Dreading The Mafia

By coinikee

1.5M 68.1K 7.5K

I stared at the man who'd kidnapped me, my heart pounding. His green eyes burned me. Burned me until I was no... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40

Part 9

37.6K 1.7K 265
By coinikee

Part 9

Adone entered the cell a few minutes later. I tried to keep my tears at bay but upon seeing him, a fresh tide of tears washed over me, making me curse my sensitive heart for being weak at the face of adversity. I was not going to forgive Renzo for this. I would fight him to death if I had to. If he intended to break every single bone in my body, then I would make sure he worked hard for it.

"I think asking you how you are doing is stupid, right?" Adone asked. I only glared at him in response, holding my shoulder with my other hand. If I could have my way, the whole underworld of the Mafia would be going up in flames. I would destroy each and every one of them.

"Why are you here?" I asked him, making sure to saturate my words with venom.

"I am going to take a look at your shoulder. My jerk of a cousin has decided to kill you slowly and painfully by breaking one bone at a time, and I will try my best to thwart his plans by taking care of you. Now, if you don't mind, can I have a look at your shoulder, so I can fix it?" He replied, slipping on a pair of latex gloves. Why did he need latex gloves for fixing my shoulder I did not know, nor did I care; I just wanted my arm back.

"Then you will leave, right?" I enquired, letting him take a hold of my injured arm.

"If you want me to. I was thinking we could play a game of cards. I mean what will you do in this cell all by yourself, the day is still young," he responded.

My eyes widened. "You mean Renzo was serious about keeping me here?"

Adone gave me a sympathetic smile. "I'm afraid so. Even though I hate that he has you locked up, I cannot let you out; so I decided to keep you company in here." He caressed the top of my arm as he said this, making me wonder when he was going to work on my shoulder.

"This cell is claus—" I screamed at the sudden blast of pain as Adone moved bone to bone. I glared at him while killing him in my mind.

"There, all better now," he said, softly. "Now take it easy. No need to move around so much. Although I doubt you can move with your feet in shackles. But just keep your shoulder in check."

"You could've given me a warning!" I wanted to smack him on the head but I refrained, simply because I needed to take care of my shoulder.

"If I did then you would've been prepared and it would've hurt more. I saved you from a lot of pain; you're welcome," he clarified.

I rolled my eyes. "I wish you can get me out of here."

"Renzo can do that if only you cooperate. Since you refuse to do that, he will do what he does best," he stated.

"And what is it that he does best? Kill people?" I said, eyeing his red shirt.

"Well you got that right. If he doesn't kill you, which is highly unlikely, then he will destroy you to the point where you will do nothing but wish for death to claim you." Adone told me.

I allowed my head to rest against the wall as I thought about what to do about Renzo. I would never beg him, that was for sure, but I had to make him understand that there was no way he could break me. How far could I go to achieve this? And how hard would he fight to make me submit?

"Death would be better than submitting to him. Since he plans to kill me anyway, it doesn't matter if I beg him or not, because at the end of it all he will kill me," I argued.

"Maybe he will, maybe he won't," Adone countered.

"Has he ever spared anyone?" I queried.

"No." Came the answer.

I shrugged, wincing at the slight burn of my shoulder. "There you go; you have your answer. Submitting to Renzo won't get me anything. So why should I give him what he wants?"

"Don't be stubborn about it, Sadie. Renzo will hurt you in the most painful way. Mi dispiacerebbe vederti nel dolore." He whispered the last part and it made me wonder why he cared about me. (I would hate to see you in pain)

"If he thinks he can destroy me then I can do the same to him. Renzo thinks I'm weak but I will show him just how wrong he really is. I won't back down; I will only stop when he surrenders to me." I told him, meaning every word.

Adone sighed and rolled his eyes. "It seems both of you will fight to the end and there is nothing I can do about it. So, I say let's play a game of cards."

I sighed. "I don't want to play. And why are you even here? Don't you feel suffocated here?"

"No, I don't feel like that. I want to make this easy on you. Renzo shouldn't have locked you in here; I'll talk to him about moving you back to your room," he said.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I questioned, suspicious of his motives.

"Because I know you are innocent. We were supposed to capture Natasha but we ended up kidnapping you. And then Renzo being Renzo refuses to let you go and chooses to torture you all because his ego has been hurt when you refused to help him find Natasha," he answered with a soft chuckle.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "If you know I am innocent then why are you not letting me go? I know you can do it but for some reason you are choosing to side with Renzo."

"He is my cousin, Sadie, he is my family. I will always support him but that does not mean I will allow him to hurt you any way he wants," he argued.

"If you can't help me then don't waste your time sitting here in this tiny cell. Go and help your cousin defeat the Borronis. I will be fine on my own. I am a strong woman." I told him, hating Adone for not helping me. But I understood why he refused to do it. I just wished I was talking to him under different circumstances.

"Just because you are strong does not mean you cannot have a friend. A friend can help in the darkest of circumstances," he countered.

I had a feeling he would not let this matter go so easily. "Cosa vuoi, Adone?" (What do you want, Adone?)

"I want you to accept me as your friend because I am not leaving until you do," he answered, relaxing beside me by leaning his back against the wall.

"If I agree then you will leave me alone?" Once he was gone, I would try to take a nap, although I doubted sleep would come to me in this awful place.

"You will have to agree first."

"Ok bene. Siamo amici. Ora vai." I closed my eyes, getting ready to sleep. (Okay, fine. We are friends. Now go)

"Great. Now let's play some cards." I opened my eyes to see Adone shuffling a deck of playing cards. What in the world? He said he was going to leave.

"What are you doing? You are supposed to leave!" If my feet weren't chained to the ground, I would've pushed him out.

"Now that we are friends I have all the more reason to stay here. I cannot leave you alone, I will be a good friend to you," he announced before handing me seven cards.

"You said you will leave if I agree to be friends," I reminded him. Good God, what was wrong with these men? Why did they have to do the opposite of what they said? Except for Renzo, he did everything he said.

"No, I said you have to agree first. I didn't say I will leave," he corrected. Now that I thought about it, he really didn't agree to leave. Fuck! He tricked me.

"You tricked me!" I exclaimed, feeling offended.

Adone burst out laughing. "Of course I did. If only Renzo was as smart as me, he would know how to make you beg."

"I hate you," I growled.

"Don't worry, Sadie, I won't tell Renzo about all this. Your secret is safe with me," he replied.

"Remind me to kill you after I kill your cousin," I spat.

"You won't kill me; I am your friend." Adone acted as if my words hurt him but I knew he was only pretending.

Just as I opened my mouth to retort, the door of my cell opened and in walked Renzo. Why was he here now? He said he would come tomorrow to break my bones.

"Isn't this cozy. So are you two going to do each other's make up?" Renzo asked, his eyes spitting fire.

"Why are you here?" I asked, wanting him to go away. His wet hair told me that he'd just showered, which was weird since he showered before I came here, at least I thought he did.

"Because it's my home. I should be wondering why you are still alive but I guess that is my fault," he snapped, glaring at his cousin.

"Ren, stop this. You already dislocated her shoulder, don't cause her any more pain," Adone insisted.

"I am wondering why I didn't just kill her. And why are you sitting with her? You are supposed to be in my study, the men have found a lead on the Borronis," Renzo responded.

"I wanted to play a game of cards with Sadie, she needs some peace and comfort after what you did to her," he argued, shuffling the deck of cards once again.

Renzo rolled his eyes. "Qui è prigioniera, non una principessa; quindi smettila di trattarla come una cosa sola." (She is a prisoner here, not a princess; so stop treating her like one)

"We both know whose princess she really is." Adone gave his cousin a pointed look, full of meaning which I could not decipher. I was not a princess, so why did Adone say otherwise?

"Oh shut up! Get out of here. She deserves to stay in the dark where her nightmares will finally drive her crazy," Renzo retorted.

I scoffed. "I doubt you will succeed."

"If I don't then I am setting you on fire," Renzo spat, green eyes sparkling with murder.

"Try lighting a matchstick first," I snarled.

"Why don't I just heat up the ground beneath you and have you dance at my will? That way Adone and I both will be entertained," he stated.

"Adone, please get him out of here," I pleaded.

I shrieked when Renzo stormed over to me and bent down until his face was mere inches from mine. "You are mine. Only mine. Adone is nothing to you, do you understand me? You better get this through your mind or you won't like the consequences."

"What? What will you do? You are nothing but a big bully and I am not scared of you!" I shot back, hating him for having so much power and abusing it.

"You should be scared of me because I have your grandmother under my control." I fell silent after that; all my retorts dying a painful death. Why did he use my grandmother against me?

"What? Got nothing more to say? I thought so." I glared at him as he stroked my cheek with his finger. I couldn't wait for the day when he would be powerless in front of me.

"Ren, give it a rest. Don't torment her," Adone said.

"Get out of here, Adone. I will not tolerate your presence near her. She is mine and I will make sure she stays that way," Renzo stated.

"You are worrying for no reason," Adone explained.

"If she looking at you for comfort then I have all the reasons to worry about this. Now leave and don't ever come near her again," Renzo argued.

Adone sighed and stood up. "Fine. But she is my friend and I will not leave her alone so you can torture her whenever you want."

"Are you going to leave or do you want me to drag you out of here?" What was his problem? Now he had a problem with my friends. Maybe I could use Adone to get rid of Renzo, that way I could kill two birds with one stone.

"Keep your boxers on, I'm going. I will see you later, Sadie," Adone said as he strode out of my cell.

"What is your problem? Adone is my friend, why are you jealous?" I questioned. Was Renzo jealous of my relationship with Adone? If so then I'd found a weakness in him that could potentially destroy him.

"I am not jealous. He is my cousin and I have to keep him away from you, because you are my prisoner and I'll be damned if you get to sit in my home and enjoy your time here," he replied.

"Then you should've let me go. I did not ask to stay here but you being the asshole that you are is keeping me prisoner. So if I enjoy, I enjoy because of you!" I snapped at her, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Exactly. Which is why Adone will no longer spend time with you." Renzo stood up and begun walking out of my cell.

"You can't leave me here! It's not fair!" I yelled.

"I can and I will. After all, you are going to die here. You should get comfortable...unless of course you change your mind and beg me to get you out of here," he responded.

I did not say anything to that. There was nothing to say. Renzo knew that I would not beg him no matter what he did, which meant I had to become friends with loneliness, otherwise the same thing would kill me before Renzo would, and I would not allow that to happen.

"Get out so I can sleep," I hissed, closing my eyes.

"Of course. This is one thing which I can grant you...

"Sweet dreams, sugarplum, I will see you once you wake up." 


Author's Note.

Hi guys,

Happy Mafia Monday. Here is another chapter, I hope you all like it.

Please don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time.

Take care.


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