The Broken Alpha

By Just_Here_Forever

262 7 4

Luke Montgomery. Alexis Bane. The alpha. The beta. Broken and cold. Beautiful and trusting. The two are mates... More

The Broken Alpha (2)
The Broken Alpha (3)
The Broken Alpha (4)
The Broken Alpha (5)
The Broken Alpha (6)
The Broken Alpha (7)
The Broken Alpha (8)

The Broken Alpha (1)

64 1 1
By Just_Here_Forever

The wheels on the car go round and round round and round round and round. The wheels on the car go round and round all through the town.

"Ready to see the humans again?" My brother Tyler smiles at me, interrupting the little so going in my head, and I grunt.

"Mom, do we have to go to an integrated school? Why can't we just go to the pack school?" I whine and my mom looks at me from the review mirror.

"You have two years left of high school, Tyler has one left. This school has the best college acceptance ratings in Virginia, so yes you do have to go to a human werewolf school. Besides, Alpha Montgomery goes there." Mom isn't gonna budge and I sigh, staring out the window

"The humans not have enough stamina for you?" Tyler winks and I glare at him. I'm not really a morning person.

"Shut up." I snap and my mom tsks at me from the driver's seat.

"Control, Alexis. Remember you have to stay in control."

"How come it's always me?" I mutter and my mom looks at me from the review mirror again. She always likes to pick on me and with her heightened hearing she hears everything I say which sucks.

"Stop whining, Alexis, you'll get wrinkles." I start laughing at that and soon the whole car is filled with my family's laughter.

"Too late for that." Tyler mind links me and I slap his knee.

"Do you kiss mom with that mouth?" I respond and Tyler laughs at me, earning a mind link to us both from mom.

"Mind linking is like whispering. Rude."

Tyler and I stifle our laughter but when I turn and look at my brother's face, red and pinched I can't help it, the laughter explodes out of me.

"Oh, get out you lunatics." Mom orders, pulling up a few blocks away from our school.

"Whatever you say Mommy." Tyler says sweetly, leaning forward to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Kiss up."

My response is an image that I would really like to erase from memory.

"See ya later mom." I tell her and she smiles at me before locking the doors right when I get out and speeding off.

"I'm obviously her favorite child." Tyler tells me, slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"Definitely. Anyways, have you found your mate yet?" It's been a year since his 17th birthday and he still hasn't found one yet.

Tyler deflates a little and I have my answer.

"I'm sorry, bro." I tell him sadly and he just smiles at me before detaching himself.

"Whatever. Since we're a block from the school it's time to split ways. Later loser." He tells me before sprinting ahead to the school.

"Brat." I mind link my sprinting brother up ahead and I can hear his laughter.

Clomp, clomp, clomp.

I turn at the heavy footed noise and see a girl a few yards down the sidewalk so I speed up.

"Hey! Hey!" The girl calls behind me and I decide to stop. I wait for her to catch up and I turn, seeing her dark hair flying behind her as she ran to catch up to me.

"Hi." I smiled brightly at the out of breath girl and she held up a finger.

"Sorry, I'm seriously out of shape. Do you go to Bradley Academy?" I nod and she smiles at me gratefully.

"The uniform was kind of a giveaway but I had to ask." She told me defensively and I continue to walk.

"It's fine. Did you go to Bradley last year?" I don't remember seeing her, especially since a face like hers is hard to forget. I mean this mixed girl is gorgeous.

"No, I'm a transfer. I'm so lucky to have seen you, today's my first day, new school and I wanted to know someone." She told me and I turned into the parking lot of Bradley before responding.

"Yeah, my name's Alexis. You?"

"Blair." She tells me and I smile at the name.

"Great name."

"Thanks. Oh my gosh is this it?" Blair asks me, gaping at the huge high school in front of us.

"Yeah, you didn't come here for registration?" I mean you can set up registration over the phone but it's a lot easier to come in person.

"No, my dad came but I stayed home with my mom."

"Oh, why didn't your mom go?" I ask before I realize that I'm being nosey.

"Sorry, you don't have to answer." I tell her but she swallows hard and there are tears in her eyes.

"No, it's fine. She's really sick, but the doctors can't find what's wrong so she's very weak and needs a lot of help." I look away and feel bad for causing her pain and we head inside.

"I'm sorry." I tell her genuinely and she gives me a watery smile, wiping away her tears.

"Please don't give me the pitying look. I hate that look. Oh, I must seem so pathetic, telling you all this stuff when I don't even know you." Blair rambles and I turn the hallway, glancing at my schedule.

"I won't give you that look. Who do you have for first?" I quickly change the subject and Blair digs through her bag before producing a piece of paper.

"Um, Johnston." She tells me and I frown.

"We don't have the same first. Here, can I see that?" I take her schedule, comparing it to mine and as it turns out we have four classes out of the eight together.

"I'm going to head to class early, but do you need me to show you where your classes are?" Blair nods and I show her where her first and second period are.

"What about third?" She asks me and I smile.

"We have third together, I'll show you where it is. Then I'll show you your fourth and we can meet up in fifth again. That sound good?" Blair nods and looks down at her schedule again.

"What periods do we have together? I'm going to highlight them." She digs through her bag for a highlighter and soon she finds a blue one, uncapping the lid.

"Third, fifth, seventh, and eighth." I tell her and when she's done highlighting I show her the classrooms before heading to my own.

"Watch where you're going, mutt." I accidentally bump into someone on my way to first and glare at the guy, obviously a werewolf, who called me mutt.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I demand and the guy looks at me emotionlessly.

"I'm your Alpha, now step back beta." Alpha Montgomery spits at me and I just stare at him in shock.

This butthole is the alpha of our pack? He interrupts my shock by using his shoulder to push me back roughly and I almost fall down at the force.

"What is your deal?" I hiss at his back and he quickly spins around, pinning me against the wall.

"Don't speak unless spoken to mutt. I'm alpha, you're beta and you will not question my authority." Alpha Montgomery growled at me and I looked past his shoulder to see people staring so I push his shoulder but he doesn't move.

"People are looking." I tell him and he looks behind him before roughly shoving me aside and storming down the hallway.

"Jerk." I whisper, knowing he can hear me but when there's no answer I go to my first period, my shoulder hurting a little.

Thankfully for me, werewolves heal quickly.

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