Eli's Goodbye

By Ciarran

538 14 16


17 Unread but NEVER Forgotten Letters

Eli's Goodbye

412 10 16
By Ciarran

This is Eli's goodbye to each and every one of His friends and family. I haven't had the heart to post it but I'll post it now. It will come in installments because it is so long. Read and vote, Comment, do whatever, but most of all remember the legacy he left behind. -Ciarran

If you are reading this, then that must mean that I have passed on to be a light among the starts, but that doesn’t mean that I have forgotten you or that I won’t be watching over you every single night. I love you all, and I am so very sorry for leaving you. Please don’t miss me too much.

This letter will be long, because you all mean so much to me you each get a special part within this letter.  I’ll start with the immediate family and friends and then go on to those that have made a special impact in my life. Enjoy.

To: Cars

Dear Carryberry,

God I’m going to miss your laugh and your smile and your overall ability to make me smile. I know times are rough now, but you have to hold on yea? Stay strong for the rest of the fam right? Yea I know your probably going to try and follow, but I need you to stay here. Besides I told you if you tried I’d kick you out. And anyway who will take care of my amazing baby cc to come? So see? Even when a life has beem taken, another one replaces it. I will be checking in on you to see how your doing, so I better not see anything amiss or I will come talk with you about it. Take care of Damien for me ok? He needs you more than he lets on. And don’t let that thing you call your father touch you again. He needs to be put to jail. I’ll miss you beyond belief but I gave you a task to carry out so don’t let me see your butt in heaven or I’m kicking you out missy. I’ll make sure to tell Sayler hi for you, though I am sure he is watching over you as I type this out from the hospital bed. I know you’ll ask why I went and why I didn’t stay and fight like I promised, but my body is tired of fighting Cars, and I am ready to go now, and so no more fighting for me. I’ll be a watchful star instead. You know that fairytale Peter Pan, the one where they have to travel to the “second star on the right and on till morning?” Well I’ll be that second star now. Just look up at me and you’ll know where I am. I love you dearly I just hope you can see that Cars. I’ll miss you my Carrieberry. Stay Strong.

To: Sayler

I have no idea why I’m writing you this, when I’ll be up there with you soon enough. I guess it was just to say I would be, and that I miss you too, well you’ll be seeing enough of me to last a while. Love you Say.

To: Damien

Hey D,

I know things are blown way out of proportion for you, and you don’t need anymore drama right? But you understand why I have to go though don’t you? Please don’t be mad when I do, I’m tired though, and I need to let go now. Death comes for everyone even at what may seem to be the wrong time, I just need you to hang in there and be strong for me ok? I love you buddy. Watch Carrie for me ok?

To: Arwen

Hey Princess,

I miss you more than you know, but guess what? I’ll be joining you soon so you won’t be without me for too long. I moved on like you suggested, and the girl I found is just like you, and absolutely amazing just like you. I wish I could tell you of all the things that has gone on since you left, but I’m afraid I don’t have time. I’ll have long convo’s with you at the pearly gates though yea? And then we can catch up on what we missed. Love you forever Princess ♥♥♥

Now to the people that have impacted my life in one way or another:

To: Buttercup♥

There’s so much I wish I could say, but such little time to say it in. *sighs* well here goes. You are my bestestestestestestest friend in the world, and I don’t know where I would be without you. You were my first fan, and when I first talked to you, you were soo nervous to talk to me, needless to say I was nervous too. I think I was in a depressed mood then and you cheered me up and we hit it off right away. You became my closest friend and so much more. In the months I have been on WP, I think that you have made going to the doctors and getting tested a whole lot easier. I don’t have to hide anything from you, I can be open and free with you. I’m sorry that we have driffted appart, but I guess we all have our ups and downs yeah? You’ll always be my bestestestestest friend, and nothing will break that. Don’t blame yourself for me going okay? NOTHING you did is the reason for me leaving. As I told the others, I am just pain tired, and my body is ready to give up the fight, I love you always and I always will whether I’m in the stars or talking to you, you ALWAYS  hold a special place in my heart, and you mean so very much to me. DO NOT try to fillow me, because I WILL  kick you out. You don’t belong up here no matter if it may seem to you like you do. I love you my beautiful sunshine along the horizon. I want you to do something for me ok? I want you to 1) Take care of yourself. I mean it, I WILL come and haunt you in your dreams if you don’t. And that means eat food and drink water and don’t melt like chocolate, or my chocolate addiction to you will be void ;D jk.  2) Take care of Cars. She’s going to need you now more than ever. Don’t think she doesn’t. She does even if she pushes you away. Keep her close, and help her through this tough time. 3) Take care of Damien. He needs you too. Don’t shut him out. Please don’t do that. 4) Don’t go having a tissy fit with others whenever they bring me up, cuz I know your gonna go try and do that, but remember they are hurting just as much as you are, and need someone to vent to. 5) MOVE ON. Don’t let my passing be the thing that keeps you from having fun with your life. 6) Treat every minute of every second of every day like a cherished blossom Buttercup. 7) Go have parties and have fun :D but not too much fun, or I will have to monitior you. 8) Eat lots of chocolate :D it’s really really really healthy. 9) Think of me as often as you want, but don’t let those thoughts bring you down. 10.) STAY BEING AMAZING AND ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS BUTTERCUP!!!♥♥  I love you to bits my wonderful ray of sun. :3 I’ll miss you like no one’s bussiness but I’ll keep watch over you day and night as I always have and always will do. DON’T FORGET : THE IMPACT YOU MAKE ON OTHERS ONLY COMES FROM WHAT YOU SHOW THEM!  Give them a spanking new impession of who you are buttercup, so that they can see what a precious and absolutely gorgeous person you are inside and out. I’ll miss you, but you will always and forever be my buttercup and you will always hold a special place within my heart. I love you Baby ♥♥♥ I’ll foever be in the stars all you have to do is look up and say hello. ♥

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