University (BoyxBoy)

By gilandalv

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Jared is from a small town in east Texas. He recently started college and is new to the city. He came out to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Nine

Chapter Seven

266 12 5
By gilandalv

AN: I'm back bitches! Did you miss me? Well three of you did at least. Guys!!!! I had totally forgotten about this story! I had written it about a year and a half ago and stopped posting it because nobody seemed to be reading it! Thank you to those readers who contacted me and encouraged me to upload. Here is chapter 7! There are three more chapters I have written and I hope to continue the story further. But for now, please enjoy this chapter!!!!! Much luv <3

CH. 7

The weekend was a bore after that. I spent Saturday night eating cheetos and playing video games with Keaton. I didn’t tell him about Dustin. Actually, I didn’t tell anyone. Not even, Fallon, who kept begging me to go out with a guy in her psych class the whole next day.  On Sunday, Fallon and I went to the Laundromat to wash my weeks-worth of dirty clothes. It was something we did every Sunday. Like our little tradition. It also included heading over to Target for groceries and necessities, and then finishing the afternoon off with a big burger at TGI Fridays. We did this every Sunday. And it was actually making me thicker and my wallet thinner. I needed a job. During the summer I lifeguarded the community pool. It played very well and it was a fun job. I was able to save a couple bills for college. But apparently, it wasn’t enough. I needed to find a job. I was going to spend all my time looking for one.

Monday morning was a drag. As always!!! But at least I had the evening to look forward to. I had planned a very romantic evening for us tonight. I reserved us a separate table in a cozy, four-star, steakhouse restaurant a couple miles away from campus. We would have to drive, but Dustin had a car. It felt a little weird that I was taking him out, and he was going to have to drive us. Whatever, he won’t mind. Anyhow, the reservations were at 8:00. The restaurant was pretty pricey, but I was willing to spend as much money on Dustin as I had to, and I was, seeing as I had promised to do whatever to make him mine. All the more reason to look for a job.

Anyway, time was flying by and it was now 6:45. Time to get ready. I had showered that morning and I didn’t sweat or anything, so I figured a good layer of deodorant would suffice. I put on the nicest dress shirt I had. I had a pair of black slacks and I wore those as well, along with my shiny black church shoes. I’m not bragging but I looked good. At a moment like this I’d say I was a good 8½ maybe even a 9. Whereas Dustin was a 10 at all times of the day. I had texted him today between classes. “Hey. I made reservations at 8 at Hoemann’s. Dress nice. I’ll meet out downstairs at 7:30. Oh and we have to take you car, hope you don’t mind.” I couldn’t wait to see him. And neither could he, I gathered from his text. “Sounds spectacular. I’m looking forward to seeing you all dressed up tonite. And yes, we can totally take my car.”

I spray on some of my finest cologne and make sure I have my phone, my wallet, and some breath mints, you know, in case he gets…frisky!

Dustin’s POV

I’m here a bit early. It’s 7:27. I wanted to be here first so I could get chance to check Jared out as he would walk down the stairs. Kind of like the very end of Titanic, except it wouldnt’ve a dream and Jared hadn’t sunk down to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. I hear footsteps. It was him, wearing a nicely fitted navy blue button-down shirt. He had on black slacks that hugged his crotch just right. I tried not stare or imagine how long and thick he was. His hair was different than I had seen it. It was usually swept across his face like a better version of the old Justin Bieber look. But tonight it was combed back, slick and shiny. Sort of like Blaine’s from glee, but it looked way sexier on Jared. He made his way down to the floor. I got closer to him. I went over for a kiss on the cheek, unfortunately he went for the hug and I ended up smooching his neck. Awkward. He smelt really good though. Too god for me to back off of him. I did…eventually.

“Shall we head to the car?” I waived my hand in front of me, signaling him to walk before me. We walked down to the east parking lot, where I kept my car. The whole time we were just nervously complimenting each other’s outfits and hairstyles. I have to say I did look pretty good myself. Like Jared I also wore a button-down shirt, except mine was under a gray v-neck sweater, with only the collar and the cuffs of the shirt peeking out. I wore some nice khakis that made my bum look big. Hehe. I caught Jared staring. I also wore my brand new Johnston & Murphy brown leather loafers. I was waiting for a special occasion to put them on. Tonight was more than special.                                                    

He told me he had made reservations for us at Hoemann’s one of the finest, most exclusive steakhouses on this side of the city. It was the kind of place you took your girlfriend to propose. Yeah, pretty fancy. We got to the restaurant and parked under the car park, whilst a young man, about our age, in a shiny red suede jacket opened my door. I handed them the keys. Valet parking…fancy. Although my ’06 Chevy Cobalt was a stick in the mud compared to the nice Porsches and Mercedes parked in the lot.

I walked into the restaurant, behind Jared and stopped once we reached a woman behind a mahogany wood podium. “Good evening young gentleman. Do you have a reservation?” she cut to the chase. Most people have to make reservations two or three days in advance to get a table at a place like this. Even on a Monday at 8pm.

“Yes of course,” Jared spoke. “Matthews, table for two, at 8:00,” he did make the reservation. And he made it under his last name like a mature man. How adorable. The lady then proceeded to look at a clock hanging from the wall beside her. 7:50. Ten minutes early. Phew. I’ve heard people say they cancel your reservation if you are only a minute late. Things seemed to be running smoothly. We followed an older bald-headed man in uniform to a small table in the back of the restaurant. The restaurant had dimmed lights and every table was candlelit and had a crystal vase with a rose as a centerpiece. Incredibly romantic. No other person has ever done something like this for me. And to think it was only our second date. Jared had swept me right off my feet.

We were handed two one paged menus printed on cardstock. Very cache. I quickly zoomed down the menu focusing only on the prices. Damn. Nothing below $20. Well except for the drinks and a bowl of soup at $15.99. Outrageous! My face must have pulled an expression of surprised because Jared had noticed. “Don’t worry. It’s on me. Order whatever you like. I insist.”

I wasn’t a cheap-o but I was just really taken back by the fact that Jared was willing to wine and dine me at all expense. Now I ain’t sayin’ I’m a gold-digger, but I ain’t messin’ with no broke nigga. Excuse me.

The bald headed man was back for our drink order. I wanted a nice glass of chardonnay but figured it wouldn’t be fair to Jared since he is still under-age. I wasn’t going to order soda because that would seem tacky at a nice place like this, and if I ordered water, Jared would think I was being cheap and not make him spend money on me. Yeah, drink orders are quite complex.

“Peach-Raspberry Iced Tea for me please.” I made a pretty good choice.

“Same,” said Jared. I hoped that was a good thing.

“I will be right back with your beverages and take your entrée order,” spoke the bald man. “but first, any appetizers or antipasti before we begin?”

Jared looked over at me raising en eyebrow. “Oh no thank you. I don’t want to spoil my appetite.” This was partly true; a big appetizer or antipasti would make me less hungry. But mainly it would mean Jared having to order an extremely over-priced plate.

“None please.” Jared smiled at the man and he walked off.

“This is really beautiful Jared,” I said to him as I took a look around the small restaurant. “I really appreciate it.”

“You’re totally welcome. A great guy like you deserves to be treated best.” He placed his hand over mine. I might have jazzed a bit. Aaahh. All sexual feelings apart, it really was amazing being treated like this. It showed me that Jared really would care about me. That he would have a connection with me and be focused on me and not my body. Jared seems to be the perfect guy. The perfect boyfriend. Perfect husba… I’m getting too ahead of myself. Yes he was all those things. But I had just come out of a reckless relationship and I promised I would wait a while before I took things seriously with another person. But somehow I had a feeling that Jared would change my mind.

Jared’s POV

The bald man brought us our drinks. And Dustin and I let out a simultaneous thank you. “Are you decided on your meals this evening?” Everything the man said seemed so cordial. It quickly got annoying. “Why yes of course, kind sir, you.” I said in my most posh accent. It must’ve been funny hearing me talk like that; me a silly country boy from East Texas trying to sound all sophisticated and stuff. It was funny because from the corner of my eye I could see Dustin turn red and grab a napkin to cover his laughter. “I myself will have the 12oz porterhouse, with green beans and mashed potatoes on the side. . . Wait! Make that, potatoes au gratin, instead please, kind sir, you.” Dustin laughs again. I had no clue what potatoes au gratin were but they sounded like a fancier choice than plain ole mashed p’taters. And as to the porterhouse, a boy can treat himself can’t he? Besides, I had enough money to cover dinner that is unless Dustin orders a bunch of fancy things I don’t know about. That indeed would be embarrassing.

But no, instead he simply opts for the “Smoked Salmon, with steamed rice and a house salad, thank you.”

 Our dinner was out shortly and I dug right in, not even bothering to care about the way I looked scarfing down huge chunks of meat at a time. I could see Dustin chuckling at me every once in a while, taking a napkin and wiping my face. It was kind of our thing now. I just smiled and kept eating, trying to copy the way he ate. He was very proper, using different utensils for different food items, and then patting his lips with a napkin ever so often. For a guy who claims to never have been here, he seems to fit in quite well.

It wasn’t long before I was done eating. And shortly after, Dustin had finished too. We sat there in the candlelight gazing at each other endlessly. For a moment it felt like Dustin was as in to me as I was in to him. And I was very into him.

The waiter came again and at this point I was pretty ticked off. It’s not like he did anything but he just seemed to keep ruining our alone time. “Would you care for any dessert gentleman?” he dragged over a cart with dozens of small plates laid on three different racks. They all looked exquisitely delicious. I looked over to Dustin and saw his eyes light up, especially when he fixed them on a plate of raspberry cheesecake on the corner. I fought against my urge to grab the plate from the cart myself, and instead used a knife to point at the dessert I wanted. “We’ll have the raspberry cheesecake please.” The man grabbed the plate and set it in front of me. Then he went for another one, and just as he was going to set it in front of Dustin, Dustin stopped him. “We’ll be sharing. Can I have a spare spoon?” He was handed a spoon. I didn’t know if he was being cheap and felt bad for ordering the salmon, which I honestly didn’t mind, or if he thought it was more romantic for us to share, like we did at the coffee shop. I hoped for the second one. And I think I was right. Sharing a plate of dessert was more intimate. Instead of the one we shared at the coffee shop, where we each ate from a side, this one we shared completely. Each of spooning same amounts of cheesecake and raspberry filling. At one point 
Dustin spooned a small chunk and fed it to me. I blushed a little; hoping there weren’t any people around us grossing out.  

Again I noticed the gold bracelet he had on. I decided to ask him about it. “Are those your initials?” pointing to his wrist with my spoon.

“Yeah…” he sighed. “Dustin Isaac Jenner.” Long pause. “My grandma got it made for me when I was born, eventually I grew out of it and stopped wearing it. She died, about 3 years ago, from pancreatic cancer.  I had enlarged so I could wear it again. It’s like she’s always with me… I never take it off.”

“I’m sorry to hear that…”

We finished our cheesecake and then asked for the check. I gave Dustin a death glare when I saw him reach into his pocket. I was not letting him pay a dime. To my surprise I only spent about $70, as opposed to the $150 I thought I was going to spend. What? I’ve never been to a place like this.

I had nothing else planned for that night. It was 10:30 though. We could have gone out for drinks, but I’m still 19. So no. We waited at the carport for the valet to bring Dustin’s car back. We hopped in and I caught Dustin sneak a $20 into the man’s pocket. Eh, I’ll let him have that.

We drove back to campus. To my surprise, Dustin stopped at the front of the west entrance rather than park in his usual parking space. “Why are you parking here?”

“Oh, I have to stop by to pick something up later. I’ll be a while. So I thought I’d just drop you off here. I hope that doesn’t make me sound dick-ish.”

“No. It’s fine.” It did sound dick-ish and I was a bit upset. Why would he just leave me here like that? Why couldn’t he walk me to my dorm and give me goodnight kiss like before? What the hell was he going to pick up this late? Did he have another date? These questions roamed through my head, making me a go queasy.

“Listen, I really had a good time tonight. Nobody’s ever treated me so special.”

Yeah right, I’m sure you’ll say the same crap to the other guy you’re seeing tonight, I thought. “Yeah,” was all I said.

Dustin seemed very suspicious and anxious, like he was hiding something. Maybe he is getting back with Bullshit Bryce. That was the nickname I had come up with for his ex. Quite funny and ingenious of me.

Could he really be playing me? My theories were all proved wrong when I felt Dustin grab my shirt and pull me close. He had a strong grip. We were now face-to-face.

“I mean it Jared, thank you.”

I was going to say you’re welcome, but I couldn’t seeing that Dustin’s luscious lips were now pressed against mine. Holy fuck! He’s kissing me. I start freaking out in my head but I let my manly instincts take over. I’ve kissed plenty of ladies in my day, mostly for fun or practice. But Dustin was my full boy on boy kiss.

His hot lips sucked on mine. He kept breaking the kiss and coming back for more, smiling in between kisses. Oh god he could have me. I slid my hand up from my lap to his face and then to the back of his hair, running my fingers through those golden locks of his. I moaned in satisfaction. And Dustin took that as an opportunity to slip his tongue inside my mouth. No complaints here. His tongue circled inside my mouth. I felt tingly all over. He tasted so amazing. He tasted like a man. The kiss was so steamy and passionate. I had grown a full-on boner and knew I had to do something about it later, with or without Dustin. We kissed for about a whole two minutes. I think he looked over at the clock on the dashboard and that’s why he pulled away. He struggled a bit to pull away as I was still nibbling on his bottom lips, something Brooke had taught me.

He chuckled when I finally let go. “It’s getting late and I really need to go.”

I was still a bit loopy from the kiss. “Huh? Oh okay, I’ll leave you to your business.” I snapped out of it. God that was amazing. I turned away and unbuckled my seatbelt, then reached for the door handle. “Jared, wait!”

Like the previous time, Dustin again pulled on my shirt and brought me back over to his face. He is strong. He kissed me again, this time the kiss was slower and sweeter. He was now sucking on my bottom lip as we parted, our foreheads still touching.

“Call you tomorrow?” he cupped my chin and raised my head to meet his stare.

“Yes.” I responded. Then he pecked my lips once more and let out a long sigh of happiness as I back away from him, his eyes still closed. God I could just kiss him all night. “Bye” I got off and shut the door. I looked back over to the car, Dustin still staring at me. I put my hand to my face in the shape of a phone and mouth the word call. He nodded his head and smiled. Jesus Christ. I still had a boner and so I ran back to the dorm house before it went away.

Dustin’s POV

I hated having to leave him like that, but I was already half an hour late to work. Mondays, or gay nights, were always the busiest nights at Retro. And since I was the only bartender on staff tonight, I had to speed on over there.

I thought of Jared the whole ride to work. God he was a great kisser. He made me melt when he nibbled on my bottom lip. Just thinking about him made me hard. The way he treated me tonight, all gentleman-y, I felt like putty in his hands. If it weren’t for work I would have gone down on him right there in my car. Fuck. I have to get rid of this boner before I walk into Retro. Most of the regulars knew I was in a relationship and wasn’t into flirting, but there were always those new guys who came on to me and even got touchy sometimes. 

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