisingly steady voice and cast my gaze downward. Assuming a gentler persona and letting him rake his gaze over my body.

"And you know what I'll do if you step out of line again?"

"Yes, master," I mumbled and felt my insides churn at the thought of something like that in my mouth.

"Good boy, Kellen," he praised me and ran his fingers through my hair. "Why don't we feed you? I want you to have the energy when we play."

I ignored his comment.

"Thank you, master."


He led me to what appeared to be a dining room, but even before the door opened I could smell food. I almost fainted right there. The monster ushered me in and took his place at the head of the table.

That was... a lot of food.

The table could easily seat twenty more people and yet it was filled with platters and plates of delicacies. I didn't even know what half of it was, but everything smelled absolutely delicious. I also noticed that the kitchen staff were lined against the walls, waiting for us to finish so they could clean up.

"Kellen," he called to me and I jerked my head in that direction. He beckoned me with a finger and I stumbled over, awkwardly trying to hide the bite mark with my collar... and failing. I stood before him and then gasped in horror when he pat his lap.

"You can't be serious," I choked with surprising difficulty. I know I said I'd do anything. But there were people in here. That was totally different. Sitting on his lap would be embarrassing enough without an audience.

"On the contrary, I am completely serious," he drawled and leaned his chin onto his knuckles. I chewed on my lip and twisted my fingers in the hem of my nightshirt.

So I pulled out the one thing I knew would please him.

"Please, master," I clenched my jaw and felt my anger flare when he smirked at me.

It was so simple to read him. To understand what he liked and what he didn't. He put it all it there for me to see and I wasn't sure if he did it in purpose or not.

"That's what I thought, take a seat," he said simply and motioned to the seat on the right of him. I sat down and slumped over in relief. "But you're not allowed to eat until you obey me."

I twisted my head to him in shock.


"We talked about this, Kellen. Respect. I own you and if you start to act like it, I could be much nicer," he shrugged and began to eat as I let his words echo in my mind. "Well... as nice as I could be. It would just be so fun to be rough with you."

I'd rather starve.

Then he made me sit there. The whole time. And suffer.

If I ever found a way to kill him, I would definitely take my time.

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