Personal Experience

By TSDBlackBelt

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Written by @AndreaLotter and myself. This is a story about a young girl who knows the boys of One Direction;... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Twenty-Six

153 0 0
By TSDBlackBelt

*Harry’s P.O.V.*

I’m woken up by the sunlight shining through my window. Our window. This house is now Colleen’s too. She’s not completely wrapped in my arms anymore, just one of mine draped lazily over her hip. I turn my face to look at her with her back towards me. I love the curves on her body. Her hourglass shape molding perfectly with the bed. I pull my arm towards me so I can trace her skin with the tips of my fingers. I start at her knee feeling the softness of her skin. As I shimmy closer towards her I lift the hem of her nightgown. After I roll her onto her back I press my lips against her pelvic bones causing her to giggle in her sleep. I slide my hand up higher over her stomach; it nearly covering her entire abdomen. I move my lips over the lingerie covering her body. I drag the tip of my nose through the crevice of her breast. Her eyes flutter open looking at me.

“Good morning, Harry,” she says placing her hand in my hair.

“Good morning, Love,” I kiss her chest. I rest my chin there as the two of us talk for nearly an hour; Colleen continuously playing with my hair. “Tour starts tomorrow,” I sigh. “Are you ready for it?” She shrugs her shoulders. Our eyes never leaving one another. “You know the fans wanted to meet you last night?”


“Yea. A lot of them said you’re really pretty; and of course I agree,” I laugh kissing her chest again. “Maybe it’ll be the best tour ever with you by my side.”

“I never thanked you for last night.”

“Colleen you don’t have to thank me for tha-”

She cuts me off, “I meant the show, silly,” she giggles.

“Oh. You’re welcome. I’ve had that planned since the day we lounged on the beach together and you started singing.”

“Oh really?”

“Mmhmm.” The two of us continue to stare at each other when my phone goes off. “Hello?” I answer.

“Hey, Haz!” Andrea says excitedly through the phone. “What are you two up to today? I hope you’re not just getting up!”

“No, we’ve been up for about an hour or so now,” I laugh.

“Cool. So I was wondering if we’re still on for dinner tonight.”

Colleen nods her head smiling. “Sure we’ll be there. Just text me the details.”

“Okay, we’ll see you tonight!”

“Bye Andrea.”

“Bye Harry.”

“Other than dinner, what shall we do today?”

“MmMmm,” she shrugs. “Stroll through the park?”

“Sure,” I smile. We get dressed; both of us in t-shirts, skinnies and converse. It’s a beautiful day in London today, 22°C. A wonderful day for a stroll. We intertwine our fingers as our feet touch the pavement. An hour passes and no one has bothered us like I expected.

“Harry…” she grips my hand tighter.

“What is it, baby girl?” I look down at her. I follow her gaze, “Oh.” Well, it was nice while it lasted. Fans start to scream as we come to a halt.

“Hi Harry,” some girls come right up.

“Hello girls,” I reply smiling pulling Colleen closer to me.

They all glance between Colleen and me. “You’re pretty,” one giggles.

“Thanks,” Colleen says shyly.

As I let go to sign autographs and take pictures some of the fans step aside to talk to my girl. I keep a watch on them to make sure nothing happens. “What’s your absolute favorite song of theirs?!” one asks Colleen excitedly. Most of them are smiling, but the other hold neutral looks on their faces not seeming to know how to think about this.

“Through the Dark,” she smiles playing with her bracelet.

“That’s so pretty!” one says looking down.

I smile watching her interact with the fans. “Harry got it for me…” she brushes a piece of hair behind her ear. “He gave it to me a few nights ago when he asked me to be his girlfriend…”

“You weren’t when those pictures showed up everywhere?” they ask surprised.

“No. I’m a little old fashioned…”

“Can we see it?” Colleen holds out her arm; forearm down hiding her scars. The girl examining it gently touches the gold bracelet wanting to flip it over to see it fully. Colleen nonchalantly tugs her arm back obviously not wanting to show the other side of it.

“It’s pretty, just like you,” another fan says. “I really hope you two are truly happy together.”

I smile taking her back into arms as everyone else leaves, “I think we are,” I say as they wave goodbye. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” she smiles.

“That went really well.” We continue to walk through the park as my phone goes off with Twitter updates. The pictures of me with my fans all over it, and really cute and nice things being said about Colleen. “Here,” I hand her the phone, “They seem to really like you.” She takes the phone and scrolls through it smiling happily. “Do you want to go shopping for tonight?” Dinner will be held and Andrea and Niall’s apartment. A fancy affair.

“For what? I figured I’d wear something I already have.”

“I want to get you something new,” I take her lips into mine.

“Okay,” she giggles. “Where shall we go?”

Once back at the house I grab my keys to the Rover and take Colleen to the most known and most famous store in London, Harrods. It’s expensive, but I want to spoil her. It’ll be the first time I get the chance to since our trip through Germany. Her eyes widen as she looks through the racks.

“Can I help you sir?” one of the female sales clerks comes to ask us.

“Uh, yea. I brought my girlfriend,” I nod towards Colleen, “To buy a new dress. We have a fancy evening ahead of us.”

“Okay,” she half smiles.

“Colleen,” I call her over.

“Yea Harry?” she replies giddily.

“She’s here to help,” I smile.

“Okay,” her face brightens.

“Right this way.” The two of us follow the girl to the back of the store. Colleen gets measured to find the perfect dress. As I watch Colleen’s expressions change so many times I keep an even closer eye on the people helping her. The woman who originally helped us is still here, and I don’t trust her. After everything is sized up the employees begin bringing her dresses to try on.

The first is a strapless, black cocktail dress too similar to our dinner date on the last night in Germany. The next dress is a knee length, three-quarter sleeved, low cut red dress, but we both agree it doesn’t look right on her. Hoping third time’s the charm the next dress is brought out; a green strapless, floor length, silk evening gown. A tight fit to her hips and chest; a slit going up her left leg, and it looks absolutely flawless on her.

“We’ve picked out these shoes to match,” the sales woman says handing her a black pair of Goldust Vitti Pumps. What? I know my designers. They’re about five inches high and opened toe with a gold strip across the top of the toes.

“How do I look, Haz?” she smiles at me.

“You look radiant. Absolutely radiant.” Colleen giggles turning back to admire herself in the mirror. I look at the women around us; almost death glares. “Do you want jewelry or anything else?”

She thinks it over, “No, I think I have exactly what would go brilliantly with this.” As we leave the store Colleen takes my hand in hers. “You’re the best boyfriend I could ever imagine.”

“And you’re the only girl I could see myself with.”

As we’re driving home Colleen asks, “Harry, did you notice the women there were glaring at me?”

“What?” I ask shocked. “They were?”

“I think so,” she plays with her thumbs.

“I didn’t,” I lie, “All I could focus on was you.” I take her hand in mine entwining our fingers. Then I kiss the back of it. I was hoping she didn’t see that.

While in our bedroom the two of us get ready. Colleen does her makeup like always as I get into my black and white suit with a tie to match her dress. Black eyeliner and mascara, gold eye shadow, pink blush and red lips. I never say anything when she puts it all on because she’ll just argue with me. Besides, she only wears it on special occasions. Like tonight. After she has her dress on she opens her jewelry box that sits on top of my dresser. She pulls out a string of pearls that are attached by gold notches.

“Let me help you with that.” Colleen pulls up her long, curly, dirty-blonde hair over as I clip the necklace together. “It’s beautiful. Where’s it from?”

“It was my great aunt’s. When her husband died we went through all of their things. He died after her. I found this in the back of her nightstand in a black leather box. I have no idea whether it’s real or not, and I don’t really care. It’s the most wonderful thing I’ve ever seen, so everyone let me have it when they saw I couldn’t keep my eyes off of it."

“It looks amazing with the dress.” I watch her pick out matching pearl earrings. “Did those come with it?”

“No, these are just a cheap pair I found at Macy’s,” she sighs. “I just thought these would match perfectly with the bracelet you got me.”

“Are you alright, baby?” Something’s wrong. “Scratch that. What’s wrong, Love?”

“It’s just… I felt like the girls at the store didn’t like me…”

“Darling, you have nothing to worry about,” I say rubbing her arms.

“I’m scared.”

“About what?”

“That I’m going to get hate while on tour with you,” she won’t look at me.

“You won’t. Look how the fans have treated you last night and today,” I lift her chin.

She pulls away, “That’s only two days… And a small comparison to the entire fandom.”

“I won’t let anything happen to you, Colleen. That’s a promise.” I take her in my arms until she hugs me back then sooth her by rubbing my hands up and down her back. “Come on. Let’s go or we’re going to be late.” I kiss her. By the time we’re halfway to Niall’s and Andrea’s place the drive is full of talk and laughter. I love seeing the way her eyes can shine.


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