Happy Ever After

By Captain_Cashby

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Once upon a time, two brothers, Alan and Kellin, ran away from home. Once Upon a time, two best friends, Aus... More



68 4 0
By Captain_Cashby

Kellin's POV

Vic had to pry the phone out of my hands after he came into the room and heard the same message as I did. I checked the phone number he had called from and committed it to memory.

"Kay, we're going to find him," Vic said softly.

"What happened?" Austin asked, looking at the two of us, worried. I stayed where I as standing, not moving, not doing anything, barely even breathing. I couldn't wrap my head around this, I couldn't think or concentrate, I was in a full on panic mode. I knew what my father was capable of and Alan wouldn't be able to handle it.

"I'm going to kill him," I whispered, watching as everything around me turned to ice.

"Kay, we're going to find him," Vic said, placing his hand on the small of my back and I turned sharply to look at him.

"How!" I shouted. "How the fuck are we supposed to know where my little brother is! I don't have anything but a goddamn phone number to track him down with!"

"I know, but we're gonna find him and he's going to be okay." 

"How are we going to find him?" I asked again.

"Do you know anything about your dad at all? Like a place he'd take him?" 

I bit  my lip and tried to even my breathing. "I uh, I know where he lives, we could try there. The information is in my backpack."

"That would be the best place to start."

Vic took my hand and I hurried upstairs to my room with him close by and grabbed my backpack and dug through the backpack looking for the folder I kept all of our information in and let out a shout of triumph when I found the letter.

"Okay," I said and showed the address to Vic. "I'm going to take a bus to this place and get my brother."

Vic shook his head. "No bus," he said and pulled some keys out of his pocket. "We're driving."

"I thought you needed to stay here with Austin's body? Besides, won't people think you're a monster?"

Vic shook his head. "No, I don't care. Austin's here and he'll be able to tell me if something happens to his body. We need to save your brother," he said.

"Okay, let's go then."

Vic looked at Austin. "We're going to bring him home, don't worry."

"You promise? I just want him to be okay." 

"We're going to get him," I said determined. And without another word headed out of the house and groaned as I waited for my boyfriend. "Where's your car!"

"It's here!" 

I sighed and followed him over to his car and raised my eyebrows. "You have a lamborghini?" I asked and shook my head, I didn't even want to know. I got in the passenger seat and he sped off. I bit my lip and grabbed Vic's cell phone and dialed the number Alan had called us from.

"Hello?" A cruel and familiar voice said that caused my blood to boil.

"What have you done with my fucking brother?" I demanded.

"Ah Kellin," He said, "It doesn't matter, just know he's safe."

"He's not safe when he's with you," I spat.

"He's perfectly fine."

"Let me talk to him, then," I said.

"Alright, give me a moment."

I waited a few moments before hearing a hushes whispered.

"Kellin?" Alan said sounding pained.

"Alan is he hurting you? Are you okay?" I demanded.

"I'm f-fine Kells, Da-dad's taking care of me after you kidnapped me," he lied.

"If he's hurting you," I took a deep breath. "Tell me I'm a terrible brother if he's hurting you." Dad was probably right there next to him and was telling him to lie to me, I had to figure out a way to get him to be honest with me and this was kinda like the blink twice if you're being held against your will kinda thing.

"You're a really shitty brother K-Kells."

I sighed and tried to stay calm. "I know I am," I said and I knew that in all actuality, I really was. "I'll be there soon to save you, don't worry. I love you Al."

"You too," He said letting out a cry of pain, "B-bye." 

"Bye," I whispered as he hung up on me.

"He's hurting him, Vee I've got to save him," I said.

Vic looked at the time on the dash. "Your father lives about thirty minutes away according to my GPS, we'll be there soon."

"I'm going to kill him," I said cooly.

"You're not going to really commit murder here, are you?" 

"I am," I said.


I nodded and held my hand out, a dagger made of ice formed in my hand and I flipped it around in my hand easily. "Seriously," I said venomously.

His eyes went wide, "I support you, I think?" He said turning back to the road to drive.

"You should," I told him. "If anyone deserves it, he should."

"Then do what you must." 

"You don't have to come, Vee."

"I'm coming to help you."

"Are you sure?" I asked, taking his hand and squeezing it tight.


I leaned over the center console and kissed his cheek. "Thank you," I murmured.

"It's what I'm here for as your boyfriend, support." 

"Not when your boyfriend's about to kill a man," I said.

"Well I am."

I smiled and leaned back in my seat as he continued driving and I did everything I could to soothe my nerves.  I just hoped that when we got there Alan was decently okay.  Before I knew it, Vic was pulling onto a familiar street and I took a deep breath. I grew up here before he took us away into that stupid tower.

"Kellin, you ready to go in?" Vic said shutting the car off when he pulled in front of the house.

"Kellin?" Someone said behind me and I turned slowly in my seat to find probably the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life sitting in Vic's passenger seat and I smiled at her. "M-mom?" I asked.

"I haven't seen you in so long, you're so grown up now." 

"I know," I said softly.

"Who's that?" She asked pointing to Vic. I looked at Vic who was staring at me like I was insane and smiled.

"That's Vic, he uh, apparently he doesn't always look like that," I said.

"Interesting, tell me more." 

I smiled. "I gotta go save Alan, mom but afterwards, I will," I promised. "Do you know what dad's doing to him?"

Mom's face darkened. "He's in the basement, your father's stabbed him."

"Stabbed him?"

She nodded. "He's been forcing him to make him young again."

"Has he been doing it?" 

"He can't. The knife is still in his side and it's draining his power," She told me and I nodded.

"Oh my god." 

"You can save him," she said, putting her hand to my cheek. "I know you can honey."

"You think I can?" 

"You're stronger than you give yourself credit for honey, now go in there and save my baby," my mom said and disappeared.

I turned to Vic, "Let's go." 

We got out of the car and my hands shook slightly I got out but  I reminded myself that Alan was in the basement, I could feel it, he was dying and I was running out of time to save him.

"Let me see in the trunk," I said walking behind the car. Vic popped the trunk and I opened it up and looked through a few things before I found a crow bar and took it in my hands before shutting the thing and walking up to the front door.

"Are you gonna break in?" Vic asked following me.

I ignored Vic and put my hand on the doorknob and let it freeze over before I snapped it and walked right in.

"Well I guess you are," He mumbled. I smiled a little at my boyfriend and looked around when I heard Alan let out a scream below me.

"Basement," I said to myself.  I turned and looked at my boyfriend. "Baby, go back to the car."

"What why? I want to be here with you in case." 

I gave him a kiss. "I don't want you to see me do this," I told him as the door to the basement opened and I heard my dad step out of the basement and I turned to look at him and noted the blood on his clothes.

"Is he down there?" I asked immediately. 

"Get out of my house, this doesn't concern you," he said glaring at me. I returned his glare with one of my own and concentrated. I watched as ice climbed up his legs, freezing him in place and walked towards him as the ice reached his waist.

"What the fuck did you do to him?" I snarled.

"Why does it matter?" He snapped, "Now let me out of this!"

I pulled my arms back and hit him with the crowbar as hard as I could. "That's for killing my mom!" I shouted and hit him again. "And that's for locking me in a tower my whole life. This is for using my little brother, and that's for not fucking loving me like a father fucking should!" I shouted hitting him over and over. "And that's for stabbing my fucking brother." Shards of ice dug into my father's sides.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" He shouted in pain.

"I should be asking you the same question."

"Let me go!" 

I ignored him and hit him with all my strength in the head before I let the ice cover him and watched as it freezed him to his core.   This felt like one of  the best decisions of my life.

"What are you going to do?" Vic asked, staring at me wide eyed and I spun to look at him.

"Do you think he would shatter if I hit him with this?" I asked him.

"I mean you could try it." 

I bit my lip and hit it as hard as I could and smiled a little. He didn't shatter but, it was fucking nice to do.

"What should we do with him?" I asked, looking at the frozen man.

"Can you uh, can you tell if he's dead or not?" Vic asked, still staring at me like I was insane.

"Yeah, he's dead," I said.

"Oh, great."

"I think I know what to do with him," I said and looked at Vic. "You're not going to like it.'


I told him and Vic sighed. "You're right. I don't like it."

"Well are we gonna do it or not?" 

"Fine," he grumbled. "I'll put him in my trunk you go get Alan."

I nodded and looked at him. "I might need your help carrying Alan if he's not awake."

"Okay, I'll meet you down there after this then?"

I nodded and went down the stairs to get Alan. I looked around and sucked in a deep breath when I saw Alan leaned against the wall, his head hanging low. "Oh my god," I whispered.

"I've been trying to do what I can but there's not much I can do," my mom said next to me. "The bleeding isn't as bad as it could be and I had him go to sleep so he couldn't hear you and your father."

"Okay, okay," I said trying to see if I could wake him up. I smacked his cheek lightly. "Alan," I said softly he stirred slightly but, overall, didn't move. 

"You have to stop the bleeding," Mom said pointing to his side.

"I can't do that, I can't heal like you and Alan can," I said looking at the wound.  

"Well you can stop the bleeding till he's strong enough."

"How?" I whispered, moving Alan's shirt.

"Ice can stop the bleeding and bring the swelling down," she told me. "I know your father has told you your entire life you're not as good as Alan but, you're just as good as him, I promise you. Your brother is the sun and you're the moon. THe moon can heal too. Just, in a different way."

I smiled at her, "Thank you."  I laid my hand on Alan's wound and applied pressure before letting ice cover his skin.

"Alright, he's in the trunk, you got him or you need some help?" Vic asked, coming over to me.

"I need some help."

Vic came over and leaned down and picked Alan up carefully. "Alright, are you going to sit in the back seat with him?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"I want to be there with him when he wakes up," I said as Vic carried him out to the car with me following close behind. I just hoped my brother would wake up soon.

Alan's POV

From what it felt like, I'd been locked here for days. I didn't feel good and I didn't know how much longer I was gonna make it. The knife was still there because I couldn't handle the pain of taking it out. It hurt so bad and I'd been laying against this wall for days. Every movement hurt and I didn't know if I could keep my eyes open any longer. This was how I was going to die, I just knew it.

And then what? Austin was going to die and it was going to be my fault I didn't save him. Along with Vic being stuck like that forever. I had to get out but there  was no way I could. I didn't know how I would be able to.

I moved around and put a hand on the blade, trying to pull it out. I let out a scream as I pulled on it.

"Oh Alan," Dad said opening the basement door, "I need some help."He came down the stairs and grabbed my hand placing it on his chest.

"It's not gonna w-work," I said through gritted teeth, pulling the knife out of my side, "Holy fucking shit!" I shouted holding it in my hand then throwing it to the side, before holding a hand to my side. It was bleeding and I didn't know if it was going to stop.

"Don't worry about that. Heal me!" He shouted.

"It won't work!" 

"Do it!" He shouted and picked up the knife. "Or else this will go back inside you."

"No, no please don't!" I cried holding my hands up. 

"Then do it," he snarled.

I pressed my hand to his chest and tried to heal him, but I couldn't. Tears streaked down my face as I looked at my dad. "Dad, I can't," I whispered.

He slammed the knife right back into the same spot, "You thought I was kidding!?"

"Fucking stop!" I cried.

"Heal me now!" He shouted.

"I-I need to recharge," I stammered.

"I'll check back in a few hours and you better be ready," He spat before he left the basement, slamming the door behind him. I let out a whimper and put my hand to the knife, I needed to heal myself before I'd be able to do anything and I couldn't do that with a knife in my side. 

I let out a cry of pain when I moved my body to sit up straighter.

Why did I have to be so stupid and go on that walk? This was my fault. I did this to myself. I shouldn't have left. I held tight to the knife handle and took a slow deep breath and pulled it out.

"Aw fuck!" I shouted, holding a hand to my side to try and stop the bleeding. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, trying to let any of my healing power come out and...nothing happened.  "Come on!" I shouted, "Please!" 

I had never had this problem before, my magic had never been empty like this before.

"I have to stop bleeding or I'm gonna die," I said to myself. I bit my lip and took in a deep breath. I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't know how to fix this problem.  I wiped my face and did my best to stand up, but I let out a pain filled groan and fell back down. I couldn't do this, I wasn't strong enough to handle something like this.

No wonder Kellin protected me so much. I was an idiot. I was weak, I need protection from this kind of stuff.  


"I'm back," Dad said coming back downstairs.

"I-I don't know if I can do it," I stammered.

"And why not!? You can take a knife out, but not fix me!?" 

"I'm still bleeding! I can't even heal myself."

"Why not!?" He shouted at me, "Fix this now!"

"I can't," I whimpered, pressing myself against the wall.

"Then what are you even here for?" He snapped kicking me in the side.

"Because you took me," I cried.

"Because I had one use for you and now you can't even do that!?" 

"Just let me get better and I can heal you, i promise."

"I need this now!" 

"You can wait a day dad, you used to go months without it."

"Well now is different!" 

"Why is it different?" I demanded.

"Because now I don't have your stupid fucking brother in my way!" 

"He was protecting me!"

"No he wasn't! He was in my way and there was nothing I could do to get rid of him!" 

"He's your son! Why would you want to get rid of him?"

"He was useless to me, always has been, but you Alan. You're something else and what you can do is magical and needs to be kept away from the public eye." 

"You were using me."

"Always have been. Welcome to reality," He said kicking my side again. "Get well soon," He said before he left again.

I didn't know if I could keep my eyes open any longer after he'd left. I was losing consciousness slowly and I didn't feel any better at all. I didn't know if I would ever feel better again. 

Before I knew it I heard people upstairs and then I blacked out.

"Wh-where am I?" I asked groggily feeling everything around me moving.


"What's going on?" 

"We're going back to Vic's," Kellin said and I opened my eyes to find my head in his lap and him looking down at me.

I tried to sit up, but I couldn't.

"Lay down," he murmured and pressed his hand to my forehead.

"I-I have to help h-him or he's gonna- he's gonna hurt me again."

"He's gone Al," Kellin told me. "Now quit moving. I can't heal like you can so you just have ice on your wound to numb it a little."

"S-something's wrong with me, I-I can't heal."

"Your energy is drained," he told me. "I think, your body was trying so hard to heal you even with the knife in your side that it drained you."

"Great," I said softly.

"You need to rest," Kellin told me, running his fingers through my hair.

"I'm dying."

He shook his head and continued playing with my hair. "You forget, I'd feel it if you were dying."

"I feel like I am." 

"You're not," He promised.

"Good to know.  What happened to him?" 

"He's gone."

"What happened?" 

He sucked in a deep breath. "I can't talk about it yet. It's uh, it's just now hitting me."

"Oh okay," I said softly.

Kellin let out a quiet sigh. "Don't worry about him anymore, okay?"


He smiled at me and looked over at Vic in the front seat. "Babe, can you stop somewhere so we can get Alan something to eat?"

"You're going to have to go in," he said. "I'd rather not be seen like this."

"I can handle that," Kellin said.

"Won't they think you're a kidnapper?" I asked.


"Everyone thinks you kidnapped me."

"Oh right."

"I don't need anything." 

"You need food, I should probably even take you to the hospital since you can't heal yourself."

"No, no hospital." 

"You lost a lot of blood," I said softly.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Like, you pinky promise me?" Kellin asked, holding his hand up, pinky out.

"Trust me, this is the best I've felt in days now.'

"You've only been gone for like a day."

"A day too long," I mumbled before my eyes went wide, "Austin! Is he okay?" 

"He was worried sick about you when we left," Vic said from the front seat.

"He, he told me that he loved me." 

"I know."

"And I didn't tell him anything back, god I'm so shitty!" 

"You're not shitty," Kellin chided. "Do you love him?"

"I-I don't know, I can't even think about that." 

"Then you're not shitty, you're just," Kellin sighed. "You're confused."

"I don't know what to do."

"Just worry about yourself right now."

"But what about him?" 

"He'll give you time."

"I don't have all the time in the world."

"You still have three and a half months," Kellin told me.

I nodded slowly. I just hoped that was enough time for me to figure everything out.

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