Dating The Fame

By _Leahh

101K 3.9K 2.7K

Can Genesis deal with the slander from the media, obsessive stalkers, betrayal and the trust issues? All of t... More

Chapter 1: G Shit
Chapter 2: Drunken
Chapter 3: Making A Move
Chapter 4: Don't Mind
Chapter 5: All The Stars
Chapter 6: Cravings
Chapter 7: I Am Not
Chapter 8: The Kiss
Chapter 9: Gardening Tool
Chapter 11: Mine
Chapter 12: Meeting the Fam
Chapter 13: Twitter Fingers
Chapter 14: NYC
Chapter 15: Intimacy
Chapter 16: Should've Told You
Chapter 17: Body II Body
Chapter 18: Blondie
My Heart
Chapter 19: Past
Chapter 20: Leaked
Chapter 21: Don't Look Back
Chapter 22: You Should Stay
Chapter 23: Different Now
Chapter 24: Serenity
Chapter 25: The Weekend
Chapter 26: The Awards
Chapter 27: Opportunites
Chapter 28: Controlling
Chapter 29: Desperado
Chapter 30: Tore Up
Chapter 31: Moving On
Chapter 32: Kick off
Chapter 33: Pride
Chapter 34: Monica
Chapter 35: Twenty-Three
Chapter 36: Twenty Three pt. 2
Chapter 37: Timing is Everything
Chapter 38: Mistake
Chapter 39: Chill Bill
Chapter 40: Substance
Chapter 41: Circle of Life
Chapter 42: Holiday
Chapter 43: VA

Chapter 10: Brother

2.4K 118 90
By _Leahh


I gulped since the second time today, I dealt with an awkward ride home. When TJ pulled up to my house, I stared at his side frame wondering what he could be thinking.

"Are you going to say something?" I asks as he cut the car off.

"What does he have that I don't?" He spoke abruptly.


"Is it the name? Because Chris and I are about the same, his name is just big. It's the thought of being with 'Chris Brown'." He says while using air quotes on Chris name.

"It's not even like that. I mean with him...things sort of just happened. I never meant to affect you or our friendship."

He scoffs. "You played me." I raised my eyebrow.

"Huh? TJ I genuinely care for you,"

"Yet, you bugged me to meet my homies. Then the second you met him you threw all options of being with me out the window to get with him. It's been obvious." He huffed. "At the video shoot you kept acting weird when they asked about us. Shit, you been scheming!"

"Okay, listen." I sighed. "I promise you I had no intentions on using you in any kind of way. I only wanted to meet them to get to know you better, I didn't actually care who your friends were. I knew you before all of them, you're like my best friend."

"But you knew I was feeling you. You let me fly you out and take you out all while you was feeling my patna."

"I did that because I wanted to give you an actual chance to see if we could be something more. I never intended on being with Chris like that." I spoke truthfully.

"That night of our date, if Jamal never walked in on you, would you have slept with him? Even though you were just with me and kissing me not even hours earlier."

I feared that he would ask me that question. I anticipated that if I told the truth, our friendship would be ruined for good. But also if I lied, he'll eventually find out the truth.

I glanced down at my lap and nodded, afraid to see his reaction. He made things sound so much worst than they actually were. Chris and I both knew keeping us hidden from TJ would keep from things getting complicated. He mumbled under his breath as he reached beside him to unlock the doors.

"I'm sorry, TJ. Through it all I never meant to hurt you. I wanted to tell face to face tonight so you can see how genuine I am."

He shook his head. "You wanted to tell me tonight because you knew I'll eventually find out. Don't try to better yourself in this situation, shorty, 'cause you're foul. I should've known what it was when I brought you around my homies, but it's coo. Shut my door softly on the way out." He waved me off.

I frowned as he turned to face the road as if he was to ignore me. Once I stepped out of his car, he sped off just like his friend. I shook my head knowing I should feel bad but I didn't. TJ was just hurt and he'll get over it and come to realize what he felt for me wasn't even real. I don't know if we will ever be as cool as we were before, but I do believe that he'll get over it.

I made my inside as my phone went off showing me a video message from Logan. Raising my eyebrow, I clicked on the video to see her and Serenity running down the street. Both of their hair seems wet from either sweat or water as Serenity was in the back holding her earrings and heels. I read the message attached to it saying; "we shut that hoe down".

I laughed to myself since they really went back into the club trying to fight.


"What the fuck was wrong with y'all tonight? Y'all acted like a bunch of hoodlums." Sevyn complained as she paced back and forth.

After the girls we brought started throwing drinks at people and getting real ratchet, we left out and went back to our hotel. It was getting late but the guys still had plans to invite more ladies over to end the night. We were all in my room while Sevyn so called herself trying to lecture us about bringing those girls.

I sat in a recliner chair with my head propped up on my elbows as I stared down at my phone, debating on whether or not I should text Genesis. I felt like shit for acting like a asshole tonight. But in all honesty, I am an asshole. A extreme dickhead when I'm pissed too.

"It's really Chris fault cause he be initiating that shit." Teyana butted in with Sevyn. I pursed my lips and stale face them.

"Yeah, yeah all that. But look, we finna go meet these girls down in the lobby." Jamal mentioned as him, Mijo and Rob stood up to leave the room.

"Hol' up, I need to see. Because if they ugly they outta here." Teyena exclaimed after she followed after them.

Once they were gone, the room fell silent and gave me a chance to think properly.

"What are you all pouty about over there?"

I glanced up at Sevyn staring over at me. I sighed and ran my hand down my face since I didn't even know where to start.

"I sort of fucked up tonight," I murmured.

She raised her eyebrow, "Nothing new, but how?"

I took a deep breath before I explained to her my frustration with Genesis. I'm interested in being serious with her, but whenever she pushes back with my reputation it takes me off guard.

"Wait, wait, wait. So you're the Sunny D guy she's always texting." Sevyn mumbled more to herself.

"Sunny D?" I questioned. Sevyn closed her eyes while shaking her head.

"Your contact name in her phone. Then she described it as a light skin dude with a—oh wow that image is definitely embedded."

I laughed as Sevyn pretended to gag. Sevyn has grown to be like a sister to me and I can see how she's uncomfortable but there is no one better I can talk to about this.

"So what do I do? I want her to take me serious."

Sevyn sighed as she rubbed her temples. "Honestly, Genesis is just an ordinary girl. Ordinary but special which is really rare so doing what you did tonight was pretty dumb!" She growled as I threw up my hands in surrender. "But all she needs is big gestures to prove to her that you are serious."

"Big gestures? Like a bag or something—?"

"No." She said sternly. "That's where the ordinary comes in. Though she'll appreciate it, buying things won't impress her much. You need to woo her with your mind; not your pockets. If anything tonight only proved her right, being as you are a hoe. Which could've pushed her away."

I clenched my jaw. I was mad and when I'm upset, I make stupid decisions knowing I'm only adding heat to the fire. I unlocked my phone and started to call Genesis when there was a knock at my door.

"If it's Rob and them, tell them to go to the next room. 'Ion wanna be around all that." I waved off at Sevyn stood up to get the door.

"Actually, it's for you.." Sevyn spoke up as I glanced up to see Genesis walking up in a hoodie and shorts with her car keys and phone in her hand. She glanced between Sevyn and I as I instantly shot up out my seat. "I'll be down the hall."

Genesis glanced over at Sevyn and nodded as my eyes stayed glued to her.

"Hey, I was just about to call you." I mentioned as I reached for her hand just for her to snatch her arm away.

"Don't touch me. Do you have any idea how much you embarrassed me tonight? How the hell am I supposed to want to be with you when you go and pull shit like this?" Her nose flared as she snaps.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry." I said sincerely causing her to scoff. I never seen her this upset besides from when I dropped her off earlier today. I honestly find it cute when she tries to catch an attitude with me.

She shook her head. "I'm not into these childish games, Chris. If you want to mess around with other girls, cool, just don't drag me along in the process."

"Baby, I hear you. Believe me when I say I'm sorry for my arrogance tonight, the last thing I ever meant to do was hurt you. You know I care about you. Alot." I say while hovering my body over hers as she tried to fight making eye contact with me.

"Then why the hell did you start ignoring me? That shit pissed me off." She grumbled as I chuckled. It took everything in me not to laugh when she got upset with me for ignoring her.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I guess I was mad at the fact you had this image of me in your head and kept throwing it in my face."

She huffed. "It was true though. You proved that tonight."

I smirked softly loving how stubborn she was being, she couldn't even look up at me. I bent down and kissed the top of her head inhaling her coconut shampoo.

"And I'm willing to change if you can forgive me."

"Maybe." She pouted as I laugh.

"Stay with me tonight?" I asks seeing as it was going on two a.m. "It's not like you got to work in the morning, and I know you keep a bag in your car."

She turned her face up. "Yeah, but I don't know who's been in that bed." I kissed my teeth.

"Now, you know I don't get down like that, ma." I yawn as I pulled my shirt over my head before plopping down on the bed. "Come lay your peanut head ass down." I patted the pillow next on me.

She snickered as she started kicking off her sandals.

"At least I ain't got a lemon head like you." She teased back as she crawled onto the bed. I held my arm out as she came and laid her head onto my chest while I rested my hand on her hip. "So... I told TJ about us."

"You told him what exactly?"

"Everything." She sighed. "I never seen him so mad and hurt, I feel really bad." She glanced up at me as I raised my eyebrow.

"What did he say to you?" I ask knowing just like me, when TJ is pissed he starts getting real reckless at the mouth.

"Basically saying I played him and I been scheming on the low this whole time. It kind of hurt me because I would never do something like that. I mean yes; I went out with TJ knowing I like you, but at the time I thought I had feelings for TJ too."

I shook my head. "Don't worry about it, TJ gon' get over it quick. He always do."

She sat up. "Don't you feel bad? I mean you two are like family."

"I do, but I wouldn't change anything. It might sound selfish but I'm not gonna apologize for meeting you or pursuing you because I knew what I was doing."

"Say what?" Genesis raised her eyebrow. "Are you telling me you kissed me on purpose that night?"

"Nah, I tripped and my lips just so happen to fall onto yours." I replied sarcastically, flinching instantly when Genesis pinched my nipple. "Fuck."

"Go to sleep, nigga." She giggled at my remark. I made myself comfortable with her in my arms as for the second time today, there was a knock at my door.

"It's probably Rob, hol' up." I mumbled as I jumped out the bed making my way towards the hotel door. Checking the peephole, I slightly cursed under my breath seeing it was TJ.

"Who is it?" Genesis sat up.

"'s my PO. I'll be back." I assured as I cracked the door open and stepped out. TJ stood in the hall pacing back and forth as I faked yawn, pretending I was sleep. "What's up, where you coming from?"

"So.... all this time. You and Genesis behind my back, huh?"

I sighed. "It's not even like that, man."

"You wouldn't even known she existed if it wasn't for me, and I told you countless times how I was feeling her."

"You also told me y'all was friends, so." I shrugged, nonchalant. "But listen, don't even trip over nothing like this bro—"

"Ion want you with her." He shrugged, mocking my actions.

"Nigga what?" I laugh. He had to be tripping hard off of something serious.

"You my boy, and I'm always going to respect you. But as my brother, I am asking for that same respect."

"Respect you? What about her? You claim to care for her so much, you couldn't even tell she wasn't happy with you. Now you basically asking me to choose between a chance of happiness for the both of us or you."

"Chris, I need to go get my—" Genesis stepped out the room yawning gaining both of our attention.

"Damn. Not even a mothafuckin' hour later." TJ scoffs as Genesis stared between us with wide eyes.

"W-what's going on?"

"Nothin' go back in the room, I'll be in there in a minute." I reassured before turning to TJ. "T, what the fuck is goin' on wit'chu? You never act like this."

"Yeah, well, I ain't never had my best friend spit in my face." He stepped forward in attempt to get in my face as the alcohol scent from his breath hit my nose. I scrunched my face up as he shoved me roughly.

"Aye, man, chill." I huffed as I shoved him back causing him to stumble back onto the floor.

"Guys, stop. Let's just call it a night."

As Genesis stepped in front of me, TJ clenched his jaw as he roughly pushed her to the side before trying to swing one off on me. I stepped to the right, dodging his hook as I reached under and tackled him to the floor.

"What the fuck wrong with you, why you pushin' her like that?!" I growled while jerking him by the collar.

"Chris, c'mon! You don't need this right now." Genesis pulled on my arm as I could hear the boys calling my name from a distance.

They pulled me off of him as TJ stood up, shoving anybody that touched him. Jamal and Mijo tried to calm him down as he snatched his arm away and adjusted his clothes.

"Fuck y'all, I'm gone." He huffed as he stormed off.

"What the hell was that?" Teyana asked as she stood in the hall munching on her chips while staring back and forth between Genesis and I. "Mm, I'm too high for this shit."

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