The Last Hope [(HIATUS) MAGI...

By candysweetsoonhoon

8.3K 383 18

"do you want everything to play out differently?" "I'm giving you one chance to change everything. if you fai... More

savannah gomez info corner
challenge 🔹nine
challenge🔹 fourteen


367 22 2
By candysweetsoonhoon


on the resistance's way to retrieve another divine staff, they were stopped by the 'continental rift', because of this they decided to stay with the manticores for a while.


"!!!!" sheba had her mouth open wide, they were going to stay with these 'savages'?!

"it's the manticores!! their village must be under here!!" ugo shouted the obvious, making savannah sigh.

"ugo, no need to state the obvious." savannah said with a hand on her cheek while ugo looked at her with tears at the corner of his eyes.

"s... she's actually pretty mean..." ugo stated, not believing the cheerful savannah a few minutes ago is the same savannah that he's with right now.

t-these are the m-m-monster i met yesterday...!! there are so many of them... they are going to attack again!!! sheba thought as suddenly the manticores started talking. none were able to understand as they're language were different from humans'.

"hey, we meet again." solomon greeted, a hand on his chest "we'll stay for just one night."

"huh, you know them?" ugo asked as he looked at solomon.

"when'd you meet manticores?" savannah asked as she eyed Sheba who was hiding behind solomon.

".... ah...?" sheba let out as she remembered the manticores from the day before.

c-could it be that these two are yesterday's...? sheba thought, and before she knew it they were already at the manticore's village.

"wow~!!" savannah clapped her hands as she saw the village, it was much more detailed than the manga, the houses were filled with colors, not just black and white. the place was bursting with different colors.

"i never actually thought that they'd let us enter their village...!!" ugo said while looking around very amazed because of the fact that the buildings there were not the same as the humans'.

"this is the first time we're in a manticore's underground village!!" ithnan said as he looked around, there is a first time for everything, eh?

"it's incredible right, solomon?" ugo asked, solomon did not answer his question so savannah tried to call solomon.

"solomon~?" savannah said as she waved her hand infront of the other teen, who still did not acknowledge her, making her pout.

sheba turned to her side to which solomon was, and was shocked at the interested look on his face as he held a book, she almost flinched when solomon ran to a manticore.

"can i really look around?" solomon questioned as the manticore pointed something, "what's that? can i go in there? this is great!"

"... what the... he seems like a little child all of a sudden..." sheba thought as she stared at solomon.

"solomon is interested in the other species' way of living and culture. the things he likes the most is to touch them." ugo explained to sheba as they didn't notice savannah closing in on solomon.

"c-can you understand what they're saying?!" sheba asked solomon.

"no, i can't understand them, i'm using my gut feeling!!" solomon answered, sheba couldn't believe what she was hearing...


"solomon, teach me how to communicate too!" savannah said as she tugged solomon's shirt, he nodded as he started gesturing something to the manticores while telling savannah what it meant, savannah nodded and started following what he was doing when she started to understand every gesture, soon enough the manticores already grew fond of the two.

sheba looked at the happy look on solomon's face, "what a weirdo."

sheba observed the city one more time, her gaze landing on two manticores who were holding children manticores, Sheba finally couldn't take it and told ugo: "this is strange..."

"eh? what's strange?" he questioned as he stared at sheba, from what he can see there is nothing strange happening there.

sheba started complaining about how the manticores' way of living was so human like, and that from what she knows every race other than the humans race were savages, to which ugo replied with "that's only because of your magic, right? ah, sorry." he apologized once he saw the face sheba was making.

"now that we cut off the effects of that magic, i can only see a race with quite a good intellect. i didn't know what they were in the past but... right now, they aren't trying to eat us up, after that they all understood that we are an equal species to which mutual understanding is possible." as ugo explained that, sheba gasped her divine staff tighter, thinking of all the things ugo said.

an equal species??!! he is totally wrong!!! this is not how things are...!! sheba thought as she remembered the things the orthodox church taught her.

a tap on her shoulder brought her out of her thoughts as she turned and saw a child manticore, it was the manticore that almost attacked her yesterday.

sheba pointed her staff at the manticore out of instinct to protect herself just incase it decided to attack. "don't-don't touch me, you monster!!!"

sheba was shocked when the manticore took out a big flower, handing it to sheba.

"he's saying his sorry for yesterday—" solomon tried to say.

"but don't worry, sheba! he's regained his sanity!" savannah cut of solomon and reassured Sheba, trying to push her to the manticore that she knows sheba should befriend anyway, but was unable to do so as sheba wouldn't budge.

what...!! t-this is yesterday's...?! sheba thought as she looked at the manticore who no longer looked harmless "………"

before sheba even knew it, she was sitting on a rock, with the manticore just a few feets away from her, and savannah laying down just besides her.

w-what should i do...? i can't even imagine what they could be thinking...!! sheba thought as she looked at the manticore, who turned to her making her scared.

the manticore started talking, making gestured to back up his words.

"i-i'm telling you, i don't understand!!" sheba said, both of her hands up as her staff was set on the ground.

the manticore started to find something at the stuff just beside him and pulled out a big book, to which he opened at a page that had what seems like a magician, pointing at it.

is that a picture book? it doesn't make any sense but... sheba stood up from where she was sitting that made savannah sit up to look at what she was going to do.

"the pictures in this book sucks." sheba said as she started to draw something on the ground using her staff.

"what are you doing?" solomon asked as he closed in on the three only to see sheba doing something with her staff.

"i'm showing him how it is done." sheba said, after finishing her drawing, she put her hands on her hips, "this is a magician."

"wow, you are good at this, missy!" solomon praised as he, the manticore, and savannah looked at the drawing.

"don't call me that!" sheba said, "i was the one with the best drawings among the children of the church!"

"uwahhh, i think you might be better than me." savannah said, to which solomon told her to try and draw.

savannah did so, she drew on the ground using her staff, she looked at what she did and saw that she had drawn—titus alexius?!—on instinct, she couldn't let the others see this and waved her staff that made her drawing be covered.

"is it really that bad?" solomon asked, to which savannah nodded her head with a blush in her face.

i forgot that i was an assistant for a sphintus x titus dj mangaka... she thought as she sweatdropped, trying to change the subject by turning to the manticore who was adding a flower on sheba's magician drawing.

"i see... you want me to put the flower you gave me earlier in my hair, right?" sheba said as she sat down on the floor, the manticore putting the flower on her head, she stayed there sitting for a few moments before she fell back, "it's heavy..." she thought as she held her head.

the manticore started at her with a smile as he started to laugh, he made gestures to make sheba understand what he was trying to say, sheba smiled and started to play with the manticore, to which made solomon and savannah to smile, savannah stood up.

"i'll go look around for now since we'll be leaving tomorrow." savannah said as she walked off, not waiting for a reply. she mindlessly walked around, until she stumbled upon a bleeding species.

"what?! what is a... red lion doing here...?" savannah questioned as she crouched down infront of it, she's finished all of the magi volumes, and she knows that red lions are one of the most toughest race in alma toran.

savannah tried to pick it up, holding its head when its memories were transferred to her, almost making her drop it.

"what are the orthodox church thinking... trying to capture this baby red lion for david...?" she saw everything, how this baby was separated from its family, how it was found by the orthodox church and was tried to capture... for david.

savannah took a deep sigh before muttering something inaudible, the red lion started to glow, and it was turned into a baby girl, with a gash at its left arm, still bleeding, savannah gasped as she recognized the face although it was still a baby.

m... morgiana? without any hesitation, savannah hugged the child close to her chest and ran back to the resistance. no way am i gonna leave her alone, i'm taking her in whether they agree with me or not!


hey!!! did you expect that there would be a red lion at this story—and even more! that red lion is morgiana?!!

96: i must cut in before author-chan starts to spoil everyone about her future plans, please remember that author-chan wants everyone to know that she does not own magi, though she wants to be an owner of such a fabulous anime and manga, the pictures she uses are from either pixiv or pinterest, the only thing she owns is her oc, savannah gomez. about 1/4 of the plot belongs to her and the rest belongs to the owner of magi as she is using the alma torran arc for this fanfic. that's is all, thank you for dropping by, please wait for the next chapter!

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