A Forunate Guitarist and his...

By RandomWolfieGuy

67 0 0

Greetings, world! how art thou? Imma try to keep this short: the reason Im startin a new book is bc I felt in... More

The Camp
The Visit


16 0 0
By RandomWolfieGuy

Sooo.....This is a sub-chapter. It isn't a legitimate chapter relating to the story. It's just a way for me to let out some of this love & emotion.

So basically, one thing I'd like to discuss would be a scenario in which  I've been quite a couple of times. The urge you have to hold someones hand out of the blue kinda makes me sweat blood. I find it extremely difficult to do the things I feel is right or romantic because of how socially acceptable it is, and also for the reason that I worry about the reaction I'd get from that person. I know that person might ir might not feel the same way, but it's difficult to make a move when you're scared to death about what the consequences of thinking with your heart might be.

It's funny because lots of people like it when you just DO IT so I'm kinda stuck about whether or not I should be doing the small things like holding hands, or if I'm just being paranoid and should show the person how I feel.

She's such an amazing person. Come to think of it, today I got physically abused by another girl for almost no reason and the thing is, I'm a guy, and it's extremely impolite to hit a girl. So, this girl hit me twice and I'm not gonna lie and be like all those other dudes that pretend they don't feel pain. It hurt like shit. Yknow, I find it very stupid how certain guys can get punched or really injured and can just carry on as if nothing happened. How dumb do they think we are? I mean, some girls fall for that shit??? Honest opinion to you guys out there, and you know who you are. Don't pretend not to feel anything. You aren't immortal. I know that girls find it attractive when guys are tough, but you need to know when it's nessecary or not.

If you're in a situation where you have to think critically because another punch might be coming your way, you have to "block out" the pain to EMERGE VICTORIOUS! But just, if you get hurt and it's NOT a critical situation, then don't put on your act. Nobody's gonna give you an oscar.

Don't pretend to be this Stone-heart, indestructible, hercules bc you ain't. Faking shows REAL weakness. Real guys can cry if deemed nessecary or if an emotional/tragic event occurs.

But anyways, I think that girls mustn't abuse most guys' politeness. They know that it's proper not to hit back. I'm not gonna lie and say

"there's no reason to hit some bitches across the head with a chair."

There are many girls who abuse the male's sincerity and deserve that but WE JUST DON'T DO IT.

And you guys out there, keep on being nice. One day they might realise "Holy shit, I've been slapping this guy around for the past 7 months and he still hasn't lost his shit. I must really stop being such a bitch."

But yeah I drifted off topic more than enough.

Goodnight, planet earth.

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