Commander (Girls Frontline X...

By Creeper_Corporation

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an Army Soldier Reader X Girls Frontline Gun Tactical Dolls harem! Prioritization: ⭐ You are a soldier servin... More

Chapter 1: C-C-C... Commander?!
Chapter 3: Negev
Chapter 4: Operation "T-Doll Creation"

Chapter 2: Eternium Core functions

6.8K 99 96
By Creeper_Corporation

The next day...

[Lieutenant General's Office]

"Lieutenant General... How can I act as a commander if I only got 1 unit to command?"

This thing came to my head yesterday at the Mess... How could a commander command a single unit?!

And by means of commander, I'll be far at the battlefield but command units. Making tactical decisions, plans, options, etc.

Hmm... But is it possible to join them to battle? I mean command them while I'm at the front lines with them... I dunno but when a commander dies, everything falls apart...

Father: "second lieutenant, how about private Jason and Private Bale? They are well suited because they are your comrades even if they belong to a different battalion

I'll ask the Administrators and other leaders for this. If they approved, then your comrades will be under your command

And by the way, the Marshal said you've been promoted to Lieutenant. You can only become a commander if your rank is Lieutenant and up. "

D-damn it... I don't even know if Its good news or bad news

Yes, being promoted is great, but it'll increase your task...

I'm a lazy guy, not a "workaholic" kind of a soldier

Father: "We are now working with your commander outfit.

Remember to be careful while commanding. Sometimes, it needs sacrificing in order to build foundations of success

It's up to your leadership and strategy.  Use that big brain of yours"

Y/N: "yes sir"

I let out a sigh... Well, he's pressuring me. I'm sure that's what I'm feeling

A commander that only has 3 units... Great... I need more units!

A light bulb suddenly lit up inside of my head! Why not use the Eternium Core for this kind of problem?  Ehehehehe!


Still, my battalions' barracks are Still empty. 416 was outside. She's on the field... Well... I don't think she'd get fresh air if there are tons of soldiers staring at her all day... Better go to her soon

I go back to my bed and search for the Eternium Core. A moment later, I found it under the mattress


A large area filled with light exercise-related things is placed here in the field. Sometimes, it becomes a temporary parking area of Army trucks

And speaking about army vehicles, we'll get Armor next week. And by the word Armor, it means Tanks.

The most popular tanks used here are called Abrams. It's armor and firepower, even it's speed are excellent. But its also expensive. I dunno... Maybe 4.3 Million Dollars each?

We soldiers are still suffering because of our military equipment. Our guns are outdated and needed to be repaired most of the time. Buying parts is too expensive. This also means that I can't create another Tactical doll if this keeps going

416 was stretching and takes a little walk. Still, the soldiers are under their habit. Finally, the Seargent came and yell at them. Forcing them to do push-ups and march couple of times.

I then walk to her. She saw me going towards her so she waves and smiles at me

Y/N: "Hey there!  How's it going? "

416: "fine as ever, commander!"

Y/N: "hehe. Now... Oh yeah! Do you know other more things that this core could do? "

416: "I don't know. Miss Persica said it could only be used by a worthy commander. That's the only thing I know"

Miss Persica?  Who's that? But this gives me another idea! I should find her somewhere to reveal the secrets of this core in my pocket

But... Hmm... Let me try something...

I grab the core and pointed it to her. It gleams brightly for a moment

416: "commander?  What is it? "

Y/N: "testing something out... "

A tab appeared above the crystal. Showing her name and what type of gun she really is.

Then there's a bar below her name. Its some sort of heart with a number in the middle. Just that. There aren't words next to it that gives me the idea what it really is

The number at the center of it is "50". That's all.

416: "c-commander... Is something the matter?  You're staring at my face again"

Y/N: "oh Uh... No no, there's a tab that suddenly appeared when I pointed the core to you. Can you read it? "

416: "tab?  What tab? Where? "

Could this be... That I'm the only one able to see it?

Hmm... I better search this person called "Persica" as soon as possible

The tab is still activated. Next, I walk away from her. The core is pointed at her

The tab vanishes after stepping back twice. I walk back to her and pointed the core, and the tab went back too

She's still confused on what's happening

Y/N: "hmm... "

I then patted her head

416: "w-wh... C-commander! Stop treating me like a child, please... "

The pink bar meter with a heart at its end blinks in pink three times. But nothing happened

Y/N: "... One more... But this time...

Uh,  416, could you please stand up"

416 nods and stands. I put my hand to her waist

416: "huh? "

Y/N: "okay... Then... "

I then lift her up. Her cheeks turn red because of embarrassment. Still, I'm figuring something out

416: "h-huuuuuuuuuuh?!!! C-commander put me down! "

I put her down and look at the tab above the core. 416 is blushing because of embarrassment and looks at me meanly

416: "w-w-what's that for?!"

The pink bar meter blinks a couple of times. Then the number is increased by "1".

Y/N: "w-wait... Don't tell me that this is her affection... "

416: "why are you talking to yourself?  Commander? "

Y/N: "Uh... Forget that. Come, let's go to Private Jason and Private Bale's barracks. We need to train together at the target range"

416: "roger"

'what's with Commander today? he acts weird all of the sudden

What he did is soo embarrassing...' 416 thought to herself as she walks with the commander

Soon, 416 and I met Bale and Jason. They saluted again. I still can't believe that they are saluting... It'll take long to get used to this

Pvt. Jason and Bale: "Waiting for your Command! Commander, Sir!"

Y/N: "urkkk..."

Jason: "General told us that you will be our commander. And we're happy to hear such good news!"

Y/N: "but I only got 3 units... Both of you and 416... How could I proceed with such units..."

Bale: "then train. We got some rookies back there"

Y/N: "nope, but I got an idea. I'll get new units but it would take time"

A loud honk of a truck and the engine sound it makes caught my attention and the others. There are 2 trucks filled with ammunition. We are preparing for a full assault in 4 different cities in the next month

We are also expecting new gun parts and equipment

Bale: "oh yeah, they'll send us almost everything we need for the full assault"

Jason: "we must expect that we'll be used in helping the civilians to evacuate"

My father and the other high ranked personnel go to the trucks. Father grabs a large black case from the truck then gestured me to come to his office

416 and I looked at each other. Later, I proceeded. She follows. Bale and Jason went to the target range to train


I'm at my Father's office. Still the same as ever

Father: "Commander, I want you to open the case"

Y/N: "..."

I opened the case. Showing a brand new gun... Another foreign gun

Y/N: "a... A light machine gun?"

Father: "This is new, but we can't use it yet. There are more foreign guns coming, but it takes time to arrive

You can also use this if you want. This is actually for me but I don't want a gun such as this. It's too heavy"

Y/N: "well... I'll keep it."

Father: "use it or keep it. Or just stash it somewhere. I can't even use a gun anymore even when I wanted to

You'll feel the same, lieutenant. Sometimes, you must stay here at the base while commanding units"

Y/N: "I still want to join the thrill at the battlefield... But fine, its the least I could do for now"

The conversation was over so I get back to the Target range along with the briefcase. It's pretty big and looks so secured

416 was outside of my father's office. She then follows me when I get out.

At the Target range, I ask for a solo simulation to try the gun.  I opened the case, get the gun and load it

I then fired it until it ran out of ammo.

This gun sure is heavy. But holding it right increases my accuracy for a little bit

The real problem is reloading. It really takes time

19:00 of the evening and all of us are eating at the Mess. After 20 minutes, we get back to our barracks

416 and I are alone at our barracks. Her bed is next to me. She fixes herself first before sleeping

I let 10 minutes of silence, and then I proceed to my plan. I open the briefcase and put out the gun, and place it to the desk.

I grab the Eternium core in my pocket, it gleams in lime. I grab it and place it next to the gun

It gleams even brighter. I then put the 2 together, and the gun also glows along with the core

There's a tab showing a timer appeared above the core. 6 hours and 35 minutes.

I yawned for a moment, then I went back to my bed and close my eyes

Wondering what kind of gun and what kind of Tactical doll will show up



I yawned and stretched. I slowly open my eyes and see the core alone at the table. The gun was missing, and the core blinks every 5 seconds

My eyes widened and I quickly get up and ran to it. I hold it, and a tab appeared showing a message

Y/N: "Tactical Doll summon is complete...."

"good morning, commander"

I jumped a bit, and I slowly look to my left, where a pink-haired girl is standing and walking to me.

Negev: "commander! Light Machine gun Negev reporting for duty!"

Y/N: "e-err.......... "

I can't believe that works... Now how can I explain this to 416 and the others...


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