Games I'll Play - Falsettos O...

By bbmoxi1

3.3K 95 103

"If this family is a game, I never want to stop playing." Oneshots for your favorite and kinda dysfunctional... More

Fireworks - Whizzvin
Alive - Cordelia & Marvin
Weekends; A Three-Part Mini-Opera - Whizzvin & Jason
Weekends; A Three-Part Mini-Opera - Whizzvin & Jason

Bullies - Jason & Whizzer

591 25 31
By bbmoxi1

TW: cussing, homophobic slurs
Jason slowly walked out of the middle school's doors. It was a cold day outside, so he instinctively tugged his jacket tighter around himself. However, he hissed in pain when a sharp shock when through his arm. The jacket was pressed tightly on a bruise he had gotten that day by being shoved into the side of a locker. He decided to put his hands in his pockets instead.

Jason smiled when he saw Whizzer's car. Thank god it was Friday. Whizzer had always been able to cheer up Jason, and he was fun to be around just in general. Plus, Jason wouldn't have to worry about his mother fussing over the bruise that Jason knew was going to take up a big chunk of his shoulder and bicep area. Jason smile was starting to turn to a grin until someone took it away from him.

"Hey, faggot! Why don't you go run back to your 2 gay dads or whatever," the voice laughed.

"I already told you, I'm straight!...Asshat," Jason mumbled the last part of his sentence.

"Plus, I have another dad who is as straight as a line and all 3 could beat your ass!" Jason yelled again.

"What?! 3 dads?! Hah, you're priceless! What, you got 3 moms, too?"

"Yeah, actually! And one of them is a doctor! She's done better things than your fat, lazy, housewife mom will ever do!" Jason silently apologized to his biological mother, since she was in fact a housewife.

"Oh, you're so dead tomorrow!"

"Good luck finding me!" Jason didn't bother to tell him there was no school tomorrow. That bully could wait hours outside in the cold for the school doors to open for all he cared. Jason sighed, opening the door to Whizzer's car and hopping inside.

"Rough day, huh, bud?" Whizzer asked, cheery as always. Jason didn't really feel like talking so he just shrugged.

"You alright, Jason?"

"I'm fine," Jason grimaced.

"Oh, please, Jason," Whizzer looked in the mirror at him, "I know a sad—wait—Jason, what the hell happened to your eye?"

"What? I—oh..." Jason had forgotten about the bruise one of the bullies had punched into his face, "Nothing I just...walked into something."

Whizzer sighed. He looked angry, or maybe disappointed? Jason didn't know. He was scared. Was Whizzer mad at him? Jason didn't dare to ask him. He just stayed quiet. The car ride was silent.

When they finally reached Marvin and Whizzer's house, Jason bounded out of the car and to the front door. He walked inside and headed straight for his room, but was stopped when he heard Whizzer's voice.

"Uh, Jason? Could you sit down on the couch for a sec? I'll be right back."

"Um...yeah, okay," Jason said, and nervously sat. A few minutes later, which felt like hours, Whizzer had returned. He was holding two cups in his hands and gave one to Jason.

"Careful, it's hot," Whizzer said softly. Jason looked at the drink, which turned out to be hot chocolate with marshmallows. It was one of his favorite drinks to have in the winter.

"Thanks, Whizzer." Jason smiled.

"Yep," There was a long pause before Whizzer continued.

"So, care to tell me what happened at school today, bud?"

Jason only hummed in response.

"Jason, please, you have to tell me what's going on. You don't have to tell anyone else just please, tell me so I can help you."

"Don't you have to make dinner before dad gets home?" Jason mumbled.

"Jason, you're way more important than dinner."

"No," Jason mumbled.

"Jason, look at me," Whizzer started. Jason looked up at him.

"You're way more important than anything I can think of. You have so many people that love you. I love you, Jason! All your friends love you. You're not defined by a few people who say rude things. So, please, kid, for goodness sake, tell me what happened! Because I know for a fact that those aren't nothing," Whizzer pointed at Jason's bruised arm. Jason didn't even notice he took off his coat.

"I...I—I don't..." Jason felt like the world was closing in around him. Everything was coming on so strong, he couldn't handle it anymore. He was so overwhelmed, he didn't know anything anymore. He didn't know what to do, what to say, how to act, he felt like everything he'd do would disappoint everyone. He couldn't think. He wanted it to stop. He wanted it to go away. He couldn't do this anymore.

"I'm sorry!" Jason screamed and fell into Whizzer's arms. He was choking on sobs that shook his body so much that he couldn't see straight. He shut his eyes and held onto Whizzer as tight as he could.

Whizzer was shocked when Jason began sobbing, but he knew that he needed to be there for the kid. Whizzer has assumed that this was an anxiety-induced panic attack, so he carefully rubbed Jason's back and hugged him lightly so he wouldn't startle him. He pet Jason's hair in a soft and slow pattern as to soothe him.

Once Jason's sobs had reduced to only deep, shaky breaths, he let go of Whizzer and laid his head in his lap. Whizzer knew Jason was emotionally exhausted and probably didn't want to talk, so he silently grabbed a blanket, carefully as not to hit the two mugs that we're placed on a coffee table next to the couch, and gently threw it onto Jason. Jason snuggled into the blanket without a word, and Whizzer smiled while stroking his hair.

"I love you, dad," Jason spoke, unsure if what he said would make Whizzer mad or not.

Whizzer was surprised, but he soon grinned and replied back to Jason.

"I love you, too, kid."

Jason smiled and let himself drift to sleep.

Marvin got home around 7:00. The sun had already gone down, and he exhaustedly walked in, however with a hint of excitement since he would get to see his son and his lover.

"Jason, Whizzer, I'm ho—oh..." Marvin started out by yelling, then his voice turned to a whisper as Whizzer shushed him. He saw that Jason was sleeping next to Whizzer with his head in his lap and tear-streaks on his face. Whizzer set down the book he was reading and patted the spot next to him, beckoning Marvin to sit down. Marvin walked over and sat, placing his arm around Whizzer's shoulder.

"I'm assuming no dinner tonight?" He joked. Whizzer playfully rolled his eyes with a smirk.

Marvin's smile lasted for a little while longer before it faded. "What happened to Jason?"

"Bullies, I think. He wouldn't tell me. He broke down when I finally got through to him."

"Ah..." Marvin replied understandingly. He reached over and ruffled Jason's curls, and Jason gave a light giggle in his sleep. Marvin and Whizzer both chuckled.

"No matter how big he gets, he'll always be an adorable little kid," Marvin sighed in sappy content.

"Yeah. He's got a big heart," Whizzer smiled, "it's cruel what those kids do to him. He doesn't deserve it."


There was a small, comfortable silence as the three of them all huddled together.

"He called me dad today," Whizzer said excitedly.

Marvin laughed, "Good job, dad."

"I feel old now, though..."

Marvin chuckled again, and the silence continued.

Once Jason had finally woken up from his nap, around 8:30, Whizzer and Marvin had a long talk with him. They decided that they would call the school about the bullying tomorrow, and that Jason deserved a break.

The rest of the night was filled with ice cream and never-ending chess matches.

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