The Way Back

By nicksillume

25.5K 731 357

They had found each other years ago but drifted apart. Will they find the way back to each other? AU. More

Loose Ends
The News
Old Wounds
A Mother Knows
The Tickets
Dreams and Chains
Fault Lines
Brawls and Shawls
On the Mend
Silver Chain
An Honest Woman
Seeing Red
The Waiting
Lies Ahead
Her Perspective
Bulletproof Weeks
Coming Home
What Dreams May Come
Little Blessings
The Heart of the Matter
Destiny Rules - Epilogue

March Showers

717 23 9
By nicksillume

He knew the plan. The details had been worked out over a month ago. Lindsey had received the credit card statements for flights and hotel arrangements, gratefully footing the bill. His involvement for the day was simple, and he was overjoyed he hadn't had to come up with a lame excuse to get Stevie out of the house. As he sat in the waiting room and peered down at Stevie's blonde head, he doubted if today was the best day to have a surprise waiting for her. The alarm sounded off early – too early – for the awful three-hour glucose test. She had to fast, get blood drawn four times, and guzzle down a sickeningly sweet orange flavored solution. Lindsey sighed and stretched his legs out, watching Stevie carefully as she closed her book and drew her hand to her forehead.

"You okay?" he whispered to her and eased an arm around her shoulders. Lindsey glanced at his watch, ten minutes until the next draw.

She shook her head. "I'm dizzy," she admitted, relaxing against him and letting her eyes close. Thankfully, the nausea had subsided from having to chug the high concentrated glucose drink in five minutes.

"It'll be over soon," he assured and held her tighter. Lindsey knew it was torture. He didn't know what idiot thought it was a brilliant idea to starve, repeatedly poke, and make a pregnant woman wait.

"I hate being stuck here. They should really look into getting a manicurist in these places."

"What? Why?" Lindsey asked, brows rising in confusion.

"To help pass the time. I know I'm here because I failed the first test, but it could be like a day spa. I could have gotten a pedicure and a manicure within the first hour, Linds."

Lindsey snickered and shook his head. "Only you, Steph."

"Don't laugh at me. I could easily knock out two birds with one stone. Have a relaxing pedicure or a facial and be tested," she explained. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, trailing her fingertip along his jaw. "You know, you're handsome from this angle."

"Thanks," he responded.

"And you need to trim your nose hair."

"Yes, dear," Lindsey replied sardonically.

Stevie cackled and rested a hand over her belly. "When we get out of here, I want chicken enchiladas and refried beans," she told him.

Lindsey twisted his face at the mention of Mexican food. She'd sent him out for beef empanadas for a solid week, and the week before had been chiles rellenos. He wanted to toss his cookies when she'd mixed tomatillo salsa and vanilla bean ice cream late one night. He felt queasy recalling the mixture.

She frowned at the repulsed look on his face. "It's what the babies want."

"Steph, our kids are going to turn into refried beans."

"It's what the babies want," she repeated. "Are you going to deny your children what they want? What will they think when I tell them this years from now?"

Lindsey rolled his eyes at her tactics. She always used the babies as a way of getting him to do things, and he had to regrettably admit that it worked every single time. "And they'll get it," he promised and stood to his feet, carefully helping her up from her seat as her name was called for the second time during the morning. "Ready?"

"No," she mumbled and shuffled down the hall to the exam room with him.

Lindsey held her hand and read one of the posters on the wall of the room. The following draw wasn't as smooth as the first. He felt Stevie's sharp nails dig into the palm of his hand. Lindsey grimaced and flattened his palm over her back, rubbing back and forth between her shoulder blades. He leaned in, whispering in her ear. "Think of enchiladas."

She laughed and elbowed him playfully. "Shut up, Lindsey. Get me some water, please. I'm thirsty."

He nodded and watched the nurse put a band-aid over the new stick on Stevie's left arm. Lindsey walked down the hall and to the water cooler, grabbing a cup and filling it to the brim. He grumbled to himself as the receptionist approached him, requesting an autograph. Lindsey signed it quickly and smiled, picking up his pace to catch up with Stevie ambling back to the waiting area. He slipped his arm around her protectively and handed her the cup of water.

"Thank you," she murmured appreciatively and took a sip, falling into the cushions of the sofa. She nestled into his side and watched the television situated in the corner of the room. Stevie felt her eyes getting heavy and barely heard Lindsey instructing her to take a nap. She groaned at the noise of a shrill ring. "Why did you bring that?" she groused under her breath as Lindsey dug through her purse to retrieve his brick of a cellphone.

"I gotta take it," he informed her, recognizing the phone number instantly. "You'll be okay?"

Stevie irritably waved her hand at him and placed the empty cup on the table. She blew her bangs out of her eyes and tapped her nails against the side of her thigh impatiently. She picked up a magazine and flipped through it, glancing towards the door when Lindsey returned.

"Sorry. It was about tour dates," he disclosed and dropped his phone into her leather bag.

She stiffened at the mention of his tour. She knew it was happening, but it was the elephant in the room. Lindsey's album was finished, and she'd loved every song that he'd shared with her. Naturally, he would tour to support his second solo album, but Stevie hadn't wanted to think about his album coming out or him hitting the road. She was terrified of being left alone with two babies for months. "Oh?" she breathed out, trying to sound casual and turning a page.

Lindsey took the magazine from her. "Since I pushed the album coming out, I pushed the start of the tour," he revealed. Lindsey nodded as she gaped at him with wide eyes. "Yes, I pushed the release date. It's June 16th."

"Linds, you didn't have to do that. You've spent years making this album. It's important that you get it out there."

"Yes, I did have to. It is important, but there are other things that are more imperative. You'll need me. I'll have a handful of dates in December, but it won't really start until March. I'll be off the road in early April."

She felt her mouth fall open as he explained the plan for his tour in further detail. She shook her head in disbelief but smiled warmly at him. "Thank you," she whispered, placing her hands on either side of his face and pulling him in for a kiss.

As her tongue danced against his, Lindsey fought the urge to push her back onto the cushions, reminding himself they were in a doctor's office. He rested his forehead against hers and took a deep breath to calm himself. "I wanted to do it, Steph. My swimmers haven't ever had the best timing."

Stevie giggled. "You can say that again."

He smirked and let her burrow into him. She napped while he people watched until the third round. Lindsey hated the process, especially since it was a different person doing the draw. He watched the young phlebotomist treat Stevie like a pin cushion as she had difficulty finding a vein. "Is this your first day?" he snapped as Stevie winced and bit down on her bottom lip. He knew she would have a bruise.

"Lindsey," Stevie hissed, shooting him a pointed look. She could sense the girl's anxiety, and she couldn't help but think of Elisabeth. The phlebotomist looked like she was close to Libba's age if not older. Lindsey muttered to himself and folded his arms over his chest.

"I'm sorry," the young brunette stuttered. She was nervous. She'd recognized the two as soon as they came in. It wasn't every day that she had to draw blood from Stevie Nicks.

"You'll get it," she encouraged. "My veins are small."

"I'm very sorry. I'm usually better at this honestly."

"Honey, it's fine. A lot of people say I'm difficult, and you can too now. What's your name?"

"Amber," she answered.

Stevie smiled. "I wrote a song called Amber," she said. "Probably before you were born."

Amber shrugged her shoulders. "I know I look like I'm right out of high school, but I was born in 1970."

"My daughter was born in '71," Stevie said, continuing to talk to the woman. Lindsey shook his head as he listened to the conversation. Within minutes, Stevie had bonded with the girl over Tom Petty's music, and he slowly realized the purpose of the chatter. Stevie was putting the girl at ease the more she spoke to her. He scrubbed his hand over his face for being a jerk.

"I told you," Stevie said and held the cotton ball to her arm. "Will you be doing the last draw?"

Amber secured the band-aid on her patient's arm. "I'm not sure."

"I hope you do. Just remember I'm a normal person, and him," she said, pointing to Lindsey, "he means well. He just gets overprotective and comes off as an asshole without meaning to most of the time."

"I'm sorry," Lindsey apologized and helped Stevie up from the chair.

The last hour ticked by. He made a quick phone call before the last round of poking and prodding. He listened to Amber inform Stevie that she'd be called with the results within a week or less. Lindsey thanked her as Stevie trudged out of the room. He easily caught up her, listening to her complain about how long she'd have to wait to find out if she had gestational diabetes or not. He hooked his arm around her as she faltered in her steps to the car. "Steph," his voice was filled with concern as she trembled.

She gripped his hand. "I need food," she stated as she shook underneath his grasp.

He silently agreed and steered her to the car, getting her inside and closing the door. Lindsey settled into the driver's seat and leaned over, opening the glove compartment. He tore open a bag of animal crackers and placed them on her belly.

"You are the best," she confessed and popped a cracker into her mouth, moaning in delight.

"I figured you'd need a post-test snack." He cranked the car and pulled out of the parking space, traveling to the nearest Mexican restaurant. He maneuvered through traffic as she fumbled to find a radio station to her liking.

She reclined in the leather seat and stuffed the empty bag of animal crackers into the cup holder, expressing her appreciation again. Stevie glided her hands over her belly, feeling the rolls and punches. "I wonder if Libba's having a good time in Mexico."

"Probably," Lindsey answered, hitting his blinker and drifting into a turn lane. "Hasn't she been there a day or two?"

"I haven't called her. She gave me all the numbers to reach her."

"I know," he said softly and reached over, placing his hand atop hers and squeezing. "Baby, I know it's hard. She's on her own. She has an internship for this summer. We're starting over. I know you're worried about the changes, but I don't think you should be. We raised an amazing kid."

Stevie swallowed the lump forming in her throat. "Lindsey, I don't want her to feel left out. I know she's twenty and has her own life, but still...what if she stops calling because she thinks I'm too busy because of the babies? What will I do if she thinks I'm not there when she needs me? I'm terrified our relationship will change."

Lindsey turned into the restaurant's parking lot and eased the sedan into a space close to the entrance. He put the car in park, unclicking his seatbelt and turning to face Stevie. "Steph, there's no way in the world that Libba would ever think that. You've always been there. She knows that. If my reassurance isn't enough, talk to her. You've always had an open line of communication with her."

She dipped her head and blinked away the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She chewed on her lip and glanced at Lindsey unbuckling her restraint.

"Now, let's eat," he said and hopped out of the car, rushing over and opening her door. Lindsey requested a private booth and let Stevie have her fill of enchiladas and refried beans. He ignored her glare when he ordered a margarita. Lindsey looked at the bill and took out his wallet, paying and leaving a generous tip.

"What are we doing when we get home?" Stevie inquired, stifling a yawn.

"It's too early for that, Steves," he chided.

"I had to wake up at sunrise," she whined pitifully and tossed her hair over her shoulder.

"I know. Poor Stephanie," Lindsey joked and took her hand, kissing it. "I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"Sleep," she answered honestly and hoisted herself out of the booth. She stretched her back and rubbed gently. "And maybe talk you into giving me a massage."

"You got it," he said, pushing her hand out of the way. He kneaded the muscles on the short walk to the car.

On the drive home, Lindsey listened to her soft snores and chuckled to himself. "If you only knew what was waiting for you," he whispered. Lindsey parked the car in the garage and slid out of the seat. He opened the passenger door and leaned in, releasing her seat belt and lightly kissing her face. "Steph, we're home. Wake up."

She whimpered and raised her hand, palming his face and pushing him away. "Let me sleep here."

"No can do. C'mon, baby."

"Lindsey, leave me alone."

Lindsey sighed and shook his head. He retreated and straightened, placing his hands on his hips. She didn't move a muscle. "Goddammit," he cursed and bent, shoving his arm underneath her thighs as the other snaked behind her back.

Her eyes flew open as she felt his touch. "Lindsey!" she shrieked. "You can't! You'll throw out your back!" she screamed, locking eyes with him.

"Then get out of the damn car!" he demanded.

"Fine!" she ground out with a throaty groan and fussed about him not allowing her to sleep in the car. She smacked at his hands offering her assistance. "He knocked me up. I'm doing the heavy lifting, and he won't let me take a fucking nap in the car. He doesn't know how hard it is to get comfortable," she griped under her breath.

"I can hear you, Stevie."

"I don't give a fuck if you can hear me. I'm tired, and you don't care."

"I do care, but you can't sleep in the car. It would destroy your back," he countered as he followed behind her. "How about we don't talk to each other until your mood swing passes?"

"I am not having a mood swing!" she huffed and unlocked the door, pushing it open and crossing the entryway. Stevie froze in her steps as stared at a floral arrangement. She gazed at the white peonies, pink roses, blue wildflowers, and dusty miller in an understated crystal vase. Her breath hitched as she noticed the sign next to the floral arrangement. She cleared her throat, taking in the detail of the silvery moon and stars on a watercolor mix of pale pink and dusty blue hues. Welcome to Stephanie's Baby Shower. She felt her eyes water as she turned to look at Lindsey. "Did you do this?"

With a grin plastered on his face, Lindsey shook his head. "I'm not entirely responsible," he admitted and stepped to stand beside her. He peered into the living room, taking in the decorations that his better half hadn't noticed yet. He couldn't believe that it all had been pulled off in a short frame of time.

"Linds, who did this?" she inquired, dabbing at her eyes with the back of her hand.

Lindsey placed his hand on Stevie's shoulders and turned her around, pointing.

Elisabeth smiled at her mother and took steps towards her. "I'm guilty," she said, quickly closing the distance.

Stevie cried harder, staring at her daughter. Stevie put her hand over her heart and blinked, wondering if she was imagining things. Elisabeth was supposed to be on a beach in Mexico. "Elisabeth!" she squealed as her baby stood in front of her.

"Good surprise?"

Stevie nodded rapidly, wrapping her arms around her daughter and squeezing her as tight as she could. "You did all this?"

Libba shook her head. "I had help. I had no idea what to do when it came to a baby shower, so I had to call in reinforcements," she confessed.

Lindsey stole a hug from his daughter as soon as Stevie relinquished her hold. "You did a great job, kiddo," he praised and looked at Stevie, kissing her temple. "I'm going to get out of here. Enjoy your afternoon, angel. I love you."

"Thank you, and I love you," she told him, kissing him on the lips and watching him leave the house. Stevie wrapped her arm around Elisabeth's waist. "I can't believe you're here, and that you did all this for me."

"I wanted to do it, mama," she stated honestly. "I set it all in motion after you told me not to change my plans for break."

Stevie shook her head and tucked Libba's waves behind her ear. "You don't listen well sometimes."

"I get it honestly," she replied with a grin. "Are you ready for more surprises?"

"Baby, I don't know how you could top this surprise."

Elisabeth laughed softly and led her mother into the living room. She watched her look around the room, taking in all the little touches and decorations for the unexpected baby shower. Stevie reached out and pulled one of the balloons from the ceiling. She smiled softly, seeing her newest girl's sonogram attached to the pink balloon. She pulled a blue balloon down and smiled at the image of her son. "Libba, this is," she paused, clearing her throat. Stevie walked around the room, smiling tenderly at the silhouette cameos of a boy and girl above the white table anchored by more balloons. "It's perfect," she murmured.

The brunette glanced at her mother and ushered the guests into the room. She smiled at her grandmother. Barbara kissed her granddaughter's cheek before she snuck up on her daughter. Elisabeth glanced at her Aunt Lori and Aunt Sharon as they filed in.

"Honey, what is it?" Lori whispered to Libba.

"She's crying."

Sharon laughed softly. "It's a good cry. You really surprised her, Libba."

"But she hasn't even found out that grandpa's here yet, or that he and grandma will be staying for a few days, or that I'll be here until I go back to school, or..." she rattled, glancing at her mother greeting each guest.

"Stevie will love every surprise, but she'll cry about each one. Her emotions are running high. It's the hormones," Lori enlightened her niece.

Elisabeth dipped her head in a short nod. She'd heard from her father that her mother could cry at the drop of a hat, but she thought he was overexaggerating. She floated around the room, mingling with the guests and nibbling on the appetizers. Libba finished off a cupcake and dropped onto the sofa next to her mom. "Having fun?"

Stevie laced her fingers with her daughters and kissed the back of her hand. "I am. I had to sit down for a minute." She laughed, overhearing Christine complain about the lack of alcohol. "I can't drink. Neither can you, McVie," she yelled to her bandmate.

Libba chuckled at the British blonde raising her middle finger towards her mom. She played with the pendant of her necklace. "I have no idea what sort of games there will be. I let Aunt Lori and Aunt Sharon handle that part."

"Oh Jesus," her mother mumbled. She didn't want to imagine what silly games her two friends had decided to do for the shower.

"I know," Libba responded with a light laugh. "I asked them not to go overboard."

"You wasted your breath. Libba, give me your hand."

"Huh?" she questioned and her perfectly plucked brows arched in confusion.

Stevie took her daughter's hand and placed it on her belly. "Wait for it," she instructed.

Elisabeth jerked her hand back and looked at her mother with surprised eyes. "Oh my God," she gasped and put her hand back. "Is that my brother or sister?"

"That's your brother. He's going to take after your father."

"Seems so. It's like he's moving around like daddy does onstage sometimes."

Her mother nodded and pushed Elisabeth's hand over a few inches. "Your little sister is over here."

"I don't feel anything, mama."

"He'll keep going and get her started."

The twenty-year-old patiently waited for the movement and grinned from ear to ear when she felt the jab. "I hate I've missed this being at school," she whispered.

"You're here now, Libba."

"And the rest of the week."

"Elisabeth Rhiannon, you aren't going to Mexico at all?"

"Nope. It's my break, and I'd rather be here getting to spend time with you and getting to know my siblings even if they're still in the womb."

Stevie opened her arms and closed them around her little girl, rocking her gently. "Libba, you're one of a kind. Don't ever change," she requested and kissed the top of her head.

"I won't, mama," Elisabeth answered and sat up, standing to her feet. "Ready for games and gifts?"

"In a minute, angel," she said as Libba was beckoned by both of her grandmothers. Stevie looked around the room at all her friends and family gathered to celebrate her and the twins. She felt overwhelmed at the show of love and support, especially from Elisabeth. She took a deep breath and swiped her fingers underneath her eyes, careful of her makeup. Stevie shook her head in amusement as Sharon and Lori forced her from the couch, leading her over to begin the games and enjoy the remainder of the baby shower.

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