Till the End of the Line: Our...

By LittleMissMalik

127K 4.4K 9K

After waking up in a new century, Steve Rogers, the famous Captain America, finds himself struggling with the... More

Part One - Acclimate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Part Two - Appetency
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Part Three - Alleviate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Part Four - Assurance
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Our Future

Chapter Two

4.4K 198 151
By LittleMissMalik

Okay, so I'm technically on hiatus still, but you guys are just so sweet that I wanted to stop by and give you the first half of this next chapter!!

Also, this is super rushed and not really that great. It's also unedited, half fluffy, and half kinda angsty.... Read at your own risk.

One more thing. It's gonna be a bit before I get the next chapter out, but I just wanted to say thanks for reading everyone!!

I'll delete the hiatus announcement when I'm officially off hiatus, but with the Cap Big Bang still in full swing, I need a bit more time. Also, I joined the Spider-Man Big Bang (which needs more people btw. leave a comment if you want info) and I have another story that I want to write... That's four stories that need to be written (including this one) so bear with me!!

Alright, thanks for reading y'all!


Steve blows a ring of smoke into the air, the lit cigarette in his hand hovering near his lips. "I've missed these."

"I can't believe I've gone so long without 'em," Bucky mumbles around his cigarette.

"I remember when you first started to smoke," Steve starts, his other hand sketching Bucky in his sketchbook. "You always smelled so good. Aftershave and cigarettes."

Bucky smirks. "Is that why you were always so eager to kiss me?"

"I've always been eager to kiss you, you dork."

The brunet laughs, closing his eyes. Bucky takes a drag from his cigarette and smirks. "You ever think about gettin' more of them things?" He nods to Steve's ankle, the one resting in his lap.

Steve looks up from his sketch pad, his own cigarette dangling from his lips. "Sometimes," he mumbles.

"What would you get?" Bucky traces the tattoo with his fingers. "You're not getting my name again."

"Well, damn. There went all my ideas." Steve snaps his fingers as he lets his notebook fall in his lap. "Now I don't know what I'll do."

Bucky rolls his eyes. "Shut up, punk," he laughs, bringing the cigarette back to his lips. "Seriously, what would you get?"

Steve takes his own cigarette from between his lips and flicks the ashes into their tray. "Don't really know. Was kind of thinking about getting my old shield and helmet? Maybe on my calf?"

"I like that." Bucky moves Steve's ankle out of his lap and slowly crawls into Steve's lap. He wraps his arms loosely around the blond's neck, smiling down at him. "Do they hurt?"

"Not really," Steve mumbles around his cigarette. His arms tug Bucky closer, head tilted back to look at him. "They heal pretty quick with our serums."

Bucky puts out his cigarette, leaving it in the tray and leans his head on Steve's shoulder. "I want one," Bucky whispers, his lips grazing Steve's bare shoulder.

"Can I design it?" Steve whispers, his eyes flickering closed.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Bucky kisses Steve's neck. "But first, I have other plans."

Steve chuckles, his fingers dipping beneath the him of Bucky's t-shirt. "Is that so?"

"Mhm," Bucky hums, slowly traveling up Steve's neck to kiss under his chin.

"Where do you want it?"

Bucky pulls back, eyes wide and a smirk on his face. "Wow Steve, didn't think you'd be that forward."

Steve rolls his eyes. "You're a jerk, you know that?"

Bucky just grins and places a chaste kiss on Steve's lips. "My arm," Bucky mumbles. "I'd get it to cover up the scars."

Steve pushes the hair out of Bucky's face, holding his cheek in his hand. "I ever tell you I love you?"

"Only a couple of hundred times. A day."

"Shut up and kiss me."


"Falcon, do you have eyes on the jewel?" Cap demands into his comms, running towards the edge of the boat.

"Lost track of it," Sam groans.

Bucky jumps from the third story balcony and lands a few feet from Steve. They run side-by-side toward the stern of the boat. "Some kid jumped off the side with it. He's swimming to a lifeboat."

"Dammit," Steve grumbles. "He gets away with this and we're screwed."

"What does it do?" Bucky huffs.

"It's a power source. It could power all of New York-" Steve says. "Iron Man, do we have control of those missiles yet?"

"Wouldn't I have told you?" Tony's voice snaps over the comms.

"Just figure it out, Stark," Steve huffs. "Vision and Scarlet Witch, help him out. Hawkeye, Black Widow, do we have the boat secured?"

"Boat's ours again," Clint says. "But we need that rock to get it back up and running."

They reached the edge of the boat, the railing pressing against their stomachs. "Do you see him?" Steve asks.

"No, do you?" Bucky growls.

Steve sighs, squinting to look over the horizon. It was dark out and the rough, freezing waters were hard to see in. "He's gotta be here somewhere," Steve mumbles.

"Missiles are taken care of," Rhodey says over the comms. "Heading back."

Bucky squeezes Steve's shoulder as he covers his communications device. "C'mon, Stevie. You've just got to think it through," he whispers.

"I kno- There!" Steve points to the bobbing lifeboat and a figure swimming towards it. He drops his shield and rips off his helmet. "I'm going in," Steve announces.

"Steve, hang on," Bucky tries, reaching out for the back of Steve's uniform.

"Rogers, you can't-" Sam starts.

Steve jumps off the railing, diving into the water. He swims toward perp as fast as he can, pushing through the currents. The icy water prickles at his skin, but Steve can't focus on that right now. They need that jewel. They need to stop him.

"Tony, you need to get Steve," Bucky says over the comms, his voice an octave higher. "Please, he can't be in the-"

Steve snatches the man by his collar, dragging him to the raft. He hoists himself up, then the perp who was too tired to fight Steve. Steve ties up the man's hands and takes the jewel from him.

"I'm on it," Tony says. The Iron-Man suit zooms past the boat and hovers over the raft. Steve shoves the man into the suit's arms. "Cap, c'mon." Tony adjusts the man in his arm and reaches for Steve.

"Go," Steve gasps, his chest heaving. "Get him back."

Tony hits the button to lift the face plate. "Dude, you alright?"

Steve's shaking, but he glares at Tony. "Get. Him. Back. Now," Steve growls through shaking teeth.

The Iron Man suit flies back to the boat and drops the perp off. He drops down by Bucky and flips his plate back up. "Alright, what's with Rogers?"

Bucky's glaring at him, but the heat behind his gaze boiled with concern. "You need to go back and get him."

"He refuses to come with me!" Tony explains.

Sam drops down beside them. He looks at Bucky, eyes wide and his face flushed. "Did he jump in the water?"

Bucky nods, face equally sketched in worry.

"Shit." Sam runs and jumps off the rail. He swoops across the water and dives down towards the raft.

Steve's dry heaving, hunched over the raft. He's shaking and crying, gasping for breath.

Sam hovers over Steve. "C'mon, Steve. We've got you." Steve just sobs. Sam scoops up Steve and flies back to the boat, landing a few feet away from the rest of the Avengers. He lays Steve down, the captain still gasping for breath and shivering.

Bucky slides over, pulling Steve into his arms. "Someone get me a blanket!!" Bucky hollers, running his hands along Steve's wet arms. "Babydoll," he breathes into Steve's ear, "I've got you. I've got you and I'm never letting go."

Wanda and Clint move to help Bucky and Steve, but Sam stops them. "Give Bucky some room. He's good when Steve's like this."

"C-can't-" Steve gasps, tugging at his collar. He leans forward, struggling to reach his foot against Bucky's arms. "N-Need tags. G-gotta have the t-tags."

Bucky takes his off and hands them to Steve. "There you go. Stevie, what year are you in?"

Steve's teeth are chattering. His skin is tinted blue.

Natasha's heels click against the tile as she rushes over with a blanket. "Here," she tells Bucky softly. "Take his top off. Wrap him in this."

"Can't miss m-my date," Steve slurs.

Bucky uses his gloved metal hand to start undoing Steve's uniform. Natasha helps him peel the wet armor off of Steve's body, tugging it off his arms and quickly wrapping him in the thick blanket. Bucky tugs him close again, rocking the captain back and forth.

"Steve, breathe with me. Just like we normally do," Bucky whispers.

Natasha stands up, giving them their space. She walks back over to the other Avengers, all of them watching Bucky help Steve.

Tony's taken off his helmet, concerned and confused. "Tasha, the hell is happening?"

Sam and Nat exchange a knowing look. "Steve, he doesn't do cold water," Sam explains quietly.

"How come? He doesn't mind swimming?" Tony asks, crossing his arms.

"You know how Cap crashed that plane?" Sam starts, his voice louder. "Ever wonder how he was frozen?" He glares at all of the Avengers, including Natasha. "That kid," he points to where Bucky and Steve are huddled up together, "drowned. He drowned by himself on a plane he crashed to save the world. So no, Tony, he doesn't like cold water." Sam storms off before they could comment, walking over to Bucky and Steve.

Steve's crying into Bucky's shoulder. He's still shaking, but he's more aware.

Sam kneels beside them, hand hovering over Steve's back. "You alright, man?"

"Yeah, yeah, just tired," Steve slurs, head tucked under Bucky's chin.

"You know we need to talk about it later, right? Once we get this boat docked, you and I gotta talk about what happened," Sam says softly.

Bucky moves Steve in his lap, adjusting him to hide within Bucky's embrace. "C'mon, sugar, talk to us," Bucky draws, his voice low and soothing.

Steve wipes at his eyes with the blanket. "I will," he promises.

Sam nods and stands back up. "Good," he mumbles. He turns back around, ready to walk away, when Steve grabs his hand.

"Thanks for telling them, Sammy. I should'a done it years ago, but..." Steve sighs and sags into Bucky's arms.

Sam squeezes his hand. "I get it, dude. I get it." He lets go of Steve's hand and walks away.

"I can't believe I let myself do this. I'm the captain, I shouldn't be so fucking weak," he hears Steve curse. Bucky mumbles something to him, his voice too quiet for Sam to hear.

The Avengers steer clear of the pair the rest of the mission. Bucky helps Steve off the boat and into a hot shower in the private plane Stark called. The rest of the Avengers debrief without them.

The next morning, Steve wakes up to a new suit at his front door. "Hey babe, did you ask for a new Cap suit?" Steve calls, holding the suit as he walks into their bedroom.

Bucky's lounging on the bed, reading a book. "No, why would I?"

Steve shrugs and opens the covering. It's a standard Captain America suit, but thicker. There's a note pinned to the lapel with Tony's handwriting scrawled on the front.


So you don't have to defrost next time.

T. Stark & team.

Steve's face is beet red as he tucks the note in his wallet. 

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