Nekopara: A New Breed

By Count_Lemon

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The bakery "La Soleil" has been doing wonderfully, thanks to the assissance of the 6 beautiful catgirls, 1 de... More

Chapter 1: Unexpected Introductions
Chapter 2: The Mall Fiasco
Chapter 3: Things Start Heating Up
Chapter 4: No Catnip For You
Chapter 5: A Late Night Stroll
Chapter 6: I'm Not Sick
Chapter 7: The Bake-Off Starts Now
Chapter 9: Greetings

Chapter 8: Comfort

1.3K 11 12
By Count_Lemon

Midnight POV

"Master! We're running low on cream puffs!" Chocola yells from the dining area. 

"On it!" Kashou replies from the kitchen.

I've been helping him bake everything today. It's even more hectic than usual, mainly because of my newly gained status. I raise my head up from a mixing bowl to glance outside of the little window between the kitchen and dining area. I see the people's eyes light up as they catch a glimpse of me. It's kinda weird.

"Maybe this wasn't the best idea..." Cyan says I return to my mixing bowl.

"Are you kidding? This is great! With all these people around, there's no way Dominic would try to take me down."

"I guess you're right...Hell, maybe we can have our happy ending."

"I hope so...I hope so."

We only opened an hour ago and this place is already filled to the brim. I can see a line forming around the block. Everyone's either on their phone or talking to whoever their waiting with. 

"Has this place ever been so busy?" I ask Kashou.

"Not really." He responds, standing up from the ovens. "It's all because of that competition you did with Mika."

I just kinda nod to myself as I continue baking.

"Hey. Thanks." Kashou says.

"For what?"

"For keeping my bakery open. If it weren't for you, this place might've been torn down."

"Even if I did lose, there's no way I'd let her tear this place down. It's my home...And it's the first one I've had in a long time." I finish my sentence quietly. 

"Kashou!" Azuki yells as she enters the kitchen. "We're running low on just about everything. So, where's anything?!"

"It's finishing up now. Just a few more minutes." He replies.

"Today is gonna suck." I thought to myself. I turn back to glance over a few recipes, continuing to assist in the kitchen.

A few hours later

"Finally!" I yell pushing open the kitchen doors. With the increased amount of costumers, there wasn't much time for any breaks today. I slip off my apron and throw it on the kitchen counter as I slump into a chair. I glance over to see the girls all exhausted and groaning.

"There were so many people today!" Azuki groaned with a tired voiced.

"Today was incredible!" Shigure exclaimed coming downstairs. "We practically quadrupled our normal sales!" She started to smile gleefully. "At this rate, we'll be able to start another location, then another, then another, then another! All until we have an entire army at our disposal!" She began laughing to herself manically. The others didn't seem to pay much attention to her laughing.

"She's weird." Cyan said.

"Yeah." I respond. She quickly twisted her head to stare in my direction. "Shit. Did I say that out loud."

"And it's all thanks to you!" She said with her bright smile.

"Wha?" I ask tired and confused. She rushed over to stand in front of me.

"Since you've shown off your ears and tail, the whole world's been wanting you. I posted that picture on the blog, and the total visits for that day alone almost doubled the total visits ever!" Her smile seemed to get even bigger the longer she talked about this new found fortune. She just kept going and going, so after a few minutes, her voice began to become dull to my ears. The words began to fade as I started to think of other things.

"Think it was the right move now?" Cyan asked.

"Yeah...But still."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's fine."

"Are you even listening?!" I hear someone yell. I snap out of my daze to see Azuki standing in front of me. Her face is a little scrunched up with anger and annoyance.

"What? Sorry, I wasn't listening." I respond with a small grin.

"You're the worst sometimes, you know that?" She responds with a sly smile.

"Kinda." I jest. "What's going on?"

"Everyone left and you've been staring at that wall for the last 5 minutes." She points to the blank wall in the kitchen. She begins to walk off. I notice a slight moment of hesitation before she leaves me alone. She lets out a sigh and turns around. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah...Why?" I ask, confused.

"You were murmuring to yourself after Shigure left with the others." She propped herself up and leaned against the counter.

"I was?" I ask Cyan.

"Yeah. But you were just making sounds. Nothing you said were actually words."

"You're doing it again." Azuki said. I look up to see her in front of me, her hands resting on my thighs. I gently shake my head and focus back on her.

"Sorry." I respond with a nervous smile. I glance up to see her staring at me, eyes blank and her mouth was hanging open a bit. "Azuki...Are you okay?"

Her breathing kept speeding up, slowly, but noticeably. Her grip on my thighs got tighter as her breathing kept quickening. I stared back into her vacant eyes, watching her pupils begin to dilate. 

"Is that bad?" I ask Cyan.

"Depends. Either she's about to try and kill you, run away screaming, or she's going to close in on yo--" Cyan begins, but his voice is cut off by the soft feeling of Azuki's lips pressing against mine. The surprise overtook me, freezing me while she continued to kiss me. She let go of my thighs and let herself fall onto me, wrapping her arms around my neck in the process.  

She pulled her legs up and wrapped them around my stomach, locking her feet together behind the chair. I slowly let myself succumb to her newfound lust and brought one hand to the back of her head, and another to her waist. She kept poking at my lips with her tongue. I opened my mouth a bit to slip in my tongue as well, gaining her entry as well. Her moans were so adorable as I played with her tongue, gently stroking her hair. I moved my hands lower, hearing her gasp as I gently grabbed her waist and pulled her into me. After a few more seconds, she pulled back to catch her breath. Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth as she panted. She lunged back onto me. I grabbed her tail, making her squeak a bit. She let go of my neck and stuck her hands into the back of my hair, sliding her fingers in and gently tugging on it. She tries pushing her tongue deeper into my mouth, but it's still a little small compared to mine. I jabbed my tongue into the back of her throat, making her quietly squeal with delight. 

I pulled back to catch my breath. Azuki let go of my neck and grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"Hey~" She cooed. "Why'd you pull back?" She inched her face closer to mine. "Don't you want more?~" She pulled on my collar to bring me an inch from her face. "Come on...Gimme a kiss.~"

"Hey...Wait..." I say as she continues to tug on my shirt. "Are you thinking this through?"

"What's there to think about?" She leans up and breaths in my ear. "I. Want. You."

"What the hell is going on?!" My mind is racing, my had filling with worried thoughts. "She was like this a few days ago, but why would it just flare up?

"Come on...It's cruel to make a girl wait this long~"

"We can't--- *sniff, sniff*.

"That smell." A sweet scent began to overtake me. I could feel my mind going blank as the smell continued to overpower any worries and doubts I had. 

"We can't what?" Azuki whispers into my ear. I grab her hips and pull her closer. 

"We can't stop now, can we?" I say with a sly grin. I could see my vision narrow on Azuki. Almost like she was the only thing I'm able to focus on. She moves down and latches back onto my mouth, sliding her tongue back inside. I grab her tail and tug on it, hard, making her moan and squeal quietly. I can feel my vision began to fade into a red haze, seeing only Azuki and the light above us. I pull back again to catch my breath.

"Shouldn't we take this upstairs?" I ask.

"There's no need dummy~ Everyone's going to be out for a while." She leaned back up to my ear. "We have the whole place to ourselves.~" She pulled me forward to meet her lips in another kiss. I wrap my arms around her back as she unwraps hers from the chair. I stand up and push her against the wall, her legs wrapping around my back as she moans into me. I move my hands down to hold her up against the wall, making her gasp at my touch. She pulls back, but her eyes look different. They're normal again, but they look confused. She gently unwrapped her legs and stood up. 

"Y-Y-Y-You pervert!" She yelled as loud as she could. She shoved my hands off of herself and slapped me across my cheek. She ducked under my arms and ran away, rapid footsteps clunking upstairs as the door slams shut.

I feel like I just got hit in the stomach. Everything started to catch up with me. The smell faded, my vision returned, but it all hit in an instant. I dropped to the ground, breathing heavily as everything I had just done registered with my head.

"Oh my God. What did I do...What did I do." I tell myself. I lay on the ground, my body just sprawled out. I go to stand up, but I can feel a heat rising up inside me.

"Oh, great. This again." I thought.

"Don't worry. This time it won't get any hotter than it is now." Cyan reassures me.

"Well, that's nice." I lean against a counter top in the kitchen, resting my head in my heads. "How the hell am I gonna fix this one?"

Azuki POV

"Why. Why. Why. Why!" I keep saying to myself. "How could I let him go so far? Why didn't I even try to stop him?" I flop onto Kashou's bed, wrapping myself up in the covers. I glance up at the clock. "They should be home soon..." I laid still on the bed, replaying that encounter with Midnight over and over again. Each time it plays, I can feel my face flush an even deeper shade of red.

"He's just another perv..." I tell myself as I nuzzle into a pillow. "But he's still so nice and gentle... And he didn't even come onto me...I went to him..." I curl up into a little ball under the covers. "I just felt so hot...and needy. God! What's wrong with me?!" I slowly start to feel a rising heat encase me.

"No...Not again..." I say quietly. I start to pant as everything gets hotter. My head is throbbing to my heart beat. I kick the covers off of myself, but it doesn't help.

"I can't take this. I need it.~" I leave Kashou's room and go into Midnight's. It's empty.

"He must be downstairs...I'll have to be quick," I can feel my sense of reason leave me, overtaken by this extreme heat. I jump into his bed and bury my face into his pillow.

"*sniff, sniff* It smells like him..." I reach down to gently pull my skirt up a bit. "God...I'm practically dripping right now...I don't wanna get his bed all dirty...But I also wanna have some fun~" I kick the covers off his bed and lay on my back. I slip my skirt off and spread my legs a bit.

Midnight POV

"*groan*...My head..." I slowly walk upstairs holding my head. It keep pulsating with the beating of my heart. Even the heat from before has returned, completely overtaking any other hope I had for sleeping tonight.

"Ease up bud. I'm sure you'll feel better in the morning." Cyan says

"Is that before...*grunt*...or after the murder spree I have to go on?"

"Whatever. I'm just trying to help."

"Did you find out how to cool me off?"

"Are you cool?"


"Then there's your answer."

"Whatever." I open the door to my room, only to find Azuki panting while curled up to my bed.

"A-Azuki?" I say, confused. She turns her head and locks eyes with me. She gasps and her face flushes a deep shade of red.

"G-G-Get out you perv!" She yelled. She grabbed a pillow and threw it at me. It just hit my face and slid down to the floor.

"Azuki..." I say as I turn around, trying not to look at her. "This is my room." I get no response. "I'll give you 5 minutes to get dressed." I leave my room and pull the door shut.

Azuki POV

"Oh god, oh god damn it! I can't believe I let him catch me like this.".I slide out of his bed and slip my skirt back on. "Eww...I'm all sweaty..." I push the door open and walk into the hall. Midnight is sitting on the couch facing the television.

"I-I'm gonna take a shower." I call out as I turn away.

"Fine with me." He answers. I open the bathroom door and take my dirty clothes off. The water feels nice running down my skin, but the heat hasn't completely subsided. I rub the water against my skin, imagining how good it would feel to be toyed with right now.

"Ugh...When's Kashou getting home..."

Midnight POV

"Well damn." I just got a text from Kashou, saying how him and the girls aren't going to be back till tomorrow morning. "Guess I need to make something to eat..."

"Yes, you do need to eat. No exceptions." Cyan says trying to keep me from skipping dinner.

"But it's so much effort..." I complain.

"No exceptions!" He yells.

""Fine, fine. You don't need to shout at me." I stand up and walk into the kitchen. I reach into a cabinet and pull out a pot. I fill it up with water and set it on a burner.

"I'll just make some ramen." I turn to look at my room.

"I should probably change those sheets." I leave the water to boil as I enter my room. I slip the sheets off my bed and ball them up. The covers and pillowcases are fine. I pick up the sheets and enter the laundry room.

"That's a lot of buttons..." I say to myself as I look at the washing machine. "I guess normal will work..." I throw the sheets in and press the button labeled "normal". I grab the detergent and pour some in, along with a little fabric softener.

"I'll wait till she's done showering..." I leave the washing machine alone while I go back to check on the water.

"Boiling...Now for the noodles." I tear up the package and dump the dry noodles in. I set the flavor packet to the sidel, pouring half of the powder into the water and the other half into the bowl.

"3 minutes...and counting." Cyan says.

I slump back into the couch and kick my feet up onto the little table in front of the tv. I just zone out, not paying any attention to what's actually playing.

"Hey! Pay attention!" Cyan yells.

"Wha? Why?" I mumble.

"Look who's on." I look at the screen to see Mika standing in front of some microphones.

"Ms. Mika! Ms. Mika! How did you react to your lose against the new king of neko baking?" A reporter asks.

"'New king', please. He's just lucky I took it easy on him. I am, and forever will be, the queen. He's nothing more than a lucky warrior." She says with a sly smirk.

"Man...Is that just how she talks? It's so damn annoying." I say to myself.

"Will you ever challenge him again?" Another asks.

"Why of course I will! I still need to finish this game. " She responds.

"Game?" A reporter asks.

"He's only won the first round. He has to keep winning if he wants to keep this game going."

"Noodles are done." Cyan says.

"Oh." I leave the tv as Mika continues to go on about my win was a fluke and she'll crush me next time. I take the pot off the burner and pour everything into a bowl. I take a cluster of noodles with chopsticks and blow, placing them into my mouth.

"Hot, hot."

I glance down to my phone. "This could be fun." I take the card Mika gave me a few days ago and dial in the number. I watch the screen as she stops describing her various methods to crush me and stick her hand into the pocket on the side of the dress.


"Hello Mika~" I say in a playful tone.

Her face visibly flushes on the tv. She turns away from the microphones. "What do you want?" She asks.

"Oh, nothing."

"Then why'd you call?!" She yells.

"Because I wanted to crash your interview. Especially if you're going to keep going on and on about crushing me, even after the first 'fluke'." I respond.

"Ms.Mika...Who are you talking to?" A reporter asks.

She turns around and faces the microphones again. "No one important." She says with a smile. "Shall we continue?"

She set her phone on the podium, but she hadn't hung up yet.

"Hey!" I yell. The microphones picked it up as Mika looked down to her phone with angered eyes. She picked it up and turned away from the cameras.

"I'm gonna kill you!" She yelled in a hushed tone.

"Awww...Come on. I was just having some fun." I reply with a childlike tone.

"You know what..." She begins. "We're going to have a nice, long talk about this tomorrow morning." She hung up the phone and put it back into her pocket. She turned back to the cameras and continued the interview. I set my phone down and kept eating, watching her answer more and more questions. I finish eating and set the dishes on the counter. I turn around to see the light in Kashou's room on.

"Guess Azuki's done." I get up and start the wash. "It won't be done for a few hours...I'll just sleep on the couch." I turn the lights off in the living room and change the channel to some cooking show. The light from Kashou's room went off as I hear the door click shut.

"I guess she's going to bed." Cyan says.

"Yeah..." I yawn and stretch out on the couch. "I'm pretty tired too." I rest my head on the armrest and cross my leg over the other. I close my eyes. The sound of something quietly sizzling on the tv puts me to sleep.

Azuki POV

"Damn it...Where are you guys?" I lay, restless, in Kashou's bed while I wait from his return. I roll over to glance at the clock. "1:27...They can't be coming home tonight..." A feeling of disappointment slowly builds up.

I can see a light coming from underneath the door. "I guess Midnight's still up." I leave the room to find the Midnight passed out on the couch. The tv's still on, but it's giving off some light so I can see where I'm going.

"Oh yeah...I got his sheets all dirty..." I think to myself looking down at his sleeping face. I run back into Kashou's room to grab a spare blanket and pillow. I come back to find Midnight on his side facing away from the tv. He groaned a bit and turned back onto his back.

"Good...He isn't awake." I gently lift up his head and slide the pillow under. Then I throw the blankets on top of him. 

"*groan*...Azuki...?" Midnight asks in a quiet, raspy voice. "What's wrong...?" He sits up and rubs his eyes.

"O-Oh...N-N-Nothing. I was just b-bringing you a blanket..." I respond. He looks down and glances around himself.

"Oh, thanks." He lays back down and places his arms under the pillow. I start to walk away, but I stop.

"I-I wanna lay with him...No! Stop it! Just go back to bed...Alone..." I thought to myself. I turn around and quietly walk back to the couch. He's already fallen asleep again. The sound of gentle snoring is the only thing in the room. I slowly lift up the blanket and slide onto his chest, being careful not to drop all my weight onto him quickly. I rest my head on his chest and lay the blanket down over top the both of us. 

"He's so...warm..." I nuzzle into his chest gently gripping onto his shirt. I feel something start to pet me. I glance up to see Midnight's hand on my head. His eyes are still closed, but there's a small smile on his face.

"Goodnight Azuki." He says quietly. I can feel a fierce blush cover my face, but he can't see me.

"G-Goodnight Midnight..." I reply, letting myself fall asleep to his gentle touch.

Thanks for waiting so long. I went though a lot of different ideas on the way I want this story to go and I've finally decided on something. This chapter was more of a filler or setup from my plot. Anyways, expect more frequent updates soon. There's suppose to be a hurricane coming my way. So if school gets cancelled, I'll be spending my time writing. Anyways, until next time, I'm out. 

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