The King' roar

By mendes_bae101

187 16 12

Elenora Snow, Nora, someone who just wandered the halls of her school, hoping to go by unnoticed. Not because... More



18 2 0
By mendes_bae101

As I was walking down the halls towards my Biology class, my last class of the day might I add, I felt much calmer. I like Bio, Bio's fine, Bio's not Math. Everything's gonna be fine, and I'll be fine. I kept saying that in my head like a mantra and it was actually making me feel better. 

I rushed to get to class as early as possible so I could get a good seat. A thought occurred in my mind, Stella's in my class too. It immediately lightened up my mood. There was something about her that just made a person smile instantly. 

My classroom was just around the corner so I slowed down a bit. Everything's gonna be fine.

That's when I saw him. Faster than the speed of light I turned around and hid behind the corner. Maybe it wasn't him, I thought, maybe it's just someone who looks the same way, and smells just like him. That thought sparked my interest, why do I get such intense scent off of him. I peaked a little just so I can observe him a bit.

He had short dark hair that seemed to be all over the place but then again it was like every piece of hair had it's spot. I couldn't really see his eyes but his complete face left me speechless. It wasn't just your average pretty face, far from that, his face wasn't perfect and that's what made it so interesting. He was quite tanned and so strong. He looked intimidating to be fer, but then I remembered how safe I felt while he held me in his arms. 

Just then he looked up and his eyes locked with mine. My mouth gaped. They were so dark, almost black, and they held me captive. I couldn't look away, I couldn't move, not even breathe. I felt so strange and I knew I had to break it. I managed to turn around and run into the bathroom across the hall while stumbling over my own feet. 

Luckily, there was no one inside. I looked at my own reflection and boy... it scared the shit out of me. I looked wild, breathing erratic. But what scared me so much was the fact that my eyes were glowing. They didn't look human, probably cause they're not. They were the eyes of a monster. And with that I shut my eyes and tried to slow down my breathing.

This is all your fault! I hissed at Dea but she didn't reply. Weird, she usually can't wait for a chance to argue with me.

I slowly opened my eyes again and saw they were back to their normal state. I breathed out in relief and made my way to class.

Thankfully the teacher was still not there so I just rushed in keeping my gaze on the floor. I only looked up to see where Stella is. She saved up a seat by the window for me. I plumped down beside her trying to breath normally. I felt someone stare at me so I looked up again. It was Heather. Oh boy. Everything's most definitely not gonna be fine.


That class was pure torture and let me tell you, it was not fine at all. The minutes were passing by agonizingly slow and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time gripping on my chair. Needless to say, I wasn't paying any attention to class.

Now I was just thankful cause I could go home. Stella was leaning down on a locker beside mine patiently waiting for me to leave my books and take my stuff. I don't know what it is, God, fate or universe, but something just wouldn't let me be at peace today. 

I felt him coming even before I saw him. The now familiar feeling of nausea took over. I refused to look at him. He's probably just passing by.

"You." My eyes darted upwards. So many emotions were behind that one single word. 

"Yes?" I tried to sound as rude as possible. I need him to leave me alone.

"I need to talk to you." He said slowly, just his voice was enough to send me over the edge and I could not let that happen. I dug my nails into my palms to feel some pain, to keep me sane.

"Yeah? Well that's too bad cause I don't need to talk to you." 

"Look, I really need to talk to you I..." I didn't even let him finish that sentence. I needed to end this right now.

"No you look, I really don't need to do anything. I ain't going anywhere with you. Hell, I don't even know your name, and guess what. I don't want to know your name. You're just a freaky stalker that just can't get the hint, and frankly, you're freaking me out. So listen up now, do us all a favor and just get lost." He looked taken aback with my outburst and very much hurt. I felt such a urge to comfort him but I had to resist it so I just turned around and walked off.

I could feel the tears build up and I just couldn't understand why. I don't even know him. But then again, being near him just feels so right. I felt a hand wrap around my arm and as I turned around I prepared myself to slap him but my eyes met a green pair that belonged to my only friend here. 

I forgot Stella was even there. She took one look at my state now and without any words just dragged me outside and behind the school out of anyone's sight. Somehow she understood and she just pulled me in for a tight hug.

It was so strange, such a small and fragile girl, yet she was the only thing that kept me together at that moment. She didn't say a word, she was just there for me when I needed her.

After I calmed down a bit she pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"Nora, I don't know what happened to you to keep you this guarded, I know I don't really know you and I won't pretend that I do but I know what a person scared to let people in looks like. They look just like you do all the time. Stoic, intimidating and unbothered. But even you can't turn off all of your feelings. I don't know why you're like this, and I won't push you to tell me. I just hope that one day you'll trust me enough to tell me your story, and until then just know that I'm here for you. Just like you were there for me, a girl you never spoke to before, this morning." And with that she left me standing there looking dumbfounded. 

I don't know what scared me more, the fact that she got all of this in just one day with me, or the fact that she was right. 

I don't know how I feel about this chapter, I wrote it before and it was so much better but then it got deleted so I had to rewrite it but it's just not like it was then. Anywaysssss the picture above is how I picture Noah (That's our mystery boy).

Here's another pic of himmm.

Until next time,

xxxx C

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