cosmic love // e. gilbert 3.

Від MaryBravo200

79K 2.4K 201

It felt like a dream. Having Elena Gilbert's love. Holden lived a full summer for once in his life. With Damo... Більше

1. Best Summer Yet
2. When Boyfriends Come To Visit
3. Annoying Dreams
4. Our Little Witch
5. The Royalty's Betrayals
6. Ikea Sink
7. Three Doppelgängers, what could go wrong?
8. Cannibals
9. Stuck
10. One And Only
11. Last Day Of Happiness
12. Sudden Breakups Cause Ugly Decisions
13. Dark Side
14. Help For The Reckless Brother
15. Possessed Girlfriends
16. Back Together Or Not?
17. A Break Through
18. Even More Annoying Dreams
19. Too Much Broken Hearts
20. Never Have I Ever
21. I Need You Now
22. Gone
1. Remember Me
2.1 Forget Me
2.2 Cherish Me
3. Meet Me
4. Take Me
5. See Me
6. Find Me
7. Hate Me
8. Shock Me
9. Adore Me
11. Love Me
12. Talk To Me
13. Be With Me
14. Let Go Of Me
15. Stay With Me
16. Scare Me
17. Befriend Me
18. Surprise Me
19. Imagine Me
20. Do It With Me
21. Hurt Me
22.1 Hold Me
22.2 End Me

10. Fight Me

1K 39 0
Від MaryBravo200



Jamie Scott - Unbreakable

"When you lose your way and the fight is gone
Your heart starts to break
And you need someone around now
Just close your eyes while I put my arms above you
And make you unbreakable."

HOLDEN WAS SITTING ON A COUCH IN THE WHITMORE LOUNGE AREA WHEN ELENA SAT DOWN NEXT TO HIM. "I called Izzie. She and Damon also spent the entire night searching for a way to get Bonnie back," Elena commented as Holden closed off his book before musing.

"You know, I like meeting you and all but I should really get myself a new apartment," Holden spoke causing Elena to chuckle as the two stared at each other for a moment with smiles before looking down. "This book is pointless for my understanding. Nothing about magical things or how to get out someone out of a prison world that doesn't involve an Ascendant."

Elena sighed before placing her hands on her head as she let out a groan. "It's almost Christmas... I can't believe that Bonnie is there alone..."

Holden looked at her sadly as Elena smiled then. "Thank you for doing this for Bonnie. You're very nice," she praised him as Holden looked away, still feeling guilty that they weren't able to get her out on time.

Suddenly her phone rang so she answered it. "Hello, Ric."

"Have you seen Jo?" Alaric asked from the other end as Holden and Elena exchanged a look.

"No, not since yesterday," Elena answered getting a bit worried as Alaric let out a deep sigh.

"What is going on?" Holden asked as Elena suddenly stood up and grabbed Holden's hand so he would follow her.

The two quickly appeared in Ric's place where Damon and Izzie were already at. Holden glanced at the couple in confusion. "I asked around the hospital. No one's seen Jo since last night at the ER," Izzie spoke as Holden looked at Alaric's worried face. "A bunch of stab victims came in, and one of them's missing, as well."

Elena frowned deeply because deep down all of them knew what it meant. "It was Kai. Jo knew he'd come after her, and he did," Ric snapped. He was still furious with Damon for doing something like compelling him to get an Ascendant out of Jo.

"Not to give you boyfriend lessons or anything, but if you knew Jo's whackjob brother was out on the loose and after her, don't you think that keeping an eye on her would have been a smart move?" Damon questioned Ric as Izzie glared at her boyfriend.

Holden closed his eyes in annoyance though Damon had some logic. "And what would you have had me do, Damon?" Alaric asked angrily. "Ask you to compel Jo to stay put?"

Damon nodded as Alaric glared at him incredulously. "Listen, if Kai has Jo, we have no time to fight each other," Holden told them seriously so Alaric turned to him with a nod. "We need a plan."

"Plan's easy. Find Kai, ffft, kill Kai," Damon shrugged and then he took his phone out.

"Who are you calling?" Izzie questioned him as she sat down on the couch. Holden glanced at Izzie to notice something off about her. Just from her movements she looked like she was hiding something.

Damon didn't answer as Matt answered the call. "Okay, I'll be quick. Have you seen someone like a sociopathic Ryan Reynolds?"

Elena looked at Holden and Izzie in annoyance as Matt answered them through the phone. "Haven't seen him."

"Grunge vibe, annoying as hell," Damon added getting annoyed that Matt didn't know who he was talking about.

"Still no idea."

Damon groaned before glancing at Alaric, who looked impatient. "Well, if he has half a brain, he will be hiding where vampires can't find him. So in between levels of Mario Kart, can you and little baby Gilbert maybe keep an eye out?"

"Yeah, got it. If we see him, we'll let you know," Matt then hung as Damon turned to the other people.

"Well, Bevis and Butthead are on the lookout. Anyone else brimming with confidence?" Damon asked sarcastically as Izzie then stood up from her seat.

"Maybe I could go to Mystic Falls and look for Kai?" Izzie suggested causing Holden and Damon shake their heads quickly. "Are you two serious? It's Jo we are talking about and god knows how many more people? I can be helpful..."

"How helpful will you be when he kills you?" Holden asked her dully as Izzie rolled her eyes expressively before she looked at Damon, who only smirked bitterly, agreeing with Holden.


"It's okay, Izzie. They're right," Alaric sighed as Izzie looked clearly unpleased that they still couldn't trust her with something like that. "I mean, this just doesn't make sense."

"What could possibly not make sense about magical twins absorbing into one another?" Damon questioned his best friend. Elena walked over to Holden as she folded her arms with a worried face.

"Listen. Jo needs her magic for the merge to work, ok, and she got rid of that back in 1994," Alaric explained seriously.

"Jo doesn't have magic because it's stuffed in a knife that was stolen and hidden by yours truly," Damon pointed to himself. "Kai won't find it."

Holden furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah, unless Kai does a locator spell," Alaric commented as Damon glared at him because he wasn't helping the situation.

"First of all, you know it's impossible."

"Why?" Ric questioned them curiously.

Elena glanced at him uneasily. "Kai was born without the ability to do magic."

"And if that knife is the only way to restore Jo's magic... Kai will come for it," Holden commented. He really wished he could kill Kai but he was out of reach.

"Holden's right. Even if Kai can't do the locator spell, he's gonna make it his mission to find it," Elena nodded her head as Damon pursed his lips in distaste.

"Kai finds it. Great. Love it," he snapped as Izzie looked at Holden. It was not the time but Damon forced her to have a talk with Holden about wanting to become a vampire. Izzie knew he would be 100% against it but she had hope.

"Why aren't you more concerned?" Elena asked Damon causing Izzie to snap out of her thoughts as she glanced at her boyfriend that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

Damon began to approach the wall with a picture on it. "Because if Kai goes for the knife, I will kill him because the knife is right where I hid it. Tada!" Damon removed the picture frame down and opened the back.

He widened his eyes when he saw that the knife was gone. Holden closed his eyes angrily.


But that had to be taken a bit further way because Caroline called Elena telling her that her mother was in the hospital after collapsing. So Elena took Holden and Izzie with her as the three entered the hospital in a rush. "Hey!" Elena called out after seeing Caroline at the hospital outside of Liz's room.

"Hey," the blonde mused quietly. Holden and Izzie both stopped behind Elena as Holden could see how worried and petrified Caroline looked.

"What happened?" Izzie asked in concern as the blonde glanced at the girl and Holden with tired eyes.

"I don't know. She just collapsed. One second, we're decorating, and then the next, she's just on the ground," Caroline explained. "Maybe she forgot to eat. You know, sometimes, she skips breakfast."

"And when was the last time you ate, Caroline, as in fed?" Elena asked her as she glanced back at Holden and Izzie.

Caroline let out a breath. "Oh, God. Now you sound like Stefan. He just went to go find something to take the edge off..."

"Stefan's here?" Holden asked curiously as Caroline nodded her head. Izzie only furrowed her eyebrows because she didn't want to meet him so soon after his confession.

Holden noticed her expression before he glanced at the girls. "I'll go talk to him," he nodded and began to walk but Izzie grabbed him by his arm.

"Can we talk later?" she questioned with a nervous smile so Holden furrowed his eyebrows before nodding his head. Izzie then let go of him so Holden walked away in search of Stefan.

He found his baby brother by the vending machine buying something. "I didn't take you as a chocolate guy," Holden spoke from behind causing Stefan to quickly turn around to find him there. Holden smiled.

"Hey," Stefan smiled slightly before taking the chocolate bar out. "This is for Caroline... Don't know if she'll take it but she needs something to eat even if it's not blood."

Holden nodded as the two went to sit down on the bench. "Liz isn't okay, is she?" Holden then asked curiously as Stefan snapped his head at Holden. "I knew it."

"Yeah..." Stefan trailed off sadly as Holden looked at Stefan calmly before putting his hand on Stefan's shoulder.

"Izzie told me about you two... I mean, she didn't have to tell much, just that you confessed," Holden began as Stefan looked ahead of himself dully. "I had no idea, Stefan... Why Izzie?"

"You know, I'm feeling really caught up in some trap, Holden," Stefan commented quietly as Holden listened. "I don't want to be with Izzie because she's with Damon. And then there's Caroline, who has feelings for me. But I can't feel anything else than close friend to her. With Izzie... I have no idea, but I know that feeling is deeper now than it's for Caroline."

"Talking love-wise?" Holden asked. He didn't judge Stefan at all because he knew best what it meant to love your brother's girlfriend.

Stefan nodded his head as Holden laughed suddenly before resting his head against the wall. "I didn't know my existential problems were amusing to you," Stefan said dully before opening the chocolate bar that he was supposed to give to Caroline.

He took one bite as Holden stared at his brother fondly. "I'm just thinking about how the three of us can never escape this girl thing," Holden said and Stefan smiled widely. "How come we spent so little time since I came back to life?"

Stefan turned to look at Holden. "We're both too busy dealing with things."

"You're right," Holden sighed as the two sat in a comfortable silence. Holden then stood up and approached a window to a room where all the doctors were with Liz. "A lot of doctors..."

Stefan stood up as well as he approached Holden with a nod. "Caroline could really use that candy bar," Elena spoke from behind them as the brothers both turned at her.

Elena smiled before stopping next to Holden. She looked at all the doctors in the room with Liz. "Is it just me, or does that look really bad for somebody who just fainted?" Elena questioned as Stefan and Holden exchanged a look.

"That doctor just came over from radiology," Stefan pointed to one doctor inside. "I overheard her say 'glioblastoma.' "

Elena snapped her head at the brothers with shocked eyes. "Glioblastoma? No, but that... No, no, no."

Holden placed a comforting hand on Elena's back as Stefan glanced at them. "We brought her in a couple of weeks ago after Tripp's guys grabbed her. Doctors ran some tests, and apparently they found something suspicious."

"No, but that doesn't make sense, Stefan," Elena shook her head. She was in denial once again. Holden had a hard time believing in that too. "Caroline would have said something."

Holden looked back at the room. "Or maybe Liz didn't want her to know yet."

Elena then vamped over to a doctor who had just came out of the room. "What's going on with Liz Forbes?" Elena began to compel the doctor.

"Her recent MRI showed a lesion on her brainstem," the doctor answered as Elena stared at the doctor, heartbroken. "We think it's metastasized to her spine."

"C-can you operate?" Elena's voice broke because she knew Caroline would break down after such news.

"If the tumor's already spread, it would be impossible."

"But that would mean... Does she know?" Elena asked meaning Liz as Stefan and Holden looked extremely sad.

The doctor nodded. "For a few weeks now, but news like this takes time to digest," the doctor then nodded at them and left as Elena glanced back at the brothers, speechless.

HOLDEN MET IZZIE IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONVERSATION WITH CAROLINE. "Is Elena with Stefan?" Caroline questioned curiously as Holden nodded his head at the blonde.

"I think I should head to help Damon and Alaric," Holden told Izzie who stood up from her seat next to Caroline.

"Can we talk before you do that?" Izzie asked pleadingly as Holden had no idea what she wanted to talk about. He then nodded so Izzie turned to Caroline. "Will you be alright here alone?"

"Of course," Caroline offered them a small smile so Izzie and Holden walked away before entering an empty hallway.

"You've been acting weird all day long, Izzie. What is it?" Holden asked her straight forward as Izzie stopped before turning to face him. "Is this about Stefan?"

"No," Izzie said lowly before stuttering over her words. She just couldn't find them at the moment and regretted her choice but Damon kept pressuring her. He told her that he wouldn't turn her until Holden was okay with it. "I don't wanna have this talk too, Holden, but Damon made me ask you."

"I'm really confused, Izzie. What is going on?" Holden asked with a sigh as the girl sat down on a bench nearby.

"Last night... After I told Damon about Stefan... He really gave up," Izzie began as Holden furrowed his eyebrows. "And that behavior that he showed made me so angry, Holden, that I couldn't even think properly because he knows how much I love him."

Holden nodded his head. "Damon tried to give up. He thought that I was gonna choose Stefan!"

"It's my fault. When I turned my emotions off, I always haunted him saying that Stefan is much better for you than him," Holden confessed as he took a seat next to her. "I didn't think it would make him feel this way."

Izzie closed her eyes because she had to tell him about her wish that she herself didn't think about much. "You know, I know Damon for about two years now but sometimes I can't figure him out. And that's what makes me so curious and that's why I love him," she said honestly. "But he's a vampire and I never thought about the possibility of getting old and he's the same."

"Wait a second..." Holden trailed off as he stood up once again. Izzie didn't look up at him. "Why do I feel like I know what you're gonna say next?"

"So I asked him if he'd be with me for the rest of my life... I asked him to turn me into a vampire," Izzie said everything quickly as Holden stared at her in shock. "And he said yes if you agree."

Izzie then heard someone coming in. She saw Elena and Stefan stand in the hallway in shock after what they just heard. "Holden..." Izzie stood up as well but Holden only shook his head and quickly walked away causing Elena to follow him. "God!"

Stefan approached Izzie as she sat back down on the bench again. He sat down next to her. "Do you really want to become a vampire?" he asked as she glanced up at him.

"I don't wanna talk about anything right now, Stefan..." she trailed off, knowing she would never have Holden's support. Stefan nodded his head as he continued sitting next to her.

Holden was heading towards the exit in a threatening manner as Elena tried to run up to him. "Holden!" she continued calling his name out. "Holden, stop!"

Elena finally grabbed his arm and made him stop. "How can he agree to this?!" Holden shouted loudly as Elena saw fire in his usually calm green eyes. "How can he think I will let Izzie become someone like me?!"

"I know, I know," Elena nodded her head, trying to calm him down. "Holden, please, calm down."

Holden's breathing was heavy as he fumed inside. "I can't! The thought of Izzie going through what we went through is killing me! And deep down I know she will find a way to become a vampire even if I say no! Because she's always like this!" Holden shouted causing Elena to look around in case someone heard it.

"Holden, calm down," Elena pleaded before she slowly placed her hand on his cheek to stroke it. It didn't seem weird to her to be so touchy with Holden.

"I can't loose Izzie to bloodlust and an eternity of death," Holden said with a shaky voice as Elena nodded her head. "I will not let her die just because she wants to be with Damon forever. I had the same choice with you and I couldn't bear to see you a vampire, Elena..."

Those were news to her as she stared at Holden in surprise. "Even if I knew I couldn't spend the rest of my life with you I wanted you to live a human life..."

"And that's exactly what Damon should tell Izzie," Elena told Holden as she held his arm. "If he truly loves her... He will love her even if she stays human."

Holden looked down as Elena brought his head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his torso before hugging him. "All I know is that Izzie loves you and she wouldn't go against you... Trust me," Elena whispered as Holden slowly wrapped his arms around Elena too.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE HOME?" Izzie questioned Damon through the phone as Damon was in the Salvatore boarding house.

"Ahh. Just walked through the front door, which I should probably start locking now that Kai's supercharged on the prowl," Damon told her with a smirk as he looked at his house.

Kai took all the magic that Mystic Falls had allowing supernatural to return to their hometown. "Ah, well, I have horrible news. Today sucked."

"Holden said no?" Damon questioned with a sigh.

"Yes. Can we meet up? I have something else I want to tell you," Izzie said so Damon smiled to himself.

"Come over. I'll cook you dinner, and we will talk about how crappy Holden is for not agreeing," Damon smirked before hanging up the phone.

He turned around to see Holden looking at him angrily. "You got my message!" Damon smirked widely as he extended his arms. "We're home, buddy."

"For a second there... I thought you lied and that you wanted me to die because I didn't agree that Izzie should become a vampire," Holden spoke as he walked further into his house. It felt weird to be back in Mystic Falls. "But it's true... Mystic Falls is our home again."

Damon narrowed his eyes. "I thought I would get at least a stake in my stomach," Damon commented as Holden glanced at him dully. "Why are you so calm?"

"Because I know you won't turn Izzie, Damon," Holden told him calmly. Damon raised his eyebrow up in confusion. "First, if you turn her... Then you can say goodbye to being my brother."

Damon lost his smile as he stared at Holden in hurt. But Holden looked even more hurt. "Second, if Izzie says that you shouldn't care of what I think... She's wrong. And last... Everything will be fine if we forget about this deal now and forever."

Holden stared at Damon with a stone cold look as Damon let out a sigh. "It's Izzie... Even if I say no too, she'll find a way someday," Damon told him dully.

"I know. And it's your job to not let that happen," Holden said. "I went against myself by letting you two be together, Damon. But I let that happen because I finally saw you happy. But you won't be happy if Izzie's a vampire. She won't be happy."

Damon thought about it but before he could say anything they heard a rumble of a familiar engine outside. "That's not possible," Damon mused as he rushed to the door before opening it.

Damon saw Stefan drive up in Damon's car. "What? That was gone," Damon exclaimed as Holden approached the door before leaning against it. "I blew this up."

"Yeah?" Stefan smiled as he got out of the car. "Well, you weren't around to annoy me for the last 4 months, so I had a bit of extra time on my hands."

"I would be super happy if you weren't in love with my girl," Damon pointed out as he approached his blue Camaro. Stefan rolled his eyes.

"I'm not in love with her. I just..."

"You just have feelings for her, yeah," Damon mused sarcastically as Holden approached his two brothers.

"Well then think of it as an early merry Christmas/late welcome back to life present," Stefan commented as Damon took the car keys before hugging Stefan despite that he was supposed to be angry that Stefan felt something for Izzie.

"Thank you," Damon thanked him as they pulled away. Stefan then looked at Holden.

"From the looks of it you didn't kill Damon yet. Surprised but not shocked," Stefan smiled as Holden stared at him dully before smiling back.

"He can't kill me. I'm his favorite brother," Damon commented with a smirk as Holden rolled his eyes expressively.

"Sorry for no gift. If you had blown up something I would have fixed it," Stefan chuckled as Holden shrugged, not really caring.

"I'm just glad to be alive."

"Ha! So don't die ever again," Stefan ordered seriously. "Both of you."

Damon and Holden exchanged a look. "Deal," Holden shrugged so the three brothers moved inside. "Can't believe we are home."

"Yep," Stefan nodded his head.

"You sticking around?" Damon asked Stefan who shrugged with pursed lips.

"Well, that depends. Might have to kill Jeremy if I find out that he slept in my bed," Stefan then left to move upstairs.

"I'm gonna go make Izzie dinner, like it or not," Damon told Holden as he moved towards the kitchen.

"Elena said she wanted to come. I won't stand behind you like some prosecutor," Holden said calmly as Damon smirked. "Or should I?"


Holden nodded when Damon walked away. He then heard a knock on a door. He walked over there before opening the door.

Outside, Elena stood there with a smile. "Let me guess... Damon put that mistletoe here?" Elena chuckled but Holden only looked ahead of her with a confused face. "Holden? What are you..."

Holden then furrowed his eyebrows before closing the door on her. "Um..." Elena trailed off.

"I may have put a cloaking spell on us," Kai spoke from behind her so Elena whirled around. "How genius is that?"

Kai hit Elena with a weapon and knocked her down.

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