Never Again - Ruby Rose x Mal...

By Pie-inator

89.8K 996 784

Due to a tragic incident that took place in Haven Academy, (Y/N) (L/N) was forced to move to Vale. After bein... More

Welcome To Vale
First Impressions
Dust Hike Brawl
Best Day Ever
Unfolded Past
Unfolded Past II
Proposing for a Dance
Swaying Preparation
Swaying Preparation II
Dancing with Fire
Stocking Up
A Close Encounter
Down Under
Brace for Impact
Last Stand

You Belong

10.6K 106 164
By Pie-inator

Your POV

I'm currently in a Bullhead, on the way to Beacon. I told my parents about the offer last night and they were thrilled to find out, not to mention Dad made me spar with him for "preparation". They sent me off earlier this morning, but not without new dust variants for my arsenal.

"You must be very skilled to be accepted this late." The Bullhead driver snapped me out of my thoughts as he spoke up.

I stay silent for a few second before speaking up.

"I'm not so sure about that, probably just got lucky."

The driver simply chuckled and gave a thumbs up.

"Well whatever the reason is that you got in, make it count kid. There are many out there who need to be protected by the evil that surround us."

I simply smiled and nodded, but deep within I'm somehow starting to regret getting on this Bullhead. I'm not entirely sure if I can get myself into that academy.

Ozpin's POV

I was reviewing the footage we were able to get from the pursuit the other night, when Glynda caught my attention.

"The Bullhead should arrive here anytime now." She said sternly. "But what made you decide on allowing that boy in here?"

"It's very simple Ms. Goodwitch," I said taking a sip from my coffee. "Take a look at the security footage we took of him during the dust robbery."

"I'm aware of that Professor, but we have many students who are as skilled as him." She countered. "Don't tell me you're doing this just because of the inci-"

"No, it's not just because of that." I said in a serious manner. "It was not Mr. (L/N)'s fault that it happened, we cannot blame the boy for something he had no control over."

I stood up from my desk and looked out the window, I spot the bullhead dropping off (L/N) as we speak.

"He's here, you wouldn't mind escorting him up, won't you Ms. Goodwitch?" I said in a less serious tone.

Your POV

I look around and take in the new environment I was in, everything was definitely a lot different, it feels more open. I saw a lady with blonde hair approach me, so I place down my bag and extended my hand. She gladly shook it, but still kept a stern face.

"Mr. (L/N), follow me please." She motioned to me.

We made our way towards an elevator, it looked high-tech, didn't have much of these back in Haven. As we got to the top, I was greeted by Professor Ozpin who was staring out the big glass window.

"Welcome to Beacon, Mr. (L/N)." He faced towards my direction and casually to a sip from his, what I assume must be coffee. "How do you like it here so far?"

"It's been alright so far, professor." I smiled. "The environment feels really different from my old academy, it feels open and free here.

"Pleased to hear that you like it here so far." He smiled back. "Let's get down to business shall we?"

He sat down on his desk and motioned me to take one of the free seats in front of him.

"Before you can officially become a student here at Beacon, you will be placed under probation." He stated.

My body tensed as he said those words, but the professor must've noticed.

"Don't worry, you're not being put under probation for the reason you're thinking." He reassured. "It's just a rule, that anyone entering the academy past initiation must be observed, to see if the student meets the requirements to permanently stay here.

"Y-Yes, sir." Was all I could say.

"We've been informed regarding your leave from Haven, and I personally believe that it was done prematurely and unprofessionally." His voiced deepened. "Especially for something you had no control over."

I was surprised at Professor Ozpin's statement; it was definitely something I didn't expect.

"I'll be assigning you to HWPE (Hope), who needs a new member. I'm assigning you as team leader as well, to observe your capability as a former leader." Ozpin explained.

"What happened to their old leader?" I asked curiously.

"I'll let your new team fill you in regarding that." He said in a bit more serious tone. "It's best if you ask them instead."

I simply nodded with a determined expression.

"Very well then, now that you're settled," Ozpin took a longer sip from his coffee and smiled. "I'll have Ms. Goodwitch show you to your team. Once again, Welcome to Beacon Academy."

I thanked Professor Ozpin before we left his office, I honestly don't know what to expect after what he told me. We arrived at a hall which had a bunch of rooms along it, we stopped not that far from the end of it.

"Here we are Mr. (L/N), make yourself at home. However, this may be a shock for them as well." Goodwitch said as she took her leave.

The feeling of dread took over as I knocked at the door. It was uncomfortably quiet, until someone opened the door. It was a girl almost as tall as me, and I'm around 5'9". She has light gray hair that was tied into a ponytail and has a pale complexion and white eyes. She wears a black turtleneck with the sleeves pulled up halfway along her arms, a white skirt with matching black knee length heeled boots. She stared at me for a few seconds before slamming the door shut.

"Wintria, who was it?" I heard a male voice from within. "Why'd you slam the door close?"

The door slowly opened, revealing a boy who probably stood over 6 feet tall. He has a tan complexion with a dark brown faux haux. He has a rather buff build and blue eyes, someone who I definitely wouldn't want to mess with. He's wearing a dark blue shirt with a hooded black vest over it, black pants with matching black shoes.

"You must be (Y/N) (L/N), come in." he said in a surprisingly friendly tone. "The name's Perseus by the way."

I made my way into the room and saw the girl from earlier facing away and had her arms crossed, on her bed.

"I guess you already met Wintria," Perseus joked nervously. "I sincerely apologize for her behavior."

I look over to the bed opposite of Wintria's and saw a playing video games. The girl must've noticed me, because she glanced towards my direction. What happened next threw me off guard.

"Hey there!" the girl exclaimed in excitement. "You must be the new guy, nice to meet you!"

She got off her bed and extended her arm towards me, I gladly shook it and smiled. "I'm Etsuki, what's your name?"

"I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you as well." I said shyly.

Etsuki stood rougly at 5'5" and had black-neck length hair. She has a black bow on the side of her head, and wears an army green jacket with black skinny jeans and boots. She has a fair complexion with hazel eyes. She seems friendly, complete opposite of Wintria to be exact.

"Come on Wintria get over here!" Etsuki yelled called for her. "Let's give (Y/N) a big welcome!"

"You two can do that yourselves, I'm going out." Wintria said as she walked out the door.

"Did I.. do something wrong?" I asked a bit saddened.

"Don't worry about it, she's just getting to know you better. That's all." Perseus reassured. "She's probably just still upset over our former leader's actions."

"Professor Ozpin mentioned about your former leader, but he never went into details." I added. "It was probably for the best, I honestly don't feel like I belong here..."

"Cheer up (Y/N)," Etsuki smiled. "Hunter was an ass anyway."

"Watch your language Etsuki." Perseus scolded. "But she's right.. he was an ass."

I could feel the tension when the topic was brought up, I felt my heart sank.

"I shouldn't have mentioned anything. I'm sorry." I said as I ran out the room.

I could hear the both of them yelling for me to come back, but I kept running. I eventually made it outside the dormitories and ended up somewhere near the cafeteria. I sat on the side of the wall and pulled my knees towards me face. I sat there for what felt like an hour, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and to my surprise, I saw two silver eyes looking at me with concern.

"Are you alright?" the girl tried to reassure me. "I'm Ruby Rose, I'm the leader of team RWBY."

I looked at her confused and she blushed.

"I know what you're thinking, my team is called exactly like me. What were the odds, right?" she giggled nervously. "Mind if I sit down beside you?"

"Go ahead..." I said in a monotone voice.

"You don't look familiar, are you new here?" she asked curiously. "You also seem upset, did something happen?"

"I just got here this afternoon, my stay here hasn't been that great since." I moped.

I felt something embrace me and as I looked up, it was Ruby. She let go rather quickly right after.

"I-I'm sorry, it's just that no one deserves to feel sad." She said nervously. "I'm sure your team is looking for you right now."

As if on cue, I heard Wintria yell my name.

"There you are; we've been looking all over for!" she scolded. "The other two told me what happened, alright."

Wintria stopped in her track as she noticed Ruby sitting next to me, a smirk suddenly grew on her face.

"I-It's not what it looks like, I swear." I said nervously. "Ruby was just concerned, because she saw me all depressed on the ground.

"Well that's one way to put it." Wintria scratched the back of her head. "Anyway, let's head back you two, it's almost dinner. Not to mention you haven't unpacked your stuff yet (Y/N)."

Ruby and I stood up, dusting ourselves off, and the three of us headed back towards our rooms. Dinner went rather well, Ruby introduced me to her team, as well as team JNPR. Yang couldn't help but notice Ruby and I sitting beside each other and started to tease, with everyone joining in as well. It's not that I don't like her or anything, Ruby's adorable and I'm just two years older than her which doesn't make it that weird-- No, what am I thinking, we just met!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Etsuki started snapping her fingers.

"Remnant to (Y/N), do you copy?" she said sarcastically. "You've been like that since we left the cafeteria."

"(Y/N) must be thinking about Ruby, aren't 'cha buddy?" Perseus teased.

"I mean, you two look cute together." Wintria added. "You'd probably make a cute couple."

I just sighed and unpacked my clothes, Perseus showed me the free space in the closet where I could place my stuff in. The rest of the night were just further formal introductions and stories, the team also decided to open up regarding their old leader; Hunter Acker.

"Long story short; he left us and ran in our time of need." Perseus concluded their story. "Surrounded by a ton of Grimm."

"Perseus and Wintria did their best to protect me, when I fell unconscious." Etsuki said in a sad tone. "We couldn't believe that he abandoned us."

Tears started to from on Etsuki and Wintria's eyes, I couldn't help but hug them. I looked at Perseus and he was hesitant, before he decided to join in on the group hug.

"I hereby swear that as a leader, I will do everything to protect you guys." I could feel myself tense up, but did the best I could to remain calm.

"W-We should probably get some rest; we have combat training tomorrow morning." Wintria said as she wiped the remaining tears off her face.

"There's one problem though." Etsuki added. "Where's (Y/N) gonna sleep?"

"Right... forgot we got rid of Hunter's bed out of anger a few weeks back..." Perseus explained.

"It's no trouble guys, I can always lay down on the floor." I spoke up.

"Are you sure?" Wintria said with concern. "The floor can get cold and it embarrassing on our part that we destroyed your only bed."

"It's fine, don't worry about it." I reassured them.

Everyone got settled into their beds as Wintria turned the lights off. The floor wasn't that uncomfortable, just wished that I had a pillow.

"Hey (Y/N), you still up?" I heard Wintria ask.

"Yeah?" I answered. "What's up?"

I then felt something soft hit my face, it was a pillow.

"Consider it as an apology, for how I behaved earlier." She explained. "Good night."

I thanked Wintria for her act of kindness before drifting off to sleep, my day ended up being not so bad after all. Maybe combat training will help me feel more at home.



A/N: Second Chapter concluded. Hope you guys enjoyed!

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