I know you better

Bởi Ficteon

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Sometimes people are a lot different then you think. The first minute Lance steps into his new school he's w... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: A new home.
Chapter 2: Keith.
Chapter 3: 22 times in four years.
Chapter 4: Third book
Chapter 5 Groceries.
Chapter 6: At your own pace.
Chapter 7 A lesson school needs.
Chapter 8: Curious.
Chapter 9: Give him a chance.
Chapter 10: Please.
Chapter 11: The view is just amazing isn't it.
Chapter 12: Pillow material.
Chapter 13: Gift.
Chapter 14: Confused.
Chapter 15: Lance's (probably) crush.
Chapter 16: Sacrifices have to be made.
Chapter 17: Tell me.
Chapter 18: Choices.
Chapter 19: At the park, on the bench, by the pond.
Chapter 20: Lamborghini fluff.
Chapter 21: Family comes first.
Chapter 22: Lo amo y me ama.
Chapter 23: You'll see.
Chapter 25: Love... it's a Mcclain thing.
Chapter 26: Gifts.
Chapter 27: Going out with the family.
Chapter 28: doing as he has been told.
Chapter 29: Sir.
Chapter 30: Luxurious events... Keith loves them.
Chapter 31: Anniversary.
Chapter 32: Code S.
Chapter 33: Dylan's apology.
Chapter 34: Family history.
Chapter 35: Gravestones
Chapter 36: The end♡

Chapter 24: A Christmas full of hugs... it's a Mcclain thing.

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Bởi Ficteon

Keith wakes up. He looks at his phone and sees it's still early.

One more day.

Christmas is in one day. Today most of his family will arrive at the airport. Lance was so excited. He hasn't seen then in real life for months now. Yesterday he told him everything he should know about them. Names he's already forgotten. Who is married to who. Who's whose kid. Hobbies and fun things he can remember about them.

He may have a great memory.. but that was a bit too much.

He does know their favourite uncle or well tio like they say it in Spanish is Diego. He's a joker and a plague to the family. But they all love him.

He's excited and at the same time scared to meet Lance's family. There are so many people... And he's not used to a big family like his. How long will it take for him to be part of it? Immediately? Days? Weeks? Months? Years???

How does he act around them? He's the total opposite to someone like Diego, and they all love Diego.. will they hate him then? Well Lance likes him and he's a Mcclain... So maybe he still has a chance.
He just wants them to like him. He wants them to see he'll be there for Lance.

He's lucky Lance's family will always love him for who he is. Lance has made that very clear everytime they talked about this. He wished he was like that before he had to tell Shiro. Probably feels great already knowing you can just come out and not get kicked out. Maybe his family will be in a little shock though. It's not everyday your son/brother/uncle/nephew says he doesn't like girls, even though you thought he did. But Lance assured him that his family will soon just congratulate them and ask embarrassing questions about them.

He isn't looking forward to that.

Keith makes his way to the kitchen to get breakfast. He's planning to go to the gym.

As he walks in he sees Shiro in the kitchen freaking out about something.
"Wow Shiro calm down. What's wrong?"

"Keith what if they don't like me?"
Shiro stands there with his hands in his hair.

Keith can't help but chuckle.
"Shiro calm down..."

"HOW can I calm down Keith! I'll do something stupid and they will never let me see her again!"

"Shiro! You'll be fine. You're handsomely, you're rich, you're kind and in my book parents love that. I think I'm in a bit more trouble then you are. If they hear about my past I'm dead." Keith walks towards the fridge and takes some ingredients out to make breakfast. "You want breakfast too?"

Shiro is a lot calmer and sits down on a chair. "Yes thank you.."

Keith starts with making some eggs.
"But no really you'll be fine Shiro."

"You too... We're both just thinking about it too much."

"Yeah you're probably right."


Lance jumps out of bed as he hears his alarm. It's finally the day he will see everyone again! Veronica and her husband Carlos with their 3 kids Percy, Liana and Selena. Liana and Selena are twins.

Marco and his wife Hila with their son Hugo and daughter Angela. Lance has only seen Angela a couple times because they had to move to America. He wants to see her so badly and wants to see how she has grown. Helen and Rafeal are really excited to see their one year old granddaughter as well. And Lance is excited to see a couple newborns in their family too. He hasn't seen them at all. But babies always love him so it won't be a problem.

And his abuela will be here too! He has missed her so much. When he lived on Cuba he would see her almost every day. But now he can only talk to her over the phone, or if somebody helps her with video chat.

But today he can finally see them. All of them. Nobody called off so everyone will be there.

Lance walks downstairs and is greeted by his mom cleaning everything.. he knows now what he will be forced to do after he has had breakfast. His father and siblings except Mia are cleaning as well. Mia is just playing with some toys in a corner, and his mom barricaded her so she wouldn't make a mess of the just cleaned room.

"There you are! Lance don't you know what day it is! You should help us clean not sleep!" His mother throws a couple cleaning products at him and Lance catches them.

"Can't I eat something first?"

"Fine but quickly!"

"Okay okay.."

Lance walks to the kitchen, Dylan is cleaning there. He could 'accidentally' make a mess of the kitchen while making breakfast. But he's not that mean.. so he just greets him with a smile.
"Hey Dylan good morning."

But Dylan ignores him..

"Dylan.. hellllooo I said good morning.."

"Good morning.." Is all Dylan says back as he continues cleaning. He's probably just cranky he had to go out of bed early.

Lance goes through Dylan's hair with his hand "Morning sleepyhead. I'm excited for today and you?"

But Dylan walks away avoiding to have Lance's hand on his head any longer. And he doesn't answer Lance's question. Dylan just walks out of the room.

Yeah Dylan is not a morning person.


After a long time cleaning and a long time in the car they are now waiting at the airport for the family to arrive. Not all of them are on the same plane, but luckily the planes are not that much time apart.

Lance sits against the the wall. His mom dumped his sister on him and went to get coffee. It's a bit crowded here so it will take a while before she's back. But what do you expect, tommorow is Christmas.
"Au! Mia that's my hair."

"Sowwy Lancy."

Lance smiles. "It's okay Mia.. are you excited to see Marco and Veronica?"

"Yeeeess! los extrañé mucho."

"I missed then too. What if when we see them you run up to them and hug them? I think they will love that Mia."

"I missed Veronica the most! Only boys home now." Mia pouts.

Lance laughs a bit.
"Hey boy's aren't that bad right?"

"But Veronica does my hair!"

Lance let's out a fake gasp.
"I can do your hair!"

Luis walks towards his brother and little sister fighting about who can do Mia's hair better. "Lance you can do my hair!"

Lance looks at Luis.
"I would love to Luis. But you have short hair so I won't be able to do something with it."

Luis frowns.

Mia's eyes light up.
"Lancy Lancy!! Prince Keith has long hair!"

"Maybe you can be his royal stylist!"

Just thinking about playing with Keith's hair makes him excited. It may be a bit out of fashion but it looks good on him. Maybe he can braid it a little bit, or put it in a ponytail.
"Good idea Luis. We will ask him tomorrow if I can be his stylist."

"Yaaay!" Luis shouts. Some people look at them weird but Lance couldn't care less.

"Can I help you with making him pretty Lance?" Mia asks.

"Of course Mia." Lance replies.

Lance looks up and sees Dylan staring at them. Dylan frowns, shakes his head and than looks away. He seems disappointed and not happy with something. Lance's big brother instincts are pressing all the alarm buttons in his brain. So he gives Mia to Luis and tells them to sit there and wait for him. He stands up and walks to Dylan. Dylan is not happy that his brother is coming towards him at all and starts to walk away.

"Hey wait up."

"Get away from me Lance. Can't you just leave me fucking alone for fuckin 20 minutes."

"But what's the fun in that?" Lance says as they walk into a not so crowded bathroom. He then reaches out to grab Dylan's arm.

Dylan doesn't let him grab his arm and moves his arm quickly so Lance can't reach it. "Don't touch me!"

"Come on Dylan. I just want to talk to you... You know because it's boring waiting here."

Dylan turns around and stands still. This forces Lance to stand still too, luckily he has great reflexes otherwise he might have walked against his brother. "Shut up! I had to fucking stand there listening to you infecting our brother and sister with your stupid Idea Keith is so awesome. I don't wanna be around you if you talk about him! And I don't want to be around him! BUT GUESS who invited him to our special family holiday! You! Great Lance really thinking about your family here! We don't fucking want a outsider eating at our table at Christmas!"

Lance is silent for a bit. Some guys that where peeing in the bathroom try to get out as quickly as possible. They know they can better let these two boys fight it out alone. And they can't be bothered to help them. They have other things to do. After a while Lance says. "But.. look I know you don't like him. But really he's a great guy. Please just give him a chance. You'll see he's not bad."

"Fucking hell Lance. I don't even fucking want to give him a chance. And the funny thing is that you're so selfish right now. You're family comes visiting us after months. And what does Lance do.. he chooses his stupid weird criminal friends instead of us."

"That's not true! I love to see them all again!"

Dylan gets mad.
"Then why is Kogane coming then huh!"

"You don't understand! He's important to me! This is important to me!"

"Oh so he's more important then us! Then ME!"

"Dylan you're being unreasonable!!"

"No YOU are Lance. Get the fuck away from me!" Dylan storms out of the bathroom. Lance feels tears welling up in his eyes. Why is Dylan like this! Why is he doing this! Why doesn't he just understand!

But Lance can't cry now.. his abuela can't see him like this. What will she think of her grandson if the first time she sees him in months he has red eyes and a snotty nose. Can't let that happen Lance! It's just Dylan being mean. But it's okay! He will understand.

After they tell everyone he will be like.
Ohh Lance so that's why you invited him!! Why didn't you tell me!! Yeah now I like him!

It will be fine... He will still love me as a brother. It's Dylan he's just a bit hot headed. And when he gets to know Keith better he will love him.


Dylan wasn't happy when he heard the news. He walked into the living room to see his mother calling somebody on her phone.

"Lance said he was a good friend of his suegra. He said we will all love him. I think it will be good to meet my sons friends."

"I know suegra.. it's Christmas. But Lance said something about his friend's brother not being there at Christmas so Lance asked if he wanted to spend it with us."

"I Don know if his parents agree with this  suegra. But I think they know."

"It's Lance.. he makes good friends. This boy will be alright."

"Alright Estella see you in two weeks."

Helen Mcclain was just informing her mother in law about this friend Lance was bringing to their home at Christmas. Lance is so excited now for Christmas with his family and for this boy to celebrate it with them. She can't say no to her son as he's this excited. And you can't turn your back on a guest.

"Mama was that abuela? Was she doing well? And what where you talking about with her?"

"Hello Dylan.. didn't hear you coming into the room. I was calling everyone to let them know we have a guest at Christmas. A friend of Lance. But yes abuela Estella is doing well."

A friend of Lance? Why would he want to bring a friend to a family thing? This is the first time in months he's going to see all of them again and now he has to give attention to his friend as well.. weird. But Hunk and Pidge do are nice... well Dylan is a bit afraid of this Pidge. But it won't be bad if they join us. And if it's Hunk he can help them cook the meal.. Lance boosted about his cooking skills..

Wait.. but what if it is. Ni a putas!
"Mama.. Who did Lance invite? Hunk? Katie?"

"Oh no.. I was kind of surprised because he didn't really talk about this boy a lot. But a Keith? Do you know him?"

Dylan feels the anger coming up in him. KEITH. HIJO DE PUTA!! How fucking dares his bring Keith!!! He hates him!! He hates them both!!


"Marco!" Mia points towards the man walking up to them. Behind him is his own family. Hugo holds his mother's hand as they follow Marco who is running towards his mother. Hila is also holding her little girl in her hands.

"Mama!! Oh mama! Tanto tiempo!" Marco puts his arms around his mother as she cries too. She missed her own children so much now she lives here.

Hila and the two children hug Helen too after their father and husband. Well Angela is being hugged by her abuela and abuelo because she can only barely walk.

Then the others get to greet them.
"Marco! Hermano!" Dylan hugs his oldest brother. As Lance sees Dylan being a lot happier and more like they where before they moved with Marco.. and he feels jealous. Why can he be like this with Marco but not with him?

But it isn't time to be jealous. It's time to be happy. He can finally see Marco again!
Lance is holding Mia and Mia wants a hug. Marco takes her from Lance and lays her against him. He hugs Lance now too with Mia in-between them.
"Good to see you Lance. Hope you did a good job at being a older brother now I wasn't there."

"I hope I did." Lance answers with a smile. He sees Dylan looking away... And that hurts.

"Lance! Did you grow since we didn't see you?" Hila walks towards the two brothers with Angela in her arms. Hugo is now with his abuelos and Luis.

"Not that I know of Hila.. maybe in muscles??" Lance winks at her. He and Hila always do this. Flirting a bit hoping one day Marco will get jealous... Hasn't worked yet.

One day.. one day.

"Ahh look at the little Angel!" Lance jumps up and down because he wants to hold her.

"Maybe you didn't grow. But this little one sure did." Marco feels a tear coming up. "I'm so proud.."

Lance slaps him on the back. "Come on dad. Can I hold her Hila?"

"Of course you can Lance.. here.." Angela first doesn't want to let go.. but Lance is good at convincing and with his smile she knows this person can be trusted. She lets go of her mom and lets Lance hold her.

"Hello little girl.. you are so pretty. And you are so cute yes you are. ! Ahh.."

Angela laughs at Lance.

A gasp can be heard.
"Hila! She laughs at Lance but not at me! Lance give her back!!"

Lance starts laughing as Marco takes his daughter at his hands and tries to let her smile at him.

Hila pushes Lance a bit.
"Well you did make him jealous.."

The next coming towards them are a few uncles and aunts with their children and grandchildren.

But then they see Veronica. She runs towards them as well.
"Mama! Papi!! She hugs both of her parents.

Percy first goes to Luis because they are around the same age. When they lived in Cuba they constantly played with each other at home. They did constantly fight about the toys... But they meant well. Liana and Selena walk towards their grandparents and hug them as well followed by Carlos who has to carry all of the bags.

Lance decides to help him and grabs some of them out of his hands.

"Thank you Lance." Carlos goes through Lance's hair With his free hand.

"No problem Carlos."

Veronica is now holding her little sister. "Mia you've grown as well! You're becoming heavy to carry."

"Veronica! I missed you!!"

"Missed you too Mia." She gives her sister a kiss on her head.

They all talk a bit now they can finally see each other in real life and not on a computer screen. They hug some more and wait for the others to arrive. They will have to wait some time before the other airplane lands but it's okay, they have a lot to talk about in the mean time.

Lance wants to talk some more with Veronica.. and Dylan is with Marco at the moment, so it isn't a great Idea to sit with them.

Lance sits down next to Veronica and talks a bit with her two twin daughters.

Veronica and Carlos ask a lot about how his life is going here in America. School and friends. And of course about the friend they will meet tommorow.

But even though it is nice to catch up with them. It's getting late and everybody is getting tired. After everyone arrived and greeted each other they leave towards their hotel and home. Tommorow will be a day they can really talk and have fun. And the house isn't big enough for all these people. Only Veronica and Marco and their family can stay at the house.

Luis, Hugo and Percy can share a room. And of course all the girls can sleep in Mia's room. Except for Angela. Hila wanted her to sleep with her and Marco.

Keith will sleep in his room tomorrow so Lance doesn't have to share..

They arrive at their house and immediately as Veronica steps out of her taxi she says a bit loud for this late.
"SO AWESOME! It's big and so American!"


Keith's alarm goes off... And he doesn't know if he has to be happy or terrified..

Probably both..

Lance will make it a bit better at least.

He forces himself out of bed and walks towards the door of his room. Tonight he'll have dinner with Lance's family. This is going to be so awkward.

He doesn't really belong there.. at least not yet. But he's going to be there like he has always been there! This is going to go wrong. He's going to be awkward and silent and the Mcclains are not awkward and silent so they'll hate him.

And all the children!

If those children will hate him Lance will probably just break up with him.

"Goood morning Keith. You ready??"


"Noted. I'm going to Allura's apparent. It's a bit of a long trip to Allura's home so we have to leave early." Shiro grabs his bag and walks towards Keith. "You going with your car to Lance's house?"

"Yes.. but I'll park in another street. I'm not going to show off that car you know."

"Probably for the best.. maybe you can give all the children a ride after they known you a bit better. But I have to go now." Shiro puts his hand on Keith's shoulder. "You can do it Keith. They'll love you."

"Let's hope so." Keith says with a smile.

Shiro leaves and Keith is alone in the penthouse now. He first eats something.. not too much because Lance told him not too. Lance told him something about having to eat a lot tonight. And Lance is probably right. A large family will have alot of food.

Now he has to get ready.

He walks towards his closet and takes out everything even a little bit fancy.. and that isn't a lot. Most of his wardrobe is hoodies and beanies.

Keith can make three fancy looking outfits that are actually normal and look good. He takes a picture of each outfit and decides that Lance's opinion matters most... And mostly that he has no knowledge about fancy outfits and Lance does.

Keith- *Picture sent*

Keith- *Picture sent*

Keith- *Picture sent*

Keith- Which one?


Keith- Fuck off which one?

     Lance- Red one.. red fits you and fits Christmas. It's all about the theme Keith!

Keith- Okay I'll trust you.... And I like your choice so :)

     Lance- <3 see you in a couple hours.

Keith- Actually Lance?
Keith- I'm fuckin nervous.. please help?

     Lance- Don't be.. the only one not liking you will be Dylan.. but he's a moody brat and that will be fine.

Keith- I can work with that.. but what if they all don't like me...  Lance I need positivity!! 

     Lance- I love you

     Lance- Mia Loves you

     Lance- puppies

      Lance- Kittens

      Lance- My family loving u

      Lance- Shiro's wedding with Miss Altea in a couple years

      Lance-... Our wedding in a couple years...  <3

Keith starts to blush as Lance sends that text.

Keith- <3

     Lance- Ahhhhhhhhhh YOU SENT A <3!!!!!!!!!!

Keith- Don't get used to it.

     Lance-  I won't just..  let me have this moment.

Keith- Alright. I'm going to get ready. Bye Lance see you in a couple hours.

    Lance- Bye babbyy.

Keith turns off his phone and walks to the bathroom. He brushes his teeth and shaves his... Beard not that much is growing on his chin. But it looks better like this. He puts on the outfit Lance picked out for him and then tries to make something of his hair... He decides that there isn't much he can do. But it looks fine so it's okay. He puts a little bit of cologne on his neck and then puts on a tie

He's ready... Kind of, mentally he doesn't know yet.

He goes down towards the garage. He sees some of his neighbors dressed even more fancy then him. For sure they are going to celebrate it with their fake friends and not their family... Or they celebrate it with their fake family, that's a possibility too. Judging how Shiro grew up. What if he was still living with Shiro's parents? How would everything be now?

Would it have been to much?

Would Lance have saved him too?

Or not?

Okay Keith don't think about what could've been. Just think about what did happen. You have Lance now.. and you will probably have a whole nother family after today.

Lance sees a expensive car driving past his house through the window. Of course he recognizes it and immediately is even more excited about today.

The car goes around the corner but Lance knows it is Keith.

Everybody is in the house and in the garden. The children are running and playing on the grass. Uncle Diego is running after all of them. Dylan is talking with some cousins. And the aunts and uncles are drinking a glass of wine and laughing

Lance was helping his mother and other aunts, uncles cousins and a couple kids in the kitchen. But now he runs out of the kitchen to go to the front door. His mother sees this and lays down her work as well.

Lance opens the door even before Keith is there. But he does see him walking to the front door. "Keith! Hey.. bab.. hey."

"Smooth.." Keith says as he arrives at the front door and stands next to Lance.

Lance leans in to whisper in Keith's ear.
"Hello baby"

Lance's mother now walks towards Keith. Lance steps out of the way so his mother can talk to Keith.
"Hello.. I assume you are Keith the friend of my son?"

"Hello Mrs Mcclain. I'm indeed Keith Kogane." Keith smiles at the woman. First Keith thinks she is going to give him a handshake.

But Helen Mcclain goes in for a hug. "Oh Keith just call me Helen. There is no need for formalities."

Keith doesn't know what to do. Does he hug back? Does he has to give her a pat on the back? Probably not that one. He just stands there awkwardly as Lance laughs. "Mama maybe it's better if you let him go."

She listens to her son and grabs Keith's arm to pull him inside. "Welcome to our home Keith. Lance will show you around in a minute. Bit first you have to meet the family. Don't worry most of them stay in a hotel. Won't fit anyways if they would stay here."

Keith lets himself be pulled and Lance follows. Lance is worried about Dylan's reaction about Keith being here, but he just says to himself that be shouldn't care. Keith isn't a asshole and Dylan is so if he's being rude to Keith he'll pick Keith's side.

"I just know you are going to have a good time Keith. Casa the Mcclain is always great. Good food because all the cooks in the family... Plus Lance are making the meal."

Lance gasps.
"Mama I'm a good cook too!"

"You are learning carino. And it's okay. You have much to learn but you have full potential."

"Well.. his sandwiches are great." Keith says smiling at Lance.

"See! Keith recognizes my good cooking!"

Helen leads Keith towards the living room where some people start noticing a new face that the don't know. Helen speaks up to get the attention from everyone on the living room. "Listen up. This is Keith and he will be here for a couple of days. Treat him nice!" She points towards a couple people on purpose. Keith decides that that means they would tease him if they got the chance.

People walk towards Keith and greet him and some ask a couple questions too. A couple girls probably cousins of Lance look at Keith. Keith has no idea what it means. Or they know him from somewhere and his cover of being a normal not rich guy is blown. Or Lance is going to be a jealous mess.

Keith hears some girls whispering.
"He's good looking."

"Yeah but I think I recognize him from somewhere."

"Probablemente estás imaginando cosas"

"Tienes razón"

Veronica now sees the new face standing next to Lance. She walks towards him and immediately pulls him in for a hug. "You must be Keith!! Welcome Keith!"

"Th..thank you "

Lance tries to separate his sister from his boyfriend.
"Veronica you're killing him."

She lets go immediately.
"Sorry sorry. If you didn't know yet I am Lance's sister and it's great to meet a new friend of my little brother."

Marco walks towards them. "Is this the American friend of Lance!"

"Juwp! Marco look at him! He's so handsome! How old are you sweetie because I'm not too old for love." Veronica winks. Her husband Carlos hears this and immediately snaps up.

"Cómo te atreves!!!" He walks towards Keith and inspects him. "He may be handsome. But Veronica you have me! Carino no me dejes!"

"I won't leave you carino. But I mean look at him!!!"

Marco stands in between the married couple. "It's nice to meet you Keith. I'm Marco Lance's brother." Marco is the first one who holds his hand out for a handshake. Keith is grateful and puts his hand in his. What he didn't expect is that it was a trap and Marco pulls him in for a hug as well.

After meeting Marco, Veronica and Carlos Lance forces Keith to go outside to the other people in his family. Mia sees Keith first and gets excited. "Keeeitthh! Prince Keith!! LUIS LOOK!!"

That didn't only get Luis's attention. But everybody's attention. Everybody looks around at where Mia is pointing at.

"Ehh... Hello everyone.." Too awkward Keith! "I'm Keith.."

Everybody heared about Lance's friend coming here as well at Christmas so they are excited to talk with him. Only Dylan and a little group of their cousins stay where they are.

Lance looks towards Dylan and they make eye contact for a second. But Dylan just frowns, looks away and starts talking with his cousins again.
This makes Lance so angry. But he isn't going to show it. How can Dylan be so ignorant and mean. He doesn't even try to like Keith. Without ever really talking to him he just doesn't try!

After a while people start to have their own conversations again. Some talk with Keith and Lance and others with their other family members.

"My father will be here soon. But I guess you've met him already at Shiro's office." Lance says

"Actually I've never talked to hin before. Maybe he saw me.. but we never talked."

"Well then today is the day you'll see he's one of the best people on this world! And definitely the best father."

Keith sees how excited Lance is. He also sees the love in his eyes for his family.

So Keith just ignores Dylans mean stares and keeps talking with all the people of Lance's family. He notices that the whole Mcclain family is a bit like Lance. Except for a couple moody teens in the back including Dylan.


Lance and Keith are sitting on the couch talking to Lance's mother Helen and Veronica. They talk a bit about life here in America and how Keith grew up. Like how he always saw the holidays and the American schools. Keith left out his side of the story about always hating school in the past and never really celebrating holidays, he just gave them information about the general feeling and how others celebrate it.

It's still to early to talk about his past. He has known them for like 2 hours now. Nobody is waiting for his whole life story. Well maybe Helen would gladly listen.

Something about Helen makes Keith really like her. She seems like such a good mother. One he never had. But he has known her for two hours now and ot feels like he has known her for years. He likes that.

He wonders how Lance's father will be like after he gets to know him as well.

Just as Keith thinks about Lance's father the front door opens and closes. People greet the man coming inside and Lance waves. "Papi papi come meet Keith!"

The man smiles and walks towards the boy sitting next to his boy. "Hello Keith..." He's quiet for a second.. he recognizes Keith from somewhere. But he can't really remember. "Hope my family have been treating you right... Otherwise I'll scold them all for you."

"Oh no sir. There is no need for that. I feel really welcome here."

"Don't say sir my boy. Just Rafeal is enough." He hold out his hand for a handshake. Keith knows this trick and is cautious. But this time no hug. Just a firm handshake.

He has decided.. he likes Rafeal the most.. because no hug.

"It's nice meeting you Rafeal." Keith gives the man a small smile.

"I agree Keith. We where all surprised to hear Lance wanted to bring a friend to our home on Christmas. But we love guests and you are more then welcome."

After talking to Rafeal some time and Lance not leaving his side the front door opens again. This time a woman around Helen's age comes in with a older woman. This must be Lance's grandmother.

And it is because Lance lights up and runs towards her. "Abuela!! estás aquí."

The older woman hugs her grandson.
"Qué bueno verte. Ha pasado mucho tiempo"

"Quiero que conozcas a Keith"

"sí, Dónde está ese amigo tuyo?"

"Aquí pero recuerda que no habla español" Lance and his grandmother walk towards Keith and the woman inspects Keith from his toe towards his head.

"Hello... I'm Lance's Abuela." It's a bit broken English. But Keith had expected her to not be able to speak English at all. So this is great.

"Hello.. I'm Keith." Keith holds out his hand... But of course she's a Mcclain. She pulls him into a hug. Why did he even think there was a possibility of not being hugged.


Keith sits next to Lance. A lot of people start to help out in the kitchen. But because he's a guest he doesn't need to help or something? He asked if they where sure and said he wouldn't mind helping.. but they literally forced him to sit and stay down. Keith suspects Lance's mother that she ordered Lance to keep watch over him so he doesn't help out in the kitchen....

Keith and Lance now sit next to each other talking a bit with a couple cousins and uncles. Keith is actually pretty enjoying himself. They all are nice people... Except the moody teenagers.. but lets just ignore them for a second.

Keith wished he could lay his head down on Lance's shoulder for a while. And Lance really wants to do so too. But they will have to wait for tomorrow to do couple things with Lance's family seeing them.

Suddenly Lance sees a little girl and little boy sulking in the corner of the room looking at them. He stands up and walks towards them
"Mia Luis? What's wrong?"

Lance kneels down and Mia starts to cry. Luis pats her on the back but it doesn't help.

"Everybody but us gets Prince Keith's attention!!" She cries. And Luis crosses his arms and pouts as well.

Everybody has gone silent as Mia started to cry and scream. And as they heard what she said everyone started to laugh. Helen smiles after she laughed and says.
"Ah Mia you could've said you wanted to talk to Keith."

"But Keith didn't have any time. You all stole him from us. We where the first to ask of he could be here in the first place!" Luis frowns after he said that.

"Well now he has all the time in the world for you two. Go on." Lance walks with the two kids towards his boyfriend.

Keith smiles a bit and says.
"Hey Mia hey Luis.."

Mia doesn't say anything and just climbs up his leg to sit on Keith's lap. And she's not planning on moving anytime soon.

Everybody starts to laugh again as she sits down on Keith's lap... And Keith has no idea what to do.

"Well Keith it looks like Mia really likes you."

"He's soo good with children. Mama I want a boyfriend like him "

"Soooo cuuuttee."

And.. Lance takes a picture.

Luis pulls on his sleeve and asks.
"Keith.. are you staying here with us?"

"Yes I'm staying here for a couple of nights." Keith answers.

"So you have lots of time to play with us?!" Mia looks so excited. Some other children of the family join Mia and Luis with asking questions and just wants to sit with Keith. Lance loves to watch Keith get all worried about what to do but at the same time loving it so much.


They all sit around the big dinner table plus a couple plastic tables, the kids are of course at the childrens table. This is the first year Dylan can join the grown up table. He thought that this would be the best Christmas because of that.... But now Keith is here.

Lance and Keith sit next to each other and they look right at Lance's parents. Dylan didn't want to sit too close to Lance and Keith so he's sitting with the other moody teenagers. Next to Lance sits Veronica and her husband and next to Keith sits Marco with his wife.

They all talk for a bit and not soon after Rafeal stands up from his chair to say something.
"Dear family." He doesn't say friend on purpose. Because Keith is a good kid. And if they see him more often maybe Rafeal could see him as one of his own. Lance really likes it that he didn't exclude Keith... And Keith gets a warm feeling inside too because of it.

"We are all together. Some we may only have met today. And we are glad we did." Rafeal smiles at Keith. "And some of us haven't seen each other in some time. But I'm glad we can all celebrate this together. I hope we all will have a great time. And we will have some more days to celebrate family. Salud!"

Everybody shouts Salud and starts drinking their alcohol... Except the minors. They have to do it with water of whatever they are drinking.

Helen Mcclain has a good eye. And she rather die then let tio Diego give one of the children a bit of alcohol. Yes she has slaped him on the head already for offering Lance his beer. He even tried to give his drink to Keith already! Unacceptable.

A couple people go to the kitchen to get the food and everybody is excited. They all cheer as the food is presented before them. Keith has no idea what's happening to him.. but he lets it happen. He's quite enjoying it.

And he loves seeing Lance this excited. His whole face is brighter then it always is. He smiles even more then he always does. And the little looks Lance gives him  are the most precious he has ever gotten. It's almost as he says... It's almost time baby.

A whole roasted pig is placed in front of Keith. A lot of rice and beans and other delicious looking food. Diego gives Keith a big... A really big knife and says.
"We'll let Keith butcher the pig.."

Everybody cheers and Lance says.
"A big honor Keith..."

"Well then." Keith takes the knife and looks at Lance unsure of what to do.

"Just cut the meat and give it to the people that want a piece."

Some people decline.. probably because they are vegan or vegetarian. But a lot of people give their plate so Keith can put a piece of meat on it.

Everybody has fun and eats well. And Keith has never had such good food on Christmas. I'm sorry Sal... But this is just heaven.

A bit further in the meal and everybody is talking and laughing. Keith and Lance start to talk to Veronica and Marco. And some time later they start to talk to Lance's parents.

Lance is looking for the right moment.. it needs to be just right. But it needs to happen soon as well. If he waits till dessert everybody will be drunk and it won't be a good time to tell his family about him and Keith. So the right moment needs to be now. He knows because it is his family he needs to be the one actually telling everyone. Keith is just here to support him and meet his new family. But it's not like he doesn't want to tell them himself. But he is starting to get a bit nervous now.

Till his mother says the perfect thing.
"So how did you two become friends exactly?"

Lance quickly looks at Keith and nods his head letting him know it's time.

"Well mama.. this is actually quite interesting. I may have been a little dishonest."

"Dishonest? Carino you know lying is a bad thing.."

"Mama.. please let me finish." Lance says with a smile. Helena nods and lets him talk further.
"Mama me and Keith... Are not exactly friends"

This caught everybody's attention. So they all become silent.

Lance looks around him. "Me and Keith aren't friends.. because we are more than that."

"Like.. best friends?" Veronica asks confused.

"No.." Lance chuckles.

"He's my boyfriend.. partner.. lover. Mi amante."

And it is silent..

Lance didn't expect it to be... Silent.

He looks around and sees everybody stare at him and Keith... A bit weird.. in shock too.

Then he hears Dylan say "fucking hell..  es un maricón"
He sees Dylan shaking his head and looking at him and Keith full of disgust.

Then others start to look down. And some whispers a bit so Lance and Keith can't hear what they are saying. Why would they do that..? why aren't they allowed to hear it....?

Lance looks up towards his parents.
"Mama.. papi.. is something wrong?"

That seemed to snap Helena out of her shock. "Eh Lance.."

She looks towards her husband.

"Can You me and your papi talk in private for a moment."

Lance looks with sadness in his eyes towards Keith.. "Oh.. yeah sure."

Keith looks at Lance leave with his parents. Everybody is quiet and doesn't say a thing. And if they say something it's whispering.

... Oh..

End of Chapter 24....


... Don't kill me please.


Soo that didn't go as Lance expected.

Please leave a comment love reading those and hope you guys will follow my insta. And see you all next chapter.

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