Salem Academy of Sorcery (Har...

By Slytherinwitch13

644K 26.2K 6.8K

"Few people can say they have managed to escape death once, but not many can say they have escaped death twic... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three: End of Part One
Part Two: Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twelve

8.8K 475 24
By Slytherinwitch13

Thank you for reading! x More twists on the way! Hope you're liking it!

Chapter Twelve

Being back with Kent was more than I could ever ask for. It felt like a thousand pound weight was lifted off my chest now that he was with me and safe. I could tell Selina was getting a bit annoyed with how clingy we were being, but I think it was jealously more than anything. She made several did comments on how Cole was gone for long periods of time. November quickly passed. Selina was sitting the small office room while Kent and I were on the couch just talking. He leaned in and kissed me. "I can't believe how long we were apart," he said once more shaking his head. "Never again." I nodded in agreement. "But something's still bothering you?" He noticed. I shrugged.

"My dad," I answered without having to explain. It's been my main concern now that Kent was back. I of course thought of Idella, Charlie, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but at least those three had the chance to run. My father had to remain with the Death Eaters for protection, and wasn't that ironic?

"I'm sure he is alright Bradley," Kent assured me. "Like you said it was obvious he had absolutely no idea you were in the ministry at the time. He has no information so there's nothing they'll want from him." Hopefully.

"And my uncle," I continued. "I never saw him again after that day."

"Neither did I," Kent agreed. "Then again I was only there for two days." We sat in silence for a moment. "Show me the fire you used," he said changing the subject. I smiled and concentrated. As I practiced it got easier, I came more natural. Raising my palm I conjured flames to cover my hand. "Incredible."

"I suppose," I said with a shrug.

We stayed like that for an hour and watched the time pass. Then we heard Cole arrive. The two of us got up to see if Cole had any news for us. Yet Cole didn't look excited. "Get your things," he commanded to us.

"What?" I asked in surprise. He was kicking us out?

"Get your things!" He yelled nervously. First time I heard him in a panicked tone. "Damn it, you have seconds!" Kent and I jumped up and did what he said. I shoved everything in my bag. He rushed around getting rid of any plates or signs that people were here. "You too!" he yelled at Selina who froze in surprise.

"Me?" she asked in disbelief.

"They're onto me and a few other guys," Cole yelled quickly. He didn't need to specify 'they'. Death Eaters. "Someone tipped them off, that they're making surprise visits to investigate the 'betrayers' homes. He rolled his eyes. "Betray them? As if I work for them?" Cole scoffed moving chairs around. "I don't work for anyone." Cole was only out for his own good and we all knew that. So the Death Eaters probably realized it too and made him a suspect.

"Why do I have to go?" Selina argued. "It's them they want!" She pointed towards Kent and I. "What would they do to me?" That was true. Her father was the US Minister of Magic and working with the Death Eaters. She was safe when it came to them.

"I don't want you involved with those people Selina! You don't know what they're like," he yelled quickly to her with a serious expression. "Just get your stuff." Selina gave him a wary look before running and getting her bag. It took her a minute but she was back by the time I got my stuff together.

"Where do we go?" I asked Cole now feeling panicked.

"I don't care," he shot back. "As long as it's safe because you're taking her with you." He pointed to Selina who looked even more surprised.

"You want me to go with them?" Selina scoffed and shook her head. "I can handle myself if you don't want me." Cole put his arm around her waist and pushed her towards us against her will.

"You can't even apparate," he reminded her. A dark look crossed her face. Last year she was in the hospital during the practices and during the exam. "The Floo networks are tampered with. Stay with them." She turned her head from him angrily. "Remember I saved both your lives," he added staring directly at Kent and I. I suppose we did owe him. He did more than I imagined he would.

"We won't leave her," I told him.

"Now go!" Cole demanded nervously. Kent reached a hand out to each of us. I quickly squeezed into his hand while Selina reluctantly took it. And then we apparated away. I heard a new crack enter into a farther room into the house just as we left. We made it just in time as the Death Eaters arrived. What luck.

Our feet hit the ground behind an old brick building. We were in an alleyway. "Where are we?" Selina asked bitterly. I could still see the anger in her eyes.

"Manchester," Kent answered. "Came here as a kid once. We can't stay here but we need somewhere to figure out what we're going to do." He lead the way. I didn't let go of his hand while Selina walked miserably behind us. He led us into some old and dark coffee shop with a decent amount of customers. We took our seats at a dark wood table with soft chairs. Kent went up to order for us. I didn't bother saying anything to Selina considering it was useless. Instead I thought of where we could possibly go. No Floo network. Minimal apparating. No owls. But, I could send a patronus message to the Weasley's, just like the one we got at the reception. My patronuses worked rather well.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I said and got up. After looking the door I opened the window and sent my patronus. It went directly to the Weasley's and said, "Bradley here. We are safe. Not for long. Please help. Old Coffee Shop in Manchester." It was short but they would find a way to help and at least my patronus couldn't be intercepted.

When I went back to sit Kent got us all muffins and got me coffee. I could use the caffeine. Selina was silently sipping tea while staring at the ground. She would eventually get over it.

An hour passed and we didn't hear back. I was beginning to get nervous when I heard, "Psst Bradley." I jumped in my seat spilling my coffee a bit but turned to see the familiar red head standing in the back doorway.

"Fred," I expressed in excitement. Yet it could also be George. I wasn't very good at telling them apart. Smiling, I took the last sip of coffee as I jumped up from my seat. Even Kent smiled as the three of us got up. He never met Fred or George, but from my reaction he probably knew it was someone who could help us. I told him I sent the patronus and we were unsure of when it would be received. We left through the back door back into the alleyway with Selina following behind. "Thank you for coming!"

"We're just glad you're safe," George said. "Everyone's been worried sick. Say, where's Ron, Harry, and Hermione?" They asked. My happy expression faded. They must have assumed I was talking about being with them instead of Kent and Selina. "We kind of got separated..." Their smiles faded. I should have been more clear in my message. "I'm sure they're safe. I will explain later." They looked at Kent and Selina.

"This is my boyfriend Kent," I explained pointing to him. "And this is-"

"The girl in all the missing posters," Fred finished looking at her uneasily.

"Um yes," I answered. This meant they recognized who her father was and probably weren't happy with that. "But don't worry she's harmless." Selina gave me a look. "Somewhat."

"Well if you say so," George said with a laugh. "Best be getting out of here." They held out their arms and we all grabbed on. Apparating was becoming a common feeling, but it still wasn't enjoyable. This time instead of a brick walkway or grassy field, my feet his...sand?

Opening up my eyes I stared at a beautiful ocean with blue waves crashing upon the shore and smelt the salty air. There was a cool breeze making the winter weather feel even colder. And right on the coast there was a small cottage. "Welcome to Shell Cottage!" Fred cheered. "Our new safe house." Fred and George lead us into the house where I recognized Bill and Fleur.

"Great to see you safe Bradley," Bill said as Fleur welcomed us. I introduced Kent and Selina, but they recognized Selina so I simply reassured them not to worry. Selina gave me a dry look. She was lead to her guest room that the two of us would be sharing while Kent and I remained downstairs. Arthur and Remus were there within a minute.

"Where's Ron?" Arthur asked immediately. The happy expression turned into complete sadness when I said we got separated. I explained everything that happened up until we got separated.

"So you all broke into the Ministry?!" George asked in excitement.

"I thought Runcorn was being a little too nice to me when I ran into him in the hall," Arthur muttered. That was Harry. Next they asked what happened to me after the separation and I told them. Horror registered on their faces when I told them where I was taken. Kent gripped my hand a little too tightly when I mentioned his father using the cruciatus curse on me. That bothered him the most.

"You were taken by Death Eaters? Did they hurt you?" Fred asked as Arthur told him to ease down on the questions.

"Yes," I said truthfully. "But don't worry I didn't give any information!" I assured them.

"We're just glad you're alright. Malfoy Manor is still their Headquarters?" Lupin asked and I nodded. "As assumed. And how did you escape?" Everyone silently listened.

"We both escaped the same way," I answered motioning to Kent. "Selina's boyfriend is with the Death Eaters, well somewhat, and he got us out since I saved Selina twice last year from dying."

"A Death Eater helped you escape?" Fred asked in shock. "So does that mean he's really on our side? Like a double agent."

"Not at all," I answered shaking my head. "He's on no one's side but his own and Selina's. He'd probably hurt anyone who got in his way, Death Eater or not." They went back to asking me a thousand questions in order to find the trio but I honestly had no idea where they could possibly be.

"I'm sure you must be starving," Fleur said reentering the room. "Dinners ready." We took a break from all of the questions to go and eat. Arthur and Remus left but promised to come back. Kent stopped to talk to Remus for a moment before joining the table. I would have to ask later what they were talking about but once I smelt food I realized how starving I was for a real home cooked meal.

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