Hogwarts Reunion

By PardisePosion

9.5K 101 12

Hermione Granger left the wizarding world to find her parents and fix their memory after a nasty breakup with... More

Malfoy Family
Zabini Family
Chapter One : The Letter Part 1
Chapter One : The Letter Part Two

Chapter Two ~ Secrets

1.1K 15 1
By PardisePosion

The Zabini family always wondered what Luna kept in the chest that sat in the middle of the living room, the chest went from a crimson color to a light Persian from the rust and wear of the years, Cerulean paint markings of badly drawn hearts,Unicorns and house crests decorated the outside of the chest. To Grace and Alexis dismay the chest could not be opened and there mother refused to tell them what was inside, they tried to get the father to tell them but he also did not know and was also curious to what was inside, And the hunt to open the chest began.

It wasn't easy but Alexis thought she knew how to open it, it took about a two months of her and Grace's summer researching through the books in the attic and another month and a half to master the spell. Now this may seem ridiculous and stupid to do all this work just to open one chest, heck it might not work at all, But this was important to them there mum was never secretive or tried to hide anything from them because Luna believed they could handle the truth. So when Luna put that chest in the middle room Alexis and Grace knew they had to find out what was inside, there dad was curious but mum warned him 'if he opened that chest he would sleep in his study permanently' dad stoped trying to it after that. Alexis set her alarm to go off at 3:30 am being late enough for the parents to be asleep and early enough that Grace couldn't be cranky in the morning ,If everything went correctly.

          At 3:35 am Alexis and Grace made there way to the living room making as little sound as possible, the living room was pitch dark and seemed like a endless pit of evil in Grace's opinion. Stumbling in the dark Alexis was able to grab the chest without knocking over anything, retreating into Grace's room they stared at the chest for a moment. Alexis took her wand and pointed it at the chest muttering Cistem Aperio (SEESS-tem a-PER-ioh) a white light appeared and the chest opened with a jolt, excitement turned into confusion as Grace pulled out a handful of...

Hello gals/guys/it's I know I said I would post yesterday but I ran out of time, sorry. Anyway i wanted to write a part about the Zabini's, what do you guys/gals/its think about the chest ? What secrets are Luna hiding ?

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