Blank Stare (Sally Face x Rea...

Oleh nikayla_cake

63.8K 1.7K 2K

Living with only your mother and cat, your life is as normal as normal can get, and it's quite bland. Fortuna... Lebih Banyak

「Chapter 1」Awkward Introductions
「Chapter 2」Fun Conversations
「Chapter 3」Crime scene
「Chapter 4」Solving a Mystery
「Chapter 5」Nockfell High 1/2
「Chapter 6」Nockfell High 2/2
「Chapter 8」Feelings
「Chapter 9」Curious
「Chapter 10」Complicated Thoughts
「Chapter 11」Walking and Talking
「Chapter 12」Little Doodles
「Chapter 13」Hang Out With Me
「Chapter 14」Dumb Questions

「Chapter 7」Movie Night

4.8K 150 60
Oleh nikayla_cake

I got to Larry's room and he let me in and greeted me. He gave me finger guns and a "Hey." Me, being a dork just like him, gave him finger guns and a hey too.

Larry sat on his couch and I did the same.
"So. What'd you call me down here for?" I asked.
"Just wanted to hang out after that nasty fight you had!" He chuckled.

"Let's watch a movie." Larry said.
"Can I pick it out?" I asked.

"Sure. I got tons, come look." He said. He went to his tv and opened the shelf underneath it which revealed tons of movies.

"Holy shit that's a lot." I gawked, "Super cool."

"I was cool before though." Larry laughed.

"Don't push it." I laughed too.

I started looking around for a movie to watch and eventually pulled out a horror film.

"Oooh! What about this one?" I showed Larry and he agreed.
"Do you think Sal will wanna watch it too?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess. He doesn't really care too much about these things," He told me, "And with you, I think he wouldn't care at all as long as you're happy."

"Why do you say that?" I questioned and he let out a low chuckle.

"Damn you're dense. It's obvious the dude is into you." He assured.

"No way! He would never. I'm too dull for a guy like him."

"I beg to differ but okay." He shrugged, "Where the hell is Sally Face anyways? He sure is taking his sweet time."

"He'll come, stop being so grumpy."
"I'm not grumpy, just irritable."
"That's what grumpy means, idiot."
"Shut up."

We then heard a knock on the door. Larry opened it and revealed Sal.

"Hey man." Larry greeted. Sal greeted back.

"Hey Sal!" I exclaimed, excited for the night to start. He waved and greeted me back.

"So, what're we gonna do?" Sal questioned and Larry pulled out the movie we were going to watch.

"This cool with you?"

"Yeah, of course." Sal agreed and Larry put in the dvd.

"You like horror movies, (Y/N)?" Sal asked me and I nodded.


We were about an hour in the movie until you started to get bored and you felt your eyelids become heavy. Since Sal sat right next to you on the couch and Larry was sat on the floor, you laid your head on Sal's shoulder.

The masked boy tensed up when he felt you on his shoulder. He didn't mind though, he was just glad you didn't snore loud.

Sal thought Larry had noticed and was about to tease them, but he was too invested in the movie. Sal sighed in relief.

You, however, were not really watching the movie anymore. You were too busy on making Sal blush. But you didn't intend to be flirty like that, you were just tired and not really paying attention to anything anymore.

You soon dozed off, and Sal made sure not to move at all so you wouldn't wake up.
He wasn't watching the movie anymore either, he was thinking hard about all the embarrassing stuff he did around you. Being flustered, blushing, and holding your hand. To an outsider, it would definitely look like he has feelings for you.

But what he didn't realize is how oblivious and unsure you were to all of it. You never thought of someone liking you. It just seemed like something so impossible, like something from the movies. So you simply ignored all these actions.

You began to lightly snore which was just loud enough for Larry to hear and turn around to look at you and Sal.

All Larry did was smirk and say smugly, "So what do you think of (Y/N), Sally Face? You wanna date them or what?"

Sal double checked that you were asleep and then responded, "I don't know...they're really nice to me but if I ask them out now it'll be pushing it. We pretty much just met."

"Yeah, that's fair. But what if they asked you out first?" Larry asked. "I would accept, but I don't think they'd do that. At least, not yet." Sal replied, looking down at you and wondering how you felt about him.

"Alright." Larry concluded, continuing to watch the movie. "Wait, why do you want to know? Do you like them too?" Sal questioned. He felt a bit jealous as he thought about how close you were close with Larry.

"Nah, (Y/N)'s my sibling basically. They're all yours, man." Larry said, not taking his eyes off the screen, "I just wanted to see what was up since you two seemed pretty close already."

"They're just friendly, don't get your head twisted." Sal laughed and lightly punched Larry's shoulder.

"Haha, sure."



hope u enjoyed


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