My Lovely Nightmare (ouat pet...

By s0medaybelievers

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My Lovely Nightmare (ouat peter pan)
My Lovely Nightmare (ouat peter pan)
My Lovely Nightmare (ouat peter pan)
My Lovely Nightmare (ouat peter pan)
I. Love. You.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Sorry :(
Chapter 11
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Part 15

Chapter 13

4.2K 139 30
By s0medaybelievers

I'mmmmmm baaaaaccckkkk

1.) regular updates are back

2.) yes I got the names luke and ash from you know where and I just thought they fit the description of the characters but you don't have to imagine luke and ash as them:)

3.) the comments you guy leave don't show up on my phone so I can't respond back I'm sorry :(

4.) should I change Ashton's name in the story?


Kristie p.o.v
I stared at the body standing in front of me. He seemed tall, I could just make out the outline of his face as the moonlight hit the highest parts of his face. The moonlight made his eyes glisten.

"I'm Kristie" I responded back.

Right when I finished saying my name we could hear the lost boys coming our way. Ashton grabbed me, pushing my body up against a tree before pressing his body against mine.

Ashton's chest was rising and falling quickly as he tried to control his breathing. His face was inches from mine because of our hight difference and I could feel his hot breaths.

We stood there in silence as the lost boys passed by with their loud voices and glowing torches.

I could feel Ashton staring as I focused on the only thing in front of me, his lips.

Once the lost boys were gone I stepped out away from the tree, distancing myself from him.

"So what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I could ask you the same question."

"I asked you first" he smirked.

"Fine" I said, rolling my eyes "I'm running away from Pan, for what seems like the hundredth time" I replied looking down biting my lip, "how about you?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Same thing."

"Wait, why isn't Pan searching for you?" I asked.

"He doesn't know I'm here" he replied, crossing one leg against the other and leaning against the tree.

"Why not?" I asked, still confused.

"Silly girl" Ash said, chuckling "you must not know" he replied, looking at me dead in the eyes "Neverland is where all the dead children go, Peter Pan is an angel that holds kid's hands on the way to heaven. Hence why we never grow up." He said, pausing before speaking again "I guess he just doesn't know I'm here or something."

"I'm dead?!" I said beginning to panic.

"Yeah" Ash said, looking at me like I was an idiot "don't you know how you died?" he asked.

"No" I said quietly.

How is this possible?! I'm not dead, nothing happened to me. I was just going to check on my brothers then I blacked out.

"Well how did you die?" I asked him, still uneasy about what had just learned.

"Car crash" he replied, looking up at the moon.

That's when I looked up too, the moon shining down on both of our faces.


"Kristie! Kristie!" Ashton said, nudging me.

"W-what" I mumbled, blinking as I woke up.

"Hook" he said, "he's gone mad! You've gotta see this!"

We quietly padded through the forest until we reached the edge of Pans camp. We peered through the trees, watching Pan, Hook, and the lost boys.

"Where is she!?" Hook yelled "where are three of my men?!""

"Calm down drunkie" Pan said, nodding his head to the bottle of whiskey in Hooks hands.

Hook growled.

"Well, let's just say your three men are rotting away, somewhere on this island" Pan said, with a cocky expression. "As for your precious little Kristie, well, I don't know where she is" he said, chuckling.

"Do you know how much she's worth?!" Hook growled, taking a step forward.

"Obviously not a lot considering you let us take her" said a smirking lost boy.

Hook lazily grazed his glossy, blood shot eyes over to the smirking lost boy.

He stared at him for a second before chucking his bottle at him. The bottle hit a tree, the shards falling to the ground, the whiskey running down the tree.

The lost boy charged Hook, Hook just standing there.

The lost boy was about to swing at Hook when Hook lazily stabbed the boy in the gut. The lost boy hunched over and Hook took the dagger out of the boys stomach before grabbing the body and slitting the throat.

The lost boy gargled before Hook let go of the bloody body. A loud thud of dead weight happened when the body hit the ground.

"You're fucking psychotic when you're drunk!" Pan yelled, pointing his finger.

"Wait till you see me when I'm sober" Hook smirked "shit like this happens again" he said, pointing to the dead body "all of your men will end up just like him."

"You don't even know what you're talking about" Pan said.

"Oh but I do" said Hook, smiling.

Hook started to walk away so Ash and I pulled away from where we were watching.

Apparently people can die in Neverland.


BAM, death.

Regular updates are back guys ;)


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