Ready Or Not

By RedWritingHood09

27.2K 2.4K 1.1K

Afterlife is getting back to normal- as normal as it's ever been, anyway. Things are settling down, both lite... More

We'll Call It A Prologue
"Fuck Off" Will Be Our "Always"
You Started This
A Giant Middle Finger
Do You Have a Moment To Discuss Our Lord and Savior, Hannah Gregg?
I Will Buy You a Golden Tea Pot, Just Be Cool
Horrible, Amazing Things
Lousy. Best. Friend.
I Like You, Boss, But Piss Off
It Would Be Bad
White Flowers, Not So White Lies
Heaven Or Hell
The Best Way To A Vamp's Heart
The Interesting Parts
This Isn't 'Scarface'
IRL Daniel Can Twerk
All Of It
This Side Of The Law
Teo Iliescu & Lydia Barrach Are Dead
Fuck Yew
My Actual Non-Beating Heart
More Than You Bargained For
Neck To Nuts
Everyone Hates Us For The Previous Chapter
It's a Buzzcocks Reference
Burns Like Hell
I Want Boring
More Art!
The Queen and The Pea
My Boyfriend's Lap Is Where I Do My Best Interrogations
Eat Up, Little One
One Very Incarcerated Sister
You Don't Taste Like a Human
Well, Shit.
I'd Rather Starve
Tell Me Something Good
Why Are The Authors The Way That They Are?
More To It
Baobhan Sith
Hedwig And All
In Which Theo And Daniel Find Tea In a Strange Kitchen

This Deserves Its Own Chapter, or, I Want To Try

434 31 9
By RedWritingHood09

Maybe it was an odd time for me to feel amorous, but I needed Daniel. Needed him in every way. He was the only thing that was going to make me feel better. That always does make me feel better, no matter the situation. He fills in my cracks and mends the tears in me. So it wasn't all that surprising to me that I found myself kissing him more hungrily, wanting him.

He seemed to feel that same need that I did and quickly moved to straddle my hips and pressed his mouth more firmly to mine.

Before he had come along, I'd needed every bit of control, and had he been any of my former fucks, I would have moved quickly to reverse our positions. But he was right where I wanted him to be.

So many things were out of my control at the moment. It wasn't a feeling I was used to. But with Daniel, this wasn't a loss of control. This was him taking care of me.

I must have looked thoughtful, because he stopped kissing me and moved to get off of me. “Sorry, baby. I just...moved.”

Grabbing his hips, I stopped him and grinded against him. “Stay. I want you on top. And I want you to top.”

Now I could see that he was the one thinking. We'd had this conversation. I remembered it well.

Slowly, and never looking away, I pulled his wet fingers behind me and laid them purposefully at the cleft in my backside before I laid my head against his chest. “Please baby. I want it. I want to try. With you.”

He didn’t make a move though, except to kiss the top of my head.

“Baby, I can’t do that to you. I don’t need it. I’m not going to run you know.” His voice was so soft, so comforting. I wanted this so much.

“Not scared of you leaving. Not over this,” I murmured and kissed his skin.  “I want this. I want you inside of me. I know you’re not him. I know I’m safe with you.”

He'd promised to think it over. To help fix me. Neither of us had realized I was broken, not really. Not until that conversation, when I'd asked him to chase Moran away for good. To take him away from every last part of me.

There wasn't a lot I could fix right now, but this...maybe this would do me some good. I knew it would do me some good.

Finally Daniel locked eyes with me. “You're still sure about this?” His words were soft.

I just nodded and gave him the smallest of smiles.

It was all he needed. The next thing I knew we were both shedding clothes and kissing skin and feeling the curves and plains of one another's bodies and I was lost in him.

“Bite yourself, Sugar,” I ordered somewhat breathlessly. “Wanna taste you. Want you every way I can have you.”

He did it without hesitation and placed his bleeding wrist to my lips. I felt my eyes roll back and my hips push up against the weight of him. I couldn't wait anymore.

I licked his wrist clean as the wound closed and looked him square in the eye. “Now, please. I n-need you. All of you.”

He nodded, and never taking his eyes off me, watched me as he wet two fingers in his mouth and teased my entrance with them.

I swallowed hard and fought the urge to tense up. This was what I wanted. Needed. This was Daniel and he already had every part of me. He'd never hurt me.

He licked his lips as I relaxed and let him work at me. When I finally felt his finger slip inside, I moaned, though it must have come out more like a whimper.

“Okay, Teo? Need me to stop?”

“No!” I exclaimed, a little more desperately than I had meant to. “No. God I want this. Want you. Please. Another…”

Daniel kissed me tenderly as he slowly added his second finger and I closed my eyes, feeling the way he filled me up. The way he moved just right. He was slow, and careful, and tender and this was what love felt like. Not violation, not ownership. Love.

I gave myself over to him completely. I moved against his hand, wanting him to work me faster, harder. Wanting something other than his fingers.

He knew it was time, and though I pouted at the absence of him when he moved to reposition himself, I knew something better was coming. Soon enough, he was back inside me. It was achingly slow at first, but he started to move, faster and faster, constantly watching my face for signs I wanted him to stop.

He wouldn't find any. Ever. I never wanted this to stop. For the first time in over a century, there was a man inside of me, and I loved him. There were no thoughts of the man who'd been there last, only the one who'd be the last. The one who would never leave. My only.

“Okay, sweetheart?” Daniel asked me, again.

“So okay. Fuck. So very okay,” I answered, moving my hips to match his.

“Am I greedy to want more of you?”

This confused me. “Iubit, you have all of me. Every part you can have is yours already.”

“Bite yourself, Teo. I want to taste you, too.”

Oh god. It had never occurred to me.

Daniel fisted his large hand around my dick and pumped and I lost the ability to think. I could only act. And I did what he wanted.

My teeth broke the skin of my wrist, several times, making multiple wounds that bled freely as I moved it to his mouth.

The lust in Daniel's eyes was incredible as he pulled my wrist the rest of the way to his lips, and when he began to suck and coax the blood out of me with his tongue, we both moaned. I never knew it would be so hot to feed him.

The wounds closed all too soon.

“We'll feed one another,” I told him, and he grunted his agreement.

Teeth tore flesh and tongues lapped blood and this went on for some time until we were no longer making love. He was no longer being gentle with me. It wasn't much longer before we'd made a mess of Lydia's sheets and I fell blissfully, peacefully asleep, a whole man. Nearly.

I still smelled her shampoo in my sleep.

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