Gilmore Girls: One Shots/Stor...

By amethystjewel04

9.4K 211 95

Ideas for upcoming stories(maybe) If there is a One Shot that you would like to become book, or to continue o... More

A Path Turned Difficult
Valentine's in the Vineyard
A Different Beginning
A Band Of Girls
Unexpected Help
Yale Alumni Party
You Are The Reason
Last Shot
Past Comes To Haunt

New Lifestyle; New Love

601 17 6
By amethystjewel04

*Small Backstory*
Rory has grown up in society. Her married parents Christopher Elijah Hayden and Lorelai Victoria Gilmore raised her to be strong, independent, intelligent and witty. Heiress to both families. Lorelai works as her father's secretary, second hand, go-to person at Gilmore Insurance Co., Chris is currently CEO of Hayden Law, but Rory will take over when she is of age. Rory's major is in Law, minor in Business and Journalism. Rory was discovered at Rich Man's Shoe with her friends, Rosemary and Steph, by a modeling agent.

[ A/N: based off of a statement in S2 E3 "Red Light on the Wedding Night" of Gilmore Girls where, I quote: 'Lorelai- Hey, sir, make way for Rory. That's it, one name. Internationally-known International supermodel.' Model part is what it's based on.]

Rory has yet to meet the Huntzbergers. She had many set up dates but nothing official.

This takes place one month before Yale starts. She has had a few minor run ins with Logan during the summer at events, but did not know of his name, last name to be more specific, nor he knew of her last names either.


 Rory was out with Rosemary and Steph for a celebratory dinner at Rich Man's Shoe. They got into Yale.

"Okay, I got us some margaritas." Steph says coming over with a tray.

She then served them with the drinks and they started to talk and laugh.

Rose then drags the girls to dance once they drink their third round.

They laugh and dance all night, then when they were going for another round. A lady in her mid thirties comes up to the girls.

"Evening ladies." A woman said.

Rory, Rose and Steph look at the women before them.

"Evening. And who might you be?" Rory asked in her lawyer voice.

"I am Janelle Taggart, manager of Nisa (Nee-suh) Modeling Agency. I'm also a scout for new models, and I was wondering if you three would be our models for our new summer line?" Janelle asked.

Rory, Rose and Steph looked at each other.

"Could we think about it?" Steph asked.

"Of course. Here is my card. It has my email, number and address of the building. I hope I hear from you soon." Janelle then left.

The girls didn't know what to say about what just happened.

Over the course of the week, the three talk about the modeling opportunity.

"I don't think we should do this." Rory said.

"Why not? This seems like fun." Rose says.

"You think everything is fun." Steph laughed.

"Well, if we model we could maybe keep the clothes." Rose reasoned.

"Now that's what I'm talking about. Imagine getting clothes that is brand new and not released yet." Steph explains.

"But I've got so much going on right now. We have one more year until graduation and then I'm CEO a year after that." Rory says.

"But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!" Rosemary exclaimed.

Rory sighed, "I guess... but - "

"No buts, we will call this agent back and meet up with her." Steph says pointedly.

"Ugh fine!"

The next day the girls called Janelle for a meeting later that afternoon.

"So here's the contract I'm sure you, Ms. Hayden, will surely want to read that over." Janelle says pushing the contract towards her.

Rory read it over a couple of times.

"Seems reasonable. No loopholes that's good. Price is good. Hours are good, flexible that's great. It's a great contract no holes or unreasonable statements. It's perfect to sign." Rory says then places it back on the table.

"Great! I have 5 copies here, one for each of you one for the lawyer and one for me." Janelle says handing them the copies.

They all sign.

"Fantastic! Now, we have a photo shoot in a few minutes and our original models were going to be here but one is sick, one got pregnant and the other one I think is on a trip with her husband. So we have some available slots today."

The girls smile.

Janelle guides them to the studio, it was a big spacious room with multiple doors leading to dressing rooms, bathrooms, a break room, supply closets, a janitorial closet and a photo approval room that has screens and a glass wall and door looking at the photo station.

"Okay, so Miss Stephanie you will be modeling our swimming clothing line. We may bring in one of our male models to model with you for the swimming, but for now you will be taking single photos. Miss Rosemary you will be modeling our summer clothing lines. And Miss Rory you will be modeling our autumn clothing lines. There are some casual wear, evening dresses, professional wear, night on the town, and a few other designs under each category in the season lines." Janelle explained.

The girls nodded.

After a short tour it was time for them to get ready. Steph went first.

She modeled an emerald green, two piece swim suit with a gold accented design. She had fun with it and was a natural. She was barefoot and her hair was straight with a slight curl at the ends. Her makeup gave her a sun kissed glow. After a few pictures were approved, it was Rosemary's turn.

Rosemary modeled a three-quarter-sleeved, off-the-shoulder white cropped top, with a high-waist navy blue and white striped knee length skirt, tan wedges, and a navy blue cardigan. Her hair braided into a fishtail and placed over her shoulder. A natural makeup look. A gold anchor necklace and earrings. Rosemary enjoyed getting her picture taken, but soon enough it was Rory's turn.

Rory modeled black leggings with a long-sleeved, maroon sweater dress, with black ballet flats, gold hoop earrings and gold bracelet. Her hair was down in waves, with neutral make up. Rory, although didn't like the idea, had fun. Rory laughed at Steph and Rosemary who were goofing off by the buffet table after they changed. The photographer took many pictures of her laughing and Janelle approved many.

Janelle was in the confirmation room, selecting photos and creating the layout.

<time skip cause I got nothing else>

It was graduation and the girls were well known around the world as each their family heiress and models.

They were attending a Graduation party for all three of them which included all the other heirs and heiresses that were also graduating as well, plus the elders' friends.

It was held at Yale's campus ball room.

The girls were at the bar talking and there were some boys watching them.

Earlier in an expensive mansion...

"Logan! Come to my study, we need to talk." Mitchum boomed.

Logan was having dinner with his parents as a celebratory dinner for a successful deal at HPG.

Shira was reading a magazine that had three lovely girls in red carpet styled dresses on the cover. Honor, as well, was reading a magazine but a brunette with bright blue eyes was printed on the front.

Logan went to speak with father.

Honor and Shira glance at Logan then to each other, once Logan was far enough away they put the magazine's aside and talked.

"I think this Hayden Heiress is perfect for Logan." Honor said to her mother.

"Oh yes! She's perfect! Intelligent, well read, a lawyer, has journalism experience, blue blooded too. Perfect match!" Shira gushed.

"But how are we gonna get them together?" Honor asked.

"I'll talk to Emily and Francine. They have her graduation party this Saturday so it perfect! We'll get them to meet and then move forward from there."

Honor nodded.

Logan entered his father's study.

"What is it father?"

"You need to find a suitable wife soon, son." Mitchum said.

"What?! Dad!.."

"Logan! You will find a wife or there is an arranged marriage for you. You decide. You choose your bride or I will! And without a doubt I'm sure your mother has someone in mind for you to meet this Saturday at the Gilmore-Hayden-Vanderbilt-O'Conner Graduation Party."

Logan groans.

"You will be on your best behavior Saturday night!"

"Whatever. I need to go." Logan muttered and stormed off.


Logan, Finn and Colin were at the bar talking when three girls in mermaid dresses came up to get drinks while laughing. The boys stopped talking and stared at the girls.

The girls were laughing and seemed to enjoy themselves.

"So ladies, how's your evening going at this wonderful event?" Colin speaks first.

The girls stop laughing and turn to look at them.

Logan freezes as he sees the bright blue eyes, of the brunette, lock with his. Logan felt like he has seen her before, and her, him.

Rosemary and Steph were already getting along with Colin and Finn, but Rory and Logan were still staring at each other.

"Have we met before?" The two say at the same time. They start laughing.

"Um I'm not sure we've met, but I'm sure you've seen me around. You know billboards, magazines, ads that sorta thing."

Logan raised an eyebrow.

"I'm Rory Gilmore-Hayden. An international supermodel and up coming CEO of Hayden Law." Rory smiles.

Logan was speechless for a moment.

"Cat got your tongue?" a voice spoke from behind Logan, "Rory! It's so good to see you! How's your family?"

"Honor! It's been so long, good to see you. Family is great, although disagreements with the grandmother are often now a days."

"Hayden?" Honor asked.

"Gilmore." Rory sighs as she shakes her head.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine, nothing I haven't dealt with before. Anyways enough about me. How are you? How's Josh, last I heard you were all nervous for your date?"

"I'm good, Josh is great. I'll tell you a little secret... I'm pregnant."

"Honor! That's amazing! Is that why you were nervous on that date?"

"Yeah. I'm only eight weeks though, it's fairly knew and your the third person to know. Josh was obviously the first, and my baby brother here was the second." Honor says resting her arm on Logan's shoulder.

"Wow, Honor that's amazing. I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you. Now I must be off, Josh is somewhere around here and I need to get home. Pregnancy must hate me or something because I'm always so tired and my feet hurt so much." Honor says.

"Those are only a few side effects to a great outcome, Honor." Logan interjects.

"Yeah, and one side effect I'm not to fond of is waking up a 6 am to throw up every morning." Honor whined.

"Morning sickness is that bad?" Rory asked concerned.

"Yeah, but Josh has helped me through it all the way."

"That's good. Now go. You need your rest." Rory said shooing her off.

"Okay okay I'm going. Have fun with my brother!" Honor called over her shoulder.

Rory rolled her eyes, though a slight blush tinted her cheeks. She then turned to the bartender.

"Gin martini and keep them coming." Rory sighed and sat down.

"Rough night?" Logan asked.

"Yeah... haven't even had a decent drink at all tonight."

"Ah, well hope it gets better."

"I highly doubt that. With in the next hour I'll be swept up to go talk to more of family friends or whatever. I get no breaks."

"They should cut you some slack, you have a modeling career along with taking in a Law Firm that's a lot on one's plate."

"Not to Emily Gilmore."

Rory receives her drink and downs it.

"You might want to slow down there."

"I need at least three in my system before I'm dragged into the circles again."

Logan eyes her.

Just as Rory takes a sip of her newly refilled drink, her phone buzzed.

She rushes to grab it and sees it's from Janelle.

"Crap!" Rory mutters.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh Janelle, my manager. I need to go. Where's Steph and Rose?" Rory says looking everywhere around the ballroom.

"I saw Finn and Rosemary head somewhere near the bathrooms and Colin and Steph to the coat closet." Logan said sipping his scotch.

"Oh now that's just great." Rory huffed.


"Steph has the keys."

"I can take you if you want."

"No, no thanks. I'll just see if one of my drivers are available... oh, wait, Ryan is on his honeymoon, Francis is sick and Tyson is visiting family in Portland for a wedding. Dang. You know what, I'll ask mom for the keys. Wait, nevermind, she didn't bring her car. Ugh." Rory ranted.

"Hey it's okay. I can take you. Where do you need to go?"

"Nisa Modeling Agency. New York City."

"Isn't it like two blocks down from the New York Times office?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"My father and I are thinking of buying it."


"Yeah, it'll boost the stocks and would be a great asset to HPG."

"Oh I forgot, you're the junior Huntzberger. Lots of the single female models talk about you."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, it's gets really annoying because that's all they talk about."

"What do they say about me?"

"Nothing you should be concerned about."

"Come on, tell me."

"Ugh, fine. Some talk about you being hot and would love to be your girlfriend. A few, I swear, have secret shrines of you somewhere. I can tell that a couple just want to be with you just because of the money by how much they say things like, 'can you imagine all the shoes I could by? Or the most gorgeous house we'd live in?' I swear my, Steph and Rose are the only sane ones there."

Logan was smirking.

"Why are you smirking?" Rory asked.

"No reason."

"Uh huh, sure."

Logan laughs.

"Where in the equation do you stand?" Logan asked, focusing on the road ahead.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, nevermind." Logan brushes it, mentally slapping himself for letting that slip.

Rory shrugged it off at looked out the window.

After a long drive, Rory fell asleep in his car.

"Hey, Rory time to wake up." Logan said shaking her shoulder slightly.

"But I want more coffee." Rory whined in her sleep.

Logan laughed quietly.

"Rory. Wake up, we're here."

Rory didn't respond.

Logan sat there thinking of how to wake her up. Then an idea came to mind.

He looked over at her and heard her slight snore. He leaned closer and then slowly lifted her head towards them. Right when his lips hovered over hers and he leaned in closer he felt a light twitch, or more so a small sharp intake of breath.

"You're awake now, aren't you?" Logan asked and pulled away from her quickly.

Rory gasped, "Mean! You're such a tease."

"Oh so you were hoping you'd get a kiss from me? You know you could of asked. I wouldn't of denied."

"I was not! I didn't expect you to try and kiss me to wake up!" Rory gaped.

"Oh really? Then why didn't you push me away?"

"Well for one I was barely even awake the second time you tried to wake me and once I did you were about to kiss me! I wasn't in the right mindset!"

Logan just looks at her like 'That's the best you came up with?'

"You wanted me to kiss you." He stated smirking.

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"So you did." Logan had a big smirk plastered on his face.

"You tricked me!" Rory whined.

Logan laughed, "Okay, okay. We're here. What now?"

"I need to go in. You can leave if you want. I can crash at Janelle's tonight."

"No, I drove you here. The least I could do is drive you back and of course during the daytime. I have an apartment here, you can stay with me."

"I don't want to impose."

"You won't, now come on, let's get you inside."

Logan got out of the car and went to open the door on her side as she unbuckled.

"Aw such a gentleman." Rory said as she took his hand that he offered her as she got out.

"I try. Want me to escort you in?"

"If you want. I don't mind, it'll be boring though."

"I'll take my chances."

Logan offered his arm and Rory took it.

Paparazzi was everywhere and once they caught sight of the two they bombarded them with so many questions.

Rory and Logan were trying to maneuver out of the crowd when Rory suddenly trips on someone's foot.

Logan, at the right moment, caught her and in that exact moment looked like he dipped her for dramatic effect. Their faces were close.

"You okay?"

"Uh yeah, I'm good... I'd like to stand up now." Rory said with a flush on her cheeks.

"Wanna give the paparazzi a show?"

"Depends, what show- .."

Rory was cut of by Logan kissing her, she was in shock but slowly melted into the kiss. The paparazzi went crazy.

Logan broke the kiss a minute later smirking at her while Rory blushed madly. Logan chuckled and then stood her back up and guided her to the entrance where they were greeted by a suspicious Janelle.

"Hey lovebirds, mid breaking it up for a bit? Rory, we need you on the runway Laura twisted her ankle and can't walk. Where's Rose and Steph?"

"They couldn't make it... some... activities came up. If you know what I mean"

"Wha - Ohhh.... okay. Well then you'll be my star. Come, come. Your boyfriend can sit on the front row in the family and friends reserved seats."

"We're not- " they both started.

Janelle was walking away.


Rory and Logan went after her.

Logan was led to a seat, it was packed but there were a few seats available. Rory was taken to the changing area and got ready.

Girls were strutting down the aisle in the designer clothes with a serious facial expression. Then Rory got announced.

"Now presenting Nisa Modeling Agency with their Season Love Fashion Lines, Rory, wearing a day dress, a Janelle original in her Spring category."

Logan was secretly awe struck by her beauty as Rory confidentially strutted down the aisle and posing for pictures. 

More female models came out in the Spring Line clothing. Some girls noticed Logan and tried getting his attention by making kissy faces and winking. Logan was uncomfortable at that and was seemingly uninterested causing most of the girls to look angry and unflattering.

After everyone returned backstage, Rory was presented again for the Summer Line.

"Presenting Rory in a day dress Janelle original of the Summer category from NMA."

Logan was more than enjoying this in all aspects.

Rory, once she reached the end, she slyly winked at Logan. He caught it, and smirked at her.

Girls followed her in more clothing from the Summer Line. The styles were impeccable and so many people have already placed their orders.

"Presenting Rory, with a casual style, a Janelle original from the Fall category from NMA."

Logan got a message on his phone as Rory walked down the aisle. He ignored it until Rory was off stage. Once she went back behind the curtain he pulled out his phone. It was from his father.

Where are you?!

Logan texted back.

New York City. Rory, granddaughter of the Gilmore's and Hayden's, needed a ride to NMA for a fashion show and events tonight that need her appearance.

Logan got a quick reply.

Okay that's fine. Be sure to go to the events with her as well.

Logan was confused by that but before he replied Rory was called back.

"From the Winter category of NMA's own fashion. Here is Rory with a dress for evenings and events, a Janelle original."

Logan was speechless. Rory smiled at him, yet had a very slight smirk cross her lips.

-time skip-

Once done with fashion show, the after party started Rory changed into a Janelle original from the previous line.

"Well you look amazing." Logan spoke from behind Rory who was talking to a colleague.

Rory ended the conversation and turned around.

"Thank you. You look equally as amazing." Rory said being polite.

"Really? Cause this is the same suit I've worn all night."

Rory rolled her eyes as she smiled.

"So how long do we need to stay?" Logan asked.

"Bored already?" Rory teased.

"They don't have scotch."

"Of course."

"So... you didn't answer my question."

"We can leave right now if you want. Just hope that I don't get dragged into talking with anyone. Then we'll be here a while."

"Why? You talk a lot?" Logan smirked.

Rory shoots him a playful glare.

"No, my colleagues just tend to extend conversations longer than needed and if I'm dragged into a conversation then you'll be dragged into it and then we'll be here for a long time."

"Oh, well let's get out of here."

Logan and Rory sneakily get to the exit.

"Abandoning us already Ror?"

Rory spun around to see Janelle in her signature dress of the new line.

"Janelle, hi! We just - I really dont want to talk tonight it's been a busy and wild night. Do you mind if we- ?"

"Go. I'll cover you."

"Thank you! You're amazing."

"I know. Now go or else Ally, Tally, and Sally will attack your boy over here."

"Oh! Right. And who names their triplets all with -lly?"

"I don't know but apparently The Mourns do."

"Right. Well see you next time?"

"Tuesday. Luncheon with high buyers and advertising and foundations businessmen and women."

"Got it. See you then."

Rory then led Logan out of there and avoided the best of the paparazzi.

Logan drove them to his apartment.

"Guest room on the right, bathroom across the hall. My room is over here on the left if you need anything."

Rory nodded, "Thanks."

"No problem. Have a good night."

"You too." Rory smiled and then went to bed.

Logan smiled as her door shut.

Then he went to bed himself.

So I'm sure I could go further but I've been working on this for like two months now? Yeah. I also needed to update something for this book. And I have a few others in the works as well. Will try and update more when I can.

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